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BLOODLINE (with vidoes)

Clinton Ortiz

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Posted Oct. 3, 2008

Two Royal Families in Great Britain have claimed of them to be descendants of the Royal House of David, a Bloodline which supposedly produced many of the ruling Houses of Europe today, including the British Monarchy and current ruling House of Windsor. The other family important to this lineage is the the Scottish House of Stuart (Spencer), whose most infamous descendant was the late Princess Diana. While there is discrepancy as to whether or not the Windsor claims to the Throne of England are legitimate (being descendants of the Germanic House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), most agree that the Stuart lineage are not only the rightful heirs to the Throne of England (and Scotland), yet also to the Throne of David, and Israel itself. In light of this, it was therefore of paramount importance that the Windsor's seek out a 'Virgin' of the Merovingian Bloodline to marry into, in effect, to finally legitimize their long held Occult power and authority claimed of them being descendants of Crusader Godfrey de Bouillon, who was given the honor of the Kingdom and declared "King of Jerusalem" in 1099, as well as creating what they see would be a unique Christ descendant from such a union of their draconic lineages that would forever legitimize their tight grasp on the British Monarchy. Therefore this intriguing and most infamous of arranged marriages between Charles and Grail Princess Diana was not hatched solely by the Windsor's themselves, it was of far more ancient design and connected to the Knights Templar. Interestingly enough, six months after the Royal Wedding, while Diana was already three months pregnant, came the release of Holy Blood Holy Grail in which the three authors made the shocking claim of the secret of the Knights Templar. This 'secret' being propagated to the world in 1982 contained the genealogical record of the Davidic Bloodline passing thru Christ and His descendants to became the Frankish Merovingian Kings, a secret which curiously became the foundation for the modern Occult itself, connected to their prophecy about the birth of a future Antichrist figure.

This ancient secret that included a unique Bloodline supposedly descended from Christ was so powerfully wrought with arcane knowledge that it threatened the gluttonous ruling classes of Europe and Church, granting the original Templars enough power to rival both Europe's nobles and the Church itself with extinction. The Knights Templars practiced and prospered, worshiping a god named Baphomet which many believed to be the Devil. In time the Church, as well as the new King of France (who it is said was awash in Templar debt) had enough, the decree went out and the once untouchable Knights Templar who had grown so vastly powerful in such a short time, were rounded up and put to death wherever they were found, yet many were not found. The year was 1313, and the abrupt disappearance of a major part of the European infrastructure left some to speculate that Templars had escaped into the underground, taking with them their vast wealth, power, and knowledge. And so it was, from France into Scotland, the Templars took with them their heretical lineage, science, and secrets where they patiently waited, and subtly worked. Many of today's secret fraternal Orders, including Scottish Rite Freemasonry, as well as the cunningly devised metaphysical movements which prepare for a New Age, even Satanic cults themselves, all trace their spiritual roots to Grail Templarism as well as the so-called Divine Feminine. While in Scotland, the Templars created the Jacobite movement, putting its cause behind the Royal House of Stewart. The "Davidic Bloodline" had now secured a Crown in what was becoming the most powerful country in the world, as Queen Elizabeth I dies without an heir and James Stewart VI of Scotland becomes King James of England. The Knights Templar, and their Royal House of Stewart were thence connected to the powerful Bloodline and seat, a Bloodline which eventually produced Lady Diana Spencer, the late Princess of Wales.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Templars were charged of worshipping an idol named Baphomet, urinating on the cross, ritual murder of children, worshipping the devil and committing acts of sodomy and bestiality. Though the Order was disbanded, and its leader Jacques de Molay executed, legend has it that a number of Knights escaped to Scotland, where they became protectors of a Bloodline affiliated to the Merovingians, the Stuarts, supposed descendants of King Arthur [the Kabbalistic Sun-King of the Ages].

However, in his version Jesus' family was perpetuated in several European families, not exclusively the Merovingians. For example, the Bloodline was also established in Britain by Joseph of Arimathea, from which [King] Arthur and the other Kings of Britain were descended. The "Grail Bloodline" led to the Scottish House of Stewart.

The Sion Revelation p. 285

The notion that Magdalene was pregnant by Jesus at his Crucifixion became especially entrenched in France. Several French Kings promoted the legend that descendants of Magdalene's child founded the Merovingian line of European royalty, a story revived by Richard Wagner in his opera Parsifal and again in connection with Diana, Princess of Wales, who reportedly had Merovingian Blood.

Secrets of the Code p. 13

The first of the Sinclairs to be born in Scotland, Henri St. Clair, accompanied Godfroi de Bouillon to the Holy Land in 1096 and was present at the fall of Jerusalem. He was accompanied by knights from eleven other leading Scottish aristocratic families. Representatives of all twelve familes met regularly at Roslin prior to the Crusades, and for many centuries afterwards. The group included ancestors of the Stuarts, with whom the Sinclairs made marital alliances...and were involved with the Templars throughout their history [and] with early Freemasonry in Scotland, with support of the Stuart cause. The Rex Deus legend suggested that the Stuarts were actually descended from among the ancient hierarchy in Biblical Israel.

Rosslyn: Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 200

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Merovingian Kings, their supposed Holy Bloodline (and their true progenitor), have a rich and twisted history all their own, yet is directly connected to the supposed findings of the Templars in that they are the connective link between the Christ lineage and European Royalty, which is believed to include the Hapsburgs, Plantagenets, and Stuarts, among others. According to this latest revived heresy developed with a very specific purpose and timeframe yet to play out, Jesus did not die on the cross and rise from the dead becoming mankind's Salvation, instead it is claimed He had sex with Mary Magdalene, survived the Roman crucifixion, and lived to father at least one, or a number of Divine children, the firstborn said to be a son named Judah or Merovee, a name later given to the first Merovingian King in France (447 to 458 AD) while others believe the child was actually a daughter, given the name of Sarah (or Tamar, which became the name of an ultra-secretive organization whose task it was to protect future Merovingian descendants). Regardless of the supposed names, titles, and endless genealogies, an entire race of enlightened Christ-like beings each leading to the next in succession in some Messianic Dynasty has supposedly passed down through the ages toward a final One who would rule in the name of Christ, albeit, in the stead (instead) of Christ. This could only be Anti-Christ. The same who take these fanciful claims of Christ having 'holy' children who twist it into historical fact also say these "truths" were kept hidden from the rest of the world, having been suppressed by the Catholic Church and revealed only by the original Knights Templar who then passed these shocking revelations on to an underground stream of alchemists, astrologers, cabalists, necromancers, and elite Royal families through various secret societies such as the main inheritors of the Templarian secrets, the Freemasons. The fact that this information is becoming known and falsely tauted as the Bloodline of Christ to this generation indicates the time of the Merovingian Antichrist revealing is near.

The British Royal Family's own links to this supposed Bloodline and history is damning in of itself (as it turns out to be a lineage dating back to Cain, and not Christ at all) passing through the Merovingian Kings of France and into Scotland where it became known as the House of Stuart, of which Princess Diana is descended from and becomes her more legitimate trace to this Bloodline of the Holy Grail which is why, as it is believed, she was selected by the British Royal Family for the most infamous of arranged marriages. To the Occult mind, she literally was the Holy Grail, the receptor of Christ's Blood, the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, and her womb would bring forth a powerful King into the world who provides the many curative powers attributed to the Grail for the healing of a wounded world. With certain guidance from their 'spirit masters' over a span of six millennia, secret societies such as the modern Knights Templar and others each have their role as protector to the ancient lineage, as Guardians of the Holy Grail, unseen hands throughout the ages carrying out the will of one who made it. As such, this Bloodline was always to find its way down thru history, thru the vanquishing of ancient advanced civilizations, thru the rise and fall of great empires, thru violent crusades and times of inquisition right into our own modern age and into its intended final recipient, who according to the Occult texts, seems much more to be an Antichrist figure than anything even remotely resembling Jesus Christ. Might it be therefore that this Bloodline, being "the secret of all ancient secret societies," is currently being made public and purposefully released into the mainstream of society as a way to lay a foundation for further "secrets" to come, to deceive the masses? Have you ever noticed that all of these same secrets go at great strides to denegrate the Divinity of Christ, while promoting a questionable lineage that is actually connected to the coming Antichrist?

Through the ages, the secret of the "Holy lineage" has gone by many names, strange metaphors, and Occult symbols with those possessing it believing themselves to be true and rightful heirs of Jerusalem, they being the true Kingdom of [their] God on earth and gods of a Divine Monarchy whose right it is to rule the world. Heresy at best as some might attribute, yet it is their own elitist belief and prophecy in a soon revealed King from the lineage of King David, of Anglo-Messianic descent which arises to preside over all the world at a time he's needed most, that is most intriguing. So the current British Royal Family sought out a young Virgin, not for the love that many, including Diana herself, were at first deceived with, yet the seedy marriage arrangement was devised for one purpose only, for the Merovingian ancestry Diana held, knowing the firstborn child produced would be an heir to the Merovingian-Grail lineage and therefore rightful heir to the Throne of David. However, what is seen by them to be another incarnation of the Christ must give way to the far more ancient warnings in Scripture which speak of an earthly King that arises in the place of Christ, instead of Christ, who is perceived to have all the credentials to make himself the World Messiah yet who is the Antichrist. Scriptures refer to this one as the last Evil King and Beast who together with his Prophet, shall deceive the nations and Israel into a covenant made not with peace and security, yet with death and hell. What else should we know in advance to this obvious DaVinci Code disinformation campaign currently running which is actually serving to educate and outright deceive the world about a supposed Bloodline from Christ taking us? Where is all of this "evidence" of a Merovingian King in line to the British Throne having rights to be called Israel's Messiah leading us?

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The hidden heirs to the Knights Templar devised a method to pass on their sacred knowledge; a system that eventually developed into Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and the Invisable College, which later transmuted into the Royal Society in England.

Rosslyn: Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 126

I read all night, fascinated. I literally couldn't put the DaVinci Code down. By morning, when I had finished the book, I wanted to know what was true. As soon as my local bookstore opened I was there rummaging through scores of books that had been mentioned or alluded to: Holy Blood Holy Grail, The Templar Revelation, the Gnostic Gospels, Nag Hammadi Library, and many more. I discovered to my surprise that there were dozens of recent books about Mary Magdalene, Goddess culture, the sacred feminine. I found shelves full of Occult books on Templar traditions, secret societies, and several places mentioned that I had never heard of before.

Secrets of the Code p. xv

The Spirit speaketh expressly that in the End Times many shall depart from the Faith and instead listen to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. There shall be false prophets and teachers who shall bring forth damnable heresies denying that Jesus Christ is Lord. And many shall follow their destructive teaching; by reason of whom they shall speak evil of Christ [therefore] Make certain that they teach no other Gospel, neither give heed to legends and endless genealogies. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, and they shall turn away their ears from the Truth and instead shall be turned unto vain legends. And now ye know what withholdeth [Antichrist] until he is revealed in his time. For the Mystery of Iniquity doth already work until He be taken out of the way and then shall that Wicked One be revealed, whose coming is the work of Satan with all power, signs and lying wonders.

1Timothy 4:1, 1:3-4; 2Peter 2:1-2, 2Timothy 4:3-4; 2Thessalonians 2:5-9

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

"Holy Blood, Holy Grail" published by Dell Pub Co, 666 Fifth Avenue, New York; demonstrate[s] the link between Mysticism, Occultism and the 33° Freemasons. Shows how they are cooperating, and have been for years, to produce the New World Order and its man, Antichrist. Ever wonder about Merlin in the King Arthur romances or the origins of Freemasonry, De Molay Society or the Rosicrucians? We recommend this book to the mature believer in the Biblical Jesus Christ who wants to see how European this entire New Age One World Government Plan is.

In the latter time of their book about the Holy Blood theory, they state that they noticed the repeating theme of the Grail in their historical research. For example, Godfroi de Bouillon was according to medieval legend desecended from Lohengrin, the Knight of the Swan, who was in one Grail text the son of Perceval, the original Grail hero. However, the real similarities seem to arise when comparing several aspects of the Celtic Arthurian legend to the Merovingian Empire.

The Holy Grail: The Legend, the History, the Evidence p. 135

There are at least a dozen families in Britain and Europe today with numerous collateral branches who are of Merovingian lineage. These include the Houses of Hapsburg-Lorraine, Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesquiou, and various others. According to the Prieure documents, the Sinclair family in Britain is also allied to the Bloodline as are various branches of the Stuarts. All of these Houses could claim a pedigree from Jesus; and if one man at some point in the future is to be put forward as a new Priest-King [Messiah], we do not yet know who he is.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 409-10

It seems to be another deception designed to bestow apparent credibility on the Merovingian survival story, this time laying a trail to London. All this prompted Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln to hypothesize that the mysterious Grail represented a real lineage - a bloodline...yet whose bloodline was it?

The Sion Revelation p. 209, 261

The implication is clear that the ideal form of world government would be a constitutional monarchy under a restored Stuart Monarchy. Led by whom? Probably not the dispossessed sons of Charles should he abdicate the British Throne. And given the sudden promotion in Christian media of Prince Charles as the Antichrist, this eventuality seems a formidable prospect.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The coming world leader commonly known as the Antichrist has at least 33 titles ascribed to him in the Old Testament and 13 titles in the New, yet despite what some may think, he is only called the "Antichrist" five times in all of Scripture and all of those are found within the epistles of John, possibly the same man who wrote Revelation where Antichrist is then called "the Beast". However, there are two more titles in particular that reappear four times between Isaiah and Revelation which further intrigue. The coming Antichrist is called a "Prince" in Daniel 9:26-27; "the people of the Prince that shall come shall destroy the City and the Sanctuary," yet he is also called a "King" in Revelation 17:8; "the King who was, is not, yet will be again." This shows us that the coming Antichrist is not just metaphorically called a King, as some believe, but that he will move through the normal procession of a monarchial tradition, being first a European Prince, and then a King. Daniel 9:26-27, which makes a Biblically common dual-layered prophecy whose first fulfillment came in 66AD, the year of a great Omen by why of a large Comet, when Vespasian along with his son Titus (fitting the 'Roman Prince' archetype) and his armies destroyed both Jerusalem and the Temple (the City and the Sanctuary) over the next four years until Jerusalem became a wasteland, yet its future and final fulfillment shall occur when the Antichrist along with his False Prophet and armies destroy that future Third Temple, and with it, Jerusalem. The Scriptures use this kind of dual-layered prophecy more than once, and it has always confused people yet we know the prophecy in Daniel is referring to the Antichrist because of Christ's own prophetically coded language found within Matthew 24:3-33 (among others) in which he links Daniel's entire prophecy about the "Abomination of Desolation," the future "Prince to come," to be the end-time Antichrist, and the key to unlocking that truth is found in verse three "As He sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, Tell us when shall these things be? What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?"

As with most prophetic Scripture, especially those found in Daniel, God always makes a way for the correct interpretation to be known. In this instance, Christ made it clearly known what was meant by Daniel's prophecy when providing the interpretation that there were two distinct destructions coming upon Israel, the first by a Roman and his Roman army, the later fulfillment in the endtimes by the Antichrist, a European Prince that arises out of a nation formerly included in the ancient Roman Empire. Interestingly, London itself was actually created and founded by the Romans around 33 AD, the same year Christ was crucified. It quickly became a large industrial Roman port city linking London directly to Rome. After which, Rome then flooded thousands of troops into England, thru their new city stronghold where they conquered ancient Britain north to Hadrian's Wall. Biblical prophecy authors and researchers have debated for decades announcing that the Antichrist must be a Roman, and arise out of Rome, from their linear understanding of the Scriptures in Daniel and Revelation. A more careful look at those same prophecies however clearly indicate that the coming Prince arises out of a nation (and city) that was part of the ancient Roman Empire, not Rome itself. The fact that London was actually created by Roman hands does lend an interesting connection and shows us that London became, in effect, the 'New Rome.' As Rome and the Roman Empire itself waned in power, England and its new capital city of London gained power, prestige, and global influence. Today, we have a Prince and soon-to-be King about to rise from this ancient Roman nation whose power still sits upon "many waters," which brings to mind that apocalyptic Mother and Harlot, Mystery Babylon of Revelation 18 who holds in her hand the golden Grail of Blood. Add to this, certain facts now surfacing attempting to expose the secretive Occult factions behind the American and British Governments, and their intelligence agencies, whose end goal is the creation of a British-led Anglo-Empire uniting the world in 'peace' while bringing forth an Aryan-Arthurian figure to the forefront after a great global destruction, at a time when the world is weakened enough and in need of such a leader, and we have all the makings of the ultimate conspiracy. We aren't told who this future ruler might be, yet the Occult underground is supposedly preparing their ranks for a young and charismatic Prince who will be seen in the future as a King Arthur returned. Shortly before her untimely death in France, even Princess Diana herself is quoted as saying "I believe Wills (Prince William) can rebuild Camelot and I will be his Merlin. Together we will return to the chivalry, pageantry, and the glory that was King Arthur's Court. William will remake the Monarchy by showing love, leadership, and compassion."

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

According to the Illuminati, the Antichrist King Arthur will draw around him the bravest and noblest Knights in the realm. They and their Monarch will comprise the 'Circle of the Round Table'. In Great Britain today, certain members of the Illuminati, including Prince Charles and Prince Philip, take part in rituals and symbols of an odd secret society called the 'Order of the Garter'. This Order with its ceremonial magic, is thought to be a precursor to the coming establishment of the Round Table. So demented are the leaders of the Illuminati that they fancy themselves to be the modern-day inheritors of the Arthurian legend. Upon the appearance, expected soon, of their great and Divine King, or ruler, they would be Knights of the 'Circle of the Round Table', noble and exalted co-rulers of Camelot.

The state of Charles' and Diana's marriage was one of the prime reasons the Queen clearly indicated she intended to continue as Monarch until her death...(If there was a formal separation or divorce), Charles would find it all but impossible to take the religious vows at his coronation as King and head of the Church...If those events did indeed unfold, then the Throne of England would pass directly to Prince William.

Antichrist and a Cup of Tea p. 240

The Queen has appointed Prince William to be a Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is the most senior and the oldest British Order of Chivalry and was founded by Edward III in 1348. The Future King Prince William becomes the 1,000th Knight in the Register of the ancient Order.

The Prince of Wales Official Website

The King of England took pleasure to renew and re-edify the Castle of Windsor, whereby sprang the fame of so many noble Knights throughout all the known world. King Edward determined to make an Order and a Brotherhood to be called Knights of the Blue Garter, and a feast to be kept yearly on St. George's Day. So the Order may have been intended as a revival of the unifying Round Table of King Arthur.

When he would become King, William will be the first Monarch to descend from King Charles II since Queen Anne. His royal bloodline will be traced up not on the Windsors but on the Spencers because the Stuarts preceded the Hanovers. The Hanovers, Queen Elizabeth II's direct bloodline, mounted the British throne when the last Stuart monarch, Queen Anne died without a direct successor. Prince William is now preparing his future role as King by training in all branches of the British military. As of 2008 he is with the Royal Air Force, training as a pilot where he is known there as Flying Officer William Wales, next he is scheduled to join the Royal Navy. William will have more "Kingly training" compared to Prince Charles and is already exposed more to charities than his father. By 2010, according to reports from Buckingham Palace, William will join the Foreign Ministry office. After the death of his mother in 1997 and his great grandmother in 2002, he is now considered as the most beloved figure in the Kingdom and the most popular royal family member. His looks, that strongly resemble his mother, together with the Spencers [Stuart] gene add to his appeal and magic.

Princess Diana said: I believe Wills can rebuild Camelot and I will be his Merlin. Together we will return to the chivalry, pageantry, and the glory that was King Arthur's Court. William will remake the Monarchy by showing love, leadership and compassion.

Excerpt from the bestselling book Diana: Life of a Legend

Prince William could be a great leader...if he was informed by Arthurian symbolism

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation» The Legend of the Once and Future King

"The account of Arthur as a Future King who will return again leading his people to victory at a time of their greatest peril is thought to have its origins in the 5th-6th century defeat of the Celts by the Anglo-Saxon invaders of Britain. It is certain that by Malory's time, this same legend of a future return attained an even more subtle connection emblazoned in the Celtic heart and soul when he wrote “King Arthur is not dead, but he shall come again. I will not say it shall be so, but rather I will say there is written upon his tomb this verse: Hic Jacet Arthurus Rex Quondam Rexque Futurus or Here lies King Arthur, the Once and Future King. Add to this the account of Arthur's grave having been found at Glastonbury in 1191 and the myth begins to fade leaving traces of a real King from legend whose time might come again, when he is needed most. Given the state of the world today, we are close.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation» Almost Time for Another King Arthur?

"When the Queen dies, the Crown should skip a generation, evading Prince Charles and moving directly to William. If I were a Monarchist, which I am not, I would settle this issue by asking just one question. Which of the pair is willing to call himself King Arthur?

It's time we had another King Arthur, since the only one in our entire history occurred fifteen centuries ago.

Both Charles Philip Arthur George and William Arthur Philip Louis are Arthurs, although Princes who use the name Arthur have a record of mysteriously never reaching the Throne...

...It appears that will soon change."

The Guardian U.K., 2001











Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation» The New World Order and the Holy Grail Bloodline

Second Thessalonians talks about the revealing of the Antichrist and the coming of the Antichrist as two distinct event in a naive attempt to put a human face to the mask that the Dragon Court has worn since its inception, Chancellor Sir Laurence Gardner and Sovereign Grand Master Prince Nicholas DeVere von Drakenberg revealed much about their Occult philosophy and belief system. Having been appointed Sovereign Grand Master by the House of Habsburg DeVere caused a stir with his website where he openly discussed the values of the Order, namely Vampirism Witchcraft and Satanism. He also admitted that their forefathers, the Knight's Templar, were a Satanic Organization.

This would be of little consequence were it not for the fact that the Knights Templar are also the founding fathers of modern Freemasonry and the role model for the Ivy League secret society Skull and Bones of which past President and CIA director George Bush was a member, as is his son, the current President. However, with their claims that a "child of pure Blood was born in the 1980's and is being raised by the Jesuits" and that "two children with even purer [Satanic] Blood are residing in Great Britain, the plot twists are becoming less Shakespearean and more like The Omen.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Damien Thorn reading from the Apocryphal Book of Hebron, which predicts that the Messiah will come from England (the Angel Isle), Damien quotes the prophecy: 'And it shall come to pass that in the End Days, the Beast shall reign one-hundred score and thirty days and nights, as the faithful shall cry unto the Lord; Wherefore art thou in the Day of Evil? And the Lord shall hear their prayers, for out of the Angel Isle he shall bring forth a deliverer.' The Angel Isle - Ex Insular Anglorum...England.

Commentary from The Omen III: The Final Conflict DVD

There is also, increasingly, a desire for a true leader not a Fuhrer, but a species of wise and benign spiritual figure, a Priest-King in whom mankind can safely repose its trust. How might the advent of Jesus' lineal descendant be interpreted? To a receptive audience, it might be a kind of Second Coming [thus] the Grail story became much more closely linked with both King Arthur and also of Jesus Christ.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 412-413, p. 288

[Modern] scholarship concurs that the Grail rests ultimately on a Pagan foundation.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 316

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


King Arthur Died from a Mortal Head Wound: The Antichrist Connection

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed and all the world marvelled after the Beast: On June 3 1991, nine year old Prince William received a near fatal head wound from a sporting accident and was immediately taken to a London hospital where sources originally cited he was close to death from a fractured skull, yet later recovered and much wasn't made of the story of William's near death after that. At the time, the focus instead quickly shifted at an outraged public that grew increasingly angry with Prince Charles and his strange behavior and seeming lack of concern whilst his son was in the emergency room as he attended a social function instead. The information therefore which the Prophecy gives about a King surviving a head wound is interesting as its describing certain attributes for the Antichrist of Revelation. Coincidentally (or not), according to most historical records of King Arthur, he actually died from a mortal head wound having his skull crushed and broken at the Battle of Camlann between 516-550 AD. Since the Prophecy from Revelation about a King rising up from a mortal head wound is somewhat well known, some believed that President Kennedy was the Antichrist before, yet especially after he was assassinated, even expecting to see if he would somehow recover from his mortal head wound. They certainly believed JFK was charismatic enough to be the world's most beloved and adored leader, a definite attribute of the Beast, to the point that his charismatic reign even took on Arthurian overtones when he was seen as the new King Arthur by the media, presiding over a New Age of Camelot and yet he wasn't that New Arthur, the one who rises out of Albion of Merovingian descent whose coming is prepared years later, the one who is to renew the world along Masonic lines. Speculation has arisen since that perhaps this is why Kennedy was assassinated, to forcibly remove his charismatic persona in what would have been a bright and famed rule carried on in some form to this very day, had he lived.

Even more interesting connections can be seen when looking back in time and comparing Christ with King Arthur, and then Revelation's Antichrist. All three of these Messianic Saviors for their people have another person with them be it mentor, teacher, or prophet, who initially help them in their ministry/work/quest; for Arthur this was Merlin, for Christ it was John the Baptist, for Antichrist it will be what Scripture calls the False Prophet. All three of them set out to establish a New Order of Light out of the darkness that marks their generation. All three create a new religion/new age/new way of thinking for others to mold themselves by, and all three gather up a select group of ten or twelve Knights, Kings, or Disciples who then go out into the world, united by a fundamentalist charge and conquer the earth through redemption/salvation or unity of man. All three exhibit unparalleled strength and loyalty from their people at first, and they all achieve great exploits or miracles accredited to them along the way until their eventual and infamous betrayal and death at the hands of one of their own. With Christ this was Judas, for Arthur it was Mordred. However, further comparing Christ with King Arthur one would think they are the same person, since both are called by those who revere them: The King of Kings, King of the World, the (Celtic) Messiah, the One who was, is, and is yet to come, the Once and Future King, (and it is interesting to note that every one of these same titles will be ascribed to the coming Antichrist as well). Furthermore, Christ, King Arthur, and Antichrist are all said to return at a time when they are needed most and at a time just before the world ends. Even more intriguing than all this is making a comparison of Revelation 1:18 (and 17:8) with Daniel 8:23 to see how close Christ and Antichrist can blur the lines, providing us another clue to how people might be deceived by the coming false Messiah. It is also worth mentioning here that King Arthur and the areas throughout Britain, Wales, and Scotland that still hold his namesake, such as Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh, have become the "secret places" where Satanists, Occultists, Thelemites, Witches and Druids worship and work their sick and most profane magick.

The written history and otherworldly exploits of King Arthur were first noted by Gildas, a sixth-century monk believed to be a contemporary of the historical Arthur. Gildas wrote 'De Excidio Britanniae' in which he names Badon Hill as a great British triumph over the Saxons, and even makes mentions of a 'Bear' (an Arth) involved. The 9th century author, Nennius, believed to be a more credible source of British history, published 'the Historia Brittonum' where he mentions King Arthur's twelve battles, and links the winning of the battle at Badon Hill to King Arthur "...who killed 940 Saxons in one day." In the tenth century 'the Annales Cambriae' mentions King Arthur dying at Camlann. It should be understood therefore, that writers of the later King Arthur romances were in fact using the known history of Arthur and mixing it with the esoteric allegory and archetype of the Bloodline which they were first to call 'the Holy Grail' in their attempt to tell the real story of Arthur and his connection to 'the Grail' while using symbology and metaphor which spoke volumes to those societies privy to the truth, while the rest of the world were enticed by the obvious Messianic figure of King Arthur who would return someday bringing with him the lost Golden Age. Chretien de Troyes, living just after the Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099, is the first significant author in the development of the Grail legend as we know it today. Such an action not only asserted the further historicity of King Arthur, but also gave him the necessary literary authoritative from which a future historical link could later be drawn.

Also around the time of the first Crusade, another Arthurian author, Geoffrey of Monmouth, is often hailed as the first inspiration for the later Arthurian works. His Historia Britonum gives the history of King Arthur from the intrigues which led to his birth, to the time of his death. Some people denounced Historia as a "lying book," saying it "was received by possessing devils," while it was favorbly received by others to the point it had a considerable influence in welding the Saxons, Britons, and Normans together into a single nationality, as well as providing the Matter of Britain with a source upon which later Arthurian writers could draw from that time till the present day. For since the Merovingian dynasty’s power waned in 751 AD, the great Celtic saga of the Grail quest emerged necessitated by a need to perpetuate certain occult traditions in a more subtle form while avoiding the scrutiny of its adversaries, namely that of the Catholic Church. It was a way of writing an Occult story, not unlike a Bible narrative, laced with every sort of 'truth' which could be gleaned by those who knew what to look for, while vain infidels and neophytes not trained in its precepts can only see and comment on what's presented at face value. The truth behind the myth of the Grail Quest itself, therefore, was to bring about the furthering of the Great Work yet to be accomplished, and not surprisingly, the Knights Templar, an order patterned after the Knights of the Round Table, and formed by French knight Hugues de Payens between the years 1111-1119, were formed to seek out the Graal, the Sang Rael, which would bring their great King out of the great wastelands and back to life. By the time the Knights Templar hastily returned back to France, their mission and quest seemingly complete, the Grail Mythos, and of King Arthur himself, was already flourishing in an explosion of literary works by various authors, Chrétien de Troyes chief among them. It is theorized that since the noted Arthurian author, Chrétien came from the same region in France as Templar founder Hugues de Payens, perhaps they colluded together about the true meaning of the San-Graal and what it would mean to find it. What the Knights Templar returned with, however, certainly made all involved rich beyond comprehension, many believing the Church paying them to keep silent.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Antichrist Must be a King Whose Kingdom Rises from the Sea

Revelation 13:1-2; 17:8, 11; Daniel 11:33-36; Daniel 8:23-25 And I saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. The Beast that thou sawest was, and is not; shall ascend out of the Abyss and go into [the Son of] Perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall marvel, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the Beast that was, is not, and yet is. And the Beast that was, and is not, even he is the Eighth (King), and is of the Seven (Merovingian Kings). And the King shall do according to his will, and he shall exalt himself above every god, and shall speak against the God of gods. In the latter time, a King of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall arise. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy supernaturally, and shall prosper and practise and shall destroy the mighty and the Holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause Craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart and by Peace shall he destroy many. He shall also stand up against the Prince of princes, and then he shall be broken. The Biblical word used here for "Sea" was also used in the Old Testament in reference to mean countries foreign to Israel (Daniel 11:45), moreover it is a direct reference to islands or nations surrounded by water. Back within the context of the legendary Arthur, these Scriptures become most interesting when considering that King Arthur is said to have been born in an ancient windswept area of Britain known as Tintagel, a tiny landmass jutting out and into the harsh Atlantic Sea of Cornwall's coast. There is also an account of the infant Arthur being found washed ashore, literally coming up from the sea and found by Merlin the Prophet. All this takes on a more realistic and sinister meaning in its future context when you learn that Revelation 17:8 is depicting the Spirit of Antichrist (who is Satan) "ascending out of the Abyss (the Sea)" and then possessing the body of his prime candidate who is referred to as "the Son of Perdition," a King who was, is not, yet will be again, the Once and Future King.

Little more of an actual outline of history is known, even today, about the life of this Dark Ages King that went on a killing rampage against his Saxon foes. It is widely held that as a King, he must have been put in power and well beloved of the people, whoever those peoples might have been, as Arthur's legend stretches forth from his native Cornwall into Wales, Brittany, Scotland, and across the sea into Ireland. However, this same "King who was, is not, yet will be again" as the Book of Revelation so perfectly describes him, does have a little known report on his renown activities kept in the Vatican Archive, in Rome, which helps in the way toward providing certain details of what this overly-glorified King has done, even against his own people before he arose to become the "war leader king" seemingly defending them. This, most interesting of all accounts and known histories, actually shows he was not a defender of the people (as many would like to believe), yet merly defended the many lands he brazenly claimed as his to begin with. Meanwhile, the Anglo-Saxons, understandably, were not so enthused about this Warrior Bear who they knew would be an obstacle in what otherwise would be their rapid conquest. In this Vatican report, discovered and researched by the renown Arthurian novelist Bernard Cornwell (who included the details of this same report in his Arthurian novel entitled "The Enemy of God") described Arthorius as a Celtic war chieftan (whose verified symbol was the Bear), to be an entirely ruthless Pagan-worshipping thug as well as an absolute murderering serial killer, thief, rapist, land-stealing, Satanic beast-man who showed little in the way of mercy, especially among his own people.

