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While EisenhowerChurchill firebombed German Cities Killing 600,000 Germans, the Jews -- Escaped the REAL Holocaust

Dick Eastman

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cities. The British Bomber Command concentrated on this job with their Lancaster Bombers exclusively throughout most of the war in Europe. But the Jewish populations of those cities were away in concentration camps and the Allies knew it. Eisenhower was a Swedish Jew who repeatedly stated that he hated Germans. Churchill was owned by Bernard Baruch -- Churchill lost all of his money in the stock market in the 1920's and Baruch gave it back to him, owning him from that moment on. Baruch was the world war one economic Czar in the US towards the end of Wolrd War One and Churchill was his counterpart in Britain. Churchill was Baruch's guest and in October 1929 was standing in the visitors box of the New York Stock exchange at the exact moment of the Stock Market Crash -- he had just come from California in Bernard Baruch train and as a guest of Percy Rockefeller. Interestingly Churchill -- always eloquent always ready to tell interesting stories, never mentioned this fact in his memoires -- although former Ambassador to the Court of St. James, John Kenneth Gailbraith, relates the fact in his book on the stock market crash. It is safe to guess that Baruch was behind the firebombing of those cities -- and perhaps the reason was that Hitler had repudiated the WWI war reparations debt which at Versailles Bernard Baruch help draft in 1919.

Historians doing the needed revision of history -- correcting the Jewish victory propaganda that covers their sins and falsely blames the Germans for a mass-murder of Jews that never happened -- still have a lot of work to do to get the real picture of what happened.

I was once interviewed on Bernard Baruch in Radio Free America, by Tom Valentine. I supplied to Tom's website 79 pages of referenced quotations backing the amazing story of Bernard Baruch that no one has yet put between the covers of one book. Unfortunately a few months later my interview was removed from the website and Tom Valentine went into quieter mode, never again asking me to appear on his program. In all my years I have never been asked on another radio program, not for Baruch, not for clandestine weather modification, not for the Pentagon attack and not for Zionist involvement in 9-11. And so I put out this note to a few hundred people -- as my messages reach fewer and fewer readers (in the last three days my yahoogroup readership has been cut in half by group moderators banning my posts. But who can blame them for being afraid -- given who the enemy is and what he has done to his enemies over the last 100 years.

Dick Eastman

Yakima, Washington


The Battle of Hamburg codenamed Operation Gomorrah was a series of air raids conducted by the RAF on the city of Hamburg beginning in the end of July 1943. It was at the time the heaviest assault in the history of aerial warfare and was later called the Hiroshima of Germany by British officials.

The operation was originally formulated by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill with help from Air Chief Marshal Arthur "Bomber" Harris (who famously said of the Germans "They have sowed the wind and so shall they reap the whirlwind") and was actually a joint effort between the RAF Bomber Command, the RCAF, and the USAAF (specifically 8th Air Force Bomber Command), who combined to create an "around-the-clock" bombing mission spanning 8 days and 4 nights - the Americans conducting the daylight raids with the British following after nightfall. Harris signed the order for the operation "Bomber Command Order No. 173" on May 27th.


Operation Gomorrah, the firebombing of Hamburg by eighteen hundred airplanes that after 10 days left 40,000 dead, over 1 million homeless, and scars that the city still bears today. More people were immediately killed in the firestorm from the firebombing of Hamburg than in the nuclear attack on Hiroshima. A firestorm is a conflagration which attains such intensity that it creates and sustains its own wind system. Firestorms were created by the Allied firebombing raids of World War II in Hamburg, Dresden, Kassel, Darmstadt, Pforzheim, Braunschweig, Hildesheim and Stuttgart. In World War II aerial bombardment claimed 60,595 British and between 305,000 and 600,000 German. At the outset of World War II Hitler offered Churchill an agreement by which cities would not be bombed. Churchill refused. On August 24, 1940 some German aircraft strayed over London and dropped bombs in the east and northeast of the city.

A period of reciprocal retaliation begun, mainly focussed on industrial areas. In February 1942 the British abandoned attempts at strategic precision bombing and with the issuing of the "area bombing directive" to the RAF, put most of their strategic bombing efforts into area bombardment and the "dehousing" of the German workforce.Hitler undertook the Blitz of London -- and we all know how Churchill rallied the people to withstand "German atrocity" -- but have we heard about the Holocaust perpetrated by the Allies -- by Churchill whom Bernard Baruch owned, by German-hater Dwight David Eisenhower, the Jew who Bernard Baruch moved up past 50 (gentile) generals to become Supreme Allied Commander. And these firebombings were completely unnecessary. Generals called for Eisenhower to systematically bomb German industry -- but Eisenhower insisted upon hitting Jew Walt W. Rostow was involved in selecting targets.

Sir Authur Harris complained about the diversion of the RAF from its "proper role" of bombing German cities to support Operation Overlord (D-Day) and argued that the Bomber Command was not equpped or trained to carry out precision raids on bridges and railroads. The authors of the RCAF official history agree that "the precision raid was a complete success" but argue that since the crews could see what they were attacking, they "couldn't help thinking about the people down there" as "the centre of the town was the aiming point." They suggest that "at night in the dark there was greater psychological as well as physical distance between aircrew and their targets." This was one reason why Harris did not switch completely to daylight bombing attacks rather than the "area" bombing of cities. There were some twenty officers and fifty other ranks, with teams swarming over Sicily and later Italy, studying the effects of bombing on towns, airfields and communications. It became more and more apparent that bombing cities was much less effective than bombing communications, even with poor bombing accuracy.

This conclusion was at odds with the directives from the British Air Ministry and the policies of the commander of Bomber Command, Air Marshal Sir Arthur 'Bomber' Harris, who was convinced that the strategy of 'area bombing' of entire German cities was the more appropriate tactic.