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Judea Declares War on Germany: A Critical Look at WWII (Video)

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rrent concern than the numerical argument of how many died or did not, the current issue that ought to concern Europeans is the erosion of Free Speech and Free expression of thought, that Holocaust denial laws create in their wake

History has a long history of free thinkers, labeled as heretics for challenging dogma. Some heretics died for their beliefs but ultimately history vindicated their right to have an opinion. The free will to hold an opinion (irrespective of whether it can be verified, is accurate or is mistaken - are all irrelevent); The right to free thought and free speech is the mark of the free man under-written by the Convention on Human Rights.

In 2006 we Europeans do not yet live on a world of Semitic or catholic submission, where Mohammedan fatwa, the Jews 'pulsa denura' sworn on the Torah, or a new papal inquisition can bring death to those who choose not to believe the official line of thought.

Not yet; But recent precedents regarding 'holocaust denial law' are eroding the human right to free thought and free speech. The over-reaction of imposing custodial sentences for 'holocaust denial' is a de-humanizing consequence of jewish lobbying aided and abetted by the red marxist left-wing for the purposes of their own sly agenda.

It is a morally corrupt agenda aimed at imposing control over the individual who by their stubborn acts of individual thought, pose a threat to the stability of the social constructs of jewish and marxist dogma; imposed on humanity, rather than adopted by choice, voluntarily by mankind's free will.

The new fashion for "Holocaust denial laws" serves to demonstrate the truth of the words of satirist Karl Kraus an Austrian who died in 1936; that "Sound opinions are valueless. What matters most is who holds them". Those words may yet come back to haunt the new 'holocaust industry'.

The precedent set by holocaust law also poses the risk to that other opinions, even opinions on a whole range of less-controversial topics, may also be deemed valueless by officialdom and the powerful jewish lobby, should those powerful entities opt not to not share the same opinion.?

Free thought, conjecture and contradiction may become illegal in Europe.

In 1978 Author Gerald Brenan wrote in 'Thoughts in a dry season' that "The only test of a work of literature seems to be that it shall please other ages than its own". It is an appropriate quote for the range of new Jewish fiction that has arisen over the past few decades from the new holocaust 'industry'; an attempt by some to create an artificial recent history of mankind.

Regarding the holocaust, I personally believe that people died in significant numbers in camps. Camps set up in war time by western allies and foe alike. Camps organized by German, or Briton, American, Japanese or Russian. No particular country can claim to have had a monopoly on camps nor claim exclusive liability for deaths which arose within their confines.

In my search for empirical truths on this issue, as a national socialist, I visited the Stavki (Russian built prison camp) and also the Umschlagplatz, that minor train siding used to transport civilians to Auschwitz from a European city caught up in war. My own grandfather was taken as forced labor to Germany. He was not a Jew, but a catholic, a white European and an innocent civilian caught up in war. The Jew did not have a monopoly on camps nor forced labor nor of suffering civilian deaths. The Jewish monopoly on death is a fiction that it seems some in the holocaust industry wish to promote over less convenient truths.

Being forced to believe, or not believe a certain alleged course of historical events creates the risk of a backlash, a philosophical refusal of the most open-minded to believe that an event occurred if any historical event is mandated to be believed by law.

If legal coercion is the blunt instrument misused to force any free European to blindly accept the Jewish position on history, it will not augur well for either history nor acceptance of whether an event is falsehood or a truth. Despite the Jewish lobby, despite any law, I will continue to believe what I want to believe based on my own conscious free will. If I want to believe that the earth is an ellipsoid or even if it is flat, no Jewish lobby introducing any law backed by powers of arrest or international persecution shall change my right to have a view point that may differ from official dogma.

In modern Europe, Holocaust denial is now a crime on a par with mediaeval heresy against papal diktat. In the history of modern Europe it will always be remembered that the newly-invented crime of holocaust denial has taken on a new meaning: If Holocaust denial is regarded as an Heresy, then it has become another word for Freedom of thought.