He is depicted as an even greater menace to anyone who would dare become his mortal enemy, as he quickly arose in both power and might among the backdrop of a Saxon invasion that pushed increasingly into what he solely perceived to be his already claimed territory in Wales, Scotland, and Brittany. The Church heard of these rather compelling exploits and thought little of them at the time, for it mattered little to them that a Pagan leader would be brutal enough to wipe out his own kin, as such an act of overt barbary and malice would only save the dark ages Catholic Church of having to do that themselves. Thus, the Catholic powers thought nothing of this until they started receiving reports that he was now himself killing literally hundreds of Saxon enemies in one day, many of whom were Catholic in faith, and only then did the Church grow increasingly wary, even fearful, of this Celtic war leader, fearing he could rise to such heights of self-imposed power as to take on the Church itself, of which there was even a Celtic prophecy at the time stating he would do just that, and in the most horrible, unsettling, fashion, such as to "trample upon their necks." The Roman Church afterward monitored him closely, even up until the news of his untimely death at the hands of the thousands of enemies which overwhelmed him, which it is my belief were directly dispatched by the Church itself, thus preventing the prophecy he would have seemingly fulfilled then, of becoming the Christian-destroying Antichrist of his time, yet his future time was obviously not yet.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Land and the King are One: Cornwall's Tintagel and the Antichrist

On 6 March 1906 in Cambridge, England, two women involved in experimental 'cross-correspondence' used automatic writing to contact the realm of the netherworld. They made contact and proceeded to ask specific questions regarding future events. The spirit contacted, who called itself 'Nora' began to ignore their direct questioning and seemed only interested in responding with excerpts from the book of Revelation about the Antichrist. Fleming then wrote to Mrs. Verrall to pass on the communicator's question, but three days later, before her letter could have reached England, she received another psychic message through automatic writing. It seemed even more obscure to the point of being meaningless, yet it was soon to prove of great significance. It read: "18, 15, 4, 5, 14, 14, 15, 5, 12. Not to be taken as they stand. See Revelation 13, 18, only the central eight words." Alice Fleming herself could make nothing of this cryptic message as it appeared to have no relevance to any message previously received. Nevertheless, she forwarded the message to England where it was examined by a renown spiritist who realized that the 'central eight words' of the message could be interpreted in one of two ways, either literally to produce 'of the Beast for it is a number,' or by looking at the punctuation and overall meaning of the verse which then produces 'for it is the number of a man.' After carefully studying this new enigma, she wondered if the numbers that formed the two opening sentences of the message were cryptic in itself. Using the more popular English gematria of the time, which allows the turning of letters into numbers from 1-26, to the shock of all involved, a name was discovered: Roden Noel. At the same time, the spirit then provided Mrs. Verrall with a single line from the dead and forgotten poet, the line was from one of the most obscure of his poems. It was named "Tintagel," the renown birthplace of King Arthur.

On August 6th, 1998 (one year before the infamous 1999 King Arthur solar eclipse took place in Tintagel, U.K.), a team of British archaeologists revealed to the world a find of a lifetime. What they discovered has been hailed by the press as the "King Arthur" stone or more precisely, the Artognov relic, which seemingly lends increasing validity that an actual King Arthur figure not only existed in the time he is reputed by ancient history to have existed, yet he can now even be linked to the same craggy coastline in Cornwall that is reputed to be his birthplace, Tintagel. Dr Geoffrey Wainwright, chief archaeologist at the English Heritage declared the newly discovered link should not be dismissed saying "Tintagel has presented us with evidence of a Prince of Cornwall, in the Dark Ages, living in a high-status domestic settlement at the time Arthur lived. It has given us the name of a person, Arthnou [Arth = The Bear]. It is a massive coincidence at the very least. It's the find of a lifetime." The stone, which was broken along the right-hand edge, shows the remainder of two Latin-styled inscriptions. The first line showed what was left of four letters in a Late Roman script which reads: Pater Coli Avi Ficit. The second line, on which all attention focused, was more lightly, but very legibly inscribed and showed a early Latin inscription bearing the words: Artognou Col[i] Ficit. A translation was quickly obtained from Professor Charles Thomas, the retired Director of the Institute Of Cornish Studies, University of Exeter, and a former President of the Council for British Archaeology has translated the ancient Latinized-syled to read "Artognou, father of a descendant of Coll, has made this."

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation






Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Future Antichrist Kingdom Arises out of the Former Roman Empire

Just as the birth of the true Messiah for Israel and the world was announced to Mary by the mighty Angel Gabriel, so too did Gid dispatch Gabriel to announce the birth of the Antichrist to the prophet Daniel, albeit some six-hundred year before Christ. In an unprecedented series of events depicted in Daniel's prophetic book, he is visited by the Angel Gabriel who is commanded to show Daniel the apocalyptic vision of four world empires that would rule leading up to the final Antichrist figure of the Last Days. Briefly these four beasts were: a Lion, a Bear, a Leopard with four wings, and a fourth Wild Beast (a Dragon), and another Little Horn developing out of the fourth empire with a Man's eyes and "a mouth speaking great and boastful things against the Lord." These four distinct creatures have already been interpreted as: Babylon (the Lion), which fell to the stronger Medo-Persian kingdom (The Bear) which, in turn, was ended by the lightning conquest of the Grecian forces (the Leopard) led by Alexander the Great. In a few short years he built an Empire which embraced areas of the Mideast, Asia, and Europe, in essence the very first European based Empire to hold such a global position, from which, Rome (the Wild Beast) eventually took over with their empire. Rome itself is seen as a great wild beast unlike any other because it has dual appearances in history, and one of its two incarnations has already passed while the future Roman Empire is yet to rise. In its time, the Roman Empire surpassed all the preceding empires not only in the extent of its domain (covering the entire Mediterranean area and reaching even unto the British Isles) but also in the efficiency of its military machine and power of its application of Roman law to its united European provinces.

Rome's ancient "Pax Romana" or Roman peace was therefore merely a foreshadowing of the yet to be revealed, New World Order that a future United Europe and revived Roman Empire would bring about, which was the great goal of Elder Secret Societies to be completed by the year 2,000. Rome was also the world's main political instrument in power at the time of Christ's first advent and according to prophecy, it will be in power again just before His Return, making the European Union's very existence today yet another strong sign we are entering the timeframe when the rest of prophecy is to be fulfilled. Interestingly, right after the Crucifixion, it was the ancient Romans who created the necessary port city of Londinium (today's London), a place where they could land their ships and storm onto the English shore in search of its last territorial land grab before Rome's impending demise, it became the most important trading port from Rome to this new world, this 'New Rome.' When Rome did die and eventually broke up into the various European nations, Great Britain, over time, ultimately took the globally dominant position in the world, raising itself up to be the new Anglo-Roman Empire, later to be called the British Empire. Intriguing. Scripture tells us that the Antichrist Prince will be of the Roman Empire, whose power as we now know was then given over to London, a Roman city. In other words, what we are quite possibly reading in Daniel 9:26-27 is that the Antichrist is a Prince of London. Interesting also is that the rest of the prophecy in Daniel and Revelation describes the Antichrist, no longer as a mere Prince rising from the Roman Empire of a United Europe, but a Future King.

The British Empire became far stronger than ancient Rome ever had, and she ruled the seas and many nations, just as Rome did. What's really interesting is that the European Union itself, created in 1993, has been patterned after the ancient Roman Empire, including many of the same countries that were under Roman occupation and rule at the time of Christ, just as prophecy stated it would. Furthermore, the specific prophecies in Revelation and Daniel make clear that this all powerful United States of Europe will return to the former glorious power that was Rome. Obviously this must occur after America, the current Roman Empire or 'Babylon' is somehow diminished in power even as America's own decline has already begun while the rest of the world advances headlong toward the Tribulation (which is the common belief among Christian prophecy scholars who agree that America will be destroyed before the coming of the Antichrist allowing for the emergence of Europe to take global power). As it is determined by the men who create and control the European Union, America removed as a leading world power will most assuredly prompt the need for another Atlantic nation to take the reigns of global dominance, establishing its own Western-Zionist ideology throughout the world, further solidifying the goals of the Illuminati. Even more strange, as it has nothing to do with man's secret undertakings but of God's Creation, is the geographic placement of those European nations which attacked the people of Israel after the Babylonian captivity. They were in the order of their anti-semitic history: Greece (150 BC), then Rome (50 BC-70 AD), and more recently, Germany (1939-45).

Now, looking at Greece, Rome, and Germany on a map shows an interesting line of succession all moving increasingly further north and west from Israel, each seemingly pointing to the next aggressor country in the path, leading directly to what is the last nation remaining along this interestingly historic trail, as the next in line is none other than Great Britain. Also interesting if not stranger still is that when looking at England on any well-defined or satellite map, you can make out the outline of what appears to be a sinister, even grimacing face looking West. In much the same way that Italy appears as a boot, many can now add a face to this overall outline of Europe to see the shape of a greater European Beast staring back, a conglomerate of future European Beast nations which seemingly holds the tiny Semitic nation of Israel trodden underfoot. Looking closer at England's face-like geography, notice that in the area of Northern Wales, the isle of Anglesey to be exact, is the figure of what could be interpreted as a "Little Horn" protruding forth from England's forehead. Looking closer still and the outline figure of a man, its arm outstretched and pointed hand, with a mouth open as if speaking begins to take shape. Might this obvious figure in the ancient land be a clue connected to the prophecy by Daniel in reference to that fourth Kingdom/King (little horn) that shall rise up among a small number in the last days speaking great things? Moreover, will Prince William himself ever see a mystical coronation at Caernarfon Castle, in Wales, like his Royal father before him? Of Wales, Prince William is quoted saying "I also knew I'd be seeing a lot of Wales in the future as he studies the Welsh language."

Interesting also is the fact that these same areas in Northwest Wales where the current Prince of Wales, Prince Charles, as well as where the future King of England, Prince William, deem so traditionally important, are historically known to be the last refuge and stronghold of the retreating ancient Celtic Druids who were pushed back into Wales, into Anglesey, specifically, where the invading Romans attempted (and for the most part were successful) in stamping them out completely, and since the Druids were known never to write down any of their intricate and extremely ancient folk beliefs or of their own history, it is believed that their skills of healing and rare magic (somehow connected to Atlantis) died with them, which some in the modern Occult view led directly to the onset of the Dark Ages. The ancient Druids were clearly viewed by the newly Christianized Romans of the time to be worshippers of demons who employed the bloody art of ritual human sacrifice among enemies and even their own kind, both young and old. Historical record proves that upon the Roman army first encountering the mass of Druids practicing their arcane worship, they were filled with absolute fear and horror at whatever they saw of the never before seen ancient Druids' craft of dark rites dedicated to strange and demonic-looking gods, so much so that some of the Roman invasion force broke ranks. However, this did not stop the remaining forces to eventually meet the Druids in battle and eventually remove the Celtic Druid from history completely, so history would have us believe.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Romans vigoriously persecuted the Druids, for they feared their potential as a unifying force among the warlike Celtic tribes.

Rosslyn: Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 52

After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth Beast, dreadful and terrible. I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them a Little Horn, and in this Horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. I beheld till the Thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit, His Throne as fire. I beheld because of the voice of the great words which the Little Horn spake. I beheld even till the Beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. I saw in the vision one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of Heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought Him near before Him. And there was given Him Dominion, and Glory, and a Kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His Dominion is an Everlasting Kingdom which shall never be destroyed.

Book of Daniel Chapter 7

Arkas, the bear-child and patron of Arcadia...became the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear. There might be something more than coincidental in the appellation 'Ursus' applied repeatedly to the Merovingian Bloodline.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 310

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Antichrist's Symbolic Depiction as a Bear in Bible Prophecy

Revelation 13:2; Daniel 7:5, 24 The Beast I saw which arose from the sea was like unto a Leopard, its feet were as a Bear, the mouth of a Lion. And behold another beast, like unto a bear, it raised up itself on one side and had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. And a (little horn) arises, he shall subdue three kings... This vision and prophecy of the Antichrist is given by the Angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel who cannot understand it, therefore the Angel interprets: The Angel then describes a Bear" who subdues "three ribs" (3 Kingdoms) suggests that the Antichrist arrives in either warlike fashion immediately putting down three kingdoms, or more peacefully, placing the three under his subjection or annexation. I believe it will be a peaceful annexation with the three to be Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, unified into a future Anglo-Celtic nation which comes together in the future out of necessity and under the rule of a new King Arthur (as Arthur lived at a time when these nations were still unified). Understand that many nations at that time will have been obliterated and their borders reduced after the cataclysm and 2012 pole shift. This would also explain why in the future there are only ten European nations from which the Revived Roman Empire arises with, as perhaps only ten nations of Western Europe will actually survive the coming cataclysm. Interestingly enough, we are already seeing the Celtic nations of today feel the need to return to their common tribal roots as if beguiled to do so, as if heeding some unseen call to return in unity. A strongly united Celtic nation just may prompt other post-2012 nations to follow suit and band together along a shared or common ancestry, and as such, all ten of these conglomerate nations shall eventually be placed under the rule of the Beast.

Given the increasing lies and false archeology of a linked ancestry through the ongoing Lost Tribes of Israel research, as well as its own prophecies, it stands to reason and makes sense that these very regional nations would in fact unite under a common banner in a future which is appointed for destructions, both natural and man-made, who then join together and unite thru convienance or necessity, yet group together nontheless into larger nations, a mere foreshadow of what is to come in that final Global Empire, divided by ten, later ruled by Ten Kings, yet all under Antichrist. If so, this means then that Antichrist first appears on the world scene almost immediately having three nations loyal to him (England, Scotland, and Wales yet could also include Ireland) and rally in unison behind him, declaring him as their Unified King, and with these three, he eventually rises in power to take in ten more loyal to his rule, for a total of thirteen (a number strongly connected with those involved with the Antichrist plan throughout the ages.) Notice that it is the Angel Gabriel who provides the interpretation of the vision to Daniel stating that the "Little Horn" [Antichrist] is also symbolized by a Bear. In other words, the Antichrist is "the Bear." Remember, the ancient Celtic word for Bear is Arth-ur, and the name Arthur literally means Bear. The Book of Revelation provides a parallel yet expanded view of the nature of Antichrist which is hauntingly familiar of Daniel's vision, and perhaps adds something more. In it we see the Beast is a four-fold creature, being a Dragon, Bear, Leopard, and Lion, exactly the same creatures from Daniel's vision, however, in Revelation, we now see added features of the Wild Beast, who now takes on more detailed attributes of a Red Dragon. From these we can understand there is a mystery to solve in these, very different, amalgamated and merged [Lion/Leopard/Bear] Beasts which make up the totality of the future post-apocalyptic Antichrist Beast-King.

First, it speaks with great authority, as a roaring Lion, as a King. The Lion therefore represents the main symbol of the country this King will arise from, the Leopard speaks to his strength and youth, the Dragon denotes his true power, while the Bear reveals his name. And so England is well known to be represented by its national heraldic symbol of a Lion, the Dragon represents his power and coronation base, as in the Red Dragon which is the national symbol of Wales. The Leopard can be interpreted as his heritage, even denoting his connection to the young Alexander the Great (who was himself represented by the Leopard because of his quick conquering of Asia Minor/Europe) of which William shares both his youth and the name of Philip given him in respect to William's "Greek" grandfather, Prince Philip. The Bear as already seen reveals the name of Arthur. More interesting is that the Jews, not completely oblivious to the concept of a coming Antichrist figure, actually name him, and the name they give for him even has the first two letters of his name correct - 'AR.' The Jews call the Antichrist, Armilus, although because they don't have the rest of the name correct, and because of their aforementioned way at not taking the New Testament Bible [i.e., Revelation] prophecies into account, this means the Jews will still be deceived by the Antichrist-King, AR-thur. As an adept of prophecy, I am finding it entirely facsinating how God is everywhere leaving us signs, not only of the Antichrist's name, yet where he will hail from, who is parents are, what is name is, where he will go, and what he is to do in his epic destiny which clearly spans across time and place, to fufill that fate which awaits him and those that follow him. For just one example, God is using 6's, 66's, and 666's as well as Hellish fires of cities to connect London with Rome, and Jerusalem as well as the Antichrist Beast itself with a current Royal in line to the Throne of England.

For instance, He has allowed the ancient Jewish Temples, both the Temple of Solomon and the Temple of Herod, to be burned and destroyed upon the same day, the 9th of Av, albeit 656 years apart. Going back to 606 BC, God provided Daniel the prophecy (see Daniel 9:26-27) detailing the destruction of the Second Temple which was burnt to the ground and leveled by the Romans in 66 AD, by Titus, a "Prince" archetypal of the coming Antichrist. Two years before this event, in 64 AD, was the infamous burning of Rome which many believe was by the hand of yet another Antichrist archetype figure alluded to in prophecy (this time in the Book of Revelation), Neron Ceasar, Nero. Adding these historical facts of Roman and Israelite history, with British history, as it is known that Rome created London, in the year 666 AD new settlemets began to take root around settled areas of England. In 1066 was the famous Battle of Hastings in which William the Conqueror took London for himself and was coronated King at Westminster Abbey on Christmas (Mithras) Day. In 1666, the City of London burned to the ground, the same city which births the Antichrist. As the eldest son of the current Prince of Wales, Prince William is expected to ascend to the respective thrones of the United Kingdom and 15 other Realms of the British Commonwealth. Were William to decide to use his first name as his regnal name, he would be known as King William V. However, William is free to use any one of his Christian names as a regnal name, as per Edward VII and George VI have done in calling themselves 'Prince Albert.' Were William to decide on any of the three names given him: Arthur, Philip, or Louis, their usage would be the first for a regnal name in usual reckoning. Although Philip II of Spain was a King consort of England, and Louis VIII of France was proclaimed King of England in London in 1216; the name of the semi-mythical King Arthur, if that is what Prince William may in fact decide to call himself, would certainly add to the legitmacy of both the legend and historical relevance to the one notoriously dubbed the Once and Future King. With all this in mind, it can now be better interpreted that Antichrist becomes King while likely in his youth, and is much like Alexander the Great who conquered much of the known world before the age of 25, making youth a certain attribute of the future Antichrist, yet his other attributes may contain within them something more than just what has been formerly interpreted on face value, as the entire symbology of the amalgamated Beast-forms may in fact be a code for all of the Beast's names...

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

William - The Conqueror (The King of England) = Lion / Mouth / Speaking / Charismatic Leader

Arthur - King Arthur Pendragon (Celtic Tribe) = Bear / Feet / Strength / Ressurrection-Spirit

Philip - Alexander (aka Philip) the Great (Greece) = Leopard / Body / Conquering / Youth

Stuart/Windsor - (married into Stuart line) Unicorn = Little Horn / Human Eyes / Man

Windsor-Wales - (Welsh/Druids) Celtic Prince = Red Dragon / Satanic / Possession

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

By the rights of pleasure may flesh procreate from within. Mother of the Sabbath, Lilith I awaken to the mysteries of our Craft. I dedicate my being to the path from which my Blood dictates. Cain, wanderer of the desert dawn, embrace now my way which is our way, that thy mysteries are revealed through dedication! All Hail Lucifer!

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The European Union: A Revived Roman Empire of the Modern EraWhile Israel was in effect reborn in May 1948, Jews worldwide finally returned to their ancient homeland after two thousand years. At the very same time however, to her northwest, were the European nations also rejoining together as if being reborn, following a secret society plan toward creating a new Roman Empire growing in parallel strength to the newly revived nation of Israel. This would begin with Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands joining in economic alliance, then France, Italy, and West Germany joining in 1957 under the auspices of the newly drafted Treaty of Rome. In 1972, three additional members signed on: Denmark, England, and Ireland were received, then, on January 1 1981, Greece became the ratified tenth member. Now, the Bible shows us yet another interesting clue between Daniel and Revelation. Daniel clearly states that out of an original ten-nation grouping of nations would arise a Little Horn (or "young Prince") who would become the Beast [of Revelation]. The exact prophecy in the book of Daniel 7:20 in reference to this Prince-King-Beast informs us that "I [Daniel] considered the horns and behold, there came up among the ten, another little horn and in this horn were the eyes of a Man." In other words, after a ten-nation European confederacy is born, afterwards would arise a little horn, the human being who later becomes the Antichrist. So this [eleventh] horn having 'the eyes of a man,' etc. is not referring to an 11th country of the still reviving Roman Empire, but the Scriptures are clearly telling us to look for a 'little' man who suddenly appears after the ten. Thus, Prince William was born the very next year (1982) just months after Greece became #10 in the European Community of Nations. By 1990, a newly reunified Germany joined, and in 1993, the European Union was offically born amidst much fanfare and celebration across the continent not seen since the days of the ancient Roman Empire itself, and yet, the Scriptures predicted it all. Today the European Union has very successfully grouped the ancient nations of Rome once more to form what will become the last world empire from which the Antichrist shall arise. The European Union's very existence in our time, along with its strong dollar-trumping currency called the Euro, as well as the advent of the E.U.'s push toward a well-supplied, quick reactionary, post-Nato European Army means that we are edging ever closer to its finalized form as the next (and last) global empiric superpower. Currently, it is still the European Union which is acting as the Antichrist archetype in regards to Israel and its ongoing Peace Process.

Prince William born June 21st 1982 During the 666 [Saros] Solar EclipseOn the eve of June 21, 1982, Druids, Witches, and Satanists from all over the world celebrated at pagan sites throughout Scotland, England, and Wales for what they knew would be a unique Summer Solstice, the day when their ancient Sun-God is to be reborn, venerated in a feast called the Feast of Lucifer's Rising. As such, it was a time of intense celebration which carried on far into the night with sexual orgies, sacrifices, black masses, and Satanic worship, for it was prophesied by the ancient Druids that their Sun-King will return to them, upon some future Solstice of June 21st, he would be born of a (Merovingian) Princess. Very much like Christ's birth there were to be signs in the heavens which foretold of the Antichrist's own birth. Quite rare for a day known for its long hours of daylight, being the longest day of the year, there was a Solar Eclipse followed up by an even rarer Lunar Eclipse of the Moon on the blackest part of a New Moon, no less, allowing for even more strange alignments in the stars and planets to be seen as well. At precisely 9:03pm, Princess Diana of Wales gave birth to Prince William, and England was given its next King. These events occurring all on the same day seemed to herald something quite important significance was indeed taking place. The symbology of the Sun-God and Moon Goddess was clearly identified with Diana, a name also given to the ancient Moon Goddess, who gave birth to the Sun (foretold by the Eclipses), yet as the Sun later shone in its strength, the Moon was blighted with darkness (symbolic of death and the Otherworld). Certainly all of this meant something, many thought. As Prince Charles was visiting his wife and newborn child at St. Mary's hospital, a member of the public shouted out to ask him the boy's name. The Prince of Wales is quoted as rather hastily replying, "You'll have to ask my wife, we're having a bit of an argument over that!" The name William was finally given and made public to a waiting world, yet not until several days after his birth. It has been speculated that had Charles had his way, his son would have been touted much too early on as King Arthur II (The Second). However, in the article "No More Sacrifice," the London Psychogeographical Association Newsletter reminds us that there are some Christians who have already pointed out that should Prince William become King, he would be called King William V yet by taking the W as two V's with the I's as Roman numerals for one, they have constructed a most unsettling anagram for this same 'Once and Future King': I AM VI VI VI or I AM Six Six Six (666).

Prince William was born in London at 9:03 pm, on June 21, 1982. His birth took place just after a Solar Eclipse on the Summer Solstice, an especially powerful moment in time when the Sun, Moon, and North node were closely aligned in the Prince’s Seventh House in the emotional sign of Cancer. Eclipses are the great power points of the Zodiac. They run through space and time in regular series called Saros cycles. The Saros cycles take about 1200 years to travel from the North to the South Pole, and vice-versa, each series has a different founding horoscope as well as a different theme. William was born into a series called 2 Old North, which began in 792 AD, just before the first recognized English King was crowned. It is due to end in 2036 AD, when King William is 54 years old. This raises many questions. The most obvious is whether William, if he becomes the King of Great Britain, might in fact be the last. The meaning of the Saros 2 Old North Series is said to be that of “separation or ending of unions,” a recurring theme clearly lived out in William’s young life thus far. (It should be noted that the time allotted for this period of 'Saros' is 18x37, the equivalent of 666 years). Several other events occurred in 1982 connecting the city of London to the seemingly dark forces which are now promoting Antichrist. the first being a London murder connected to Freemasonry's P2 organization in June, next was a cryptic message about 1982 itself by Benjamin Creme, spokesperson for the so-called Maitreya Christ, stating that a great World Teacher was being born in London and would soon show himself to the world. Next, oddly enough, was the 1982 globally released film "The Omen III: The Final Conflict," which makes countless connections with England and the Antichrist, as well as other very intriguing points of interest. Not to be outdone by a mere motion picture, was the Spring release of a bestselling book called "Holy Blood Holy Grail" the first book of its kind detailing the Christ/Magdalene and Merovingian Bloodline in regards to past and present day Monarchy. Readers of that same book came away with yet another reason to believe something was very unusual about the Grail-Princess Diana and that of her young son.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

By the oath of Belial and Saturn, the awakening of hidden light. I call upon thee, Asmodeus, devil-lord. I invoke thee within my very essence, Pass beyond the veil little known by most, for I AM a Child of this flesh! I offer now my own WILL to the powers of night, and of the Great Work itself! That through my dedication to the path of Witch Blood, I shall know the secrets not so hidden!

Grimoire of Luciferian Witchcraft

The unwary soul who fails to grapple with the Mocking Demon of illusion, will return to the earth as the slave of illusion. To become a true master of fate you must first become a 'Knower of Self.' When you can repose in comfort between the wings of your Dragon, then will shadows forever vanish leaving that which within you knows for it is Knowledge not of fleeting lifetimes of illusion, but of a real man that was, that is, and that will be again.

The 21 Lessons of Merlyn p. 395

Despite others' attempts to identify a certain number with Satan, it will be known that Nine is his number. Nine is the number of the Ego, for it always returns to itself. No matter what is done through the most complex multiplication of Nine by any other number, in the end the final equation nine will stand forth...The infant is learning to walk and by the first Working Year of his age, that is to say 1984, he will have steadied his steps and by the next in 2002, he will have attained maturity, and his reign will be filled with wisdom, reason and delight. Hail Satan!

From pages 219 and 220 of "The Satanic Rituals" by Satanist Anton LaVey

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Little Horn waxes Great Towards the South and East Toward the Holy Land

Daniel 7:24, 8:9, 11:21, 11:28 And the Ten Horns out of this Kingdom [Europe] are Ten Kings that shall arise; and another shall arise after them and he shall be diverse from the other Ten. And out of one of them came forth a little horn which waxed exceedingly great toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the Pleasant Land (Israel): A vile person, to whom they shall not give the Honour of the Kingdom, but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the Kingdom (of Israel) through lies, cunning deceit, and flatteries. Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the Holy Covenant [the Jews]; he shall do great exploits and return to his own land. From just these few prophetic Scriptures in Daniel an important and much overlooked clue is seen. For here we see the Antichrist King is not native to the nation of Israel. Look closer, for it clearly mentions that after his initial visit to Israel, where he will do great and remarkable exploits, the Antichrist King "returns to his own land." This fact should stun those who vainly believe that the Antichrist must be a Jew living in Israel. Therefore from these two clearly mentioned cardinal directions provided us in the Book of Daniel, informing us that this Antichrist King is not of the Holy land of Israel, yet must travel some distance both south and east to even get to Israel must mean that "his land" is positioned northwest of Israel. Looking on any detailed map and tracing a broad northwestern line from Israel, we see all of what was the ancient Roman Empire yet following this northern and western line to its furthest extent, we arrive at the nation of Great Britain, an island nation, which perfectly fits the aforementioned Scriptures of the Antichrist King arising from the Sea, from a nation in the Sea. Therefore, with this, the Scriptures are clearly showing us another clue, even wanting us to know something of the identity of the Antichrist himself, who is clearly foreign to the nation of Israel, comes from a non-Jewish, Gentile nation, and as seen from other Scriptures, is entirely a European King actually having no Jewish blood within him whatsoever and yet he eventually is given the 'Honor of the Kingdom,' and accepted as the Messiah.

How can any of this be? There really is only one answer, the Bloodline of the Holy Grail - the heavily propagated yet false lineage that seemingly connects him to King David who is the progenitor of the true Messianic Bloodline to the House of Windsor as well as the House of Stewart depending on whose Occult PR team you are listening to. Now you can see yet another reason why the tenants of the so-called 'Ten Lost Tribes of British-Israel' doctrine and its pompous beliefs are so dangerous, for it is already deceiving many (especially within the fast-growing Mormon religion), into accepting the notions of a future Messianic figure from England, which is actually thought of by many to be the most Satanic nation on the face of the earth today. One must also understand, all of these things occurring at the time of Antichrist are occurring in a very different time than that of our own, and yet is a time that is very near to unfold as a series of extremely destructive events take place which set the stage for the Antichrist plan, circa 2012. One of these events which is likely to take place before 2012 is the Battle of Gog and Magog in which Israel is suddenly attacked by Russia, Iran, and their new allies in Libya, Sudan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and the many Islamic terrorist bands who align with them, to which, as shown in Ezekiel 38 and 39, God will directly intervene to supernaturally destroy this massive invasion force while they are still on the mountains of Israel, before they have a chance to fire a single shot. This single event then sets the stage for Israel to radically change from its current national secular belief into one that will once again seek after its ancient Biblical God, as they will finally understand it was only by God's Hand that saved them from such impending destruction. The Third Temple shall be built where the Dome of the Rock stands today, and the Jews shall once again, worship their God. A televised national call to prayer shall go out in which they will cry out for the Messiah to come and reign as a King over them. However, since they are still not coming under God's plan of Salvation through Christ, is why a lone figure rises up among them claiming to be the prophet Elijah who Revelation calls the False Prophet, performing great and deceptive miracles in Israel while acting as a forerunner to the even more deceptive one to arise, the Antichrist.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

During the 19th century the Prieure de Sion working through Freemasonry and the Hieron du Val d'or attempted to establish a revived and "updated" Holy Roman Empire - a kind of United States of Europe ruled simultaneously by the Hapsburgs and by a radically reformed Church. A Europe of this sort would constitute a new and unified political force in international affairs - an entity whose status would ultimately be comparable to the Soviet Union or the United States. Indeed, it might well emerge stronger than either. The Hieron du Val d'or...sought to reconcile - as the legendary Ormus was said to have reconciled - Christian and pagan mysteries. And it ascribed special significance to Druidic thought.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 410-411, 228

Naturally Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln pondered on the emphasis on the United States of Europe and its central place on the Priory's agenda, noting in The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail that it aims would seem to include a theocratic United States of Europe, a trans- or pan-European confederation assembled into a modern empire and ruled by a dynasty descended from Jesus.

The Sion Revelation p. 402-403

Delving into the Priory's murkey history reveals even darker links with racist, collaborationist, and even terrorist seems that at least the concept of the European Union is the product of an Occult conspiracy inspired by individuals who believed they were in contact with spirit entities. Where it will go next remains to be seen, but almost certainly sooner or later it will affect us all.

The Sion Revelation p. 430-431

To the Holy Blood Holy Grail authors, Plantard explained that certain American bankers were involved with the Priory because they supported the concept of a United States of Europe. (Although the United States generally regards a united Europe as an economic rival and a challenge to its global position, certain interests do welcome such a move.

The Sion Revelation p. 268

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

I will show you the judgment of the Great Whore that sitteth upon many waters: whom the Kings and inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication: and I saw a Woman sit upon a Scarlet-coloured Beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the Woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls having a Golden Cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication and upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery: Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. The Woman which thou sawest is that Great City [born from Rome] which reigneth over the Kings of the earth.

Revelation 17

Blood[line] of the One demanded of London

Burnt by a raging Great Fire in the year '66

The Ancient Lady will fall from her high place

And many of the same Cult will be killed

Nostradamus C2 Q51

How much she hath glorified herself and lived deliciously for she saith in her heart, I sit a Queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: And the kings of the earth shall lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning. Every shipmaster and all the company in ships and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off saying What city is like unto this Great City and they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing for in one hour is she made desolate. And a mighty Angel took up a stone and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall not be found.

Revelation 18

The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization promoting World Government, and the marriage between Anglo-American financiers and Noble families of Europe, particularly of London (Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip). The key to the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage savage economic recessions and eventual economic depressions.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

There are three distinct landscapes to the appearance of the Harlot "Babylon" which can be figuratively referred to as her body, spirit and soul. According to Scripture these three aspects of Babylon are to be destroyed at three different points in time. The first aspect according to Jeremiah 51:59-64 is the literal geographical city of ancient Babylon, in present day Iraq. This would refer spiritually to the "body" of Babylon, a literal city that has existed in various states of ruin, renewal, and control by various ethnicities and powers throughout its 'physical life.' Genesis 10 indicates that Nimrod was the original founder of Babel (Babylon), from where he built the Tower of Babel. The form Babylon is the Greek variant of Akkadian Babilu (bÄb-ilû, meaning "Gateway of the gods." In the Hebrew Bible, the name appears as בבל (Babel) interpreted by Book of Genesis 11:9 to mean "confusion, dispersion" (of languages), from the verb balal בלל meaning "to confuse and disperse". Babylon as a city rose to power drawing from the Mesopotamian histories of the earlier Sumerian culture before it to itself become one of the wonders of the ancient world, a Kingdom later reflected in the vision of the Prophet Daniel who saw a large statue with a Golden Head to represent Babylon being part of the larger body of global Satanic Kingdoms that would rule the world. In time Babylon would fall to other influences such as the Persian Empire, the Macedonians under Alexander the Great, yet eventually Babylon became nothing but a few barely-maintained structures in the desert, the physical city never rising again to hold the epic prominence it was had in the ancient world. However, in 1985 Saddam Hussein started rebuilding the city on top of the old ruins, investing in both restoration and new construction. To the dismay of archaeologists, Saddam inscribed his name on many of the bricks in imitation of the ancient King of Babylon (and Antichrist archetype) Nebuchadnezzar (or נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר).

