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August 29, 2009













Bodies of two German women and three children killed by the Bolsheviks (Soviets) in Metgethen, Germany, in 1945




According to the historian Norman Naimark, the propaganda of Soviet troop newspapers and the orders of Soviet high command were jointly responsible for "excesses" by members of the Red Army. The general tenor in the writings was that the Red Army had come to Germany as an avenger and judge to punish the Germans. The Soviet author Ilya Ehrenburg wrote on January 31, 1945: "The Germans have been punished in Oppeln, in Königsberg and in Breslau. They have been punished, but yet not enough. Some have been punished, but yet not all of them ..." 

Calls of Soviet generals spurred on the soldiers, in addition. On January 12, 1945 army General Cherniakhovsky turned to his troops with the words: "There shall be no mercy - for nobody, as there had also been no mercy for us... The land of the fascists must become a desert …"

On the German side, any organized evacuation of civilians was forbidden by the nacionalsocialist government to boost morale of the troops, now for the first time defending the "Fatherland", even when the Red Army entered German territory in the last months of 1944. However, German civilians were well aware of the way the Red Army was conducting war against civilians from reports by friends and relatives who had served on the eastern front and feared the Red Army. 

Fleeing from the advancing Red Army, more than two million people in the eastern German provinces of (East Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania) died, some from cold and starvation, in the post-war ethnic cleansing, or killed when they got caught up in combat operations. The main death toll however occurred when the refugee columns were caught up by units of the Red Army. They were overrun by tanks, looted, shot, murdered and women and girls were raped and afterwards left to die. In addition, fighter bombers of the Soviet air force penetrated many kilometers behind the front lines and attacked columns of refugees.

Those who did not flee, suffered by taking the burden of Red Army's occupying rules: Murder, rape, robbery, and expulsion. For example, in the East Prussian city of Königsberg, in August 1945 there were approximately 100,000 German civilians still living there after the Red Army had conquered the city. When the Germans were finally expelled from Königsberg in 1948, only about 20,000 were still alive (see also: expulsion of Germans after World War II).

The rampage of the Red Army in Germany went on during the occupation of the rest of Eastern Germany and often led to incidents like Demmin, a small city conquered by Soviet forces in the spring of 1945. Despite the unconditional and complete surrender of Demmin to the Red Army without any prior fighting in or around the city, nearly 900 people committed "suicide" after Demmin had been declared open for looting and pillaging for three days by Soviet commanders.

Although mass executions of civilians by the Red Army are not reported on a regular basis, there is a known incident in the Treuenbrietzen, where at least 88 male civilians were rounded up and shot on May 1, 1945. This atrocity took place after a victory celebration of Soviet soldiers, at which numerous girls from Treuenbrietzen were raped and a lieutenant-colonel of the Red Army was shot by an unknown person. Some sources quotes even up to 1,000 were executed in this event.

Sources listed below estimate that at the end of World War II, Red Army soldiers raped more than 2,000,000 German women and girls, an estimated 200,000 of whom later died from injuries sustained, committed suicide, or were murdered outright. Estimates of the total number of rape victims during 1944 and 1945 are as follows: 

Eastern Provinces: 1,400,000; 

zone of Soviet occupation excluding Berlin: 500,000; 

Berlin: 100,000. 

The 2,000,000 rape victims estimate is also supported by the research of historian Norman Naimark. In addition, many of these victims were raped repeatedly, some as many as 60 to 70 times.  The rapes continued however until the winter of 1947-48.

Military historian, Anthony Beevor (british);jsessionid=MONM4PR45A5UNQFIQMGCFGGAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2002/01/24/wbeev24.xml

Famous historian, Norman Naimark (american)