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all started long before earth was seeded with human life. We have had millions of years of wars among the stars and many star nations of the so called good and bad. Both have done negative and positive things throughout.

This has provided the creator with knowledge and wisdom from the process.

The Sirians started but were not the only player in this game. The Annunaki's seem to have played a very consistent and primary role here with us.

Look at the history on this planet, especially with the so called white races. It has been one of domination, control, wars and the like. Where do you think that thought form came from? Look at the interest of your races in this NESARA thing. Your DNA/RNA was designed for materialism by materialist. Your creators made sure of this. Many of you do not even understand your inner needs and desires for this all.

Here is some supporting information from the SOSA site. For the complete text go to:

Karma is holographic. Karma travels down the genetic lineage's to all that share such lineage's. The belief that one can send a relation even if that relation is one that is discordant someplace else and be "rid of" them and no longer at their effect in any manner is a grand lie. Human genetics are holographic, and all karma incurred transfers to future generations.


The Great Central Sun, in its experimentation with separating spirit and matter into separate and distinct blueprints, underestimated that a part of the equation would become so lost that it would fail to hear or be able to interpret spirit or soul. It is as a result of this miscalculation, that form would become a separate life force in existence of its own free will and without the supervision of soul that the problems upon Earth and within the human dance are related. Earth is not the only place nor dimension that has experienced this separate and distinct reality between physical and nonphysical, however, Earth stands as a most extreme example of separation. More extreme in reality than any other planet or star related to the Great Central Sun. Therefore it is in the examination of why this came to be so, what was made manifest that caused the extreme separation between spirit and matter, that the Great Central Sun can better understand its own dilemma. For as Earth corrects her difficulties and ceases to have separation between spirit and form, so shall the Great Central Sun likewise resolve its related problems upon all dimensions therein.


In the examination of the karmic records of Earth as released in her current phase of ascension, the era of the dark began long ago, 6 million years ago in fact. Humanity did not arrive upon Earth until 5.95 million years later. However, humanity fell into the same distorted dance as Earth herself following the seeding of the human red race.6 million years ago, Earth began to receive the cast off angels from another section of the Great Central Sun that ascended at that time. These angels were not "doing their job" properly upon their dimensions of origin. Indeed, we now understand that these angels were "serpents" in angels clothing, and were not angels at all in relation to the original casting of your creation. These serpent angels were destructive in nature, as this is the purpose of serpents. Serpents hold the space between or the density that allows form to exist. Dragons hold the remembrance of God Goddess that incarnates into form. Angels transcribe the dance of genetic materials, which include serpents holding the density or matter. Angels construct the energy flow comprising the subtle bodies, chakra system, and etheric grid work and create the space in which dragon soul and form can merge.Angels that are not dragon in nature but serpent would act in the purpose that all serpents hold, which is to separate and divide. Holding the space requires an ability to separate and divide. So naturally such serpent angels began to separate and divide the genetic materials and energy flow in the creations that they existed within. (See The Nature of Light and Dark at for more information.) Instead of the cause of the incompetence of such angels coming to be understood, such ascending stars pushed such angels out of their creation altogether. In so doing, such angels fell and fell down the dimensions looking for a home, and were embraced by Earth.Such serpent angels knew nothing but separating and dividing, which is also known as shattering. As the dragon angels of Earth embraced the serpent angels from the upper dimensions, they were shattered beyond recognition and turned into gofers or slaves of the serpent angels.

All information was stripped from the angels holding Earth in this dance, and Earth declined and declined in vibration. This occurred 2.8 million years before Earth exited the Great Central Sun in full and 5.95 million years before the arrival of mankind.Again, because the records were never uncovered from the ascensions of those dimensions that cast their incompetent angels out, what had transpired was not understood in full. One can see that this too created an incomplete ascension in which a portion of such ascending dimensions were left behind and fell to Earth. One would see in this why Earth would absorb the incomplete ascensions of Sirius and Arcturus again in her future as the pattern was set in motion long ago. Earth repeated the pattern yet again, as such is the nature of unprocessed karma and records, it repeats incessantly until it is released and understood in full and a new dance made manifest in its place.


As of late, Earth has resurrected the dragon angels once present upon her 6 million years ago. A battle raged between the old angels and the reigning angels of the dark or serpent angels for over a 21-days period and culminated in a cease-fire instigated by the Source of All. Source of All perceived that the angels of the dark were not playing by the rules of karmic completion, and in so doing, he intervened. The angels of the light of so very long ago won their battle in so doing. It is the win of this battle in particular that signifies the end of the reign of the dark upon Earth.This shift came hand in hand with Earth pushing her initiatory status beyond 3000 in recent weeks. Global ascension is complex, but let us suffice to say that Earth is reconstructing herself in relation to lost genetic material that was separated from the physical in her many declines in vibration over time. In so doing, Earth has transited another major initiation in her global ascension, and her auric field has pushed the boundaries of your 25th dimensional cosmos.

Global ascension and human ascension parallel, and as one comes to understand what transcending 3000 strands of DNA means in the human dance, one can also apply such a shift upon a global scale. In human ascension, 3000 strands allows one to transcend the personality, which is comprised of many fractured souls that have learned to dance together over time. In transcending personality, a "whole and complete" soul can dance with the human field, which leads to a new and revitalized sense of feeling whole and complete within. In a parallel sense, Earth has pieced together the original angels and souls that fractured in the dance of the serpent angels 6 million years ago in her history. This allows Earth to have a newfound sense of internal wholeness, unity and joy as a consensus reality.Such changes are not to be underestimated. All species are healing the karma from 6 million years ago. For humans, dolphins and whales whom only made their presence known upon Earth in the past 50,000 years, Earth's transcendence triggers parallel karma therein to be cleared. It is this karma that we wish to examine next that is related to the dance of the dark in human relations.