More recently, since the second Gulf War, the US presence in Iraq has caused extensive damage to many of the famous antiquities of ancient Babylon such as the Ishtar Gate (dedicated to the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar, constructed of blue glazed tiles with alternating rows of bas-relief Dragons). By that which is revealed in Jeremiah 50:18-20, 51:19-24 we know that the final destruction of the literal city of Babylon was prophesied to occur near the last days. As such, the second manifestation of Babylon is spiritually called, as it rises up from the ancient spirit of Babylon to culminate in that future sacrilegious seat by which the Antichrist and his False Prophet establish as a global religious system as they further solidify the Antichrist's total control of the planet. This religious system is in its maturing stages at present with the globally-accepted New Age Movement and its major tenants drawn from ancient Babylonian witchcraft and magickal systems. This, the "spirit" of Babylon, is already infecting the minds of millions globally in one form or another and guiding the planet into 'One World' thinking in advance of the Antichrist's arrival. The belief that spiritual power can come to an individual outside of the God through self-effort, by so-called 'forces in nature' or from the fallen spirits behind those same forces is all part of the mystery religion of Babylonian paganism. All world religious beliefs not founded on the absolute truths of the Bible have descended from Mystery Babylon and can be described as religions of Babylonian paganism. Therefore, those who claim they are not Pagans because they are not witches or are witches and claim they aren't Satanic simply do not understand the common root and source of all polytheistic and pantheistic beliefs that originated from the ancient Babylonian mystery religions dating back over 4,000 years ago by the Fallen Ones who infected mankind with such knowledge, in the days of Jared, from the summit of Mount Hermon.

The third aspect of the Babylonian Kingdom to rise is the physical Kingdom of the Antichrist whose own future Kingdom of 'Babylon' has in itself two aspects, the religious and the economic. These two seemingly opposed aspects may have been what was referenced to in Daniel's prophecy when the Angel Gabriel told him these aspects are as iron mixed with clay. This coming Satanic Empire, therefore, whose own soul and spirit is derived of Babylon yet whose physical territories encompass modern Europe, shall become the power base of a New World Empire/Economic system as well as a One-World Paganized Religion. This is the Mystery behind the Whore of Babylon. The author of Revelation's own prophetic vision into these future events were remarkably similar, yet even more detailed than Daniel's, as John was shown the Whore of Babylon (the religious system) riding the power of the Roman Empire/Beast that rules from a city on seven hills, interpreted as Vatican City, the one city that throughout its history has never had any pretensions about her rights to govern the world and rule over the kings of the earth. The colossal wealth of the Vatican includes solid gold bullion worth billions, stored within the Rothschild controlled Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve Bank. The Vatican Whore also has enormous investments with the Rothschilds in Britain, with giant oil and weapons corporations like Shell and General Electric among several others. Therefore, Revelation's global-religous Whore of Babylon aspect could be no other than Catholicism, originally formed by mixing Babylonian Paganism and Christianity into a global new religion cited under the premise of unifying the ancient world. Moroever, England's own connections with the Roman Vatican are staggering at every level, from its tauted 'global religion' to finance.

It was this religious Babylon that has, since its inception resided in Rome, the same ancient city in whose power many nations sought absolution as they filled the coffers making it more a drunken Whore than any true Church of God. This aspect of religious Babylon which we are shown has intoxicated herself from the blood of the martyrs of Jesus over the last 2,000 years, is the greatest clue marking her as that defiled institution existing since the time when Christians were being martyred. Through its great evils, this Babylon Whore has even become rich off the blood of martyrs, using Christ in the most evil ways as a leverage to gain such heights of majestic power. There is certainly no denying the many historical atrocities committed by the Roman Church in all its horrors, inquisitions, or Crusades by which they slaughtered Jews by the thousands, or any of its other forms of rampant anti-Semitism most recently seen in their turning their backs on the European Jews as they were systematically led to slaughter by genocide in the Holocaust, and yet the face of this great evil lives on still, in Rome. Even so, God shall destroy this global religious institution once and for all at some point after the midpoint of the Tribulation. Her temporary control over the Beast was only tolerated by the Antichrist so that she could be used to bring her illegitimate children together in unity so that together they may be destroyed all at once. The Ten Kings will then devote all of their power, authority, and will, to the establishment of the finalized Kingdom of the Antichrist by destroying the religious aspect of Mystery Babylon. Just before this event, Revelation 18:4-8 informs us that 'I heard another Voice from Heaven, saying, Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto Heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you. How much she hath glorified herself. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire.

Revelation 18:7 reveals that in her final form, Babylon (or BabyLon-don) the Economic Center from which Antichrist holds all power over the planet's wealth, is no longer referred to as a Harlot, but instead as a Queen (i.e. Britannia), even an arrogant Queen that does not recognize herself as being widowed by the destruction of her former religious consort. Like Vatican City, London’s Inner Temple is also a privately owned corporation, or city state, located in the heart of Greater London. It became a sovereign state in 1694 when King William III of Orange privatized and turned the Bank of England over to the bankers. By 1812 Nathan Rothschild crashed the English stock market and scammed control of the Bank of England. Today the city state of London is the world’s financial power center and the wealthiest square mile on the face of the Earth. It houses the Rothschild controlled Bank of England, Lloyd’s of London, the London Stock Exchange, all British Banks, the branch offices of 385 foreign banks, and 70 US banks. It has its own courts, its own laws, its own flag, and its own police force. It is not part of Greater London, England, or the British Commonwealth, and pays no taxes. The city state of London houses FleetStreet’s newspaper and publishing monopolies. It is also the headquarters for worldwide English Freemasonry and headquarters for the worldwide money cartel know as the Crown. The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization promoting the One-World Government, a marriage between Anglo-American financiers and the old Secret Nobility families of Europe, particularly the so-called "nobility" of London (Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and Prince Charles), Venice and Genoa. The key to the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage savage economic recessions and eventual economic depressions, and first to be taken down will be the United States. Because of the prophecy in Daniel 9:26 which reveals that the Antichrist will come from the people that destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, we know the Queen's city will be found in what was once the Roman Empire albeit the future Queen of Economic Babylon is therefore perfectly represented in its Britannia form.

Interestingly, London was actually created and founded by the Romans around 33 AD, the same year Christ was crucified. It quickly became a large industrial Roman port city linking London directly to Rome. After which, Rome then flooded thousands of troops into England, thru their new city stronghold where they conquered ancient Britain north to Hadrian's Wall. Biblical prophecy authors and researchers have debated for decades announcing that the Antichrist must be a Roman, and arise out of Rome, from their linear understanding of the Scriptures in Daniel and Revelation. A more careful look at those same prophecies however clearly indicate that the coming Prince arises out of a nation (and city) that was part of the ancient Roman Empire, not Rome itself. The fact that London was actually created by Roman hands does lend an interesting connection and shows us that London became, in effect the New Rome. As Rome and the Roman Empire itself waned in power, England and its new capital city of London gained in power, prestige, and global influence. We can see by this example how a historic commercial and financial Goliath like the 677 acre former ancient Roman settlement, the City of London with its renown Bank awash in Masonic connections will certainly fulfill its intended role. With the British Isles historic Celtic beliefs together with what is known as British Israelism, one can find a strong foundation for a religion which can be used to position the Antichrist as the last day's false Messiah. Combining these facts with the January and December 1999 reports from the Electronic Telegraph with the proposal to replace Britain's coronation service with a multi-faith ceremony with contributions from other faiths and that the religion of the United Kingdom would no longer be explicitly "Protestant" in opposition to Roman Catholic inclusion in government affairs, Great Britain is certainly on its way to fulfilling its roles prophesied for the Apocalypse.

An even more disconcerting report concerning the growing efforts of Great Britain to establish economic control was its parallel attempt at developing a far reaching religious authority in the world, shared in the Electronic Telegraph January 2000 article which stated that "Leaders from the nine religious faiths in Britain stood together in the Palace of Westminster yesterday and made a public commitment to work together for the common good in the Third Millennium." Hosted by Catholic Prime Minister Tony Blair, the event brought together Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Sikhs, Jains, Bahai's and Zoroastrians in the Royal Gallery of the House of Lords where the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. George Carey, stood shoulder to shoulder with Chief Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Sacks, Iqbal Sacranie, the secretary general of the Muslim Council of Great Britain, among several other leaders of multicultural faiths to offer "a joint Act of Commitment to work together in a world scarred by the evils of war, racism, injustice and poverty, to help bring about a better world now and for generations to come." Tony Blair described the occasion as progress of a very special sort, showing how Great Britain will "lead the way in such efforts now and especially in the future." Dr. Carey emphasized the Christian nature of the Millennial celebrations, but acknowledged "the increasingly important contribution of other faiths." He went on to say "This event will, I believe, be seen by future generations as truly historic." Interestingly, Revelation 18 closes out the chapter with a call from Heaven that believers rejoice over the final destruction of Babylon whose roots are ancient yet culminate in future having the singularity of all faiths bound together under a single banner to a strange god far removed from that of the Bible, to one connected with modern Satanism, Pagainism, Occult and the Antichrist 666. This final aspect of commercial/political Babylon is to be destroyed, along with the Antichrist, at the close of the Great Tribulation by Jesus Christ Himself. Her final moments will come by an unparalleled earthquake (Revelation 16:16-19) along with swift acting plagues and the earth being in complete shock leading up to the Battle of Armageddon.

In lieu of the coming Arthurian World Order to be led by one arising out of the Anglo-British Empire, a movement and foundation was set up in 1909 called 'The Round Table Society' which sought to create a world entirely governed by England [specifically by London]. In 1888, Cecil Rhodes, diamond-mogul and owner of De Beers, realized this vision while collaborating with Alfred Beit and London banker Nathaniel M. Rothschild. Expressing his belief in the inherent racial and cultural superiority of Anglo-Saxons, Rhodes argued that only the British should rule the world. To this end, Rhodes put forward his own vision of an expanded British Empire that would be achieved by the formation of the Round Table secret society. This secret society would have "its members in every part of the British Empire," including in the schools and universities to select new members and in the Colonial legislatures, where they would "advocate the closer union of England and to crush all disloyalty and every movement for the severance of our Empire". He also envisaged this secret society owning "portions of the press, for the press rules the mind of the people." By the late 1890s, Cecil Rhodes embraced the idea known as "Empire scholarships" for white men drawn from the British Empire and the United States with the aim to instill in the minds of the students "the advantages to the Colonies as well as to the United Kingdom of the retention of the unity of the Empire" by strengthening "those invisible ties which will keep together the Anglo-Saxon race." Rhodes’s detailed instructions for his scholarship scheme provided for 60 students from the Empire, 32 from the United States and a smaller number from Germany to be taught and accommodated at Oxford for one year, and so the "Rhodes Scholarships" were born and still exist to this very day. Prominent Rhodes Scholarship alumni include the former US President Bill Clinton, as well as at least 9 senior officials in the Clinton Administration and 11 in the Kennedy Administration, and a few Rhodes Scholars are found in the current Bush Administration lending many to specualte that a disproportionate number of its candidates will continue to acheive the most prominent positions of power, i.e., business, law, intelligence, and the military. The Round Table is also responsible for the formations of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and other groups having similar aims of England's global rule.


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

As the boy becomes a man, father's minions pave the way. Set in motion now, Armageddon, final conflict, end of days. When the Jews return to Zion and a Comet rips through the sky; The Holy Roman Empire rises, then you and I must die.

According to the Illuminati, the Antichrist King Arthur will draw around him the bravest and noblest Knights in the realm. They and their Monarch will comprise the Circle of the Round Table. In Great Britain today, certain members of the Illuminati including Prince Charles and Prince Philip, take part in rituals and symbols of an odd secret society called the Order of the Garter. This Order with its ceremonial magic, is thought to be a precursor to the coming establishment of the Round Table. So demented are the leaders of the Illuminati that they fancy themselves to be the modern-day inheritors of the Arthurian legend.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Born Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor on November 14, 1948 at Buckingham Palace in London, England as the eldest child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Prince Charles is today current heir to the British Throne. Charles was made Prince of Wales in 1958 and served as a pilot and commander in the Royal Navy from 1971-76. After a string of women in his life, most notably Camilla Parker-Bowles, Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer in 1981 at one of the century's grandest Royal weddings. The match proved a bad one; the couple separated in 1992 and were divorced in 1996, the year before Diana's untimely death in a Paris auto crash. Their union produced Prince William Arthur in 1982, current heir to the Throne after Prince Charles. If Prince Charles ascends to the Throne of England after September 18, 2013 - the Prince, who would be nearly 66 years old would become the oldest successor to do so. Only King William IV at 64 years old at the time of his accession in 1830 was older than Charles is now when he became Monarch of the United Kingdom. Prince Charles is already the oldest man to hold the title Prince of Wales since it became the title granted to the heir apparent, and he is the oldest British heir apparent. He is both the third-longest serving heir apparent and third-longest serving Prince of Wales in British history. The Prince of Wales is well known for his extensive charity work, which includes The Prince's Trust, The Prince's Drawing School, The Prince's Regeneration Trust, The Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment, The Prince's Charities and The Prince's Charities Foundation. He also carries out a full schedule of royal duties and, increasingly, is taking on more duties from his elderly parents as official representative of the Queen and deputy for his father. Tom Gallagher, a British expert in Romanian politics and history and Encyclopaedia Britannica editor wrote that Charles was once offered the Romanian throne, supposedly by Romanian Monarchists of the ancient Vampiric House of Vlad Tepes; an offer that he reportedly has turned down.

As a type of False Messiah himself, clearly Prince William's father is unknowingly or knowingly preparing the way for his eldest son. The following are just a few of his own titles and accomplishments and what he has done to place himself in such global prominence leading many to believe that he, Prince Charles himself, is to become the person of whom the future world will adore and worship. However, those who believe Prince Charles is the Antichrist must ultimately admit that Prince William, who thru direct descendancy, inheritance, and imminent line of succession to the Throne of England, shall certainly reap all of what his father has already sown. Prince Charles received his power and authority from the "Red Dragon" in his induction ceremony to become Prince of Wales. His Coat of Arms contains a great number of Biblical imagery connected with the Antichrist (the same of which is reflected in William's own current and future crests). Given his extensive holdings, he could be one of the richest men in the world. His name adds up to 666 through various means. Prince Charles is instrumental in the "Green Movement" and has been a voice for toleration of all the world's religions, especially that of Islam. He claims direct descent from King David, Jesus, and Mohammed. He also spearheads and prepares any and all new cutting edge, as well as 'earth friendly' technologies that will later be used by William in his time to better enact his control over a reduced albeit significant future global population. In his ongoing efforts of preparing for his son for the world, and vice-versa, Prince Charles has also partnered with the United Nations and World Bank, steers the environmental ethics and business agendas of over one hundred of the world's largest and most influential multinational corporations, is credited for the Rio Earth Summit and Kyoto Protocol, and has even led a main thrust behind enforced environmentalism worldwide while funding scientific research reducing the effects of global warming. Prince Charles even appears to be responsible for the initiation of the current Mideast peace process, having been directly involved since Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's assassination in early November of 1995.

In 1994, Prince Charles stated that he would be known as "The Defender of Faiths", rather than "Defender of the [Christian] Faith" which had been the former title for England's Kings as the titular head of the Church of England for hundreds of years up to his announcement. He initiated the Global Security Programme and its lecture series, for which Mikhail Gorbachev has since became a spokesperson. In 2002, the Prince of Wales launched the 'Respect campaign' which calls for greater tolerance and understanding between all global faiths and religions. Also in 2002, Prince Charles joined a Druid Council called the Gorsedd of Bards, adding to his already long list of other such secret societies and Knightly orders such as the Order of the Garter, the Grand Druid Council, the Club of Rome, Bilderbergers, Thule Society, Knights of Malta, White Brotherhood, the Temple of Light, Rosae Crucis, OTO, and several other quasi-political magickal groups. In 1995, Prince Charles had his son William "marked" in his right hand by an electronic chip which was tauted in the media as being merely a homing device that would interact with a UK satellite in the event Prince William were ever kidnapped and/or missing. This same technology is thought by many to be a tool by which enslaves a future world under the banner of Global Unity, where no one could buy or sell, or even participate in that society unless they are similarly marked.' The book "Antichrist and a Cup of Tea" which sets out to prove that in fact, Prince Charles is the future Antichrist himself, details the British Monarchy's centuries-long conspiracy for a New World Order notably using its unique standing within the Order of the Garter, an Order of Knighthood originating in medieval England and most recently bestowed on Prince William, its 1,000th member since the Order was founded in 1348. It is the pinnacle of the honours system in the United Kingdom as membership in the Order is limited to the the reigning Sovereign, the Prince of Wales, and no more than twenty-four Knights Companion members around the British Throne (perfectly counterfeiting Revelation 4:4). The Order of the Garter is believed to be the core leadership of modern secret societies.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

And I saw another Beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb yet he spake as a Dragon. He deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of miracles. And he has power to give life unto the Image of the Beast, that the Image of the Beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the Image should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a Mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads...

Revelation 13:11,14-16

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The United Kingdom's Prince Charles is to appear at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi in January 2008, however Prince Charles will not be attending the summit in person. Under the guise of saving fifteen tons of carbon emissions by actually flying there, Prince Charles will still be in England while appearing to every single person at the Arabian Summit via a new techonology utilizing a three-dimensional holographic imaging in which a video projector will beam an image of the Prince on to the floor that is then reflected up on to a paper-thin sheet of foil to create an optical illusion that makes him appear as a three-dimensional image on the stage. His six-minute speech called for a sense of urgency against global warming. He said: "Scientists are now saying that the problem of climate change is now so grave and so urgent that we have less than 10 years to slow, stop, and reverse greenhouse gas emissions that are destroying our planet. Common actions are needed in every country to protect our common inheritance." Sean Reel, Commercial Director for Connecta Group, which produced the image, said: "He was keen on using the hologram to show his commitment to reducing the carbon footprint. He is walking back and forth and gesturing with his hands. It looks as though he is right there." As a result of the technology, the Prince could be seen in more than one place yesterday - both in Abu Dhabi and visiting a former colliery in Ayrshire. As some of you know, in the very near future, the False Prophet will force the entire world to make an Image to the Beast and to worship it. Even though the Antichrist Beast will be a man possessed by Satan, it is obvious that the Antichrist will not be omnipresent, however, as he continually seeks to counterfeit God who is omnipresent, by using this holographic technology, currently being worked on into its final stages, he will in effect be able to be everywhere in the world at the same time.

The False Prophet's control over this techonology to present the image of the Antichrist on a global scale, will seemingly give life unto the Image, which is able to both speak and interact in real time and this could be accomplished with the hologram technology or with the Telepresence technology. Meanwhile, in Israel, Yitzhaq Hayutman, a 61-year-old Israeli cybernetics expert and tech investor wants to use this same cutting edge holographic imaging tecnology to bring in the era of the Messiah. Hayutman believes that by using the funds we would receive in a current $20 million patent-infringement suit, he could create a hovering holographic Third Temple beamed above the still-standing Dome of the Rock. Whether it’s a hologram cyberstructure or some other form of three-dimensional imaging yet to be revealed in the future, Hayutman believes that a technological Third Temple does away with the need for a physical building. Under his plan, Jews would receive their Biblically accurate Temple without razing the Dome of the Rock which would fulfill their ancient, widely revered Jewish prophecy that the Temple will descend from the heavens as a manifestation of light. “And then the Messiah will come,” he says, citing the collective hope of the Jews worldwide that upon the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, would then usher in the time of the man that will bring in an era of global peace and security. Interestingly, governments promoting the same New World Order which the religious Jew Yitzhaq Hayutman speaks of is already in possession of a technology they call Project Bluebeam that makes use of the sky itself as a holographic projection screen for laser-generating satellites projecting simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language by region thereby enabling a global form of mass hypnosis.

It has been demonstrated that focused ultra high frequency UHF electromagnetic energy beams can be used to induce such mind control over the subject. These effects were revealed at length by the CIA on September 21, 1977 in testimony before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research. Dr. Sidney Gottlieb who directed the MK-Ultra program at that time was forced to discuss the scope of the CIA's research to find techniques of activation of the human brain by remote electronic means. So this is something that exists right now, that has been pursued to its highest degree, that can be used from space to reach any person, anyplace on the face of the earth. The use of telepathic hypnosis also holds great potential. This capability could allow agents to be deeply planted with no conscious knowledge of their programming. In movie terms, the Manchurian Candidate lives. The third step in the Bluebeam Project is called the Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication, of which American Lt. Col Alexander's article states: 'If it is possible to feed artificial thought into the multigenic field via satellite, the mind control of the entire planet is now possible. Embedded chips connected to Bluebeam will already be in place by that time to further control the population, says Alexander. The goal of this deals with a set of scientifically cotrolled global images projected all around the world in order to push all populations to the edge of hysteria and madness, to drown them into a wave of suicide, murder, and psychological disorders. After a coming global event of destruction in the year 2012, both real and man-made, worldwide populations will be ready for the New messiah to re-establish order and peace at any cost, even at the cost of of their own individual freedom, and it all starts so 'innocently' enough.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Daniel 8:24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power.

Revelation 13:2 And the Dragon gave him his Power, and his Seat, and great authority.

Revelation 13:4 And they all worshipped the [Red] Dragon which gave power unto the Beast.

Revelation 12:3, 9 Behold a great Red Dragon rising, called the Devil and Satan.

The Red Dragon is used only once in the Book of Revelation to denote Satan, yet also conjures up the image of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden which tempted Eve with lust and death's curse. It also conjures up the ancient sea dragon Leviathan mentioned in Job. However rare the Red Dragon may be in Scripture, it certainly is not rare to see this symbol of a Red Dragon (and its curled tail in the form of either an "S" or 6) to represent those who have Welsh blood and ancestry, as the Red Dragon is the national symbol of Wales and of King Arthur. Indeed, the ancient symbol of this blood crimsoned Beast did adorn the banners of the British King called Arthur, (being his ancient ensign), and it was the Red Dragon that also adorned the Roman standards of Titus' army, the same army which destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple of who were prophesied to return and carry out the same act, under the future Antichrist, calling them "the people of the Prince that shall come (against Israel)." As we see from the above Scripture, the Antichrist Prince receives his throne, power, and authority from the Red Dragon, which is to say directly from Satan. Ancient Druid prophecies attributed to Merlin refer to a 'last world emperor from Wales who shall lead the world' in reference to the 'Once and Future King,' Arthur, and so we can see how this vision of the Red Dragon in relation to the Antichrist is set up, even as the twentieth century saw the Red Dragon made the official ensign of the British Royal Family in London and is even now the symbol of the current reigning Prince that shall come.

Prince Charles was made the Prince of Wales at his 1969 Royal investiture in North Wales, at the accursed Caernarfon Castle. The Red Dragon of Wales was clearly presented everywhere at the now infamous ceremony, upon banners, posters, even upon the crowd themselves. There was even a large Red Dragon cut into the backrest of the throne in which Charles sat while swearing his oaths as Queen Elizabeth II spoke to Charles with hauntingly familiar Scriptures as if reading, word for word, straight from Revelation (13:2). At this globally televised event, she announced "This Dragon gives you your Power, your Throne, and your Authority" to which Prince Charles replied to the world - "...I am now your Liege-Man (meaning Lord-man) and worthy of your earthly worship." Certainly what was done for the father in their ongoing monarchial tradition will be passed on to the son, and so from that moment to this, the way was paved for the Antichrist to achieve the false Throne of King David in England, while also having his stake in Wales (and now Scotland where he attends University near Rosslyn Chapel). There is one last connection to be made with the Antichrist, Diana's child, Prince William, and the Red Dragon of Wales, as this future King of England is actually believed to have been conceived in Wales during an October 1981 three-day visit by Prince Charles and his then newlywed Princess, it being Diana's first public engagement and first ever official function outside of London under her new title 'Princess of Wales.'. Today, many believe that in their zeal to protect the Merovingian lineage from ever being tainted or producing an unwanted Royal heir who would forever be connected to the future King of England, the Knights Templar ensured Princess Diana's before any possible new marriage or pregnancy could result. In mid-1997, both a marriage and pregnancy were rumored to be true, she died two weeks later.

Everything is literally prepared for him. The Antichrist is alive, among us, and the malevolent spirit which seeks him out during a very specific moment in time, during the future King's own quest for power, shall completely take him - mind and body, and it shall be done willingly. The Scriptures explicitly describes this sprit of the Antichrist as a Red Dragon, rising up from its otherworldly abyss, and immediately without reservation seemingly foreknowing its intended target, possesses 'the Prince who shall (be)come' the Antichrist. He is thereby referred to in some versions of the Bible as the "Willfull King;" Daniel 11:36). During the time of the earth's reconstruction, when Antichrist ascends to power at the age of 33, he will literally be seen as everything to everyone, with his natural charm of both parents, he will exhibit all the strongest traits from his father, from uniting global faiths, funding Occult activities, as well as lending overwhelming support toward natural energy, conservation, and enviromentalism worldwide (something seen as most important in that future world after a great devastation). From his Celtic mother, he will seem to exibit all her maternal reaching out to the lost and hurting of global society, which is quite uncanny, since the Antichrist was foreseen to seemingly be a great humanitarian, if only to counterfeit the level by which Christ appeared to the people of His time. The Antichrist is also to bring about a world peace, perhaps his greatest legacy, securing the most devastating weapons of war as he very subtly creates for himself a world where he alone holds all power, and yet he will seem to be all things, to all people. To the environmentalists, the 'Green King' will be seen as restoring the planet ecologically to perfect equilibrium and balance of nature. To the secular liberal, he will seem to be the embodiment of the left wing's own cited platform, putting individual human rights above all else. To the more radical, religious liberal, and those of the New Age movement, he will seem to be the embodiment of their Aquarian Christ come at last while to even the most observant of God-worshipping Jews, the Antichrist will seem to be their long awaited Messianic King, apparently much to the delight of those who already hate the Jewish people, those of whom the Scriptures describe in Daniel 11:30 as 'them that forsake the Holy Covenant.'

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Gather unto me all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, that I may speak these words in their ears, and call Heaven and earth to record against them. For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourselves, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the Latter Days; because ye will do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger through the work of your hands. And Moses spake in the ears of all the congregation of the House of Israel the words of this prophecy.

But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find Him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. When thou art in Tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the Latter Days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God and be obedient unto His voice; (For the Lord thy God is a merciful God) He will not forsake thee, neither will He destroy thee, nor forget the Covenant of thy fathers which He also swore unto them.

Deuteronomy 31:28-30; 4:29-31

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

II Thessalonians 2:3-5 For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, then that Man of Sin shall be revealed, the Son of Perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God. For the Mystery of Iniquity doth already work: only he [the Spirit of Truth] who now restrains will let, until he be taken out of the way and then shall that Wicked shall be revealed...Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the Love of the Truth (Jesus Christ), that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie. Thus, have not the Jews specifically left themselves completely defenseless for such a deception? Anti-Christ dotrine permeates modern Judaism in that they believe "In every generation is born a descendent of Judah who is worthy to become Israel's Moshiach." Even their Chattam Sofer dictates: "When the time will come, G-d will reveal Himself to him and send him, and then the [Occult] spirit of Moshiach, which is hidden and secreted, will be made manifest in him." Seeing the way Jews today speak about the coming of Moshiach, it's easy to see why God is about to allow for such strong delusion.

What is this 'strong delusion' and lie that Satan will have most of the world under? Whatever it will be, consider this, it causes the majority of the earth to worship the Antichrist and that which gives him his power, as a god. Consider also that whatever this delusion might be, it somehow causes the State of Israel to think Antichrist to be their long-awaited Messiah. Now, many would wonder how could that ever be possible. Consider this, you have already seen how the Bloodline of the Holy Grail and the Magdalene doctrine revolving around the Merovingian Bloodline is casting new light onto the traditional Christian views about Christ, yet since Jews have never accepted Christ or His Divinity or plan for Salvation that leads to unity back to our Creator, this same gnostic-Christian infused Holy Grail Bloodline and its supposed power thru the mandate of Divine Rule means nothing to them. Enter the parallel Satanic doctrines of British-Israelism, the 'Ten Lost Tribes of Israel' theory and the Messianic Bloodline of King David. Since Jews believe their Messiah must come from the 'Royal Family of David,' and any seriously considered Messianic candidate therefore must have his seemingly endless genealogy traced back to Israel's most beloved King David. This lie which runs parallel to the Holy Grail lineage, amounts to an equally powerful deception albeit specifically directed at Jews, playing on their hopes and desires for a Davidic Messiah to rule over them as an ascended mediator between them and God, one that will finally bring them peace and along with it, a New Age.

It is therefore sad to note how mainstream religious Jews, both past and present, still will not recognize Christ, their True Messiah whose lineage is easily traced back to King David, while at the same time being the literal 'Son of David' who fulfilled every single Davidic Messianic prophecy attributed Him for His first advent. Interestingly, Jews have never believed Christ to be their Messiah because of His Davidic lineage, as they see it, came thru his mother's side and not the patriarchal father's. They are also quick to point out (somewhat mockingly) that *since* Christ was the product of a Virgin-birth, how could any father, let alone a descendant of David, be the human father to Jesus Christ? In this they are ignorant and limit the power of God, for as Jesus was correctly called the 'Son of David' so too did God make Him the Son of David, that is to say Jesus Christ was the literal 'Son of King David' just as He is called. In other words, the seed which God the Father used to impregnate Mary had the entire genetic makeup, DNA, and Bloodline from the Davidic lineage, moreover, it was from King David himself. It seems even God's people have lost sight that with God, all things are possible and all things are done according to His Word and Wisdom, and where they cannot believe the Truth, in effect closing the door on Christ, they have become susceptible to accept a lie, opening a door for the Antichrist and his forerunner, the False Prophet.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the Lord: And he shall turn the [religious] heart of the fathers toward the children, and the heart of the children back to their [fore]fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with cursing.

Malachi 4:5-6

And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from Heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from Heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

And I beheld another Beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, yet he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first Beast and causeth the earth to worship the Beast whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, even making fire come down from heaven.

2 Kings 1:10; Revelation 13:11-13

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


The Return of the Prophet "Elijah" leading Israel to Antichrist

The Malachi Scripture seen above is in fact the final two verses of the Jewish Bible, our Old Testament, which ends quite dramatically with God demanding that His people return to the religious roots of their ancestors (where they accepted the the Holy One of Israel as the Angel of the Lord, the Son of the Living God), or He will send a cursing among them (see also Deuteronomy 30:19). We also see that this future time is marked with a specific event in the return of Elijah, who in the Last Days precedes the coming of the Lord at the end of the world from which it is commonly understood in both Judaism and Christianity that Elijah is to return in advance of the Lord's Day. Satan knowing this, and knowing that ancient Israel has already rejected their Messiah, Jesus Christ, as well as His forerunner, John the Baptist of whom the Scriptures cite as he who 'came in the spirit of Elijah' (see Matthew 11:13-15, 17:11-13) knows also that modern Israel is still waiting for their Prophet Elijah (Moshiach Ben Joseph) and the Messiah (Moshiah Ben David) to appear at some point shortly before the end of the world. Satan therefore will deceptively provide Israel exactly what they expect most. Enter the False Prophet Elijah, a demonic figure in the form of a man appearing as Israel's ancient prophet, having 'two horns like a lamb, yet speaking like a Dragon' being seemingly Holy yet speaking on behalf of the Dragon, Satan, and his Antichrist, preparing the way for his arrival.

One can only surmise what manner of deceptive evils this Anti-Elijah figure will speak to Israel in advance of the Antichrist's arrival, yet suffice to say, it must involve major influences from British-Israel doctrine. British-Israelism at present, is one of the most dangerous, spiritually corrupt frauds ever perpetrated against mankind, yet is currently finding many new followers within the nation of Israel already, as well as among Jews globally who have been besieged with spiritual attacks by the New Age Movement of late. Just as in ancient times, religious Jews today still have the same many requirements for one to be considered their Messiah, yet those same requirements are becoming increasingly more liberalized in their interpretations as the New Age movement has seemingly worked to target Jews and their "rigid belief system." The end result of this British-Israelism belief upon the minds of the Jewish people, therefore, serves to soften up the masses before the False Prophet arrives, who shall confirm every facet of its false teaching. While the world, including teachers of prophecy seem to overlook the False Prophet, especially naming his elusive identity, understanding the nature of this Second Beast is key to understanding how Satan plans to deceive Israel into accepting his Son, the Antichrist, as their Messiah. Revelation 13 clearly describes two Beasts rising, one from the earth (interpreted as Israel) and one from the sea (a foreign or island nation), and since Israel did not accept the True Messiah Jesus Christ or His Prophet in John the Baptist, they are today still waiting for Moshiach Ben David (Antichrist) and Moshiach Ben Yossef (The False Prophet) to arrive, and despite the names given to the Beasts in Revelation, it will be the Second Beast 'Elijah' appearing to Israel first, with the First Beast Antichrist 'Messiah' appearing after. In other words, since Jews rejected the Son of God (the Son of David), Satan therefore will provide his False 'Son of David' to the world with the ultimate goal of luring Israel into a trap, largely of their own devising and misunderstanding of their ancient Scriptures.

From the Scripture in Revelation above, which provides an important clue to unmasking the identity of the coming False Prophet that Jews would otherwise miss by not being familiar with the Christian New Testament, it is clear that this future Second Beast has the ability to 'draw down fire from heaven' exactly as the prophet Elijah did. Moreover, whilst appearing as a lamb, which is to convey he seemingly speaks under the authority of God as a prophet of Israel, he is in reality a demonic possessed being speaking under the authority of Satan, the Dragon, performing great and deceptive (Satanic) miracles while in the presence of the First Beast, the Antichrist. In other words, the False Prophet will completely deceive Israel into believing that the Antichrist is their Messiah, just as they will believe he is Elijah returned. If this is the case, what is the actual meaning and fulfillment of the prophecy in Malachi about Elijah returning shortly before the Day of the Lord? The actual truth of its fulfillment is clearly told to us in Revelation Chapter 11 and connected to the Transfiguration event, for both Moses and Elijah shall return to the people of Israel during the Tribulation period. As prophesied, these Two Witnesses are sent from Heaven immediately after the Antichrist confirms a seven year Peace Covenant with Israel, after which, during the next 1,260 days the Two Witnesses shall preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Jews during that time, telling the people of Israel they have just made a deal with the Devil, literally. Moses and Elijah will also display great supernatural power from God, counteracting the power from Satan that is given to both the Antichrist and his False Prophet. Naturally many Jews at that time having just accepted the seemingly God-sent and admirable Antichrist, will believe these Two Witnesses actually sent by God to be evil, ascribing the supernatural and Godly power they display to be of Satan (just as their forefathers accused Christ of having demons as the source of His power) to the point of perhaps accusing them of being the Antichrist and False Prophet themselves when in fact it is the other way around. Certainly it is because the Jews continually reject Christ that they have chosen Satan and his demon to fufill the roles of their long-awaited Moshiach Ben David and his forerunner in Moshiach Ben Yosef.

