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Tony Blair And A Commemorative Statue, Churchill The Racist Warmonger

Dr. N. Patel, Contributing Writer

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Sept. 7, 2013

Dr. N. Patel, Contributing Writer

White Owl Conspiracy

The powers that be have gone against the wishes of the people yet again and said they will put up a statue for the lying warmonger Tony Blair.

The British people also they did not want a statue put up for the bomber crews of WWII

These men would not fly against defended towns and firebombed undefended German dormitory cities.

It was the Jewish lobby who campaigned for this outrage, similarly Winston Churchill who brought Britain into 2 disastrous world wars against Germany despite contradictory advice from the Intel services was awarded in 1953 the Nobel prize for literature for his Brilliant oratory, his speech writers Olive Margerison and Patrick Kinna got no mention, yet his bodyguard Det. Walter Thompson said because Churchill was very conscious of his stutter, he would practise and practise all day and night driving Thompson almost mental.

The real reason for WWII was a battle between the Jewish bankers and the Nazis, a Natzi is a Nazerene or a follower of Jesus of Nazareth, and Anglo saxon christians were seen as just animals in Zionist teaching, many English people at the time knew this, and more know it today.

The two main political parties are totally Jewish lobby controlled, and the racist expulsion of Baroness Jenny Tonge from the Lib/Dems for a speech on Palestine shows the Lib/dems are a controlled party too.

The Daily Mail of Dec 10 2010 highlighted the story of students urinating on the Statue of Winston Churchill, this is quite a sport at the london school of Economics and in fact the London statue has become a place of pilgramage for urinators, including coachloads stopping to christen the site, CCTV caught a large group of French tourists queuing to urinate against the statue and its become a craze to have your photo taken while urinating at the site.

Churchill would have been amused by this being among the greatest of piss artists, so much so that Pres. Roosevelt called him "that drunken bum" while to the British press he was pictured as a bulldog, while to his family he was known as the arrogant pig.

That Churchill was always known as a Zionist puppet, and this is parodied in the TV advertisements shown on British TV with a Bulldog called Churchill who also speaks like him with a slurred voice, the antics of the drunken dog are there to remind people what a clown Churchill was, the Dardanelles campaign and callously allowing 4 million of my Indian countrymen to starve to death in the famine are among his worst actions.

The Churchill dog pictured has blood on his mouth, Sir Anthony Blunt told us Churchill seemed thrilled with the needless bloodshed at the wars end, with British planes shamefully bombing and machine gunning refugee columns as Hitler begged to be allowed to surrender.

Tony Blair’s statue will no doubt also become a place for piss artists to come and show their feelings.