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srael to do to Palestine what the world had stopped Hitler frm doing to Europe. So, the Zionists spun the horrors of the Third Reich into a deliberate attack on the Jews as a race, creating the perceived need for a homeland of their own.

But not just any homeland, for indeed the Zionists had been offered many places to create a Jewish state in Africa and Madagascar. The Zionists wanted Palestine becaise the Bible said that was their homeland, even though the vast majority of the Zionists were and are Ashkenazi, and are the descendants not of the Old Testiment Hebrews but of converted Khazars.

The Zionists justified their disposession of the Palestinians from their lands by saying in so many words, "We were here first." Historically, the Egyptians and Hittites had that real estate before Israel came along. Present day Egypt has more right to that land than converted Khazars under the "who was first" argument.

Of course, the Zionists establishment of Israel was made possible only with the propaganda tool of the holocaust, and in order to keep the spin going, they have adopted a simple tactic of claiming that anyone who doesn't think the German slave labor camps operated EXACTLY as the Zionists claim is therefore denying that they ever existed at all. This is, of course, absurd. Of course the slave labor camnps existed. And of course a lot of people died in them from the typhus outbreaks. But where the available facts end and the spin starts is the claim that the Germans were targeting only Jews in those camps, and that there was a deliberate plan of extermination. The truth is that Jews died in those camps, and so did Gypsies, so did gay people, so did the mentally ill, and indeed so did a lot of the Germans themselves as the typhus got out of control. The big crematorium at Aushwitz shown to the tourists did not exist to execute the Jews, for it was not built until after the war, by the Russians, in order to cremate the infected bodies of the typhus victims to halt the epidemic. Do9n;t take my word for it, the curator of the Aushqitz museum will tell you if you ask him a direct question.

If there is one thing the majority of Americans now know that we did not know just ten years ago it is that governments do tell huge whoppers to their people to trick them into agreeing with desired policy. We know we were lied to about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Prudence demands we assume we have been lied to about everything else on whcih we are expected to oppose or support those we are commanded to oppose or support.

Fool me once.