Revelation specifically informs us that the Two Witnesses have 1,260 days from the start of their testimoney until it ends, until the Antichrist breaks the Covenant of Peace with Israel at the midpoint of the Tribulation 1,260 days later from the day he confirms it. It is this same 1,260th day that marks the end of the first 42 months of Antichrist's reign of global peace, to culminate with the start of the Great Tribulation that is marked by great global destructions and war in which 1,290 days are given mankind until the Return of Christ at Armageddon. At this midpoint of the seven year Tribulation, the once Godly and peaceful Messianic figure Israel has spiritually taken in, will suddenly turn Satanic and evil, commanding his European forces to invade Israel and conquer Jerusalem, killing anyone in their path as they make their way toward the Third Temple. Once Israel has been contained, the Antichrist enters Jerusalem and finds the Two Witnessess outside the entrance of the Temple. Supernatural as they are, the Scriptures declare that the Two Witnessess are no match for Satan himself, and are murdered where they stand after which, the Antichrist enters the Holy of Holies and declares himself to be God. As the rest of the world celebrates the Antichrist's victory, giving gifts to one another asking 'Who can make war with the Beast,' Revelation 11:11 tells us that as easily as those Two Towers of God fell, their destruction televised worldwide, the Holy Spirit shall enter their bodies and they shall rise up again three days later and ascend into Heaven in the sight of all. It is after this event that the 144,000 are marked with the Seal of God in their foreheads and God's great wrath is then poured out on the earth in the form of Angelic Seals, Trumps, and Vials for the remaining 1,290 days. Now, knowing this, the very fact the Jewish people could ever become deceived into believing that a (gentile) British King could ever become their Messiah in the first place proves that somewhere along the way, the Jewish people have become completely beguiled by notions coming out of the British-Israelism Movement. Given that certain ancient Hebrew relics of antiquity will be found in the near future that seemingly lend some credence to the Anglo-Israelist belief, there would also have to arise a near supernatural spokesman, claiming to be from God, that taints traditional Judaism just enough to incorporate the British-Israel infection which in time will prove itself as part of those evil workings of Satan.

In addition to this Anti-Elijah/False Prophet being preaching the tenants of a British-Israel/Lost Tribes migration into the British Isles, he is also certainly to present the British Antichrist King as fulfilling certain key ancient Scriptures outlined only for that of Israel's true Messiah [see 1Kings 11:33-39, Ezekiel 44:1-3, Jeremiah 17:25, Isaiah 60:1-11]. All the supposed great miracles attributed to both the False Prophet and the Antichrist will completely stun the world and especially the relatively young Jewish State who still struggles to find its national identity in an evil world that increasingly is coming against its own right to exist. Many Jews today see their present historical identity, or lack thereof, being intrinsically linked to three events which have yet to be fulfilled: The Battle of Gog and Magog, the Temple being rebuilt in Jerusalem, and the arrival of Elijah and their Messiah who brings them peace with security. Therefore the spiritually corrupt New Age trend with its Occult teachers behind the promoting of these Satanic-serving ideas of British-Israelism mask themselves as everything from Brit-Am's late author Yair Davidy and Rabbi Avraham Feld at one end of the Anglo-Israelist spectrum to the Keltic Knights of the KKK on the other end of the same British-Israel belief system. Even Latter Day Saint Mormonism, touted as the 'fastest growing global religion' is entirely based around the concept of the 'Ten Lost Tribes of Israel' teachings. Verily, anyone speaking of such morally bankrupt Anti-Christian notions such as the Satanic Templar doctrines of Anglo-Israelism have in all reality placed themselves to be precursors to the coming False Prophet, the Anti-Elijah, for they already preach the same lie he will in order to deceive the State of Israel into accepting the future British King as their Messiah. It is they who are doing the work for Satan and his Antichrist, even as they help complete the Occult education of the world before their inevitable arrival. Beware of this demonic false doctrine, it is also often taught, financed, and propagated by radical White Separatist neo-Nazi factions.









Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

For Behold, I know the blasphemy of them which claim to be Jews and are not [Jews]. They are however of the Synogogue [Children; literal offspring] of Satan and do lie.

Revelation 2:9

In 1919 the British-Israel-World Federation was founded in London near Buckingham Palace. During this time many prominent British citizens patronized this organization. This organization continues to this day, and it continues to maintain local Chapters throughout the British Isles and the world.

Wikipedia: British Israelism

Godfroi de Bouillon; Grail Family and actual scion of the Merovingians was installed in everything but name as "King of Jerusalem." This incident is recounted in a modern history of Lorraine, printed in 1966. This work contains a special introduction by Otto von Hapsburg - who today is titular Duke of Lorraine and "King of Jerusalem." It might be that the Merovingians were ultimately of Judaic origin, but if this were so it seemed to us essentially incidental. However important it might be, there was something of even greater importance involved. We were still overlooking something.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 346, 438, 312

This puts the Priory of Sion's claim that the Merovingians survivor is the rightful [heir] or legitimate King into context. On the one hand it appeals to the powerful archetype of the Lost King such as with the British, with King Arthur, their "Once and Future King".

The Sion Revelation p. 194

The concept of a 'Great King' [see Century X Quatrain 72] would thus have constituted a fulfillment of Nostradamus's prophecies. And it would have actualized at least in some sense, the monarchist blueprint outlined in the 'Protocols of the Elders of Sion.' At the same time the realisation of so grandiose a design would clearly have entailed a number of changes in existing institutions. The Vatican, for example, would presumably have been a very different Vatican from the one then situated in Rome. And the Hapsburgs would haven been more than imperial heads of State. They would have become a dynasty of priest-kings like the Messiah anticipated by the Jews.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 229

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Daniel 11:21,24,38-39, 8:24-25, 9:26-27, 1Thessalonians 5:3; Luke 21:24; Matthew 24:3,14-16 There shall arise a Vile Man, to whom they [Jews] shall not give the Honor of the Kingdom [title of the Messiah], but he shall come in peaceably and shall obtain the Kingdom [of Israel] by [lies] flatteries; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain. He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches, and he shall forecast his devices against the strongholds, even for a time. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge [and] increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy supernaturally and shall prosper; and he shall destroy the mighty and Holy People. And through his [peace] policy shall he also cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by [a false] peace shall he destroy many. The Prince that shall come, shall afterwards destroy the City and the Sanctuary [yet first] he shall confirm the covenant of peace with many for seven years; and in the middle of seven years shall he then cause a terrible and unholy destruction. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction shall cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles [Europeans], until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto Him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the Sign of thy coming, and of the End of the World? Nation shall rise against nation, wars and rumors of war, famine, earthquakes, floods, yet when ye shall *see* the Abomination of Desolation, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the Holy Temple, then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: For then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to that time.'

Unlike other openly despotic, war-mongering Kings before him, the Satanic-possessed Antichrist deceives the world by offering it what it desires most, world peace, prosperity, and security, beginning with the most disputed and dangerously unresolved thorn in the world's side: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, it should be carefully noted, the Scriptures make clear in Daniel 9:27 that the Antichrist will not actually be responsible for creating that seven-year peace treaty between Israel and its Arab neighbors, he instead merely *confirms* an obviously already existing, albeit defunct, peace covenant. This is important and tells us that by the time Antichrist rises to power, there will have already been a prior peace treaty between the Israelis and Palestinians, as well as other Arab states in the region. Interesting also, Antichrist confirms that treaty for precisely seven years, which may prove that the next peace treaty between the Israelis and Palestinians will adopt a seven-year timetable and roadmap, then obviously become negated at some point, likely by violence, which I believe will involve the destruction of the Dome of the Rock, which is also the likely catalyst for the Battle of Gog and Magog (Russia and Iran attempting to invade Israel). However the prophecy is fulfilled, one thing is certain, by the time the Antichrist rises, the Third Temple will either be already built, or as some believe, the Antichrist will make it so the Jews are able to construct the Temple where the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque stands today. Of course that alone would make the Jews adore Antichrist all the more. God clearly makes it known in the Scriptures that Jerusalem, and Israel proper, is entirely God's and not to be carved up in some peace deal with anyone, human or otherwise. In fact, a heavy curse will befall anyone involved with giving away what is inherently God's territory. So, whatever the specifics of the coming (pre-Antichrist) treaty, we know it is doomed and won't last, prompting the arrival of the Antichrist himself to later reconstitute it. One element that is remains intriguing to me in all this is just how God has used this period of seven years (shabua in Hebrew) before in regards to Israel's security and peace treaties.

For example, on March 26th 1979, Israel and Egypt signed an historic peace treaty that remains intact to this very day, and yet two periods of seven years later came the equally historic September 13th, 1993 'Oslo Accords' between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Orginization (PLO), a treaty signed in Washington DC with then President Bill Clinton, and yet was officially deemed a failure when seven more years later, on September 28th, 2000, Likud party leader Ariel Sharon and his security entourage decided to visit the Temple Mount, rightfully claiming it belonged to the Jewish people, an event which immediately ignited a Second Intifada. There was a lull from any more peace dealings until, again, seven years later, in October 2007 when President Bush brought the leaders of Israel and Palestinians into a new treaty framework agreement in Annapolis Maryland, which would work towards a final treaty realization by 2008. Now if the 2008 peace treaty is actually realized, agreed upon, and a roadmap towards final peace is made, according to God's prophetic timetable with Israel, and according to Bible Prophecy, look for that 2008 treaty to include a precise seven year roadmap, from 2008 to 2015. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, now confirmed Middle East Peace envoy is desperately trying to make sure this 2008 peace treaty is finalized before Bush leaves office (which has a distinctive Anglo-American Masonic Antichrist signiture all over it). The European Union, who also picked Blair for this envoy position for Israel, is quietly working behind the scences to make sure peace is accomplished, and soon. It would be fascinating to see this impending 2008 treaty come about with Blair's hand in it, as he is by default of his nationality, archetypal of the future British 'Man of Peace,' the Antichrist. Meanwhile there is to be new elections held in Israel as of September 17, 2008 to determine the new acting Prime Minister of Israel. Might it be this new leader who arises that takes a keen interest in reviving the Peace Process, perhaps even initiating that 2008 Covenant of Peace beteen Israel and the Palestinians? Might this new Jewish leader to be elected beome the Prince of the Covenant?

Certainly the future Israeli government of 2015 would be even more persuaded to sign onto the reactivation of that treaty with a future British King, knowing they had reached a breakthrough seven years earlier with the help of a British leader before. Even more intriguing is the fact that Prince William, likely King William V by that time, will have just turned 33 years old, the same age Christ was when He died and was resurrected and took the reigns of Heavenly power as earth's Messiah. As Christ became low in the eyes of the world, while taking on Power from Heaven above, Antichrist shall become great in the eyes of the world, while taking on power from Hell below. Thus, the Antichrist will "confirm" and reactivate that former seven year treaty, most likely in the year 2015, the same year which may also see his being crowned as King, as well as arising from another deadly head wound. However, according to the Scriptures, it is his signing of that same treaty with Israel for seven years that immediately initiates the seven year Tribulation period from that day forward, until 1,260 days later, as mentioned in both Daniel and Revleation, when he turns on the Jewish people and seeks to send his forces against Israel and conquers the City of Jerusalem for himself, making his throne in the newly rebuilt Third Temple, accomplishing more for Satan than any previous evil despot before him. With no time to spare, Satan will seek to destroy all. The appearance of his Antichrist will be used to separate humanity on the basis of their acceptance or rejection of the Creator of the universe. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Creator in human flesh, and all who put their faith in Him will be saved. The Antichrist is the son of Satan and all who allow themselves to be deceived by him will be destroyed. There will no longer exist a middle ground. At the time Antichrist confirms the Peace Covenant with Israel, at the beginning of his seven year reign, he beguiles Israel and all other nuclear (superpower) nations to render useless or destroy their nuclear war devices, as well as the vast strength of their armies under the much desired banner of a United World, and world peace certainly, however, Israel and all other "stronghold" nations will actually be removed from their most destructive defense capabilities, nuclear and otherwise, in order so that the Antichrist can wield all power as he steadily advances toward complete global takeover, eventually forecasting his own devices against any non-compliant nation.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

It is true that Freemasonry was practiced in Solomon's Temple as the ancient mystery religion of Egypt & Babylon with its heathen gods and rituals; "abominations" [prohibited] by the Lord, who judged Judah and Israel by sending both nations into captivity for their disobedience. It seems that Solomon created a lodge in the first Temple which was attended by seventy men of the House of Israel. Ezekiel the prophet also describes an inner chamber in the Temple where these elders worshipped "every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of Israel. A proper understanding of Ezekiel 8 is therefore needed to understand the type of idol and ritual which will be reestablished in the Temple of Solomon which will be rebuilt by a modern Knight Templar who will be the Antichrist.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Revelation 17:8; Daniel 11:23; Revelation 6:2-4 The (spirit of the) Beast shall ascend out of the Abyss and goeth into Perdition. For he shall come up, ascend, and become strong with a small people. Behold a white horse: and that who sits upon it, for a Golden Crown [of peace] is given him to go forth and conquer. Now behold, the red horse, whose rider was given a Great Sword [Excalibur], to cause war between the nations. Behold now a black horse, whose rider is famine. Behold the pale horse, whose rider is Death and Hell followed.: There is to come a specific point in time when the Holy Spirit leaves the earth and takes with Him those found worthy to escape all of the Tribulation's wrath to come, when the spirit of the Antichrist, who is Satan himself, is then allowed to rise up from his otherworldly Abyss to seek out and find his next (and last) Son of Perdition.

These are the years just after 2012, after the great destruction which forces the world to rebuild or wither into certain death. These are the days of the global reconstruction, when a new world is created from the ashes of the old and what was, shall be again. It will be the time of magick, sorcery, and great powers wielded by those no longer restrained by anyone's God or conscience, it is a time when the Son of Perdition seeks his own strength of power, and he will not be alone in this endeavor. There shall rise up among him a small community of people, who knew of him since birth and that of his true identity, even his destiny, and they shall teach to show him what can be achieved thru the Arcane. It will be their task to foster the young King into every aspect of Occult wisdom, preparing his yet impressionable young mind for the accepting of power, from the one who will yet grant him all the power of the world. It is this same unnamed group who have waited millennia for this one event, to finally see their ancient God and forgotten father take on flesh to become a man, even a King, who will once again restore Satan to his former spiritual rank and position as the ancient Sun God of the Druids. All throughout history was this 'Great Work' taken to be the work of each succeeding generation until the last generation which shall see his return, as the Solar King of Light. The Egyptians, Sumerians, Celts, and Atlanteans before them all knew of his 'Mystery of Iniquity' provided them by the Hidden Masters and their familiar spirits. Nine Templars formed by Hugues de Payens carried out this most ancient work at the time of the Crusades, yet always kept well-hidden the Druidic secrets and true purpose to their schemes. Then it was the Freemasons who carried on the task of the Great Work, which then was carried into the New World, a New Atlantis. Therefore, this Sun-King of the rebel Angel reborn, as Antichrist would already have in place a foundation to stand upon at the time of his arrival to establish every remaining work of destruction whose ultimate goal is annihilating that nation called by the name of God.

Daniel 11:20-27 Then shall stand up in his estate a Raiser of Taxes for the glory of the Kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle. And in his estate shall stand up a Vile Person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the Kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the Kingdom by flatteries. And with the arms of a flood shall they all be swept away from his presence, and they shall be broken [killed]; yea, even the [former] prince of the [peace] covenant. And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people. He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time. And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him. Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain. And both of these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one (Round) Table; but it shall not prosper: for the end is not yet.

With this, we can now see how the coming cataclysm of 2012 dramatically affects events favoring the Antichrist's ascension to power. For after the destruction there is to be a period of global reconstruction, building up the waste places for a period of some years (possibly three), out of which shall arise a great Raiser of Taxes who shall build upon the remnants of ten surviving European nations, a great Revived Roman Empire, and yet, in those days even he is quickly removed from power and taken out of the way. Notice the vocabulary used in verse 22 of Daniel 11, with its detailed description of a flood that clears away all the former powers, doing away with anyone in the vile Antichrist's path to power, even removing the person formerly referred to as the 'Prince of the Covenant.' As such, with the removal of all these former peace brokers, law makers, and other leaders, arises a Vile King to quickly take the reigns of such former powers, thereby replacing any and all those who could cause any form of competition, as well as any form of contention. The Scriptures then tell us that this newly crowned Antichrist King shall immediately work deceitfully against that former Covenant created with Israel. Concealed at first, he shall have knowledge of those who also hate the people of the Covenant, the Jews.

Daniel 11:37-38, 7:25; Revelation 13:4 In his estate shall he honour the God of Forces: and a god whom his forefathers knew not. And he shall speak great words against God, the I AM (Father) That (Spirit) I AM (Christ) and shall wear out the Saints of the Triune God, and think to change times and laws; and they shall be given into his hand for forty-two months. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. And the people worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast; and they worshipped the Beast, saying, who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to war with him?

Again, we are shown by the Prophet many things in relation to the coming King, the Antichrist, for even he worships a god, albeit Satan in the guise of a 'God of Forces', a god whose power affects both the elemental and astral planes thru magickal and supernatural forces of nature. Only after the Antichrist is completely possessed by Satan, shall he "magnify himself above all," even to the point of eventually calling himself God as stated in IIThessalonians Chapter 2. It is also apparent that the Antichrist, in his great fervor for total and complete world domination, being completely possessed of Satan by this point, will have no desire of women, that is to say no sexual desire or care for the more base things of life, as his only interest then will be the interest of Satan, the spirit within him. We even see from the above Scriptures that the Antichrist will completely do away with the present Gregorian-based (Christian) calendar which places Christ (and more specifically the year of his birth) as its central apex for marking the years, and in its place reinstate a more ancient Pagan calendar which has the observances to pagan 'holy days' as well the ancient Satanic holidays from which they were originally based. The Luciferian symbolic Solstice worship of June 21st would certainly be paramount at that time, as Sun worship will be the expressed (and enforced) global religion of Antichrist and his world kingdom (explained later). In addition to Antichrist changing the times, he will also change the laws which certainly speaks to his complete takeover of the world by that time.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Daniel 8:23, 11:36; II Thessalonians 2:1-4,6,9-12; Daniel 11:37-39 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a King of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And the King shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods and shall prosper till the indignation is complete. Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto Him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the Day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except there come a great falling away [from the Christian Faith] first, and then that Man of Sin be revealed, (the Antichrist), the Son of Perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God and now ye know what restrains him that he might only be revealed in his time. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth [Christ], that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the Truth, but had great pleasure in unrighteousness. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the strong holds with a strange god.

Here we see many things, the first being that Christ will not arrive before the Antichrist, as many in the early Church were obviously concerned with. For this reason, IIThessalonians places a strict chronological series of events which must occur first before the return of Christ, and what must occur first is that which restrains Satan and his Antichrist even now, must be removed and taken out of the way. Many scholars interpret this to mean the Holy Spirit and his (true) Church which restrains Satan. Both are true, for where the Spirit goes, the Church follows and if the Spirit goes back to complete the Trinity, the Church is raptured. Therefore, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that prevents Satan from carrying out his ancient will of global destruction and setting himself up as God, even now. Once the Holy Spirit removes itself from the earth (taking with it the chosen remnant of the Church), Satan is loosed at the perfect time, to find a wicked world primed and ready to be deceived. Clearly, those who reject the Truth of Christ will certainly be deceived by all the many lies, wonderful miracles, signs, and lying wonders of Satan. The Antichrist and his False Prophet therefore will be allowed the power from Satan himself to lead the future planet and its false Goddess Church, eventually deceiving both Israel and the world, into believing that he alone is the only Messiah they will ever receive. He will also speak great words against Christ and God, in blasphemy. Indeed the great 'falling away' from the true Faith has already begun, as prophesied for this age, for people have already turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the Church, and its many warnings, and instead heaped unto themselves false teachers speaking of "legends and endless genealogies," which are the teachings of devils and doctrines of demons which always work, toil, and strive to speak against, curse, castigate, even outright blaspheme the Holiness and Divinity and Salvation of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ.

This is what was meant in 1John by the spirit of Antichrist which comes in the Last Days, as it makes mankind more apt to deny Christ's Divinity, even He being the one by which the world was created. The phrase "latter time of *their* Kingdom" is interesting as it relates to the true lineage of the Antichrist and that of his forefathers, who are not Jesus Christ, King David, or Solomon, but Jubal, Lamech, Tubal, and Cain, and his descendants, the Merovingians. The Scriptures above also inform us that Antichrist shall have knowledge of "dark sentences" which means thru Satan, he will have knowledge of an Occult language, such as Enochian, an Angelic (Demonic) language often used by Satanists to conjure demons or use their power. For just as Christ stated he could conjure twelve legions of Holy Angels to defeat the Romans in Matthew 26:53, so too will a Satanic possessed Antichrist be able to conjure legions of Demons. Moreover, the ancient Chaldean language of the Book of Daniel as originally written and translated by the Strong's Bible Concordance reveals both 'dark' and 'sentences' to be the same word (#2420), to mean "a puzzle; a trick" saying. The expression itself comes from the root word #2330 which means "to put forth." This important clue tells us that the Antichrist will purposely use language designed to mesmerize and trick his audience, ultimately placing them under his complete control. Both Lucifer and Christ were witness to the Creation of the Universe as God's two Morning Stars (Sons) of Glory, and Satan still remembers the same utterances and vibrational tones God used to create the Universe, just as Satan now knows to utter those same Words of Creation from the Holy Language in reverse would bring rampant Universal destruction. Satan could literally destroy everything, if allowed.

The most important warning the above Scriptures are trying to get across to us therefore is just how great the deceptions really will be followed up by how great the destructions will become among those that follow him. Satan's architects of this global manipulation are daily making significant successes in their efforts at eroding both traditional Christianity and precepts as well as its innate moral values, to replacine it with very European, Monarchial, and heretical lies. Even so, we were warned by the Scriptures of Truth, the world will be given a new religion, new morality, even a new history, which seemingly will explain all those things we today call 'mysteries'. The year 2012 itself is to see a major paradigm shift and transformation in the world's mindset pertaining to Christ, who will be eroded to the point of common mortality, less deified, more humanized, and ultimately become of little real importance other than His so-called Messianic Bloodline, of course, which ironically gives power not to Him in the eyes of this current generation, but to 'another one' coming, of whom they will accept. It will ultimately be one single event which causes this great defection and falling away from the Christian faith, after which, all of Christianity will be thought of as a religious pariah the world over, in need of stamping out completely. The world is indeed going thru a softening up process of late, yet after the Cataclysm and "descent of the Gods," all will move forward toward a belief closer to ancient Paganism, Celtic Druidism and its arcane Sorcery, creating for itself foundations for a New Church spiritually called Babylon that takes root in a destroyed and hurting world desperately in search for answers. Enter Satan.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Am I suggesting, with the Preterists, that Nero fulfills the prophecies? No, though he is clearly a type of what is to come. What I am suggesting is that Satan himself, who possessed Nero [and other 'Sons of Perdition'] will be released from the Bottomless Pit to take up residence in the sorry carcass of the Antichrist sometime during the last seven years. Remember John’s words: The Beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and shall go into [a Son of] perdition.


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Daniel 11:23,27-28,16,30,17,41,31-32; Revelation 12:12;11:1-3; Revelation 12:13-14,17; Daniel 12:1 And after the league [made] with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people: And both these Kings' hearts shall be filled with mischief, and they shall speak lies at one [Round] Table; but it shall not prosper: Then shall he [Antichrist] return into his land [UK] with great riches; and his heart shall be [secretly] against the Holy Covenant [Israel]; and he shall do great exploits, and return to his own land: But he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will. For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved and return [to Israel] and have indignation against the Holy Covenant and none shall stand before him [and live]: and he shall stand in the Glorious Land (Israel) which by his hand shall be consumed. He shall set his face to enter with the strength of his whole Kingdom, and upright ones with him; thus shall he do: He shall enter into the Glorious Land, and many shall be overthrown: Armies shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the Sanctuary [Third Temple] and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall [in its stead] place the Abomination that maketh Desolate [Antichrist on the Throne inside Temple] and such as do wickedly against the Covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries (see also the Necronomicon p. 202). Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the Devil is come down unto you, having great anger and wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time left.

And the Angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the Temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein, yet the court which is without the Temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles (Antichrist's European army) and the Holy City shall they tread under foot forty and two months. And I will give power unto my Two Witnesses (Moses and Elijah, or Enoch) and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days [42 months], clothed in sackcloth. And when they shall have finished their testimony [at the end of 42 months], the Beast that ascendeth out of the Bottomless Pit shall make war against them, overcome, and kill them. He shall destroy supernaturally, and shall prosper, and shall destroy the Mighty and the Holy People (Jews). And when the Dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the Woman which brought forth the Man-Child [Christ]. And to the Woman (Jewish Christians) were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time (protected 3.5 years) from the face of the Serpent. And the Dragon was wroth with the Woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed (around the world), which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. And at that time Michael [the Archangel] shall stand up, the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people [Jews in Israel] and there shall be a time of Tribulation such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people [the Jews] shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the Book of Life [shall see their God].

Taken together, and knowing the context of the year 2015 in regards to the overall Satanic plan, all of the above seems to be further evidence pointing to Prince William having been completely possessed by Satan in the year 2015, at the age of 33. Moreover, it is entirely possible that the Satanic possession which overcomes the Antichrist will be much more dramatic than most theorize, as it may coincide with the assassination attempt made against King William V somewhere very near the midpoint of his reign, likely in 2015 or 2018. If William becomes King in 2015, and carries out the signing of the Covenant of peace between Israel and the rest of the world, than this would mean the seven-year Tribulation has begun which only ends at the Return of Christ seven years later. In other words, the seven year duration of that false peace treaty is the same amount of time Antichrist is allowed by God, to rule. We also know from the above Scriptures that about midway through this seven year period, just after he leaves a 'Round Table' meeting in Israel (likely discussing details of Israel's Peace Covenant), he returns to England having great riches and evil in his heart when suddenly, Antichrist is attacked by the Ships of Chittim, after which he sends in his entire gentile (European) Army to conquer Israel and trodden on its Temple for the next 42 months (reminiscent of the way the Roman armies under Titus took both the city and the Sanctuary as prophesied in Daniel 9:27; with this future event being the final and literal fulfillment). Even though the Scriptures do not outright say, I believe there must be a connection drawn from this attack he receives by these mysterious ships, and his immediate counter-attacking and conquering of Israel, as if fueled by pure revenge, leaving one conclusion, the Ships of Chittim must be of Jewish origin.

Researching this verse in the Hebrew, it is discovered that the Ships of Chittim are launched from Cyprus, just off the coast of Israel. Therefore, might these bands of ships be some kind of Jewish resistance movement against the "Messiah" whom they've learned is the Antichrist? I believe so. Taking this even further and knowing that Antichrist is attacked, might it be that he also is assassinated? Revelation 13:3 prophesies that at some point in Antichrist's reign, he is assassinated and seemingly dies from a mortal head wound, which brings in an event that stuns the entire world. Precisely 40 hours after his death, he suddenly arises with great supernatural power, completely mocking the Holy resurrection of Christ. For just as Christ was only dead for forty hours and resurrected, then ascended unto His Father in Heaven, so shall Antichrist, upon becoming completely possessed by the spirit of Satan, be resurrected and rise up to attack Zion. Since Christ was crucified 3 1/2 years into His reign as Israel's (unrecognized) King, perhaps the Antichrist, as Israel's (recognized) 'King' will be assassinated precisely 3 1/2 years into his reign. This theory of mine is quite startling, yet reveals much in putting the Scriptures into a better chronological order. The timeframe of 3 1/2 years is also important and may provide the final clue to which I am hinging this theory upon, that his mock death and resurrection happens just before the midway point of the Tribulation. The Scriptures explicitly detail the number of days Antichrist will reign as Israel's false Messiah to be seven years in the Jewish calendar, which works out to be 1,260 days to the midpoint then an additional 1,290 until final Armageddon, 2,550 days total (which is somewhat less than 7 years in the Gregorian calendar as Jewish months have only 30 days each). Since the Scriptures also predict that the Antichrist suddenly turns against Israel at the midway point of the Tribulation, it is therefore entirely possible that the Antichrist is killed by the Ships of Chittim, is then completely possessed by Satan and arises from certain death, given the full murderous strength of Satan's power, and immediately seeks to conquer Zion and kill every last Jew and new Christian Believer.

Notice also that the Scriptures even make known that these ships are renegades, not fulfilling the will of any State policy (i.e, Israel), yet carring out "their own will" against the Beast, meaning, if they are Jews as I suspect, they are not ordered by the State of Israel, but carrying out their own plans for killing the Beast. Whichever the case, Antichrist breaks the seven year Covenant with Israel and he furiously attacks the Jewish State 1,260 days from the time he signs the Covenant of Peace, therefore it can be safely said that the Antichrist won't be completely possessed by Satan until the 1,260th day from the time he signs the Covenant with Israel. What was a great man of peace, world humanitarian, and enabler of global prosperty before this attack and failed assassination attempt, will suddenly see a 'resurrected' Antichrist to live up to his true legacy as a bringer of death, destruction, and global chaos. Most believe that since he is called Antichrist, that he will do everything to mirror that of Christ, with healings and miracles, while others take the view that the Antichrist will be the counterfeit or exact opposite of Christ, causing wars, destruction, and rampant death worldwide, beginning in Israel. I tell you, they are both right, yet have their overall vision of the Beast obscured with an over-simplistic vision when he will be in fact both, 'good,' than later evil. Simply put, in the first half of the Antichrist's reign, before he is attacked and possibly assassinated, he will actually bring a great peace and prosperity to the planet, fulfilling all the Scriptures which say exactly just that about him, however, once he is attacked by the yet to be determined "ships of Chittim," then he is suddenly 'born again,' possessed by Satan, having a renewed spirit of revenge and murderous violence, the exact opposite of the power which is given by the Holy Spirit.

Knowing that one can only rise thru ascension in Scottish Rite Freemasonry by attaining the 33rdº thereby becoming the "Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret," it becomes very interesting to note that in the Masonic-inspired Matrix film, the Antichrist archetype protagonist called 'Neo' never realizes his own destiny and fate until at the end of the film as he enters the room 303 (to represent 33º) is shot to death, assassinated, killed, yet only by dying (baptism of Blood) does he become initiated, possessed, and imbued with great supernatural power then resurrects to immediately destroy his enemies. In other words, before this assassination attempt, Britain's Prince (or King) William will not have actually been possessed by Satan, yet it is this single event of his death or near death that brings Satan into his body to possess him completely for the next 3 1/2 years. The global mourning over the impending death during this time will be unprecedented, as the world waits to hear his condition. Naturally at that time, people will make a connection to the great outpouring of grief at hearing the news of his mother's own death, as well as going further back in time to bring up the many similarities with John F. Kennedy, the former 'Camelot King' who also died from a head wound, just like the first 'Camelot King,' Arthur. When the Antichrist suddenly arises from this mortal wound after only forty hours, the Scriptures predict that the entire world will become elated and marvel and "worship" him all the more, yet what they don't know, and what the Scriptures make quite clear, is that they are worshiping none other than the Red Dragon, Satan himself, that spirit within the Antichrist which has given him such great power. To the world's eyes however, it will seem King William has been miraculously saved as they rally behind him and his decision to handle the assassnation crisis, his blind followers asking 'Who is like unto the Beast, who is able to make war with him?'

Israel's broken military might is in stark contrast to the great power she once wielded before the Tribulation, before the arrival of Antichrist. It can be concluded therefore that at the time Antichrist confirms the Peace Covenant with Israel, at the beginning of his seven year reign, he beguiles Israel and all other nuclear (superpower) nations to render useless or destroy their nuclear war capabilities, as well as the vast strength of their armies. He will do this early on under the banner of global peace certainly, however, Israel and all other "stronghold" nations will actually be removed from their nuclear defense capabilities in order so that Antichrist can wield all power during the Great Tribulation period, when he is completely possessed by Satan, thereby making it difficult for any one nation to later rise against and attack him as he seizes global power and total rule over mankind. The world, specifically Israel, has allowed one man to rule, completely disregarding every prophet, prophecy, and God Himself. History has shown many times that any ruler given such heights of power invariably become corrupt, yet what controls this one holding all power is something much more than mere human greed or any other human desire one would recognize for it seeks only wanton death and destruction of the human race. It has always been Satan who worked through the 'antichrist spirit' which has invaded many spiritual offices serving man's carnal needs in times past, yet it will be Satan's final assault on man and God which seeks its total annihilation, deceiving those who would leave themselves open to his blandishments, manipulating every event to achieve his aims. Forty-two months into the reign of Antichrist, Satan will have so completely possessed the man who becomes Antichrist that any former trace of the former Prince will have been completely erased by that point, and he will no likely be in control of either his mind or his body in that time. The Scriptures inform us that the Antichrist will have a fierce countenance, which again speaks to his mind and body being completely taken over by the insanity that is Satan, an ancient evil so far removed from the understanding of modern man that we cannot begin to contemplate or measure its corrupting profundity of innate wickedness or the depravity of the boundless depths of complete Evil which sustains him.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist shall further corrupt those who are secretly against the Jews and their Covenant, but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do great exploits (against Antichrist). They that understand these things among the people shall instruct many others, yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. And some of them of understanding shall be killed, to test them, and to purge, to make them pure and white (before the eyes of God), even unto the time of the end.

