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Today, August 7, 2007 is Hiroshima Day -- (Video)

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attack in history.

We've come up with a 90-second video that shows the truth in a simple way you'll never forget. (click here to watch it).

Hiroshima Day is a time to remember the dead, but let's also work toward a saner, safer future. Please send the E-card to as many people as you can. You'll be commemorating the day while at the same time spreading crucial information needed to stop the craziness.

No more Hiroshimas,

Ben Kroetz

TrueMajorityACTION Field Director

For more information about America’s nuclear arsenal and other unnecessary Pentagon weapons, please click here:


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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is a grassroots group of citizens who believe in America's true values of openness, fairness and compassion. We believe participating in an effective government is the best way to be mutually responsible for our community., 191 Bank Street, Third Floor, Burlington, VT 05401