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The Voice of the White House for May 7th 2007 (Updated May 12, 2997

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use he was engaging in “hate speech.” Everyone knows Dobbs is very concerned about the enormous flood of illegal aliens, mostly Mexicans, who have increased our population by 13 or 20 millions, loaded up our welfare rolls, jammed our hospital emergency rooms, filled our jails and are now loudly demanding we make them all citizens.

According to the raucous Queen Esther (named after the CIA’s John Deutsch’s vile alter ego) “this Nazi evil has to stop!” She then launched into her favorite topic, The Sacred Holocaust. She has been ranting about this gloriously funny fiction for the past five years and without a stop. At the height of her wailings, one of my guests, who happens to be of Armenian background, asked her, very politely, if the slaughter of huge numbers of Armenians by the Turks was a holocaust? This set her off and she screamed that there were all lies; that only the Jews had a holocaust and we couldn’t talk about anything else. My friend then told her, very solemnly, that his uncle had died in Auschwitz.

She became hyper at this information. She wanted to know if the uncle was a Jew? Had he been gassed? My friend replied that no, his uncle was not a Jew and that he had gotten drunk on Hitler’s birthday, fallen out of a guard tower and broken his neck! (Great come back, and what marvelous timing.)

My God, what a reaction! She screeched like a parrot on fire, jumped up from the table and fled from the room, howling “Nazi, Nazi!” at the top of her lungs.

Everyone in the room was staring at her but we were too busy laughing to notice.

It seems that one Gideon Arnoff, the DC rep for the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society said that "Mr. Dobbs has crossed the line between responsible television commentary and hate-speech propaganda of his own. Keeping him on the air is essentially sanctioning by CNN — which is why we're asking CNN to remove Dobbs from his very public platform."

This rant is absolutely typical and we here in Washington hear it every day. There is a swelling mantra coming from Jewish groups and their allies that they have been the victims, millennia long, of suffering and persecution. Because of this, they cry, they must be given special consideration and, above all, Israel, their Very Own Sacred Country, has to be given anything it wants.

In spite of the think tank garbage and the many books and magazine articles, we here all know exactly what the actual cause of the disastrous Iraqi was: It was the repeated and imperious demands on the part of the Israeli government and their well-organized, very well-funded and fanatic American supporters.

Israel hated Saddam Hussein. During the Gulf War, he had fired rockets at Israel and killed a number of Jews. For this, they ordered, Saddam must be destroyed. The famous “yellowcake” uranium story is an acknowledged Mossad plant and a very crude one at that (Names were misspelled and dates were years off) but the pro-Israeli neocons (many of whom are Israeli citizens) gleefully used this to prod the willing Bush administration into a war that has destroyed the power of the Republican party, energized the Arab world against us and caused thousands of dead Americans. As if this successful, bloody ploy were not enough, now Israel is eagerly poking at the administration to bomb Tehran flat because that country might have atomic weapons, which if it had, could well be used against Tel Aviv ( and not as the weird Russian-hating Cheney insists, against “all of Europe.’ Cheney, who ought to seek counseling, has been doing everything he can to attack Russian President Putin because Cheney, with extensive oil industry holdings, views Putin as having thwarted a U.S.-takeover of Russian oil properties after the fall of the Soviet Union. )

It is a matter of firm historical fact that the current Jewish citizens of Israel have no ethnic or historical ties to Jerusalem. They are Ashkenazi Jews, which means their roots are Turkic/Mongolian and not Semitic. The Sephardim Jews, who are descendents of the original occupiers of the Holy Land, do not like their converted brothers and there are very few of them in Israel today.

It is the Ashkenazi who poured into Poland and Russia and then tried to infiltrate into Europe in the 1920s. It is the Ashkenazi who then flooded into Jerusalem, inflicting a wave of terror on the British military stationed there and on the Arabs who had lived there for two thousand years.