Daniel 11:32-36

He must be Antichrist sitting in the Temple of God!

An Arthurian Reader p. 206

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Antichrist Enters the Temple Claiming to be the God of Israel

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 The Son of Perdition who stands against God, will sit in the [Third] Temple of God claiming that he is God. Once Antichrist sends forth his united European armies to trodden the Holy City of Jerusalem underfoot (until the times of these Gentiles be fulfilled) and destroys any surviving Israeli military forces that stood to protect Jerusalem, Satan's power will then be at its absolute height. Having accomplished all of his ancient desires through his 'begotten son' who brought the entire world back to him once more, Satan/Antichrist then mockingly rides into the city upon a white horse making his way toward the Eastern Gate, kills the Two Witnesses who protected the inner Temple, and makes his way thru to the inner sanctum leading to the Holy of Holies, enters the hollowed Sanctuary and commits the ultimate blasphemy against God by seating himself therein upon a throne, announcing to the world that he is God in the flesh. With that, the most ancient and Great Work of the Occult has finally been accomplished, as Antichrist enters the Third Temple at Jerusalem, which in pre-ancient times was called Mount Zion, the Sides of the North, which was then ascended above the heights of the clouds, having just crushed both fleshly and Angelic forces alike, he places himself above all the Angels of God, and then claims to be God Himself (the I AM), and therefore believes he has achieved every one of his 5 I Wills which he uttered in the time before his fall from Heaven. Therefore, Lucifer, now as the evil-incarnate human King seated in the Temple, as a Christ-like King, above the Angels, claims to be God, the 'I AM,' seemingly fulfilling all Five of his ancient I Wills which he has exultantly proclaimed, has he also revealed himself. Utilizing Lucifer's own 5 I Wills against him, in the very language of the Antichrist (English) has the Antichrist himself been revealed into an English anagram form: King / Will / I Am / 5 or King William V (the Fifth).

Satan, in his great hatred and knowing that his time is short, shall seek to destroy the nation of Israel with great fury. At this time, many Jews will have finally been persuaded by God's great signs and especially by the words of his Two Witnesses and exploits of the 144,000, to the point where they believe Christ to be their Messiah, and not Antichrist. The Two Witnesses (who many believe to be Moses and Elijah) will lead many Jews into faith in Christ, and at the end of their work, as they stand on the steps guarding the rebuilt Jerusalem Temple from the Beast's great European armies, the Antichrist arrives to destroy them, yet three and one-half days later, they shall arise on their feet and be taken up to God in the sight of many, causing even more Jews to believe. Satan now knows he must destroy all remaining Jews who remain indifferent to Christ, and so shall he be allowed to do, yet the greater number of those newly saved in Christ shall be protected as God sends the Archangel Michael ("wings of a great eagle") to spirit the Jewish believers away from the European/Beast controlled cities of Israel, into an outline area, likely near the Dead Sea, and there protects them for the remaining 3 1/2 years of Antichrist's rule. The religious Jews of Israel that remain in Jerusalem shall finally realize who they've chosen as their Messiah, and they will ultimately revolt against him, just as Satan's murderous power is achieving its fullest height.

Revelation 16:1-2,10-11; 9:20-21 And I heard a great voice out of the Temple saying to the Seven Angels, Go your ways and pour out the Vials of the Wrath of God upon the earth. The First Angel poured out his Vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the Mark of the Beast, and [upon] them which worshipped his Image. And the Fifth Angel poured out his Vial upon the Throne of the Beast; and his Kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of Heaven because of their pains and their sores, and yet still repented not of their deeds. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues repented not of their worship of devil idols made from gold, and silver, brass, stone, and wood; the works of their hands. Neither repented they of their murders, Sorcery, fornication, nor of their thefts. From this we see just how the Citizens of this New World Order would rather die than renounce their complete loyalty to Satan or his demon 'gods' that they worship thru various idols, as they rather curse God for the increasing punishment they receive that goes on through eternity, in Hell. And yet this is the purpose for the Tribulation, to display the stark contrasts between those humble of themselves to accept God's only plan of Salvation (namely the Jews of that time) versus all those who have turned their backs completely on their Creator, and vainly think themselves wise, being completely taken in by all of Satan's lies which they have been subjected to their entire lives. This last generation of mankind, supposedly being the most intelligent of any generation before them, will actually be proven in the end to be the most ignorant of all. For right up until this Great Tribulation's end, God sends an Angel who shall go forth preaching the Everlasting Gospel to all people in the world so that they may be saved, and still there will be those who see only Satan as their God of the New Age.

Daniel 8:10 The [Little] Horn waxed great even to the Host of Heaven; and he cast down some of the Host and of the Stars to the ground and trampled upon them. / This Scripture is most curious as the Antichrist, being Satan in the flesh whose true destructive power is now finally unleashed, seemingly even has gained the power to kill Angelic Saints and/or Holy Angels, as the Greek word used for Star and Host in the context provided, does actually mean that the Antichrist has destructive power over Angelic hosts of Heaven. Similar to this, as the Antichrist is casting down these Angelic forces of God, he rises admidst his own band of warrior fallen Angels, as well as the mysterious ten kings or knights who suddenly appear with him (see Revelation 17:12; Daniel 7:24). Reading Daniel 7:20 conjures up an interesting vision and contains relevance, as the Antichrist is seen as being "more stout than his fellows," the word stout meaning he is physically more swarthy, possibly shorter, even darker in appearance, which is interesting as those attributes describe perfectly the appearance of the ancient Celts. It is also my belief that this dark future called the Tribulation, leaves those who survive the impending global destruction (which brings it about) unkempt, frayed, stout, and ragged, yet where some claim the Antichrist must be a short, dark skinned figure because of this description, they are not taking into account that the Scripture actually states the Antichrist only appears as "stout" in comparison to that of "his fellows." Who might these fellows of Antichrist be?

Revelation 17:13 These Ten Kings have one mind, and shall give their power and strength [and their ten Kingdoms] unto the Beast.

The Annunaki, seen by the ancients as powerful glowing god-kings, were once God's Holy Watchers whose task it was to look after the dealings of mankind in the ancient world. Genesis Chapter 6 and the Book of Enoch both inform us that in so doing, they fell in lust with the daughters of man and took them as wives, the same who later beget a race of hybrid giants known as the 'The Nephilim.' This says much about who and what these ten Kings will be, as well as of their appearance when compared to the evil-possessed Antichrist whose only other Biblical description by Daniel is that of having a "fierce countenance." It is Matthew 24:37 which tells us that "As the days of Noah were, so shall the coming of the Christ be." Noah's days were an extremely wicked age described as a time when Fallen Angels impregnated mortal women, and matches Revelation where those who worship the future Beast also worship demon gods in the same ways as the ancients did. Revelation 9:20-21 states "[men shall not repent of their demon worship] neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornications." All of this taken together paints a frightening grim picture for those who live in the Beast's Kingdom, with their murders (human sacrifices), their sorcery, their fornications (sex) with demons. Under seven years of rule under the Antichrist, mankind sinks to a level of Satanic depravity not seen since the days of Noah, even Sodom and Gemorrah. We can now see why Christ compares the last days with that of Noah's time, when wickedness of every kind flourished and filled the earth. So the Ten Kings ruling with the Beast are likely ten Alien/Annunaki acting as Kings, overseeing the affairs throughout the ten regions of his future Global Empire. The prophecy in Daniel 11:39 speaks to this coming Beast Kingdom that arises from the Sea by telling us 'he [Antichrist] shall cause them [the ten Kings] to rule over many, dividing the land for gain.' The very fact this future Global Kingdom is ruled by One King, yet divided into ten, each controlled by a lesser King, is quite intriguing, paralleling Atlantis, which had ten districts ruled by ten Kings while under the banner of One ultimate King. Ten given power as Kings just as Satan has long ago given power to his Ten Arch-devils that have already ruled the planet since Lucifer's Fall.

These Ten Devils Each Corresponding to their Portion

of the Atziluth/Assiah Yetziratic World as Follows:

1. [Thaumiel] Moloch

2. [Chaigidiel] Belial

3. [Satharial] Lucifuge

4. [Gamchicoth] Astaroth

5. [Golab] Asmodeus

6. [Togarini] Belphegor

7. [Harab Serap] Baal

8. [Samael] Adramelek

9. [Gamaliel] Lillith

10. [Nahemoth] Nahema

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

[Christ speaking to Antichrist Occupied Israel] Pray that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day: For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the Elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Immediately after the Tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened, and the Moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

Matthew 24:20-22,29

And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues and repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, or their idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their Witchcraft, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

Revelation 9:20-21

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Revelation 12 describes how Satan will pursue the nation of Israel with relentless fury, his intent being the complete destruction of the Jewish nation, a goal he tried to accomplish previously in history in attempt at preventing the Messiah from ever being born. Once the Antichrist turns his European Army against Israel and solidified total control over Zion, God in Heaven readies His Warrior Angels of Destruction to wreak havoc upon all those who have sottishly aligned themselves with the Two Beasts, the Antichrist and the False Prophet, and upon their global Kingdom temporarily placed under their control. The Age of Great Tribulation begins and it is entirely centered around Israel, specifically Jerusalem, where Antichrist has made his Throne, and from where he then rules over the planet with great cruelty and a fascist iron fist (counterfeiting Christ's Millennial 'Rod of Iron rule' of Psalms 2; Zechariah 14:16-19). At this time, Jewish apostates and rebels who have followed the Antichrist will begin to be purged out of Israel (Zechariah 13:8 says two-thirds of Israel will die) while those Jews who finally see what their choice in a Messiah has become eventually look toward Christ for their salvation, believing the Gospel ministry of the slain Two Witnessess, will be protected. 144,000 Jewish people will be sealed and protected by God to serve as evangelists during the Tribulation: twelve thousand from each of Israel's tribes. Their ministry will be similar to that of the Two Witnesses in leading the Jewish people to faith in their one and only True Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ who Himself speaks from the past in Matthew 24 (quoting His own words which He gave to the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel), to the future Jews of that Great Tribulation to flee into the Judean wilderness, upon seeing the Abomination of Desolation (the Antichrist) seating himself in the Jewish Temple. He further informs them to look up, for their redemption is near, as His return soon follows the 'Abomination that maketh desolate.'

God assured Israel through Jeremiah, "I am with thee; for I will make a full end of all the nations to which I have driven thee; but I will not make a full end of thee" (46:28). Though deliverance of Israel will involve the personal salvation of individuals, it will occur on a scale large enough to be termed a national deliverance. The remnant of believing Jews during the Great Tribulation constitute the "all Israel" of Romans 11:26. Thus Israel's hope is that someday its purging will end, the nation will be saved, and the long-awaited messianic Kingdom will be established. The end of Daniel 12:1 verifies that fact: the delivered are "every one that shall be found written in the Book." The promise of deliverance and salvation is for those who believe. The Book of Revelation explains how the remnant of Israel will come to believe in the One Judaism has so long rejected, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Even though the Antichrist's power is seemingly increasing in its destructive might, Israel itself is not to be completely destroyed because as prophesied in their own Jewish Scriptures, at that 'time of Jacob's Trouble,' the Angelic Prince Michael the Archangel will rise up and personally undertake their defense as prophesied in Daniel 12:1 to lead the Jewish remnant out of Antichrist occupied Jerusalem and into the vast wilderness for the remainder of the Great Tribulation, the Scripture even specifying the exact amount of days from the time Antichrist enthrones himself in the Jewish Third Temple, until the time Christ returns and the Temple Mount is cleansed for the preparation of Christ Himself to be seated within. During that remainder of the Great Tribulation's 1,290 days, Satan will release all of Hell's forces against Israel and the Messianic Jewish remnant just as Heaven's most powerful Angels are directed by God to release His wrath in the form of increasingly devastating destructions against the global Kingdom of the Antichrist, leading up to the War of Armageddon.

The Seven Angels holding the Vials of God's Wrath will have been readied, as the Seven Angels with Trumpets begin to sound at each breaking by Christ of the Seven Seals. The Hell being waged on the surface of the earth shall be purged and God's cleansing of His Creation shall begin, with fire. The First angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth and the third part of grass and trees were burnt. And the First Angel poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon those which had the Mark of the Beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. The Second Angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea and the third part of the sea became blood. The third part of the creatures which were in the sea, died. And the Second Angel poured out his vial upon the sea and it became as the blood of a dead man. The Third Angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. The name of the star is called Wormwood, as the third part of the waters became wormwood and many men died of tainted waters. And the Third Angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became blood. And I heard the Angel of Waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them only blood to drink. The Fourth Angel sounded, and the third part of the Sun was smitten, and the third part of the Moon, and the third part of the Stars; so as the third part of them was darkened. And the Fourth Angel poured out his vial upon the Sun and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. Mankind was scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues.

I beheld and heard another Angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the Three Angels which are yet to sound! The Fifth Angel sounded and I saw an Angel fall from heaven unto the earth and to him was given the Key of the Bottomless Pit. As he opened its [Ninth Gate] there arose a smoke and the Sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth and unto them was given power to hurt only those which have not the Seal of God in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented for five months. In those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. And they had a King over them, which is the Angel of the Bottomless Pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. And the Fifth Angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the Beast and his Kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain and blasphemed the God of Heaven because of their pains and their sores, and still they repented not of their deeds. The Sixth Angel sounded, and I heard a voice saying: Loose the Four Angels which are bound in the Euphrates River. And the Four Angels were loosed, which were prepared for this moment to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army [from the East which then crossed the dried Euphrates] were 200,000,000. I saw their horses having breastplates of fire, jacinth, and brimstone. The heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire which issued out of their mouths. And the Sixth Angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the Kings of the East might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon, and out of the mouth of the Beast, and out of the mouth of the False Prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working evil miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty, into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships. [then] tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many: And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew language, Armageddon.

Daniel 11:40, 44; Revelation 16:16

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Events Currently Underway are Setting the Stage for Armageddon

Unfolding the prophecies of the Antichrist-Beast found from Daniel to Revelation, it is determined that at the end of seven years into the reign of the Antichrist, both Russia and China will come to reason that to not make an attempt at killing this despotic King means the entire earth would eventually be destroyed by his hand, and this apocalyptic prophecy of their wartime alliance has just been fulfilled. It has been reported that a future Russia and China may, if necessary, unite their Armies into one conglomerate strike force that would pose any threat to their future national interests, if both felt it was absolutely neccessary. Today, China, more than any other emerging superpower, is bolstering up both the number of their troops as well as the latest technological advances in warfare, achieved through their ongoing efforts toward stealing of U.S. military technologies since the Cold War era. It has been recently estimated that China is now spending one-hundred billion dollars per year on their military, as well as making several, what could only be determined as hostile actions toward the west, and specifically toward the United States. Chinese Army recruitment numbers are also being increased. The Book of Revelation reveals that near the end of Antichrist's reign, these "Kings of the East" will march toward him (toward Israel, where Antichrist has made his global capital) with two-hundred million troops. Current figures show they will achieve this 200,000,000 man army by 2020, therefore, upon the Antichrist hearing of an impending invasion coming from the north, from the south, and the east, who seek to attack him in unison, he knows its over for him, for even though Antichrist is a man possessed of Satan, he is a man nonetheless, and can be killed by overwhelming force. Because of this and in his rage, he makes the plans to lead these approaching invaders, and the rest of the world's armies, to gather in the ancient valley of Jezreel, at Megiddo, for the final conflict and battle he knows must come, the same battle which brings Christ's Return, and his doom. (According to my calculations from the clues given in Zechariah 14:16 and Daniel 12:11-12, if Antichrist confirms the Covenant in the latter end of 2015, which certain indications show he might, Armageddon would be brought about 2,520 (1,260 x 2) days later, in the Summer of 2022, [(1335 minus 1290) 45 days before the Jewish Feast of the Tabernacles] which falls in the months of September/October of 2022 AD).

Daniel 8:13, 12:7-10, 9:25-27, Revelation 16:16-17 Then I heard one Angel speaking, and another Angel said unto that certain Angel which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the Transgression of Desolation [Antichrist] to give the Sanctuary and the Host to be trodden under foot? And I heard the Man clothed in linen sware by Him that liveth for ever that it shall be for 1,290 days when he [Antichrist] shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the mighty and Holy people [the Jews], all these things shall be finished. And I heard, but I understood not: saying Lord, when shall be the end of all these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the latter end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Know therefore and understand: the people (the Army) of the Prince that shall come shall destroy the City and the Sanctuary (Jerusalem and the Temple); the end thereof shall be with a flood, and even unto the end of this age, desolations are determined. He (Antichrist) confirmed a peace covenant with many for one week [shabua 7 years] yet in the middle of the week [1,260 days later] Antichrist shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease in the Temple, and make [Jerusalem and the Temple] a place of utter desolation, because of his transgression. And at the time of the end, tidings out of the East (China) and out of the North [Russia] shall trouble him (Antichrist): therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy many. Behold, the Day of the Lord cometh: for all nations will be gathered against Jerusalem to battle. Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations as when He fought in the Day of Battle. In that day (which shall be a day of great darkness just before the Dawn) shall there be great mourning in Jerusalem and in the valley of Megiddo.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ at Megiddo: The Battle of Armageddon

Revelation 1:7-8, 19:11-19; Zechariah 14:1-4,12, 12:1-4,9 Behold, He cometh with clouds [of Angels]; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. 'I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come.' And I saw Heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a Name written, that no man knew, but He Himself. And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His Name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in Heaven followed Him. And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And I saw the Beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse, and against His army. And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that last day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof. And it shall come to pass in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the [true] House of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the [Holy] Spirit of grace and of supplications: And Judah also shall fight for Jerusalem [as in the days of the Maccabees], and they shall look upon Me, the One whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Me as one lovingly mourneth for his only Son.

And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. This is the one event which has been prophesied of old by all of God's Prophets, it being called "The Day of the Lord" or 'the Last Day' by the ancients, for once the armies of the world besiege Jerusalem from every side round about to destroy it, the skies open up and blinding light falls upon them all as Christ, crowned with the Glory of His Father, supernaturally destroys them all in a single moment. The blood of the wicked armies of the earth shall reach the height of a horses bridle throughout the valley of Megiddo. Then Christ sets His face toward Jerusalem and He shall go forth destroying all those that war against Zion and Jerusalem, the city of His beloved, and He shall capture both the Antichrist and his False Prophet, and these together shall be thrown straight away into the cracked earth leading to Hell, while Satan also is captured and immediately taken to the Pit, and as Israel's King sets foot upon the Mount of Olives, every Angel, man, and beast shall witness the God of their ancient fathers returned, and all shall be shakened and rejoice at His mighty presence. All eyes will be opened to see the Truth which eluded them in their lives, and they shall see Jesus the Christ, their Messiah and King as for the first time, and He shall be their God. Once the city and Sanctuary are cleansed at the 1,335th day, then shall Christ enter the Temple of His Father, by way of the Eastern Gate, and be seated upon His Heavenly Sapphiric Throne of Glory and reign as their King for 1,000 years, and the earth itself shall rest during that day, upon the Millennial Sabbath, for there will be a complete victory over all death and sin and wickedness in that day.

After which shall Satan be loosed for the testing of those who lived in the Millennium, and then shall Satan be thrown into the eternal Lake of Fire, where the Beast, his False Prophet, and every wicked Angel going back to the time of Lucifer's fall are, and they, and those they deceived, shall be tormented throughout the rest of eternity, without end. Then shall those deemed righteous live forever as the returned Lord Jesus Christ personally grants those saved through His Blood the collective Office of the Morning Star, even as they all shall be joint-heirs forever with Christ for enternity. Those who are rewarded as such "shall shine like the brightness of the firmament as the stars forever and ever." God's Children shall be rewarded in eternity by a capacity to manifest the blazing glory of God just as one looks into the darkest depths of the night sky to see every star of varying size and brilliance, all beautiful. Likewise shall those of God's etneral Kingdom shine forth, even as their brightness shall shine forth of their faithfulness and works done while yet in the body. All who know Jesus Christ will have the capacity to eternally radiate the glory of God, but those who "turn many to righteousness" will be especially bright, their Crowns shining forth as the former Sun in its strength, expressing their individual capacity to radiate the Glory of God. Daniel 12:1-3 proves a message of great hope (even while we are still on the precipice of a decade of unspeakable disaster) as Israel can anticipate great distress in the future, yet they will be specially defended and delivered. All who are saved can look forward to a special destiny with glorious dividends: the capacity to radiate the Glory of God forever in a Universal Order restored as God originally intended.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God, and which had not worshipped the Beast, neither his Image, neither had received his Mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ.

Revelation 20:4

How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, O Morning Star; Sun of the Morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, you which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart: I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the Angels of God. I will sit also upon the Mount of the Congregation in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like Jehovah (the I AM) - Yet thou shalt be brought down to Hell, O Morning Star, even to the sides of the pit.

I have been at the Throne of the Distributer, I have stood high upon the White Hill [Zion], I was fluent before being gifted with speech. I have been teacher to all intelligences. I have singly built the Tower of Nimrhod. I am the Tetragrammaton. I am a wonder whose origin is not known. I shall be until the Day of Doom upon the earth, and it is not known whether my body is flesh or Leviathan. Learned Druid, Prophecy of Arthur, or is it ME they celebrate?

Isaiah 14:12-15; The Book of Pheryllt

And the Beast was taken, and with him the False Prophet that wrought miracles before him (which he deceived them that had received the Mark of the Beast or worshipped his image). These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning. And I saw an Angel come down from Heaven having a key to the Bottomless Pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the Dragon, that Old Serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him for one-thousand years, and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years be fulfilled.

Revelation 19:20; 20:1-3

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln suggest that the Priory of Sion is seeking to capture or exploit the emotional response surrounding the very concept of a living descendant of Jesus Christ. In other words it is essentially a cult response that is being orchestrated. Followers are swept along by their instinctive feelings. Logic and reason have no part in it. Presumably it is only a matter of time before somebody emerges to stake such a claim, establishing himself or herself as the leader of this ready-made pseudoreligious cult. The idea of the sacred Bloodline is also gradually integrating with more traditional New Age beliefs and culture, and claimants are treated with interest, respect. and even a certain awe. The New Age [does] tend to take Occult ideas and dilute them with hefty doses of naive "Love and Light."

The Sion Revelation p. 278, 291, 425

Knowing this, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of His coming? For since our ancestors fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning. For this they willingly are ignorant: This know also, that in the Last Days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, highminded, ever learning, yet never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth.

Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, made to be taken and destroyed, speaking evil of the things that they understand not; Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated by all nations for My name's sake: And they will not repent from their demonic worship, or their idols, neither are they going to repent of their murders, nor of their Sorceries and magic, or their worship of Satan.

2 Peter 3:3-5; 2 Timothy 3:1-7; 2 Peter 2:10,12; Matthew 24:9; Revelation 9:20-21

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The New Age Movement is not defined by any singular religion. It is by all definitions, a movement, yet one that is having severe implications for both its followers and the rest of humanity. The force behind the New Age Movement wants to define it as essentially the fusing together of religious-based eastern-influenced metaphysical ideologies with western Occult, and more recently, a much more overt Celtic and Wiccan-based theology. Celtic Druidism and Witchcraft itself falls under its many divisions, as well as Satanism, Kaballah, and Demonology. The New Age Movement is bound together by notions of “universal tolerance” and the left-wing, liberal versions of Anti-Christianity and moral relativism. The New Age Movement is the natural progression of humanism taken to its next step, teaching that humans have evolved biologically, and must now evolve spiritually to survive what is coming in 2012. Its belief systems are many, synchretic, and believed to be widely diversed, however, they all serve their purpose in bringing in what is called the Age of Aquarius. According to them, we are currently moving away from the present Age of Pisces which is defined and symbolized by Christ (upon which they've attached every evil of mankind by attaching to Christ all of Catholicism's wars, inquisitions, witch-hunts, cover-ups and murders) to an Age of peace, harmony, understanding and global/personal enlightenment that they say will define the coming new Age of Aquarius, hence the term *New* Age. Varying in everything from what's called synergy and synergistic principals, to the concepts of personal Christ consciousness (without the acceptance of Christ's Divinity), energy, global unity, oneness, harmony, transformation, 11:11, "the one," spirit growth, human potential, awakening, networking, purification, cleansing, holistic medicines and other non-medical "miracle healing" approaches. Truly the New Age as a movement has moved itself into every single area of modern life, and yet, where is it going next? What is the truth behind it? What is the actual agenda of the New Age?

The origins of the New Age Movement date back to at least 1875 with the Theosophical works of Henry Steel Olcott and Helena Blavatsky (whose books on the Atlantean and other 'Root Races' later influenced Adolph Hitler and other high-ranking members of the Nazi party). The Theosophical Society, as it was called, espoused the abolishment of Christianity and Judaism while promoting the total unity of other world religions in their place, even as they claimed that their teachings were revealed by demons in the guise of so-called spirit or elemental guides. They emphasized heavily the evolution of a self-deified, master Aryan society, and a One World “New Age” religion and social order. Pushing the New Age agenda even further, British-born Alice Bailey founded the “Lucifer Publishing Company,” in 1922 which printed and distributed their own similar teachings which became increasingly singular in their intent and goal toward the concept of a Luciferian New World Order which was to be accomplished through various degrees and steps toward its ultimate realization in the 21st Century. Bailey’s teachings established the "Luciferic Initiation," a pledge of allegiance to the 'Christ' of the New Age and to the New World Order. As such, Alice Bailey discussed extensively the plans for a religious war between the forces of Good and Light (New Agers; "Lightworkers") and the forces of Evil and Darkness (Christianity), as well as forced redistribution of wealth and the world’s resources, mass planetary initiations into the Movement, world-wide disarmament, a new theology with Lucifer as its God, and the complete elimination of "obstinate religions" namely Christianity and Judaism. Bailey even discussed the sacredness of a future New World Leader’s number, 666, and the Symbol which would mark him, his reign, and that of his followers.

Adopted after the original ideals of such early New Age proponents as: Henry Steel Olcott, Helena Blavatsky, and Alice Bailey, and helped by the thousands of those false Christs and teachers who came after them, the New Age Movement today has actually achieved nearly every single one of its intended goals beset by its founders, just as they committed they would, and now they are gearing up for what is to be the final completion of their work culimating in the events that bring in the New Age worldwide, the cataclysmic "earth change" of 2012. In advance of this, the New Age Movement, through its many books, seminars, and "personal growth" retreats, teaches that one can have one or many so-called "Spirit Guides" to help them along their path toward ascension and enlightment, which is strinkingly familar in its spiritual intent to the 'ascension-by-degrees' method taught behind the closed doors of Masonic lodges and other such Luciferian Societies the world over. Do not be deceived, the New Age Movement is a conspiracy toward bringing the entire world into the 'One Mind' concept, a New World Order under its secular "God," Lucifer, with our world ultimately to be governed by "the One," which by this point, you know exactly where that is heading toward. With the followers of such a movement all preparing for this New Age timeframe, many of them not your average bohemian-type, but holding prominent positions in business and finance, there is no doubt you who read this have been infected by its many tentacles and tenants along the way, perhaps without you even knowing it. Somewhere in your life the New Age mindset has affected you, either by close personal contacts such as through friends or family, or even by the programs you watch, the films you see, or in the books you read. It is everywhere, literally, all around you, increasingly surging its way into the minds of billions globally. In fact, "Globalism" and the "Green Movement" themselves are only two more ways the New Age is attempting to ready the planet and this generation for the many changes to come.

Knowing that New Age Movement is already setting the Pagan foundation for the future One World Church, its also becoming quite clear that the current New World Order itself with its Oil Wars, Zionist policies, and rampant misjustice, playing the role of 'bad cop' in their sick Satanic vision, will after 2012 begin playing the role of the 'good cop' making the world believe that one corrupt Order is fallen, while a new one begins, under the Universal Laws of a risen Avalon. The youth of the world are perfectly primed and ready for such a change, as their far left-wing and liberal views have tainted them well enough to want to bring about that revolutionary change toward the New Age Order. Radical and violent "Anarchists" wanting to see the complete abolition of traditional government have been spawned by the millions as a result of the current New World Order, never realizing that they are in fact one of the desired results that the New World Order wants to bring about: future footsoldiers of an even greater, evil, future World Order that has been duped to think future ideals of their World Order is in any way better than the current one. As the New Age Movement continues to infect the reprobate minds of those ignorant enough not to even see it, its rank and file numbers will only increase as the world is given "signs" which seem to declare that the New Age belief system is "right" as the planet experiences even more destructive natural disasters as we approach 2012, which will be increasingly touted by a new pack of loud voices from the New Age left, as being the by-product of a world lashing out against its host, mankind. These same loud voices will call out for global change, a mandate, for the entire world to shake off its current mindset (including religious mindset), in favor for the New Age Global Mind(set), in order to save our One planet.

In the modern New Age belief system, the world is a living entity which is either equal to us, or dominates us, depending on which New Age author you are reading. They all say they believe the earth is a living entity needing to be nurtured and cared for, something which is blatantly obvious, yet that single and obvious belief has done more to capture people into accepting all the rest of the New Age agenda, therefore much of the New Age's own trappings of world peace, global healing, and everything else that is obvious we need in the world is acting as the well-manicured front, a cover to mask its real sinister intentions while bringing into its fold countless millions, just as it was originally designed to do. Now while the New Age Movement does espouse honesty, integrity, love, peace, etc, it also wants to assimilate all those same Godly ideals into the context of a very Anti-Godly belief system. A disproportionate amount of New Age Movement books, articles, and texts contain the word “self” or self-help, etc. This is because man, either in the singular sense, or the allegory of collective mankind, is always the central figure (as he is the one Satan is trying to deceive) for example, one must constantly ascend, achieve the next higher degree and improve one’s “self” to become one with nature and god (or Goddess). They deny God because the New Age 'god' is impersonal with no specific requirements as to morality, belief, and behavior, or judgment. This is why the eastern mysticism and now New Age incorporated idea of reincarnation appeals so much to them. With it, there is no judgment, there is no eternal punishment. In so doing, they have fallen for Satan's oldest and most well known lie, that we can become our own God's if we simply deny God and instead accept Lucifer who alway seems to have man's own interests and desires at heart, yet only later does man discover it was all to promote Satan's own agenda of death and destruction, against man.

In fact, the Bible predicted the attributes of today's New Age adherants with the following found in 2 Timothy Chapter 3 "This know also, that in the Last Days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, having a form of Godliness (desiring peace, unity, and love for all) but denying the Power thereof. From such, turn away." In other words, in the Last Days, along with Antichrist there will arise those that have a form of Godliness and Godly attributes, yet deny God. Does not the same Scriptures teach us that denying God, as the Father and Son, is the spirit of Antichrist? Therefore, what the Scriptures are actually telling us is that the New Age Movement today and all its current followers are, in effect, the very spirit of the Antichrist, as they will be the ones to formulate and work for his future globalized religion, even as they are already doing. From such we are to turn away from, yet what if someone were to effectively show them the Hell they are going to bring upon our children, and upon us all, what if we resisted this coming New Order? The Bible actually tell us that there will be an effective Resistance Movement countering the Antichrist Order at the time of his reign. This prophecy is found in the Book of Daniel 11:32-35 and details how it is mostly comprised of newly converted Israeli/Jewish Believers in Christ, who despite how the Antichrist openly mocks the God of the Bible during the latter half of his reign, shall then become acutely aware of and 'know their God,' performing great exploits in the Name of God. However, as the prophecy goes on to explain, many of them will be hunted down and killed by forces of the Antichrist, and die as Christian martyrs. These forces of the Antichrist will certainly comprise all facets of the global New Age Antichrist society, offering up Christians to be executed thinking they are doing their 'god' a service. This proves that while the New Age Movement and its followers might believe in the attributes of love, tolerance, and spirituality today, it is all an empty sham and counterfeit of Satan without the power of God behind it.

