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America needs to apologize to Germany and Russia -- these two nations most of all -- apologize for serving Jewish money and power in major international crimes

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Oct. 11, 2013

I think it is about time that we all look back and begin to THINK rather than swallow the endless WW2 cleverly edited film clips.

We have been told time and again that Germany wanted to rule the world...just as Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

Our soldiers went to fight but were told lies. They actually went to war because OUR governments started both WW1 and WW2 and blamed Germany. Easy to do as the loser never gets to tell their side. Britain declared war on Germany that STARTED WW1. Britain did it, NEVER FORGET that. Had Britain not done so, there would not have been a WW1...nor a WW2!!!

There would also not have been a bankster-boshevic takeover of Russia.

So WW2 was also started by Britain because she would not allow Germany to save her folk who were being slaughtered in former German shires given to the Poles by Britain and France at behest of the Banksters. Yet Britain was allowed to attack the Irish in Dublin after 800 years of occupation, no one declared war on Britain over this! No one declared war on Britain for destroying Boer homes and live stock and slaughtering over 25% of the Boer befolking (population) in what was nothing more than genocide, a war crime and ethnic cleansing, yes a war crime as Britain went after the wives and children of the Boer fighters that they failed to take on. British soldiers and ANZACS went after women, children and grand-daddies and grand-mummies! What a ‘proud’ track record for our side, right? Yet Germany was not allowed to save her folk???? Come on folks!!!

So Aus and NZ sent ANZAC troops ... to do what? Destroy the most comely and beautiful land and culture on earth. Look at the pictures in this link to see what you grand-daddies did! They fought for the right of the Banksters. That's all, because Germany wanted to be FREE of the mafia Banksters. Your grand-daddies killed millions of lovely sweet children so the Banksters could take over the world. Germany was a thorn in the side of that objective. Germany did not want to take over the world...the Banksters did...NOW thanks to our grand-daddies, the Banksters rule the world...well done guys.

And as for the Dutch, you keep going on about Germany ignoring your neutrality for bombing Rotterdam...maybe you should seek answers for why rather than listening to the whores that run the media...maybe the authorities played neutral whilst all along using your lovely land as a launching pad for British air raids on Germany...were you ever told that? Why not?

The day will come that we will be asking the Germans for forgiveness...can you handle that thought?