It is the Ashkenazi who have spied on and betrayed America, first to Soviet Russia, where they ran the country until recently, and then to Israel. This offshoot of Judaism is loyal only to itself and to the state of Israel and will do anything in her behalf, including treason and, in the case of 9/11, to support and encourage the Arab terrorists who blew up the WTC and the Pentagon.

As cases in point, we could consider the Rosenbergs or Pollard but instead, let us look at one Lawrence Anthony Franklin, who was employed by the United States government at the Department of Defense (DoD) in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), International Security Affairs (ISA), Office of Near East and South Asia, Office of Northern Gulf Affairs, Iran desk, and held a Top Secret security clearance with access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). FRANKLIN'S office was located within the Pentagon, in the Eastern District of Virginia. FRANKLIN was also a Colonel in the United States Air Force Reserve (USAFR). (Note: This material comes directly from the official Federal indictment of Franklin, which is public record, though not easily located. We will publish it in a future edition. ed.)


----- Original Message -----

From: DR

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 9:45 AM

Subject: re. Vocie of the White House article on fourwinds

Patrick, your repost of and the extended version of the original from this author ... is unproven hear-say in the first part and hoagwash, and where he claims to have the facts, it seems to be untrue or distorted. The author did not even do basic research to back up what he is talking about (it took me a few minutes only to dis-proove some of his crude claims):

We can always learn from history. I dug this quote from Benjamin Franklin: out of my files. It sums the matter up very cogently but I doubt if you can find it in any public school history book or even on Wikipedia. Under the circumstances, especially on Wikipedia

‘I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews.


(Statement made in "Chit chat around the table during intermission", at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787. This statement was recorded in the dairy of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a delegate from South Carolina.”

see The Franklin Prophecy, Franklins "speech" was not known to before it appeared in 1934 in Nazi literature, however

It is the Ashkenazi who poured into Poland and Russia and then tried to infiltrate into Europe in the 1920s. It is the Ashkenazi who then flooded into Jerusalem, inflicting a wave of terror on the British military stationed there and on the Arabs who had lived there for two thousand years.

Ashkenazi Jews (Ashkenazi being the hebrew middle age name for Germany)are of European descent, eastern and western, the westeners especially from Germany and Poland, and there is strong debatte today whether at least the western part of them migrated from Asia minor to western Europe, into the region of France and Germany, around 800-1000 CE.

It is a matter of firm historical fact that the current Jewish citizens of Israel have no ethnic or historical ties to Jerusalem. They are Ashkenazi Jews, which means their roots are Turkic/Mongolian and not Semitic. The Sephardim Jews, who are descendents of the original occupiers of the Holy Land, do not like their converted brothers and there are very few of them in Israel today.

Today, Ashkenazi Jews constitute approximately 80% of world Jewry,[2] but probably less than half of Israeli Jews (see Demographics of Israel). Nevertheless they have traditionally played a prominent role in the media, economy and politics of Israel. Tensions have sometimes arisen between the mostly Ashkenazi elite whose families founded the state, and later migrants from various non-Ashkenazi groups, who argue that they are discriminated against.

Well ....



From: EW


Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 1054 PM

Suject: Re: The Voice of the White House for May 7th 2007


I suspect DR is dragging a "red herring" across the scent trail you pursue in this blog.

His attempt at trying to convince readers that "Ashkenazi" is only relative to German Jews is false. The term "Jew" didn't even exist unitl the late 1700s AD. the first version of the KJV spoke of the Palestinian people as "Iudeans", The (J)udeans came about after the "J" was invented in the Middle Ages.

This website explains the situation quite well:

"Ashkenazi (Ashkenazim) A word that today refers to Jewish people whose origins lie in Eastern europe and in the religious traditions of medieval German Judaism. Originally, the term referred to Jews who occupied the Askenaz region between Armenia and the upper Euphrates River, but its meaning subsequently expanded to include Jews in northwestern Europe and later in Northern and Eastern Europe, including Russia."

The "Thirteenth Tribe" fills in the gaps.

DR's response to you is typical Jew dis-infromation to attempt to hide the fact that most Jews/Pharisee/Talmudists are not Hebrews.