In time, Satan's Antichrist will have so twisted the minds of that future "Utopian society," many of its New Age citizens that once expoused tolerance and peace will eventually outright hate, hunt down, and murder anyone professing Christ as their King, believing them to be the final hindrance to world peace. Christ Himself prophesied of this, that they shall hate us who bear His name, as Christians, delivering us up to the magistrates, killing Christians who liv outside of the global Beast system. In this, we are to remain steadfast in the Faith as evil and its lie to the world will be summed up in less than a decade from the time it begins to its final end, until their time to commit every evil act against their own souls is accomplished. Because they rejected God's Word, they rejected His Will for their lives, as they rejected His plan for their own Salvation, even as they rejected the words of the Son being the only Way back to the Father, the only Truth for the saving of souls, the only path to eternal Life, and so the choices they've made are entirely their own. From such, remove yourselves, in their own insolence are they given over to the same curse as the Devil they worship. Therefore from the most radical New Age believer to those caught somewhere in between, in time everyone will see what this New Age Movement is bringing upon the world - Final Armageddon at the hands of the Antichrist, period. There is no amount of space given to which I cannot stress that one single point enough. Satan and his seed upon this planet are quickly rounding up and infecting an entire army of people in order to stand with him both at the time Antichrist appears, as well as when Christ returns to judge the world at Armageddon, seven years later. Of course, being that the adherents of this New Age generation have unwittedly followed Lucifer himself, God is ready, even certain, to judge accordingly every one that has chosen the Fallen Angel Lucifer over the Risen Lord Christ. Verily, our Creator has set before us Life (Christ) and Death (Satan/Anti-Christ), telling us to choose Life (Deuteronomy 30:19), yet just as it was for the Angels before us at the time of Lucifer's War against Heaven, it is still, as then, ultimately our choice alone. Satan can only counterfeit what God has in store for the world, global peace, unity, and eternal life prosperity, therefore his attempt at counterfeiting that true New Age in Heaven with his false "New Age" on earth is merely the counterfeit all that God has prepared for us, upon making the right choice between the two Morning Stars, Lucifer or Christ. In conclusion, even the the New Age Movement is difficult to define spiritually speaking, as it has its many tentacles into everything, the modern New Age Movement has a clear definitive agenda which has been agreed upon by their constituents, by which the manifesto of the New Age movement calls for:

1. One World Leader

2. New World Order Gov't

3. World Food authority

4. World Health Authority

5. World Water Authority

6. Universal ID System

7. Universal Financial System

8. Abolishing Christianity

9. New Global "One" Religion

10. Destruction of Jesus Christ

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

As we enter the 21st century and a new millennium, Satan has devised the delusion that mankind is entering into an important evolutionary phase called the New Age. The current push for "global enlightenment" is but one outward form of the New Age movement in their attempt to bring the world into a single-thinking Order, complete with a new religion, as well as otherworldly god-like beings for which to venerate and worship. Interviews taken of ex-Wiccans and Satanists indicate a high level of personal contact with various alien beings accompanying certain coven rituals such as the sacrificial rites of the Black Mass. Morever, those coming from the highest echelon of Satanism believe these same beings to inhabit the earth as demons. They also believe the first established civilization was Atlantis and that Satan was its King before its destruction. However, their otherwise insidious assertion that superior beings are out there providing us technology and spiritual wisdom to become Gods is something Satan always knew could effectively tempt us, after all, the promise made toward our ancestors that they also could become as enlightened Gods if they simply renounce God and His plan was a lie that worked quite well before in Eden. In Genesis 3, we read about Satan in his form as the Nachash (Hebrew; Serpent), an extremely intelligent cunning creature possessed with the ability to speak and reason. This same Nachash or Shining Serpent/Dragon used his vast intelligence to beguile Eve into bringing not eternal life as a God for herself and Adam, yet Sin and eternal Death. Believing the deception of the Nachash Serpent, Adam and Eve fell from their original blessed state and were cast out of the Garden, the archetype of being cast out of Heaven. As a result both Satan and his demonic Angels have been engaged in continual warfare against the human race ever since, striving to drag the collective souls of mankind further down to their own level, whereby man would die in their non-repentive un-Godly sins and live out an eternal existence in unescapable punishment, just as they.

Currently, the group of beings referred to as Aliens are portraying themselves as disparate elements of the paranormal. In the anciet world, the spiritual development of early mankind has been guided by nonhuman intelligences before, by beings whose agenda has been to infiltrate, and even instigate, various religious traditions in all cultures across the globe. Legends of cultures ranging from Sumerian, Babylonian, Hindu, to Native American, all seem to be laden with beings from the skies who possess superior technology and are very interested in interacting with man who is on the verge of destruction. Man naturally view them as 'gods' or spiritual beings enjoying worship and reverence in exchange for their distributing of wisdom. In the modern age, these same 'gods' are propagated most by the New Age Movement under such names as spirit guides, ascended masters, the hidden hierarchy, channelled beings, walk-ins, and natural forces like Gaia, are all imparting a similar message of impending disaster and need for all of humanity to unite. These "aliens" claim to be preparing the earth for a massive evolutionary shift of consciousness, a paradigm shift, while also continuing the education that they maintain is crucial if the human race is to be spared destruction. The non-human intelligences are feigning good intentions by warning humans of their potential fate, and the offer to assist humans is all but altruistic in that it is designed to unite mankind under a single global authority. Interestingly, like these same 'gods,' ancient Rebel angels known as the Annunaki have also been in contact with humans, shaping the same early cultures of mankind throughout history which believe them to be cultural deities of every sort. However, the Bible clearly warns against these other gods, who are not really gods. Jeremiah 10:11 states: These gods that [you worship] have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. Psalms 82:5-7 states: They [shall] walk on in darkness [when] all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said Ye are gods as all of you are [originally] the Children of the most High God, but ye shall all die like men and fall like the Prince.

Some years ago a man by the name of John Todd, a member of a family who were high-level and generational members of a Druidic Sun-cult, alleged that through his occult contacts he was chosen to be initiated into a deep-level Illuminati lodge. He claimed that in doing so he had to "unlearn" much of the Occult philosophies which he was taught at a young age that were used as a means to control the lower-thinking "non-initiates." He soon discovered that these men controlled global drug and human trafficking, as well as any number of other illegal activities to increase their own wealth and their god-like power and authority over the rest of humanity, exacting a powerful influence in world economic and political movements. The Rothschild's of London, he also learned, were at the very heart of this conspiracy, along with British Royal Family and the Jesuits in Rome. The Rothschilds believed to be the literal offspring of Satan, are considered "human gods" by many Occultists in the underworld and were supposedly in constant communication with "Lucifer" himself. Furthermore, it is these same families who control governments that are behind the abductee phenomena since just before the post-war Roswell era of 1947. Most notably involved is the United States and British governments who at the very top, is completely sold out to Satan and his efforts leading to the Antichrist, and his control of the world, by which they reserve for him only.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

There is no lack of evidence and testimony regarding the reality of demons in Christian spiritual literature during the past two millenia. We should be most foolish to discard it all as mere antiquated relics of the past, while accepting as gospel the myriad New Age teachings that have permeated our society over recent decades. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we be wise and sober, discerning the spirits to make sure that they are truly of God, refusing to be led astray by the deceptive illusions of the Evil One.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

No where on earth is UFO activity more prevalent than in Scotland, specifically within what is called the Falkirk Triangle encompassing Stirling, Fife and Bonnybridge, all within close proximity to the Scotland's capital city of Edinburgh. Within this relatively tiny area are an annually reported 300 sightings that consistently places this area of the world as the one spot on earth where you are almost certainly to see something most unusual in its dark skies. There are also increasing reports of abductions taking place as well as frightening poltergeist-like activity in area residences. Why should these rather small Scottish towns near Edinburgh attract so much supernatural attention? Some have suggested that the true Stone of Scone (the Stone of Destiny) is hidden in the area, possibly in Edinburgh Castle. Could it be that all of this paranormal activity in the skies began with the advent of clone research being carried out in the nearby town of Roslin, at the Roslin Institute? It is interesting to note that at the same time UFO activity suddenly appeared as if overnight, that Professor Ian Wilmut was just beginning his research in the area of DNA cloning of living mammals, through which he infamously was sucessful in cloning a sheep named Dolly in 1996. Even more strange is that not far from the Roslin Institute stands Rosslyn Chapel, whose Apprentice Pillar has as many believe, mapped out a perfect human genome including a double helix strand of DNA, the fundamentals of all living creatures. As with other paranormal instances with similar place names, it is also noted that Roswell and Roslin have their connection with the root word 'Ros-', a Latin derivation of Rosa, as in sub-rosa, the (red) rose, whose occult context conveys the Merovingian Bloodline, a lineage whose origins are connected with the alien-being known as the Quinotaur.

The American and British involvement in UFO activity is frightening to say the least. In short, Satanic Angels as demons are limited in their being able to work in the third-dimensional plane that personifies our existence as humans. As such, the American and British governments have been in league with Satan and his Fallen Angels to aid in their plan at deceiving the world in advance of the arrival of Antichrist. These stories you hear about alien abductions with its victims being held powerlessly in a trance induced state while their blood, DNA, sperm, or ovum are removed from them are unequivally true. Human DNA as well as the human-creating building blocks of sperm and egg are being used to create an entire army of human/alien cloned "grey" beings. This is being done so that demons can literally possess the clones to better work in the three-dimensional plane in advance of the deception they will perpetrate on the world in regards to a mass invasion/salvation scenario between the Greys and Reptoid 'races.' The mass sightings of UFO's seen over the skies of America, England, Scotland, and Wales, and always near Air Force bases are due to the fact that these same bases have off-limit military enforced restricted areas where top secret nuclear powered anti-gravity craft are manufactured using 'alien' technology. The same bases have underground laboratories where the many soulless human/demonic hybrid clones are created as 'empty shells' to be later demonically-possessed by Satan's ancient Fallen Angels and Nephilim in preparation for the coming worldwide 2012 event.

New Age types today believe that all of mankind is scheduled to evolve to a higher plane of existence in 2012, but that in order to do so, our "group consciousness" must first be brought together into a single alignment revolving around the 11:11 "Ascension" ideology. This of course involves a critical mass (sufficient number) of human beings agreeing that perennial philosophy is true, that UFO's and its ascended beings are our friends, while traditional beliefs such as Biblical Christianity is completely contrary to the 'One' (Antichrist) consciousness. Satan, using deceptions originally developed while in Eden, has deceived them well. Even though so many of this insolent generation today see no evidence of Satan, it is Satan himself behind the very real trend we see all around us today propagating one world globilization and the New Age mindset, which is singly geared toward preparing the way for the Antichrist, the literal flesh embodiment of Satan himself. All of his plans are focused on this single goal while all of his machinations are designed to prevent as many human beings as possible from accepting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the short time he has left from 2012-2022. Just as Adam and Eve chose to believe a lie in order to achieve a personal benefit to themselves in the Garden of Eden, so will tens of millions of unsuspecting people once again be tricked into choosing against God's will for them, and damning themselves in the process. Adam and Eve did not recognize the Serpent for what he was in the Garden, and most will not recognize him for what he is when he comes again with his "mark", nor will they recognize "the mark" for what it is, a symbol of the fallen Sun-God of Light, Lucifer.


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

NUMBER OF THE SUN [SORATH] = 666 | Arthos 666 | Therion 666 | 33º SOLAR WORSHIP | KING SORATH | THE BLACK SUN |

The Greek translation of the word "mark" mentioned in Revelation 13 is "charagma" and its literal interpretation means an "incision" or a "cutting" by which the Mark of the Beast will then be placed. This is how Strong's Concordance renders the word (G5480): Charagma χαÌραγμα - khar'-ag-mah: From the same as G5482; a scratch or etching, that is, stamp (as a badge of servitude), or sculptured figure; graven, mark. This reveals to us how the Mark of the Beast will be applied, though an incision or injection into the flesh which will then be placed a sculpted figure (Crystal Sun Symbol) underneath the skin, part of which will likely be visable and protruding through the skin, as depicted by those who prepare for such a new world financial system. Today, the Mark of the Beast is in its early stages, being introduced to the world as a helpful necessity in regards to personal security. Applied Digital Solutions, creators of the VeriChip, a microchip about the size of a grain of rice that can already be implanted under the skin and stores 128 characters of information can be used to store your medical history, financial assets, personal details, banking information, biometric data, etc. A Vancouver man for example is using the technology for customed reasons relating to his home whereby he can easily open doors, turn on lights and access his computer at the wave of his hand. Applied Digital Solutions says that it soon will have a prototype of a more complex device, one that is able to receive signals from global positioning system (GPS) satellites and transmit a person's location from anywhere in the world. In advance of this new technology, Applied Digital Solutions has changed the name of its patented RFID VeriChip to the Xmark which is already being touted as the next generation of implantable chips to handle a wider range of possible security uses. The choice of the name Xmark is interesting for three reasons. First, the letter X (chi in the Greek) is also the first letter of the Greek word χαÌραγμα, the same word used in the Book of Revelation relating to the Mark of the Beast. Second, the name Xmark has the English word Mark in it, which is the Revelation word χαÌραγμα translated into English. Third, their Xmark is an implantable device worn underneath the skin of the right hand, exactly as prophesied, and is already being geared toward a future with it handling all of a person's financial needs whereby they can buy products or services much more easily with it as well as it being used for identification purposes. Certainly Applied Digital Solutions (who have themselves changed their name to Digital Angel) knowing or unknowingly is doing its part in fulfilling the Revelation prophecy toward bringing that future Mark of the Beast to life, today.

Consequently, this version of the future Mark of the Beast is already being used and marks HRH Prince William underneath the skin of his right hand, with a satellite-linked computer chip. Since all modern computer chips are actually made from silicon quartz crystal, scientfic advances are being increasingly made into making, not the chip, yet the individual quartz crystal itself store, compute, and remotely send financial data and other personal information to special scanning computers which can then read the crystal's signal output, immediately translate it, and display that information in any number of ways, even from the other side of the world, a frightening concept being perfected as you read this. According to several New Age authors who seem to be already preparing their readers for such an intrusive device worn on the body of every man, woman, and child, they are deeming this mandated technology to be vital in a post-2012 New World Order. In their words: "...the future World-State symbol of the Sun God is to bestow unifying power upon those marked by it, reflecting each citizen's complete submission into a Universal Community of Mankind," as well as signifying their social ranking within the Community itself, depending on whether they have their mark on their forehead (the elite) or their right hand (goyim). At that time, the Citizen of the coming Utopia world wear the Symbol of Life as a representation of the Solar Man within him, to connect him to his ancestors; the ancient gods, and to each other, yet moreover, to the Antichrist himself whose own runic symbol will be that of the Black Sun (666). Those who refuse the mark are banished from the Community World Order, yet a far greater punishment awaits those who receive it. It seems that despite the well-known ancient warnings of this most infamous number connected to evil and the Antichrist, most will never know it is Occult represented by the symbol of the Sun. In that time coming, the thought will prevail that the New World Eden owes its very existence to the Sun, which brought them out of a long and sustained, literal, Dark Age, back into the light. Indeed, when presented to them on an international scale by the Satanic False Prophet, many will take the Luciferian Mark of the Beast upon them believing it is a symbol of light and life never realizing Revelation's prophecy fulfillment about the mystery of the number 666, even as they wear it. Like moths to the flame will the world embrace Lucifer, again.

The Number 666: Sorath (SVRTh: Spirit of the Sun) ARTH 666=111x6 THERion (the Beast) ANKH-AF-NA-KHONSV(T) ShMSh IHVH (the Sun of Tetragrammaton) number of the Guardian Angel, Hatkariel; (600+60+6) symbolized by the Hebrew letter Shin; Path 31 on the Sephiroth; 666 is the mystic number of all the Paths of The Concealed Glory: 666 / 600 (Mem) Evil personified; 60 (Samekh) the Soul; 6 (Vau) is the number of Man; It seems the mystery behind the wisdom of Revelation 13:18 with its enigmatic mark and number has been solved. It is the symbol of the Sun, whose number is exactly Six-Hundred and Sixty Six. The Sun and its number has been symbolized by the ancient Celts as a Spiral. The Celtic Knot, Triskel, and Triquetra are all forms of this same symbol to represent the Occult numerical value of the Sun, 666. Other variations of this same Symbol have already been globally introduced for the masses to subliminally desensitize the world with Luciferian Sun Cult symbology as the Spiral is one of the most ancient symbols of the Sun, and the Sun to the Occult mindset represents the beautiful Lucifer, Lord of life, wonderful Solar deity and life-giving Force whose arcane number is 666. From my ongoing research in the Occult, I've discovered that no one name appears more in reference to the evil number 666 than the name 'Sorath,' which is the Hebrew word for Beast. Taking the coded name Sorath into anagram form results in the name Arthos, the ancient root word 'Arth,' which translates into Welsh as Bear, from which is derived the Celtic name: Arth-ur. Furthermore, removing the letters 'SION' from the Occult words Sorath/Therion, leaves 'ARTHR,' the old English form of Arthur. The Scriptures tell us that 666 will be worn or embedded on or in the forehead as already depicted in New Age literature showing it placed directly over the Third-eye chakra (Soul; Pineal Gland) and will take the shape of the Solar Merkaba, a Celtic/Judaic Sun-symbol 666. The Crystal Skulls of Atlantis have much to do with this coming deception. According to Satanists, the future Mark of the Beast will be created from ancient and powerful Atlantean Crystal which they deem is connected to their very ancient Atlantean Sun God, Lucifer. Those leaders of nations deemed connected with Atlantis, such as the Pharaoh's of ancient Egypt, had a tradition of wearing an Edenic Serpent called the Golden Uraeus over the Third-eye as a sign they were the embodiment of the Sun-God they called RA.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Here is Wisdom, let him that hath [occult] understanding calculate the Number of the Beast, for it is the number of a Man and his number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six (666).

God said to me, dig under the Temple wall and see the wicked abominations which they are doing there. So I went in and saw gold serpents and every sort of idol there, and standing before them were the seventy Elder Priests of Israel worshipping the Sun! And no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of Light.

Revelation 13:18; Ezekiel 8:8-16; 2Corinthians 11:14

The Third Angel followed them, saying with a loud voice If any man worship the Beast and his image, and receive his Mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the Wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever and they have no rest day nor night, who worshipped the Beast, his image, or whosoever receiveth the Mark of his name.

Revelation 14:9-11

Men are seen and surveyed by that Ancient Race of gods and demons [who] seek revenge for that forgotten battle that took place somewhere in the Cosmos and rent the world, in the days before the creation of man, when the Elder Gods walked the spaces. I have traveled beneath the Seas in search for the Palace of Our Master and found the stone monuments of vanquished civilizations and these civilizations were destroyed because of the knowledge contained in this book. I have seen the Blood spilt upon the Stone. I have seen that Stone struck with a Sword [Sword in the Stone] and the Stone raise up and the Serpent crawl forth.

For a Sword will appear in the sky at those times, a signal, a signal to the Ancient Ones that one of theirs has escaped and entered into this world and it shall be an Omen to thee. When the great [Cthulhu] rises up and greets the stars, then the war will be over, and the world will be One. Such is the covenant of the Abominations. Then a New Age will come of earth and the Serpent shall be made whole. What is old shall replace that which is new and once again the Ancient Ones shall rule upon the face of the earth. They have worshipped the Serpent from Ancient Times and have always been with us. And they are to be known by their seeming human appearance which has the Mark of the Beast upon them.

The Necronomicon

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

GLASTONBURY/AVALON: The official New Age capital and Occult Mecca within the Pagan's world going as far back to the ancient Druids. It sits upon the most powerful ley line in Britain, the same ley line which also passes through Buckingham Palace, where Prince William grew up as a child. The Tor was believed to be the gateway to Anwwn, the Celtic Heaven or Otherworld, a gateway to the dark twilight realm of the dead where spirits travel back and forth into our world from the depths of Annwn (Hell). Because of this belief, Glastonbury Tor has been called the 'holiest earthe of all England' and 'the most pagan of hills' by pagans who deem it to be their version of the mythic World Mountain, where heaven meets earth. It was and still is a beacon to those in modern witchcraft, Wicca, neo-Druidism, new age, as well as certain Theistic sects of Satanism, and is forever to be seen as a stronghold to those souls who purposefully venerate and worship the Sidhe; the old gods (demons). As a result, Glastonbury Tor to those in the know, is in effect Satan's Zion, his temple on earth from which the coming Antichrist will also have a special affinity toward, as well as other places throughout Britain which also hold important Occult significance for one reason or another. There is a folk belief that alludes to the creation of the 'hollow hill' of Glastonbury Tor as being the result of a fallen beast from the sky who crashed into the earth creating a vast tunnel deep below the surface, and that 'strange angels' or creatures can be seen all around the area surrounding it, which might answer why 'ufo sightings' as well as other Occult phenomena are still associated with Glastonbury and its Tor to this very day.

Another legend referring to it as 'Dragon Hill' has it that a great serpent, wounded, fell from the heavens and washed up on the ancient shores of Britain where he was tended by Druid priests where the Tor rests today, which is to explain why the peculiar Dragon shape can be seen from above as forming this massive 500 foot hill which seemingly has the outline of a large dragon, its serpentine body spiraling upward. Interestingly, the Tor of Avalon even crosses paths with the Magdalene mythos as it is believed by some within the Occult that the former harlot herself was buried at the very top where St. Michael's Tower stands today. Every year, thousands of counter-culture, pagans, druids, wiccans, witches, and others flock within the confines of Glastonbury Tor, climbing its spiral/spine to witness a portion of the mystery that has long been attributed to Avalon, to imagine what was and what will be again. In ancient times, Glastonbury was called Ynys Witrin, or Glass island, yet is better known by the name Avalon, the reputed burial site of King Arthur and the place from which legend states he shall return again. Curiously, another piece of the Antichrist identity is found within Glastonbury as its ruined Abbey, the burial site of King Arthur, was found to be exactly six-hundred and sixty-six (666) feet in length.

As seen above, Glastonbury (Arthur's Avalon) has spawned a growing, worldwide movement of paganism that has not ceased from the dark ages when Celtic Briton was shrouded in ancient mists to the present. Since the time of Christ, the movement has easily been able to effectively switch between two personas, for while being the Occult Mecca of the world, it has managed to go under a faked Christian identity in the face of a powerful Roman Church in order so they would never be destroyed, and always be able to carry on their secret work in preparing the world for their false Messiah to come. The decoy religion they created as a result is today called Mystic Christianity, and to a lesser extent, it is also referred to as Celtic Christianity. Both teach the same heretical revelation called 'The Traditions of Glastonbury' which states that as a child, Christ spent his "lost years" in Britain, and taught by Druid sages who are the source then accredited for leaving their imprint on His later three year ministry. Furthermore, they also teach that King Arthur was related to Christ (and King David), with Arthur being a tenth descendant from Joseph of Arimathea (Mary's brother) as if to establish a direct bloodline connection between Christ, the Son of God, and Antichrist, Son of Satan. In effect, this belief is nothing less than the original 'Holy Blood Holy Grail' or 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail' worked thru an early religion circa 500-700 AD, for even then Satan was preparing this world for the arrival of his royal child. It is these same Occult-led 'Celtic christians' of today which are seducing Christian traditionalists to shift their thinking as to prepare them for a new kind of Christianity to come. Already there are those seemingly representing the Catholic Church albeit in pagan Glastonbury form that is attempting to bring together Christians and Witches together under one common belief, and eventually, under one common religion that worships a covertly Satanic Solar Alchemical-Christ 666.

The Celtic Druids: An ancient Pagan priesthood who worshipped the "forces of nature" as gods, the chief of which being an extremely Ancient Sun God they called 'Lugh' (Lucifer). Today, self-professed Druids around Britain and the world claim the ancient Celtic religion for themselves, yet they are hardly authentic priests of original Celtic Druidism or should in any way be called Druids. Much of the original Druidic culture and wisdom was vanquished at the hands of Roman invaders circa 450 AD. Moreover, Druidic wisdom was never written down, but was a magickal tradition passed from one generation to the next leaving little of authentic Drudism that can be discerned after the Roman destruction by those who vainly think themselves to be actual Druids today. For much in the same way that Cainites breed only their own stock and in so doing pass the ancient secrets of their heritage from one generation to the next, so too it is with (authentic) Druidism. Evidences of Celtic Druidism is still found in the most rural areas along the wind-swept plains, craggy shores, and stone-circles of Britain and Wales even today, yet they themselves are so utterly elusive that nothing about the reality of these more authentic descendants of ancient Druids can be said with any absolute air of certainty, which is ironically in line with their traditional covert nature. One rite we know that is still practiced in secret by those carrying on the original Druidic tradition from the dark ages, is the rite of human sacrifice, a venerating act of murderous cruelty whose similarities are also seen in theistic Satanism (as the purest form of theistic Satanism is descended from Druidism). The Celtic Druid prophecy about a Celtic King to return who reestablishes the Druid religion as well as carrying out their ancient vengeance against the Church which destroyed them is something yet to be, and yet there are those who already speak to the fact that from the Druids such wisdom came, and to them it will return.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation CLICK HERE TO READ HOW THEY ARE CURRENTLY PROMOTING THE AVALON CULT


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

When this celestial Round Table manifests on earth, it will be chaired by a Merovingian descendant of King Arthur who was the fabled Guardian of the Grail during his particular era of history. Another New Age book titled 'The Light Shall Set You Free' recalling 'King Arthur's olde mandate' at Glastonbury Avalon confirms that England will be the future center for world Transformation. It will be through 'the Grail in England' that the energies of transformation and ascension will be channeled, which eventually will bring the Earth into the Seventh Golden Age.

You cannot escape destiny. You cannot escape change. Join the future in unity. And look for him to come as well, for he will come. He will show the way. The voice of Albion, Let it be. The King Stag [Cernunnos/Satan] will appear as Guardian [of the earth], the Great Bear at his heels, then will the Golden Age be upon us. Resist and your world will be destroyed. Resist and I shall destroy you myself.

Arthur, Dragon-Son come to life, will you walk once again by my side?

The Lost Books of Merlyn p. 15-16, 282

To save the Earth [from destruction]

One is brought back into modern times

To recover and teach an Ancient Magic

The world is then forced to a New [World] Order

The Quatrains speak of an individual being 're-born of Arthur' to lead the Druidic re-construction. He is 'the One' from the 20 + 1 on whose head success or failure seems to lie. He also appears to be the same 'One' who is charged with joining the Three Lost Books in One, in accord with older prophecy.

The Lost Books of Merlyn p. 402, 400

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation























Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

And the Ten Horns which thou sawest upon the Beast shall hate the [Babylon] Whore and shall make her desolate and naked, and eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

Revelation 17:16

So that not only this our Craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the Temple of the Great Goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all the world worshippeth. And when they heard these things they were full of wrath and cried out saying, Great [is] Diana of the Ephesians!

Acts 19:27-28

For the original Christians as Teabing tells Sophie in the DaVinci Code, about the Priory of Sion's efforts to keep alive the Goddess tradition. Mary Magdalene represents "the Goddess, the Holy Grail, the Rose, and the Divine Mother."

Secrets of the Code p. 71

But for a true believer like John, the statue would have been properly called an idol, and the whole spectacle was yet another example of what the Bible condemns as an abomination. "We think of Diana as the loveliest of the Godesses," writes one exegete of the mid-twentieth century...but the image was a black, squat, repulsive, figure, covered in many breasts - a strange, unlovely, couth, figure." Perhaps it was the figure of Diana that John has in mind when he conjures up the Mother of Harlots.

A History of the End of the World p. 67

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Antichrist's future One World Religion, the Mother Goddess Mary/Dianic-centered church based on ancient sorcery which first originated in ancient Babylon, is already growing in rank and number at present. As Christ will be given over in Marriage to His Church [Revelation 19:7-9], which is called Virgin and Sinless due to Christ's Blood and sacrifice, so shall the Antichrist have his counterfeit Church called a Whore filled with every sin and deceit. Instead of having Christ's Blood wash away the sins of man, Satan uses Christ's Blood(line) to propagate Antichrist's washing of man's minds. Instead of being built on God's Truth, it is built on demonic lies, from the original liar to mankind. His 'religion' is equally based in Western Occultism as well as steeped in eastern mysticism, sorcery and magick, given to man over the millennia thru direct spirit contact and other demonic activity that is today wonderfully adorned, repackaged, and called the New Age movement. Since the Church of the Antichrist will be rooted in this paganism, it is determined that the Global Church will have as its God, a Divine Mother Goddess Diana, the same ancient Goddess venerated today in Dianic Witchcraft. Diana as the Celtic, Roman, & Ephesian Goddess was vehemently worshipped and violently adored in the ancient world. Already there are thousands of New Age/Gnostic/Catholic-styled churches appearing on both sides of the Atlantic which venerate the false Mother Goddess, celebrated in so-called Gnostic Masses, aka Witchcraft. Long since given up on the Church with its tenents of patriarchy, feminist groups and women in general are completely enamored by the idea of a Goddess figure as the ultimate Creator/Nuturer, while the male God figure is either her chosen equal, or sits beneath her in complete subjection. Because of this Goddess and Sun-God culture being propagated today in equal measure, might it be that the demonic deity of this future New Church is both a Sun-God, Earth-Goddess Being as Christ with Magdalene, or AntiChrist with Diana, to become a greater global God/ess?

In ancient lore, Diana is the Dark Primal Mother Goddess holding the cup which contains the knowledge of both Good and Evil, life, death, and rebirth. She is also Satan's bride called Babylon, the unholy Merovingian Matriarch responsible for birthing the earth's evil seed and carnal Royalties esoterically called the Holy Grail. She is said in Satanic prophecy to return as a Jezebel with her children (either literally or spiritually; see Revelation 2:20-24) appearing as that last world church and feminine aspect of the male empire of Antichrist, the blood-stained Whore of Babylon which exists in direct opposition to Christ's Church called Holy, Virgin, and white, yet the secret Mystery of the Scarlet Whore shall never be kept a secret, even now as it is being propagated to this ignorant generation. She is the Temple Babalon and Divine, that same church described so perfectly as a Whore. In her hand is seen the golden cup of blood (the Grail) from which she brings wanton death, Hell, and spiritual destructions upon the earth. The Magdalene (Merovingian) Bloodline, from which is brought forth flesh for the Antichrist, shall be given its own religion, even as it's gaining strength currently within the seeding notions of the Sacred Feminine. This is the reason why Catholics, who have been worshipping their version of a pagan Goddess for over two millennia, will easily be able to assimilate themselves into that future Rome, its Satanic Vatican, the future church called Mystery, its children called 'deceived.' The fact that the Book of Revelation depicts the Whore of Babylon as riding upon the Beast proves that these two distinct entities share power in their meteoric rise to power, however once Antichrist achieves all that brings him nearer into a complete control of world power, he suddenly brings the seven-hilled Whore down to her utter destruction.

Meanwhile, the endless genealogy of a damned heresy continues, a doctrine of demons and teaching of devils that has been released into the world and is being taught in these last days exactly as prophesied. You can now see how this DaVinci/Magdalene heresy easily assimilates itself into British-Israelism, and how together, it can deceive those whose target is has been prepared for. Furthermore, this known revelation of Princess Diana as some New Age/Catholic Magdalene is only the shadow of the reality which the occult version of Magdalene is effectively based, but in Truth is actually referring to the yet unnamed, unknown, woman of evil who spawned such a seed of Satan more than any Co-Redemtrix in the guise of Mary Magdalene ever could, even as they are now desperately making her out to be. As the Scriptures clearly state - this yet unknown woman who has given us the Bloodline of Antichrist has as her name Mystery and she does have in her hand a cup (Grail) brimming with the Blood(line). Interestingly enough, Diana as a newborn was christened Diana Frances Spencer (Stuart) on 30 August 1961 at Mary Magdalen Church, in Sandringham, U.K., whose last words before her death in 1997 are reported to be "I will rise." As mentioned, the current figure of Mary Magdalene is used to deceive the world into thinking this Satanic lineage, is Christ's lineage, while the figure of Magdalene portraying Christ's wife is completely archetypal. The Occult figure of Magdalene is only a personage and symbol used to tempt both Roman 'Christianity' and pagan alike, because as one quickly learns within the occult, what they refer to as the Mary Magdalene is not the first century female disciple of Christ, yet at its deepest core is actually to represent a more ancient feminine principle traced to the most primal Goddess.

Another portent and prophecy which coincides and connects these specific destructive events to happen in Rome and its future Antichrist/Goddess Church was put forth by Saint Malachy the 12th‑century Bishop of Ireland. According to the traditional account, Malachy was summoned to Rome by Pope Innocent II in 1139. While in Rome, Malachy experienced a vision of future Popes which he recorded as a sequence of 112 cryptic phrases, all of which indicate some noticeable trait of all future popes from Celestine II, who was elected in the year 1130, until the destruction of Rome and the end of the world. This manuscript was then deposited in the Roman Archive, and thereafter forgotten about until its rediscovery in 1590. The last of these prophecies concerns that destruction of Rome (at the hands of the Antichrist and his Ten Kings) and reads as follows: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many Tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people, the end." Interestingly, being that Malachy only predicted 112 Pontiffs, knowing that Pope John Paul II was #110, and that the current 81 year old Pope Benedict XVI is #111, we are obviously very close to this last Pope to reign Malachy called Petrus Romanus, whose reign sees the Tribulation of Antichrist and the destruction of Rome, the Whore of Babylon.

We are clearly told in Revelation 17:9, 18 where that future Antichrist Church is located, even as it tells of a Whore sitting upon the seven hills, calling it a city which reigns over nations. At the time Revelation was written, the city upon seven hills which reigned was Rome, where today's Vatican City rules over 1.1 billion Catholics worldwide. As Christ is shown with the Holy Woman that births Him in Revelation 12, so too we see the Apostate Woman that bears the Antichrist in Revelation 17. The future Antichrist religion therefore is the ever melding combination of today's increasingly liberalized Roman Catholic Church with that of the future Great Whore and its 'mysteries revealed' to create something closer to a Christo-pagan system by which the entire world could be included into its fold (like lambs to the slaughter). Indeed, already we see this melding of the Catholic with Pagan, even Masonic, Mystery religion. In the occult essence of its true spiritual form, this current leaderless church of Hell is already here among us in the form of the seemingly harmless New Age movement and its eastern Mysticism with western Celtic Witchcraft leading its thrust. All that is needed for it to become that Woman/Beast Religion of the World is the addition of the Catholic Church and it will live to fulfill its destiny prophesied as the global Church of the Antichrist. In 2005, the European media reported that Italy has been overtaken by a growing tide of Satanism and Satanic activity. Meanwhile, there were separate reports citing Satanism even being practiced in the Vatican itself, by high ranking Cardinals and those nearest to the Pope. So much so, that a local Vatican-linked University is now teaching courses on Satanism, demon worship and possession, even black magic that's designed to help priests understand what makes people turn to the Occult.

