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The Nazis in The White House: Part 1

Jon Carlson

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People with the Bush name have a long history of financing and supplying war materiel to both sides of ongoing conflict the US continually formets to booster the US economy and frighten the citizens bleeding them with taxes needed to raise their families..

All the President's Nazis (Real and Imagined): An Open Letter to Bush by Larisa Alexandrovna

Geneology studies and a confession sort of from one of Hitler's prime associates bring into question Bush I American birth and his double citizenship with a German citizenship. Basically Bush I's father, Prescott Bush, found guilty in WWII of trading with the enemy, was a German associate of Hitler, born in Germany, AND Bush I was also born in Germany and was trained as a German spy.

The essence of the argument is Germans have never forgiven the destruction of their country by the US and Allied military forces and infiltrated the US government via the CIA to raise havoc ever since. Clearly the 'losers' of WWII, Germany, Japan, and Italy, now reign supreme in the World economy while the 'Allies', Russia, US, Britian, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, are on their last legs. The foreign policy of the US since WWII have boosted the 'losers' and practically destroyed the 'Allies'.


April 14, 2010