Since DaVinci Code, many ask in their vanity-laden ignorance and subtlety of deception, why Christ being married and having sex be of such evil? The foul spirit not knowing Christ is the Lord and Savior King who arose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father in all Power and Glory and Majestic Divinity, just as He was before He was sent to earth to eradicate the power of Satan - sin and death. In stark contrast however, citing the torn peices of some gnostic heretical gospel that He was tempted to fall in love with Magdalene, that He survived the Cross, and moved to France or Britain taking the once demonic-infested, possessed, and pregnant Harlot Magdalene with Him. Of course this would mean He was not the Messiah fulfilled, no perfect sacrifice prophesied by God's many Prophets, certainly no 'God in Man.' For this cause, the teachers and people believing such blasphemy already have the spirit of Antichrist, and are therefore readied to see their blasphemous King arise. In this, their heretical interpretations make Christ of nil effect, and this must be for a reason which suits only Satan's cause, as the strain of their efforts are grand in their design while the Scriptures depict a prophesied Christ, Holy, who must be found perfect, spotless, a Passover atonement and sacrificial Lamb for the complete remission of sins to be the eternal and acceptable sacrifice unto God and man (see John 14:6, Heb. 4:15, 2:18, 1Tim. 2:5-6, 1Cor 15:47, 2Cor 5:21). He was and is now risen and seated upon a Sapphire Throne, yet they would have you believe otherwise in order to tear Christ down off His Throne, even off His Cross, to remove His Divinity from reprobate minds of those easily seduced, promoting the royal Grail Seed who are actually of Satan's lie and lineage, not of Christ's "overcoming the world" and everything in it.

Christ's examples of physical virginity are found everywhere in the Bible, in both Testaments. Revelation 14:4, which looks into the future and sees those 144,000 believers who are sent to the earth as a witness of Christ, puts the matter to rest with the following "...these are they which were not (notice past tense used) defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are also they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb [Christ]." So, there it is, the death of their entire Christ Bloodline theories - knowing how even the 144,000 shall be "undefiled of women" while yet in their earthly bodies, following the Lord in every example and wherever He goes, how much more would the Lord Himself be a Virgin, even the High Priest of this Church to which His Father was so vocally well pleased in Him. That said, the Lord Jesus Christ has only one Wife, called the Church washed in His Blood, a Bride which Revelation 21 perfectly describes during the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Therefore, beware of so-called scholars who reject Biblical Truth in place of apocryphal lies found in strange heretical texts which imply Christ to be little more than a carnal sexual being, for they are of Antichrist, preparing the world for his soon arrival.

From the Solar Priests of Atlantis to the "sacred knowledge" of the Celtic Druids, from the Mystery Schools in Greece, to the later herertical occult beliefs of Europe. From the Knights Templar to the many Anglo-central secret societies who came after, all have worked to keep the flame of their Messianic Sun-God alive, preparing for a future time when he would rise up, take on flesh, and restore a lost Golden Age. He has taken on as many mythic personages as he has names: For he has been Apollo, Mithras, Helios, Prometheus, Pharon, Thoth, Ra, Hara, Horus, Tammuz, Hermes, Lleu, Hu, Cernunnos, Herne, Shiva, Buddha, Set, Taliesin, and countless more. He is the Adversary, Satan, seen as a God and Morning Star by his worshippers throughout the ages. From the very beginning of time he worked through men in order to bring about his long-lost place among the Angelic Stars of Heaven as the King of Hosts. In this regard has Satan's children labored for centuries, deceiving men into rejecting the Truth of God and His Salvation through Christ, into accepting any myriad of lies which work to build the finalized personage of Antichrist. These same works can be tracked throughout history as they are the writings of vain men possessed of evil which speak of Christ to be as one of them, a mere mortal figure, and gnostic. From at least the time the above Scripture was penned, certain men have written legends and tales of Christ, many knowing they would cause division and strife in a future Church, even a future time. Today, you see it everywhere, secular scholars in heavy debate after discovering the latest heretical "gospel" which ultimately displays a 'Sexual Christ,' a very mortal figure quite different from the traditional view of the Church, to say the least. Of course, the Catholic Church has supposedly repressed this "secret" all along to keep their global power. What's actually happening however is that these so-called lost gospels that debase the Divinity of Christ are being released by Satanic men within secret societies to set the stage for a time when Christ would be rejected.


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

This book figures around the re-telling and clarification of an obscure and scattered series of Welsh tales concerning the boyhood of King Arthur, collected from a variety of sources including the National Museum of Wales, local populace, rare manuscripts both published & obscure (some housed in private collections in Wales/England and the public and University libraries at Cardiff, Oxford, London & Dublin. All accounts deal with the apprenticeship of the boy-King Arthur, under the traditional guidance of Merlyn: the last of the Druids, who represents the culmination of Britain's mystic past.

The 21 Lessons of Merlyn p. 1

Merlin permeates most Western magical traditions, Aleister Crowley being no exception, thus we have a wide field to explore. We have in Merlin the exemplification of shamanism which, through the many ages of human development, has been prevalent at one time or another in most cultures. Merlin also offers an additional perspective into the "Enochian Visions." Merlin does not die, according to the Vita, but rather moves into a state of being best explained by Xeper and Remanifestation. Merlin is not just an obscure figure of legend and history, but a very real force to be embraced.

Temple of Set: The Order of Merlin

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

'The DaVinci Code' by Dan Brown was the bestselling book of 2003, and has single-handedly helped perpetuate popular interest in the Holy Grail legend worldwide as well as the roles of Christ and Mary Magdalene in the history of Christianity. The book, which has taken on a life all its own, is obviously so powerful, it has even caused many within the Catholic faith to look again at their leaders in the Church and wonder if they are witholding the true legacy of Christ, or not. Some, so taken with the premise of the novel have even quit the Church altogether as a result and instead taken a much more Gnostic approach to the figurehead of Christ, or, in some instances, fell away from the faith altogether (which is something prophesied to occur just before the rise of Antichrist.) The unraveling of the mystery within the DaVinci Code requires the solution to a series of quests by way of anagrams, geometric puzzles, rare knowledge, and enigmatic-laced works of Merovingian paintings and art. After which, the solution is found to be intimately connected with the possible location of the Holy Grail, which is proven not to be a cup, but a powerful lineage, as well as to a mysterious society called Opus Dei, the Priory, and the Knights Templar, who are still pulling the revolutionary strings to change man, to make man accept change. The story uses its largest catalyst for this impending change in making known to the world the Magdalene-Merovingian legend, the supposed little secret which kept the Catholics in power all these years, yet what the story is actually pushing behind all of that is the more subtle notion that a Holy Bloodline exists still, and has, as yet, untapped power. While DaVinci Code is geared for serious-minded adults, their own children are being bombarded with the same occult message in books and film. The magic of the Harry Potter spell and franchise which has been in effect since the year Princess Diana was killed, has taken over the minds of children the world over. With a strongly hinted at membership of her characters into a magical secret society (school), one has to wonder if JK Rowling herself is not privy to the Order's plans for Antichrist. Her recent 2005 book and future film entitled Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince will be globally released in 2009. Half-Blood may very well refer to Prince William's own half-Merovingian legacy.

This same method of passing along Occult information through the guise of a story, as was also done with Lovecraft's Necronomicon, is still widely used today among those privy to such information. For example, book author and practicing Druid, Douglas Monroe, has written two intriguing Arthurian novels filled with occult propaganda, subtle symbology, Jungian-style archetype and actual working spells derived from Welsh witchcraft. The first, titled The 21 Lessons of Merlyn a Study of Druid Magic and Lore by Llewellyn Press, printing house for Occult/New Age books of every subject which encourage even the most dangerous forms of Occult Magick. Interestingly, in Robert de Boron's writings, the demon that fathers Merlin is hoping to create the Antichrist, the son of Satan and an infernal balance to Jesus Christ. Although '21 Lessons' is set in similar story form with information about the Celts and more specifically of its own pagan priesthood, the Druids, it exclusively focuses on the Arthurian aspects of the Occult, and the book was a stunning success for Llewellyn Press. Monroe's more recent and second work titled 'The Lost Books of Merlyn' is equally written from an Occult standpoint which make several allusions to King Arthur's near return, yet seemingly in some other form, as in a modern personage. This same style of cryptic occult writing has been well used before. JRR Tolkien with his epic the Lord of the Rings that tells the story of an anti-quest, not to find something, but to destroy that which was found, a story amidst much witchcraft, magick, sorcery, epic battles and wars that ends with a "The Return of the King," and something else strangely familiar, a long lost, and yet Royal Bloodline of Kings, which was kept in seclusion over the years and to be established once more at the time it is needed most. Throughout 'The Two Towers' and 'The Return of the King,' it is King Aragorn who struggles with himself, with a failed legacy of his father before him, not knowing if he could carry out what fate has already revealed, as being the one bringing back a lost Golden Age.

Interestingly, Tolkien himself has admitted more than once that his work was done using Arthurian archetypes, with Arthur becoming King Aragorn, Merlin taking on a familiar form in Gandalf the Wizard, and the Knights of the Round Table [reminiscent of the nine original Knights Templar] becoming the nine-man "fellowship" embarking on their Quest by destroying the Ring, the power of Sauron. Tolkien's contemporary C.S. Lewis is another author, thought Christian, yet has done more to push the New Age/Fantasy idea into the minds of generations of many, both Chistian and non-Christian alike. Even today, many are not aware that he authored "That Hideous Strength" a novel based on King Arthur. 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,' like 'The Lord of the Rings' also presents an unlikely hero who takes on much more than he ever thought he was capable of, until tested. Moreover, many (namely Christians) are deceived into thinking that the cleverly disguised Lion King "Aslan" is somehow based on a ressurrected Christ when the character is actually based on Satan, with the name (Aslan) even being an anagram for Satan, as too many Christians seem to forget that Satan is also portrayed as a vengeful Lion in the Bible (1 Peter 5:8), just as Christ is. The film adaptation has enthralled millions with a sequel called 'Prince Caspian' already being produced. This same subtle promotion of the occult path of Antichrist is cleverly crafted for the masses, yet is easily understood by those with occult thinking. This places the aforementioned Druid priest and author Douglas Monroe in some very good company, for found within his own works are countless references (albeit much less subtle) of a man searching for his own unique identity, his destiny slowly revealed over time amidst much Druid prophecy and magic, even "Red Dragon" worship. The young man becomes King Arthur, a king who has been reincarnated and once lived as Israel's King David (see 21 Lessons of Merlyn, p 194) who shall bring back a lost Golden Age of paganism into a yet to be revealed, future world. If all of that wasn't enough, Monroe's own self-styled 'Quatrains of Bran' are included as some very interesting reading material as well depicting many strange revelations about a return of a modern Arthurian King who has as his name, a number.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

"Seven, Six, and Eleven

The Numbers of the letters of the name

Three red ones will stain three parchments

after adjoining, a great wonder is seen"

7 - 6 - 11

'The Lost Lessons of Merlyn' page 161

William [7 letters] Arthur [6 letters] PhilipLouis [11 letters]

As you might immediately notice from the familiar writing style of Douglas Monroe, seen in the short example above, clearly he is mixing Biblical prophecy with that of Nostradamus' own quatrains, which provide their own clues. For example, from the fourth line displayed above "...a great wonder is seen" is a phrase taken from Revelation 12:1, relating directly to the Antichrist and Satan. From the second line we see, "the number of the letters of the name" which sounds nearly identical to Revelation 13:17; "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name" which is again, about the Antichrist. The third line is from Nostradamus Century 9, Quatrain 58 which has been translated to relate to the three French Merovingian Kings and their Bloodline...and again, relates to the Antichrist. The mentioning of three parchments may be referring to the Secret Dossiers, and perhaps others not yet revealed. So, with these in mind, notice again how he seems to want to tell us this enigmatic quatrain is about the Antichrist, yet he leaves us with a enigmatic series of numbers, obviously "the numbers of letters the name; 7,6,11." Remember, Monroe's admitting that certain text styles, even the book's pictures themselves reveal hidden meanings. In other words, today's Metaphysical, Occult, and New Age books are, in fact, actually serving to promote the exact same agenda which many Secret Societies teach their own neophytes, which proves the entire world at large is now being quickly brought into Occult thinking in preparation for that New World and New Age that is coming. As mentioned, the great majority of these written works all seek to radically reinterpret Christ and re-tell His story in attempt to marginalize Christ's divine mission of Salvation into a more acceptable New Age view that Jesus Christ was a mere mortal who through metaphysical mysticism and magic, became an enlightened 'New Age-styled Christ' being. Indeed, the erosion of Christianity by the future followers of Antichrist has reached new levels of extremism in its own right, softening up the minds of the global masses, especially the youth, for the greater lies to come.

As it is with modern Metaphysical books, so too is this trend seen even moreso within modern film, catered to an entire pop-culture generation of old and young alike who eagerly turn out to Occult-based cinema depicting the latest Messianic hero churned out by a Satanic-led Hollywood. Certainly our generation is that one which is even now being groomed into Anti-Christ thinking, acceptance, and ultimately, submission. Occult-laden films such as Ultraviolet, The Omen (2006), Aeon Flux, Stargate, The Lord of the Rings, Warlock, Constantine, Revenge of the Sith, National Treasure, Underworld, Braveheart, Blade, Dark Knight, Excalibur, King Arthur, Atlantis, Armageddon, Deep Impact, 1984, V for Vendetta, Ninth Gate, Prince Caspian, etc. have their part in a much greater plan. Film as a medium is potent, effectively placing archetypes into the subconscious mind. As such, film was utilized as the main propaganda tool by Hitler and his National Socialist party to brainwash all of the German people into total compliance for what they themselves were preparing for. With the advent of globally released film and DVD, it has now been made much easier for people to be far more influenced by those in control who can implant Occult ideology into the increasingly receptive minds of this generation, for within these films is found the same archetypal message over and over again. Compare Excalibur with Star Wars with Batman Begins, a Knights Tale, with Highlander, or even the Matrix, in each you will find the same theme of a young apprentice who is destined by a prophecy, vision, or oracle's intuition to be a great leader, warrior, knight, King, who is secretly mentored, taught, or trained in the ways of sword or sabre combat, magic, and a strict code of conduct or chivalry, all the while his elder teacher provides intriguing hints about a dark, shadowy, sometimes Satanic figure that is said to be his father, who is either turned evil, gone lost, or is dead, which leaves the apprentice to seek out the father he never knew. As the young student, apprentice, or Prince grows under the metaphysical teachings of his elder teacher, Jedi Knight, or wizard trainer, he eventually acquires a group of friends, disciples, or knights who attach themselves to his very secular quest to destroy the present order of death/war/chaos and bring in the new golden age of world peace.

Some who study classic literature would merely pass this off as the "Hero's Journey," which would be accurate, that is if it weren't for the unique way all of these films place a rather strange importance on Bloodlines, prophecies, legends, and Magic, not to mention creating a hero protagonist that is more a conquering, unbeatable, Messiah figure than the mere humble and humanized hero so often potrayed in the past. When you begin to pick up on this disturbing trend used in film, you then start to notice a deeper aspect to its malevolence, which is displayed by the actors themselves. For example, Liam Neeson, who early in his career played a Round Table Knight in the 1981 film, Excalibur, has racked up quite an impressive number of films which all relate to the classic Arthurian theme. In Star Wars Episode One, he plays the Merlin-like elder teacher, Qui-Gon Jinn, who trains his apprentice in the ways of the Jedi Knight, clearly Arthurian themes there, yet this doesn't become really apparent until you also watch his similar roles in Kingdom of Heaven, and Batman Begins, or hear his voice as Aslan in the Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe, as well as in Prince Caspian, or look over the roster of his other past films including Krull, Arthur the King, Darkman, Rob Roy, St. Patrick, to notice there is definitely a common theme here. Interestingly, his next film to be released is called Fallout, a post-apocalyptic film depicting a young man in search of his father. Coincidentally (or not) other actors in the 1981 Excalibur King Arthur film such as Gabriel Byrne, Nigel Terry, Nicol Williamson, and Patrick Stewart have also gone on to some equally intriguing roles in archetypal film. Helen Mirren (Morgana) has seemed to catch on late, albeit with her recent roles: Elizabeth, The Queen, and National Treasure 2, she has certainly included herself within that small, ecclectic group of actors being used by the greatest Occult alchemists of our time, the modern film maker. Other actors that have been used for Occult propaganda include: Sean Connery, Christopher Lee, Ian McKellen, Ian McDiarmid, Michael York, Sam Neil, John Hurt, Malcolm McDowell, David Warner, Jürgen Prochnow, Udo Kier, John Rhys-Davies, Ian Holm, Harvey Keitel, Gary Oldman, Michael Ironside, Pete Postlethwaite, Elijah Wood, Ewan McGregor, Johnny Depp, Julian Sands, Sean Bean, Brad Dourif, Hugo Weaving, Casper Van Dien, Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Connelly, Helena Bonham Carter, and Mia Farrow among several others.

Antichrist mind-control programming is found in every media today, including the 'global village' and 'going green' campaigns found in the text book and curriculum from local schoolhouses to multinational corporations, yet its the modern usage of film that is specifically geared toward a global mass aundience which is directly putting forth direct Antichrist brainwashing techniques to their fullest extent. This can be seen in something as mundane as the individual film's "tag lines" i.e., the words used to describe the movie in one setence found on movie posters and other marketing propaganda, to the well-hyped television commercials and movie trailers shown in the theaters where the familiar voice of the announcer proclaims "In an post-apocalyptic world governed by a legendary evil, One Man (A Hero), the Hope of Mankind will Rise and a New Age *WILL* be Born!" If you think, you can probably remember films that all had that same basic premise, with very similar tag lines, yet haven't noticed any of the meaning behind all of it until now. That is how subtle their work to impose mass brainwashing has become, mere background noise played against the backdrop of our busy lives in the 21st century, yet it is that constant bombardment of subtle messaging found everywhere that can affect a persons entire process of thinking when in the future, actually in a post-apocalytic world, in which one man rises to fulfill his destiny. We must remember who controls all forms of media, and who they are in complete service to, and what its own agenda has been since Eden. Satan is coming and he's going to take to Hell with him as many people as he can. I say all this, I've done all the research and made this entire website, so you and your loved ones won't become deceived, now, or in that future slated for some of us who survive to see the daily reality of those in servitude to the Occult, become the reality of all. The powers behind this media industry have three goals in mind:

1) To foster a mainstream world enamored by sub-culture hero worship set to idolize a new kind of Messianic hero that is NOT Christ.

2) To "awaken" Prince William himself, the slated Arthurian hero of the New Age whose own destiny will parallel much of these films.

3) To financially earn billions worldwide to continually fund this degenerate media enterprise & naturally themselves in the process.

The late Heath Ledger was certainly used by Occultists in the Celtic/Arthurian television series called Roar, which depicts a young Celtic man [the young apprentice again] Conor (Heath Ledger), who in 400 AD sets out to rid his land of the invading Romans but in order to accomplish it, he must unite the Celtic clans to fight back the invasion. It's the King Arthur legend all over again, re-packaged for a new audience. Ledger of course went on to play "William" in A Knights Tale, as well as in the secret society film, The Order. The X-Files, a television series entirely based on government conspiracy, mind control, and secret societies of men in absolute power really connected themselves with Antichrist archetypal programming when they added the infant Christ-like "William" to the storyline, a child of otherworld-influenced bloodline born to Dana Scully, a Catholic, which is strikingly reminiscent of the Merlin story, Merlin being a human/demon hybrid child born to a Catholic nun, who later mentors the young Arthur. The actor Sam Neil, who played the Antichrist in The Omen III: Final Conflict, took on a rather infamous role for a 1998 television mini-series called 'Merlin.' Another actor being used for Antichrist brainwashing purposes is Keanu Reaves, since he has played in the 1992 adaption of Dracula, he was chosen to play the Antichrist himself in the 1997 film "The Devil's Advocate," a film about becoming enlightened as to the dark nature of his true father, Satan. Immediately after this film, Reaves is then tapped to play as "Neo" Anderson, a new kind of Messianic hero in 1999 called The Matrix, a trilogy of films which contain strong references to the Grail lineage, actually including characters named Cain and the Merovingian. Of course there is no more recent film that has dealt directly with the Merovingian Bloodline of Cain wrapped in a tale of suspense and intrigue than The DaVinci Code itself, with its clever ways of getting its own Antichrist-ian message across.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

In the book's epilogue, Professor Langdon feels the Arago disks pull him south across the Palais Royal...eventually converging on the pyramid which Dan Brown writes has 666 glass panes, a number symbolic of Satan.

Secrets of the Code p. 240-241

As millions are now aware, the most famous feature of the new Louvre is the great glass pyramid [in Paris], seventy feet high and built to the same proportions as the Great Pyramid of Giza. Fans should note that Dan Brown repeats the fallacy that the pyramid is composed of 666 panes of glass- but although it is actually 684 [panes], it is still intriguing [as] 666+6+6+6 equals 684.

The Sion Revelation p. 427

This is also an example of the psychological skill employed in creating the story told in the Dossiers Secrets. The creators have used other such tricks, particularly in incorporating themes and symbols that possess a potent emotional charge: in other words, archetypes. Special bloodlines and magical inherited powers routinely crop up in [movie] blockbusters, such as Harry Potter and the [recent] Star Wars series.

The Sion Revleation p. 20, 281

The role of Secret Societies in such plots - whether Ludlum, LeCarre, JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien, or Dan Brown - is not to be understated.

Secrets of the Code p. 162

From an early age in childhood, I had come to the realization that the inner core of my being sprung from Druidic philosophy and values, a fact which had stamped my life indelibly. And so as I sat there surrounded by the clicks and beeps of humanity, it suddenly became clear what needed to be done. Instinctively, I grabbed my copy of Geoffrey of Monmouth's The Prophecies of Merlyn off the shelf, and thrust it open of its own accord. A cold chill of realization edged through me as I read the exposed words: And a Boar of Cornwall [a future King Arthur] shall come forth and crush their necks under his feet.

The Lost Books of Merlyn p. xxi

A recent study of the thirteenth century Robert de Boron's romance of Merlin has detailed remarkably close parallels existing between the characters and careers of Merlin and those of the Antichrist.

The Quest for Merlin p. 195

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Through cable networks, the same films mentioned above are in heavy rotation among the channels owned by globalist media-moguls like CNN's founder Ted Turner (who is publicly known to have a strong aversion to Christianity) and his connection with Time-Warner, among others, by which they can all bring the dark message of the Satanic New World Order into each livingroom of the American family unit. The American Sci-Fi Channel is another medium releasing a heavy dose of Merovingian Antichrist propaganda into the mainstream social consciousness of its viewers, altering their subconscious toward the New Agenda. Even among cable networks that one would think should be completely free from this mass form of mind control programming, certainly is not. In recent years the History Channel and to only a slightly lesser extent, the National Geographic channel, have both ramped up their own New Age propaganda programs. Their contantly running documentaries about disasters, prophecy, and the end of the world are certainly overt enough, yet its the documentaries with topics of the so-called Holy Grail Bloodline, Mary Magdalene, Princess Diana, King Arthur, the Knights Templar, the lost continent of Atlantis, lost Ark of the Covenant, Nazism, apocryphal or so-called lost books of the Bible, the Bible Code, mystical Kabbalah, the Celts, Druids, Essenes, Dead Sea Scrolls, quatrains of Nostradamus, ghosts and spirit contact, cryptozoology, UFO's, Freemasons, and the history of Witchcraft, all of which shine a light on to their concealed purposes and masked intent. In one single night it is not surprising to see a documentary on alternative creation and conspiracy theories, time travel, Atlantis, secret societies, Merovingian history, 2012: End of Mayan Calendar, nuclear war, 'Doomsday Asteroid,' survival skills and survivalist orientated programming, as well as a constantly new deluge of other programs directly related to Bible prophecy and/or the Occult, even most recently, showing documentaries on the subject of the Antichrist's arrival himself. Could it be any more blatant?

Since the Antichrist arises immediately after a great falling away from God and the Christian faith, certain pagans within teaching positions are literally bequested by their Coven masters to force children into Satanic, or more precisely, Antichrist thinking by fostering an environment of Occult learning, magic, and one-worldism in the classroom. While at the same time citing their venomous hatred and mistrust for Christianity, silencing Bible-believing Christians in schools all across the nation, children today would rather learn of black magic, spell casting, and of the demonic-invoking Kaballah system than hear about a "two-thousand year-old dead god." Many of these same future Antichrist followers can have their own liberal parents to thank, as they carelessly display their own immoral values, and anti-Christian ideologies, instilling them into their equally-ignorant offspring. That slouching Beast moving ever forward has already nestled into the minds of the youth of this new generation, and their teachers and there found a home from which to continually infect society like a cancer within. The new wave of Witchcraft targeting today's less innocent generation of children while passing it off to parents as something amounting to a mere harmless trend rather than intentional mind control, is for a purpose. It would come as a great shock to parents to discover the truth that many of the same words, phrases, spells, symbols, and sigils that are found in such children's books as Harry Potter, are lifted directly from the most obscure and rare authentic books on Satanism.

As our own generation was beguiled into magickal and occult thinking through JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, so too have our children been infected by the same spirit, albeit much more direct and Satanic in nature, which in turn, can only infect their own children they shall soon loose upon the world, always leaving another post-modern generation that becomes even more spiritually wicked than the one before it. Books are by no means the only channel used to push Occult thinking into young impressionable minds. Today's filmmakers and media producers are not innocent in this magickal alchemical working of theirs in creating an entire generation of "indigo children" dedicated to their Pagan god of choice, educated only in the things which later promote the Antichrist. In fact, a recent study by the Barna Group proves 73% of American teens are actively exploring and experimenting with the Occult. Nearly ready, therefore, is this newer generation of increasingly liberal heretical thinking mindsets based on lust, greed, and magick, for the ultimate meeting they have with destiny, and yet, all of this has been prophesied as that last generation which is depicted in Revelation as being such immense haters of God and Christians in those days. Today's Pagans, Atheists, Satanists, and other self-inflated psuedo-intellectuals, will all have a place in the Beast's kingdom. It's becoming all too clear why so many refer to this current generation of those between 12-30 as the Antichrist Generation. Much different than any previous generation before them, today's misguided, angry, and spiritually ignorant youth are all computer and internet savvy and are even now the progenitors of such works as the Zeitgeist Movie which speaks volumes as to what Christians will face in a world run by a generation of youth completely biased against the God of Israel and His Word, even as they unwittingly bow to Satan and his Child in the guise of an heroic Antichrist. Certainly Satan has found an audience in this younger generation, and this generation has found him, not as a Villain, yet as a Hero.

As the Matrix video above explains, there is an indisputable ramping up of Occult symbology seen in modern film, with sun and pyramid symbology being most prevalent, yet also Grail, Round Table, Dragon, Antichrist, and Excalibur symbols as well as both Arthurian and Merovingian art (paintings, tapestries, glyphs etc.) appearing in the background, landscapes, and props of these same films. Interesting also is the constant use of a British actor with thick British accent to play the role of Antichrist, from Julian Sands to Sam Neill. Therefore in the modern world, it is actually difficult at this point not to be inluenced at some level by all this overwhelming amount of interconnected onslaught of the Order's media campaign to ready the masses for their arrival. As even the New Forest Druid Douglas Monroe declares quite loudly through his books laden with archetype and occult symbols designed to 'awaken the sleeper,' the key to understanding the Antichrist and his future Kingship is having an intimate knowledge of the ancient Celtic Druid religion itself, its (true) history, from beginning to supposed end. In Northwestern-most Wales to this day, you can literally feel the distant echo calls out in the night of the vanquished civilization that once existed there. As a result, a legend has risen since which alludes to the ancient spirits of Druid Celts still haunting the island of Anglesey, still seeking their revenge against the Roman legions and against the Christian Church that came after, and that they shall return to see it done. Time will tell. One thing is certain, the Druids never died out completely, their magickal system lives on still, and seen throughout history, and yet while the world slumbers, little does its inhabitants know of the sinister plans being carried out by many today in the highest positions of power and influence, each with the same secret agenda the Druids died protecting. And so, who did these priests of an ancient Atlantic Sun-God ultimately become?

You already know.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many

governments, and virtually every Occult order has Masonic roots.

-Satanic Church Priest Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals, p. 78

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation








Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

1717 was the year that a British society of Druid priests united in to create for themselves, a Grand Lodge on Primrose Hill, London, where they would meet to discuss global affairs forming something called the Druid Circle of the Universal Bond. Not coincidentally, 1717 was also the same year that an Order of Freemasons in Great Britain opened their own Grand Lodge also in London, where the dual-caste societies (or 'circles') of Masonic Druidism remains intact to this day. London's Druid-inspired Masonic movement became the leading Occult society of those who secretly held the Luciferian ideal which would further the Great Work by way of a great social alchemy which was to culminate in a changed world that would have been readied for Lucifer to rule as its only God. Many of these men involved in the Satanic Druid inner-caste of Freemasonry had already achieved, or were placed into the most prominent positions of power from where they could guide society into 'Luciferic initiation' using various educational, social, and political campaigns. Freemasons were included into membership of British Parliament, the House of Lords, MI-6, attaches to the Royal Family, and certain members of the Royal Family themselves over the last 300 years have became powerful Freemasons of the Satanic inner-caste and out of these, some became renown world leaders affecting global policy, such as the Satanic Winston Churchill (a close relative of the later Princess Diana), who arose to lead Great Britain and governed international affairs during its 'greatest hour' in World War II, and for a time after the war. The British Royal aristocracy themselves have been linked to Freemasonry directly or through one of its parallel groups such as Ordo Templis Orientis, the Order of the Thistle or Garter, or any one of many similar other Knightly Orders.

Many of the insidious Cainite elite in Scotland, including its Stuart Royal Family had developed strong connections within the Masonic Neo-Druid inner-caste which arose from remnant factions of the Scottish Knights Templar, as they all shared the same goal. The politically-exiled Scottish House of Stuart had become even more involved in the idea of placing one of their own line on the Throne of England. Toward this effort was the creation of Scottish Rite Freemasonry which sought to replace traditonal British Freemasonry by introducing higher degrees than those offered by other Masonic systems at the time. It promised initiation into greater and more profound ancient mysteries preserved and handed down by Knights Templar. It established more direct connections between Freemasonry and those already involved with Alchemy, Cabalism and Hermetic thought (collectively regarded as 'Rosecrucian'). Scottish Rite Freemasonry elaborated not only on the antiquity but also on the illustrious pedigree of the Craft. In time, Scottish Rite Freemasonry evolved into the main organization behind the true thrust of the Great Work. One evidence of this is seen in the way Scottish Rite Freemasons display their seemingly benign servitude to the current House of Windsor by referring to Queen Elizabeth II of England as "The Queen of Babylon," Babylon being the allegorical reference from Revelation denoting the united ten-nation confederacy under the future Antichrist. However, her seeming veneration is misleading, as it is not her they worship but the office she holds, morever, the British Throne itself, who according to them is the Throne of Cain, of which one day will see a King's coronation. The obliviously, benighted Freemasons of the outer-caste were never allowed to know the fullest extent of the workings within the inner-caste, which holds even more true today within Freemasonry. It is believed that the Masonic neophyte must achieve "degrees of ascension" toward the elevated 33rd degree which would make him ready to know and accept the secret behind Freemasonry itself.

Satan has deceived them well, for these same workers of iniquity only hasten the time when Antichrist himself sits in a future Masonic-built Temple in Jerusalem as the Resitiutor Orbis, Adam Kadmon, Rex Mundi Alchemical-Christ; the result of countless men in league with the Devil since the time when man first conversed with a Serpent-being, wise of evil knowledge. As Overlords of this Great Work, they will stop at nothing less than Satan's final goal achieved, the ancient destiny accomplished. Even the Scriptures spoke of it, that subtle alchemical work of the Mystery of Iniquity which never ceases until Lucifer is seated upon a throne and seeks to destroy all those that placed him there, for Satan ultimately does not share power. Therefore, how can these helpers of man's own demise even say they are innocent of any charge against them, as they meet with others of their kind in such societies who uphold God's rebellious Son? Verily, Luciferian intent can even be seen in the very names from which they choose to brand their societies with: The Golden Dawn, Order of the Morning Star, Eastern Star, Silver Star, White Light Order, Order of the Sun, Black Sun, Sol Invictus, The Solar Temple, and most infamous of them all, the Illuminati, whose God can be none other than the Light-Bearer himself, as they do subtly admit. The inner-caste of Freemasonry uses the outer as a type of hedge of protection from the outside world and this was admitted more than once by the renown Masonic Masters Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall. Not only is their own admission of two completely separate levels of awareness within Freemasonry made apparent in their writing, yet they also exultantly confess who the God of Freemasonry truly is.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange mysterious name to give the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer is the Son of the Morning! MORNING STAR! Is it he who bears the Light!

Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma; Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 321

The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explanation is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.

Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma; Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 819

Satan is referred to by occultists and Masons as the Morning Star, that is, Venus, “because it is his light that heralds for man the dawn of a greater consciousness…” and “Masons themselves (and others) tell us that Lucifer (or Venus) is the Light bearer and the Morning Star. Blavatsky writes about the Druids, Magi, Zoroastrians, etc., greeting “the Morning Star—the beautiful Venus-Lucifer.

Druid traditions were also preserved with Freemasonry, which is thought to have evolved from the Druids or at least alongside of them. This connection is addressed in Gould's History of Freemasonry. The three part structure of the Masons is identical to the three offices of Druidic priesthood: Ovates, Bards, and Druids. Also, the secret teachings embodied therein are practically the same as the mysteries concealed under the allegories of Blue Lodge Masonry.

Contrary to the German-Nazi concepts, secondary assessments of the Order's ritualistic [Satanic] rites are interpreted as paganism, specifically, the Druids or Wiccans. The Satanic Occult theme draws historical memoirs with Scots and Celts.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Ezekiel 28:17 is perhaps the most important Scripture linking Lucifer with Satan, for in it the prophet describes the mighty and rebellious fallen Angel "as lifted up because of his beauty, a being which corrupted his own Wisdom by reason of his brightness." Interesting it is then how Freemasons, and those within similar societies are so quick to inform their sponge-like neophytes to become completely enamored with wisdom, to seek it out admidst darkness, to find it by looking within using the specific Biblical allegory of Lucifer's Light, of all things, as their only guide for spiritual enligtenment. As such, the highest degrees and subsequent inner-circle of Freemasonry know very well who they are worshipping in their maintaining such a Luciferian-brand of Light as their God. Another historical key piece of evidence linking these various Luciferian Solar Cults with Satanic worship is found in one of its most enduring symbols: the Baphomet. The ancient Mystery Schools first, then the Knights Templar and their own spiritual offspring in the Freemasons, as well as every occult society and lone magickian which followed have used the demonic-looking symbol of Baphomet and its later Mendes-inspired five-pointed pentagram sigil to represent the many Occult factions to this day, from Wicca to Satanism.

Baphomet itself has been compared with several cultural gods, mostly Celtic such as Cernunnos, Herne, as well as the Greek god Pan, all images of gods strangely akin with the classical image of Satan. Perhaps even more telling as to the true dual-nature of Baphomet is its image being used by some Satanists to depict the Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist, itself depicted as a combination of animal attributes fused with human similarities. Further examinations of the image of Baphomet clearly display several archetypal and mysterious symbols throughout its overall devilish appearance. For example, it carries the sign of the Pentagram on its forehead, the mark of this Beast where above it is seen a Solar torch, of which Eliphas Levi commented saying that the flame of intelligence shining between his horns is as the magical light of Lucifer himself. Examining further still, one notices one arm is female, the other male like those of the Divine Androgyne, its hands forming the sign of Hermetism, one pointing up to the white moon of Chesed, the other pointing down to the black one of Geburah (As above, so below). Medieval Astrologers saw within Baphomet the conjunction of the Moon and Venus, or the Sun and Moon united in tantric eclipse, while Alchemists saw silver and mercury in union of transmutation, ethereal with material, while common pagans believed it to be their Sun-God merging with their Moon Goddess. Satanists both past and present believe it to be Satan and his Whore of Babylon, the woman riding the Beast. Clearly there is an alchemical union of powerful cosmic duality represented, a union which brings forth something else entirely, the child of Ascension.

However, in the middle ages, the Baphomet was believed to be an idol represented by a human skull, of keen importance to the crusading Knights Templar, who were thought to worship the demonic effigy as the source of fertility and wealth. Later admissions by neophyte Templars attested that they had been instructed by elder Templars to worship the idol as their only god and savior, the elders anointing the image of the Beast with the fat of murdered children. In 1307 King Phillip IV of France accused the Knights Templar order of Satanic heresy, lewd immorality, demonic ceremonial magic and ritualistic rites in which they practiced spitting on the Crucifix, sodomy, blood sacrifice, etc. Concrete evidence of Baphomet-like creatures were found in many Templar cathedrals spanning Europe, every one akin to hermaphroditic devils. Perhaps the best-known representation of Baphomet is the drawing by the 19th century French magician, Eliphas Levi, whose Baphomet has a goat's head, human trunk with rounded, female breasts, a caduceus in the midriff, human arms and hands, cloven feet, demonic wings with a pentagram placed in the center of its forehead and a torch on top of the skull between its horns. Levi combined elements of the Tarot Devil card (where a naked man and woman are bound in chains to Satan) and the goat worshipped in antiquity in Mendes, Egypt, which was said to fornicate with its women followers, as the the Devil was reputed to do with witches, which only strengthens the point that Baphomet and its torch is actually the representation of Satanic carnal knowledge (perhaps of a Bloodline?), just as the pagan fires of Beltane to this day have their connection to the celebration of carnal wisdom, the Knowledge of Good and Evil as it was called in Genesis. The Witchcraft historian Montague Summers suggested that Baphomet was a combination of the Greek Baphe and Metis, meaning "absorption of knowledge."

In The Garden of Aton, compiled by Nora Boyles in 1993, a spirit guide by the name of Ceres-Hatonn is reported of accusing the Freemasons of unspecified black magickal practices and ritual Druidic-Masonic rites. The center of these accusations was found to be within their Satanic worship and involvement in the Gothic Templar-styled Black Mass. According to Ceres, Freemasons and other occultists utilize the symbol of Baphomet rendered by Eliphas Levi for the same horrible purposes as their Templarian forefathers before them, in which all manner of evil practices were carried out in the name of Satan, whilst employing the image of Baphomet. In describing the Baphomet illustration, Boyles wrote: the lower abdomen clearly shows the Caduceus in the form of a stylized phallus, strengthening the new theory that Baphomet is in fact an encoded fertility symbol for the explicit purposes of Satanic pro-creation. Furthermore, using the Masonic Atbash Cipher in decoding the name Baphomet, we are given 'Sophia,' the Goddess of wisdom who is also equated with the Moon Goddess Diana, whose male consort is Satan Lucifer. Therefore, taking all of these attributes into account, it is my conclusion that the image of the Baphomet, revered so vehemently among pagans of every kind, namely Satanists, is nothing more than the secret of the Satanic/human hybrid bloodline, a Royal Satanic lineage which ultimately produces the Antichrist. Secret societies therefore utilized this kind of occult symbology, specifically the enigmatic Baphomet effigy as idol worship steeped in deep esoteric mysticism to keep their Great Work a well-guarded and high level secret only imparted to trusted members, while those who are actually born into such knowledge are aware of the Baphomet's true implications being DIANA-LUCIFERA. Despite what occultists say to the uninitiated, the frightening depiction of the Satanic/Diana idol was ultimately to convey the birth of the Alchemical Satan, the Antichrist Golden Child, a figure who in times past has also been represented by the Egyptian God Horus.

The Egyptian God Horus and his symbol of the All-Seeing Eye above the Pyramid (a symbol whose roots are traced back to Atlantis) is most often seen today on the back of the American Dollar bill. The Eagle depicted on the right side was originally going to be a Phoenix, to symbolize the new secular Aquarian Order that the Freemasons were attempting to bring forth and rise from the destruction of the old Pisean age. However, it was ultimately decided that the American Eagle should best represent the new nation while also denoting the Egyptian connection of the Eagle which was used to portray the Sun God, Amun-Ra. On the left is seen the All-Seeing-Eye over the unfinished pyramid represents the furthering of the Great Work of the Occult, while yet unfinished, is eventually to be made complete when the golden Solar King Horus, Son of the Underworld's Osiris, is born among us and is seated on the world throne as Rex Mundi (King of the world) to complete the Masonic vision of Novus Ordo Seclorum; the New Secular Order of the Ages. Since the usage of Egypt's deities has always represented the Masonic plan behind the Great Work, and since Horus is the son of the Sun-God while at the same time the son of the dark Underworld deity, and knowing how the god of Freemasonry, Satan, has used cultural man-made myths and legends in various ways to assist in his overall plan before, it is thereby concluded that Horus actually represents the Son of Satan, Antichrist, the all-powerful Golden Child, and that it is he who is esoterically depicted in the Masonic All-Seeing Eye symbol above the unfinished 13-stepped Pyramid. For just as the Horus myth parallels the Satanic trinity thru its Egyptian counterparts in the Father Osiris, Mother Isis, and their magickal Child Horus, the exact same archetypes are found in Lucifer, Diana, and young Prince William.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol...represents the Powers of Darkness combined with the generative fertility of the goat. Many people in the Middle Ages thought some women rode 'at night time with Diana, Goddess of the Pagans.' The Goddess of [all] witches had various names, but learned texts commonly refer to her as Diana, Goddess of the Moon.

Anton Szandor LaVey; The Satanic Bible p. 136; Exploring the Unknown p. 207

The following year, under the pseudonym Jean Kotska, he published Lucifer Unmasked in which he denounced Freemasonry as Satanic, reserving special venom for the Rectified Scottish Rite. The higher grades learned magical excercies. The exact details of these operations are unknown - they were jealously guarded - but they appear to have been a form of ritual magic that aimed to put the adept in communication with otherworldly intelligences, in a way similar to Dr. John Dee's Angelic Magic of the Elizabethian era.

The Sion Revelation p. 316, 327

The Devil would not lead us to death and fire, but to life, creation, pleasure, ecstasy and wisdom. Lucifer has been described within a Sabbatic context before, specifically as the husband of Diana from the legend originating from Italian folklore. Lucifer (the Sun) was the husband of Diana (the Moon); the two were joined in a great union of opposites. It is the development of the individual towards a partial solitary path which opens each aspect of initiation towards the advancement of the human spirit. This means positive evolution, discipline, understanding and mental strength is the building blocks of understanding.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

On May 14, 1607, a Masonic group calling themselves “Virginia Company” landed a group of colonists in Jamestown, Virginia, where the first Masonic secret society was set up. The fact that the London's Masonic Hall already had their hands in the creation of the United States by 1607 proves without any doubt, from the very onset, America was created to be a Masonic nation that would be forever linked with the Masonic elements within England. The lofty ideals of this element of the Anglo-conspiracy created by English Freemasons surprisingly came about in part by the literary works of Sir Francis Bacon author of The New Atlantis in 1627. Bacon is said to have "exerted a considerable and beneficial influence on the forming of America," the understanding being that the Freemasons were going to build for themselves, a New Atlantis, a powerful utopian society which would be a Masonic light and leader of the world. Almost immediately after the novel was published, Christoph Nicolai began claiming that a grand, Anglo-American, cross-Atlantic conspiracy was underway between American Freemasons and prominent English Freemasonry and Rosicrucians in London to conceal secret political efforts to restore the exiled Scottish House of Stuart, as well as rebuild the Temple of Solomon in America (since there was no 'Kingdom of Israel' at that time), whereby ever since, the persistent rumors of a grand Masonic conspiracy of London and American societies have never wavered from that time to this. One thing is certain, after the formation of the new Druidic Grand Lodge built in London in the year 1717, the ranks of Freemasonry surged as increasingly more Freemasons were enamored of the Atlantis conspiracy, even if it meant treason and war with the armies of the then British King. In time, as the plan took root across the Atlantic, what was once seen as a purely Puritan Christianized America obviously became something altogether much different within 97 years of its inception once its new "Founding Fathers" came to power, bringing with them the ancient precepts and secrets of the Egyptian and British Druidic Mystery traditions thru the so-called 'Scottish Rite' handed down to them from the Knights Templar, the Merovingians, and that vanquished Celtic Order of Solar priests before them. They wasted no time in establishing themselves as architects of this New Atlantis weaving their strange and mysterious tenants into the very fabric of the new American government.

The very same ancient and Occult symbology carried over from Scotland and England derived from the York/Scottish Rite and Bavarian Illuminati quickly took root in America, just as the Masonic Founding Fathers imposed their own powerful influences onto every facet of the New Atlantic Kingdom. The earliest evidences of British-Israelism were dislayed through the Masonic secret language of symbols even then, more clearly seen in the modern version of the Great Seal today. Just as the Biblical Kings and prophets were each given divine revelations often times thru the guidance of an Angel, America's first President, George Washington, himself a Masonic Master, was reported to have prophetic visions about America already foreseeing the future greatness and power of the New Masonic Kingdom. Despite the efforts of the despised King George, there was no stopping it. A New England was to be created across the Atlantic and become vastly more powerful than the original, however, what those who weren't privy to the Masonic plan couldn't realize at that time is that the new Masonic nation was never going to cut its ties with England completely, quite the contrary, it only waited for a time when even the ruling powers in England would themselves become Masonic, and the two governments would be as allies, thereby establishing the Masonic dream of raising up a New Atlantis, a united venture of Freemasonry which changed the world. It is this same bizarre notion that even now unites the secret Masonic commonwealth governments of America and Britain today, the same nations who are behind every global Anglo-Masonic conspiracy during the last three centuries. However, a perfect world for tomorrow cannot be built without the blood of countless innocents at the hands of Masonic executioners, then, and even moreso today, where there exists a Satanic hierarchy within Great Britain and America working behind the veil controlling world events thru the use of assassinations, sabotage, sanctions, political intrigue, puppet governments, tyranny, and wars.

A sobering study of the signed treaties and charters between Britain and the United States exposes a shocking truth that the United States has always been and still is a British Colony. King James I was famous, not for just changing the Bible into the King James version, but for signing the First Charter of Virginia in 1606. That Charter granted America’s British forefathers a license to settle and colonize America. The Charter also guarantees that future Kings and Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all the citizens and colonized land in America stolen from the Indians. Although King George III of England gave up most of his claims over the American colonies, he kept his right to continue receiving payment for his business venture of colonizing America. One century later a corrupt US Congress committed the biggest theft in world history. They passed Paul Warburg’s Federal Reserve Act in 1913 handing over America’s gold and silver reserves, and total control of America’s economy, to the Rothschild banksters. Most Americans still believe that their Federal Reserve, is owned and controlled by the American Government, however, it is not. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking system whose majority Class A shareholders are many, including the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Kuhn and Loeb, J.P. Morgan, Rockefellers, Israel Seiff and the Lehman Brothers. This private banking cartel is also known as the Federal Reserve and is never audited and never pays taxes. All of today’s think tanks originate from the Committee of 300 and include "the Round Table," the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the United Nations, the Bilderbergs, the Club of Rome, RIIA Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the Trilateral Commission founded by David Rockefeller. Like a Evil family tree all connected to London, these examples of world controllers listed above all have their own connections to the Black Nobility, founders of the Committee of 300, ultimately governed by whichever reigning Monarchy rules in England; currently Queen Elizabeth II [Windsor clan].

If that weren't enough, the American President's own Bloodline can be traced to the Royal lineages of France, Scotland, and England, and wherever else the Merovingian Bloodline has traveled, which then paints a picture that the United States of America is no more its own sovereign entity, than a mere British Masonic proxy controlling global events for the usurped Cainite Windsor Crown of England. America's current reigning President George W. Bush, the Skull and Bonesman who has obviously been seated in the White House by some extremely powerful people pulling the strings, has certainly carried out the Antichrist agenda during his two terms in Office, most recently to the point of wanting to create that seven-year Peace Covenant with Israel, the same seven-year treay which the future British Antichrist later confirms. Clearly, certain Presidents in American history, therefore, have subjected themselves to, and fallen right in line with the Anglo-American 'Atlantis' ideology, itself being the grand undertaking of certain families of the British, Scottish, and now American Merovingian families that are aligned squarely with the Stuart and Windsor branches. The very fact that such insolent men such as George W. Bush can even attain such heights of power all but proves the hidden connections going on behind the scenes all the more. Conclusively, these Monarchial-connected Kings we call Presidents who are temporarily called the "most powerful man in the world" during their tenures in office, are to represent by lineage and archetype that coming and final most powerful man, the Merovingian Antichrist because just like the Antichrist, notable U.S. Presidents must have a European Bloodline that can be traced back to the ancient Merovingian Kings of the Satanic 'Holy Grail.' It should be no surprise therefore that both of the 2008 candidates John McCain and Barack Obama are each connected thru a branch leading back to the Merovingian Kings of Europe. I believe it was David Icke who said it best: "American Presidents are not el-ected by ballot, they are se-lected by Bloodline." Throughout the centuries, these Blood families have played major roles in their involvement with the greatest conspiracy ever perpetuated on mankind spurred on by the belief that theirs is a Royal Lineage going back to Jesus Christ (actually Cain) and that it is their Divine Right to rule the world, a global version of Manifest Destiny, as it were.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Prince Michael makes the point that England does not have a Constitution and therefore the monarchy is little more than a despotic feudal system. He emphasizes, however, that Scotland has a Constitution, in fact the very Freemasonic model used by the Founding Fathers of the United States. It seems General George Washington, a Freemason, knew the importance of a Monarchy with a hereditary Bloodline and even offered the "American crown" to Charles III Stuart..

Children of the Matrix, David Icke

The Bloodline of 43 American Presidents from George Washington to George W. Bush go back to European Royal and aristocratic families who have interbred to keep the gene pool "pure". Their geneology, and that of today's key politicians, banking tycoons, business leaders, and media owners, continues back even further into the distant past through those European Royal and noble (Aryan) families to the ancient kings of Sumer and its empire, not least Egypt. Throughout history the right to rule has been decided by Bloodline. For thousands of years it was done openly, yet today it is achieved through covert manipulation and the secret society web called the Illuminati.

Children of the Matrix, David Icke

Many people are utterly enthralled by the concept of Bloodline families...although the enthusiasts tend to be divided between those who think the "Bloodliners" are our hidden saviors and those who regard them as the secret Satanic rulers of the world. The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined.

The Sion Revleation p. 291; Benjamin Disraeli, First Prime Minister of England

There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe dominated by the British Crown whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

America was and still is fulfilling her role as the New Atlantis, following an occult timeline which seemingly ends in the year 2010. From very early on in the government's formation, the idea was formulated that Washington DC would become the capitol city for this New Atlantis and so that no one could ever make any mistake as to the real architects and master builders of this new nation, the Masonic Square and Compass was built right into the Washington layout, as an Occult signiture. To further mark it as such, other ancient symbols of the many past heritages of Freemasonry would be built right into the DC landscape. Deriving their Cainite heritage from the ancient Templars, Greco-Romans, Egyptians, and Druids, certain government centers and historical monuments were built in methodical ways, each perfectly aligned to certain constellations in the stars, imbuing the city with mystical power. The Freemasons wanting to mark their historical fathers into this layout of Atlantis, the four influences of Templar, Greco-Roman, Egyptian, and Druidic can still be seen today. For the Knights Templar, their Maltese Cross was built near the US Capitol itself. To show their connection with Egypt, the Washington monument was built using the solar scale of 666 inches created in the shape of a white obelisk, the Egyptian Solar/phallus Sun-God symbol whose own bloodline fathered such a kingdom. The ancient Greek and Roman influences (who patterned their ancient pillared buildings after Atlantis) is also built right into the most important of DC buildings, such as the Capital building, Lincoln Memorial, and White House. Lastly, to show their connection to Druidism and its witchcraft, the layout denotes several Druidic symbols such as the Three Rays, Triple Tau, Solar Circle, Pentagram and Owl. Perhaps as a fifth connection the Freemasons wanted to make is that with ancient Israel itself, as the Square and Compass symbol itself was adopted knowing two more lines would also form a Star of David, a symbol clearly seen in the form of 13 stars and placed on the U.S. Dollar Bill. As their collective name hints at, the Freemason's, being the Master Occult builders of our age, carry on the work of Occult builders going back to the Knights Templars, who using the mysterious art called Sacred Geometry, built Occult-inspired Cathedrals on certain nodes of power in Europe which when seen from above, form perfectly drawn pentagrams and Occult geometrical alignments denoting the area's Satanic purposes of that time while also being linked to the larger Antichrist plan. Before the Knights Templar were the Celtic Druids themselves, who placed large standing stones on very ancient and sacred sites of telluric power aligned with ley lines.

The Atlantic nations who follow these Masonic principals now control the world, dictating a global policy that favors their will alone, despite the will of the other nations which their Anglo-Zionist and prejudiced policy negatively affects, and it is this which incites, infuriates, and makes increasingly hateful enemies of nations who do not subscribe to the Anglo-Masonic tenants and beliefs, namely the Antichrist-serving element within global Masonic Zionism. At times such as these they are quick to forget their own history, when Atlantis itself was cast into the sea as a sign unto any future nations which would be foolish enough to follow her lead. Moroever, one should also remember, Satan will use whatever "Atlantis" or Roman Empire which happens to exist at any point in history, during any given generation, to ultimately achieve his own aim of world dominance until that nation is used, destroyed, and another arises in its place. It is his very ancient plan toward a global version of false Utopia which has been under way since Eden, that seeks to recreate, albeit counterfeitly, a One World-Eden to dominate all nations with its marked children of Cain in complete control, while giving all worship to the Forgotten Father. Presidents of this current New Atlantis therefore are themselves only mere front men to the Great Work, putting forth its policies, citing its globalist agenda, carrying us and the rest of the world along in its epic quest toward global unity under the Masonic God of light. For just as there are inner and outer-caste societies within globalized Secret Societies such as Freemasonry, the worker-bees for the Merovingian Satanic Bloodline, there are also inner and outer-castes within the Satanic Merovingian Ruling and Royal Families themselves (as above, so below). While the unseen inner-caste ruling Rex-Deus Families remain hidden behind the scenes pulling the strings of global events in their 'Zionist' effort and protocol toward bringing in the Antichrist, it is the task of the outer-caste European Royal Families to stand in the limelight, putting a public face on the Satanic lineage, while among them one is chosen to become the last Son of Perdition of an ancient Royal Line of Kings. And so, who is it that has been pushed as the most popular Royal Family in all of Europe? Now, of them, the Windsors, who is seen as the most popular, globally adored, wealthy, charismatic, and beloved humanitarian Royal figure within that same Cainite-European family? Exactly.


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation






















Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

And God said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The Serpent beguiled me. And the Lord God said unto the Serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed. I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her Seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His Heel. Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception (BECAUSE) thy desire shall be ONLY to thine own husband.

Genesis 3:11-16

The day has come when Fellow Craftsman (Freemasons) must know and apply their Knowledge...Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy, he must follow in the footsteps of his forefather Tubal-Cain.

Lost Key of Freemasonry, Manly Hall, 33°, p.48

Cain is said to have created civilizations across the globe, and to have shared with certain chosen men a secret, forbidden wisdom: the Hermetic doctrine of the occult, symbolized by the Lapsit Exillis, or the Holy Grail. These actions brought him into conflict with other members of the divine hierarchy, an occasion immortalized in the Biblical story of the War in Heaven, and in other myths from various cultures that tell the same story. He is also said to have interbred with mortal females, creating mankind’s first royal family, the Grail bloodline, which carried with it the seed of the divine. Their descendants became the lords of the earth, resulting in many, if not in fact most of the world’s royal dynasties throughout history.

A plausible but little known legend speaks of a hidden, heriditary group of families who have exerted great influence over European life from before the time of Jesus, to the present.

Rosslyn: Guardians of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 97

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Before even delving into the little known truth about the origins of the Cainites, the Hidden Masters of Evil upon our planet, you should first be acquainted with the origins of Mankind who were the original races created by God on the 6th Day, and the very separate 8th Day forming of the first Hebrew man, Adam, the number eight presenting itself time and again throughout the history of the Jews. In other words, the vast majority of the human races are not descended from Adam, as we in the western hemisphere and anyone else in the Christian faith were taught, only the Jews are the descendants of Adam and Eve, and they were specially created to be closest to God from the Beginning, at Eden, formed from its ruddy earth. Furthermore, what we call "Jews" today, are actually descendants of the entire House of ancient Israel and all its tribes (meaning there are no Lost Tribes of Israel.) This then answers many of the Bible's mysteries which has eluded mankind until now, i.e., how Cain found a wife, why Noah was considered "perfect" in God's eyes, the seventh (Sabbath) and the eighth day (Sunday) being Holy, the Messiah's name and number being 888, etc., yet more than all else, it proves how God has His Children upon the earth and how Satan, in counterfeit, saw to it he would have his. Most scholars only know of the war between Good and Evil in the spiritual sense, yet know absolutely nothing about the literal war on earth between Satan's evil Cainites and God's Chosen Holy people. Let this be a wake-up call therefore to all white supremists, neo-nazi's, anti-Semites, and other ignorant racists living among us who blame everything on the Jews, when every evil in earth's history, its World Wars included, are caused by Cainites in their futile attempt to destroy God's Hebrew Children, the goal since their forefather Cain murdered Abel.

CAINITE (Children of the Serpent): A race of malevolent beings that have existed on the Earth since the dawn of the present age; the father of which is literally said to be Satan who had corrupted and had intercourse with Eve. Many of you reading this are already aware of these beings albeit under a different name, a name created by David Icke in his limited attempt to explain the overwhelming evidence pointing to a global society of evil beings who share in the world's domination, and yet all have a single goal. His 'Reptilians,' fathered by fallen, shape-shifting beings from the stars of whom have attained the highest positions of power in this world, is based on actual fact, however, what David Icke doesn't know is how he, in the Satanic and Occult world, especially by those in the same secret societies he references, is branded foolish for not realizing the true origins for the Serpentine Children of evil and the extent of all their works. As it is written, Eve encountered Satan in the Garden of Eden. Precisely nine months after this same encounter involving Satan's deception and "beguiling" her, Eve gave birth to a son, Cain, a name in the ancient Hebrew meaning 'I have gotten him.' It is also stated in the Biblical text that she continued in birth and begat Abel. This on its own strongly implicates Cain and Abel being twins, a belief not readily taught in the mainstream Churches, yet what theistic Satanists know and believe, as well as promote amongst themselves, is that these two brothers were in fact twins, yet fraternal, meaning of two different fathers, and therefore, Cain (whom they lay claim to being their most revered forefather) was the literal son of Satan, while Abel was the genetic son of Adam.

The Genesis account (of 3:15-16) clearly reveals to us that after cursing the Serpent and all "his seed," God then immediately turns to Eve and curses her with great pain in childbirth, and with that, the connection is made. Satan's seed and Eve's impregnation are linked to be of the same sin whereby the entire world is then cursed with Death and Hell, the power of Satan. In time, when Eve finally brought forth her firstborn, she shouted, "I've been given a (man)son," Eve knowing that Cain was not the son of Adam, keeping that secret in her beguiled heart, she then quickly gave birth to Abel, meaning 'favored of God,' and from these two still very distinct lineages are unleashed the thousands of wars on earth that will be waged in their honor. The birth of Cain set in motion Satan's Seed upon this planet, Cain being the first 'serpent' born of Satan's Royal Blueblood ("Reptilian") lineage, an accursed lineage of death. Because God had provided the prophecy to Satan, about his seed being conquered by her Seed, and knowing that thru Adam and Eve's lineage would come the Messiah who would destroy him, Satan, thru Cain, wasted no time in designating their first target, Abel, believing that destroying him would render this prophecy and promise of a Messiah to be impossible. So, from the beginning we are shown that Abel's lineage was to eventually produce Christ while Cain's lineage was to produce the Anti-Christ, the Son of Perdition. Satan's plan of destroying Abel from the face of the earth, being completed, was to bring the entire world and all its inhabitants under the power of Satan (he holding the Keys of Death and Hell) as he wanted to destroy all that God had created. The earth and all of Creation would by default become his, and his new children, born of his Solar blood, would worship their Dragon Father as their God.

Again Satan believed he had won, first in his temptation and lustful beguiling of the woman Eve, now with the bloodlust and murder in the killing of Abel. However, Eve then gave birth to Seth, meaning 'substitute,' and Satan quickly knew this war was to keep going on until he would utterly be defeated, even as the prophecy of a Messiah, which God made in Genesis 3:15, would be brought forth, and that He would be the One to wage the final battle with the Fallen Angel, the outcast and rebel Morning Star. After the killing of Abel, Cain was cast out of Eve's presence and left to wander in the land of Nod. As he traveled, he saw what ruination he had brought forth into the earth and cried out to God, who placed a Mark upon him that no man touch him, lest his own role in the prophecy, as being the blood enemy of both God and man, be forfeited, for it would be Cain's later descendants who would war with the Messiah, and His chosen people. Cain further traveled the ancient and now accursed world of the rest of mankind where he found a wife, his 'Dark Eve' as it were. She bore unto him a son, which carried the mark of his father Cain and whom they called Enoch, meaning "learned one" - yet this Enoch was not the same as Seth's son of the same name, so already the confusion and blurring of the lines between Sethite and Cainites was effectively established by Cain, as it was designed to. The mark and symbol of the Cainite clans were denoted by the Mark which God placed upon Cain, although several ancient glyphs and icons including those of the pentagram, hexagram, and serpent intertwining itself upon a Cross are seen in art and literature, it was the red equal-sided Solar (Maltese) Cross which marked their ancient accursed skins, the same symbol which appeared on the armor and crests of the medieval Knights Templar themselves. (Since then, the symbol has been used on the older regalia and flag of England later to be amalgamated into the Union Jack in 1606.)

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

'The Grail Keepers' were represented by a Red Cross. This began with Joseph of Arimathea. We find more evidence of the Grail Keepers nearly 400 years later with King Arthur, Lancelot, Sir Gawain and Perceval [who] all bore the Red Cross on their shields. They along with the Grail Kings wanted to regain the power that Benjamin once had in Israel. The plan was to place a man of the Holy Bloodline as the King of Judah. The Grail Kings were allowing the time needed to implement such a strategic plan, by beginning their own 'Christian teachings' and beliefs.

In the Merovingian Royal House and in the families connected with it, there was a surprising number of specifically Judaic [sounding] names. One Count of Roussillon was [sur]named Solomon, and another Solomon became King of Brittany. Judaic names became increasingly prominent through dynastic marriages between the Merovingians and the Visigoths.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 388

The ‘Grant of Arms’ or symbol of the Dragon bloodine in Sumer was called a Gra-al, also known as the Mark of Cain. The biblical Cain was one of the early Anunnaki-human royal crossbreeds who followed ‘Adam’. It is this Gra-al that became the so-called Holy Grail and this is why its equvilant in Old French means ‘Blood Royal’. The Grant of Arms emblem in Sumer was a cup of waters or a Rosi-Crucis. It is described in Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician and Hebrew records as a cup decorated with a Red Cross within a circle. This is the true origin of the ‘grail cup’. It wasn’t the cup that caught the Blood of Jesus at the crucifixion because there was no Jesus or crucifixion [by that time]. It was the cup that symbolised the womb and the Bloodline of the most ‘pure’ of the Reptilian crossbreeds.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Cain established a city in Nod and named it after his first son Enoch (which is why Cainites are also known as the Enochians) and they quickly multiplied further into thirteen tribes which branched out from their chief city located in what was ancient Persia. The earliest of these original tribes multiplied and conquered many ancient nations in the Asiatic near-east. Interestingly, in further connecting Cainites with their father, Cain (the son of Satan), there is evidence that even by the sixth generation of this unique race, they carried on Satan's (Lucifer's) certain genetic traits and original powers as revealed in Ezekiel 28:13, where Lucifer is depicted as an instrument not only of pure white light, yet also of music. Many Satanists know their god was a wonderfully adorned being, adorned with every manner of precious stones as well as specific musical instruments (tabrets, pipes, and viols), even as his voice was as a song and his speech was as the Music of the Spheres and so it was, Genesis 4:21 makes known to us that "...Jubal was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ." Thus, Satan's talents passed eerily onward thru his children, yet Satan's many talents did not reside in only music or end there, he became a god of war. Cain as well as his seventh descendant, Tubal-Cain (Gen. 4:22), are the two recognized Cainite patriarchs adored within all ancient secret societies to this day. In times past, the name of Cain itself was rendered 'Qayin' which was later Anglicized as "Smith," denoting the earliest Cainites workings with metals such as iron and brass in the making of metallic instruments and weapons of war. According to medieval Alchemists, Tubal-Cain was the great Vulcan of the era, the first holder of Plutonic theory and was therefore the prominent alchemist of his time. Tubal-Cain's legacy was that of the Master Craftsman, and is widely considered to be the first Freemason. Modern Freemasons, who have long been the keepers of the knowledge that Cain and his descendants were the wise master builders and bearers of Lucifer's wisdom, regard Cain and Tubal-Cain as their chief patriarch and father of their esoteric Order. According to them, Lucifer (thru Cain) is their Forgotten Father. According to Sumerian tradition, which incidentally names 'Qayin' to be a son of Enki, (Enki being described as the manifestation of all knowledge and 'the Bringer of Light') was given certain permission under the watchful eye and allowance of the father god Anu, to war with his brother Enlil for supremacy of the cosmos. To do so, he would father an entire race of beings to help him in his cause leading up to a Final Conflict. (Read also 'The Pillars of Tubal Cain' by Nigel Jackson which contains both Satanic Templar and Arthurian themes.)

Over the centuries which followed, Cainitic nomads had already spread throughout the Mideast from Persia to southern Egypt, and further west, some even reaching as far north as the Caucus and Carpathian mountains (from which the word "caucasian" is derived) later linking up with those who eventually became western migrating "Celts," while others who remained in the Mideast settled in the area known as Canaan. Meanwhile, the Lord God had directed His chosen tribes of Seth and their generations into the land of the Canaanites, where they were to completely possess this 'Promised Land' which God had given them for an eternal possession. This of course meant war against the Canaanite, and in so doing, God was sending His Seth against Satan's Cain thru which the Lord had nearly every Canaanite killed and removed from the land, giving birth to what we now call the nation of Israel. The Old Testament records much of this period of history. The victorious Sethitic 'Hebrew' tribes and their strong armies became known as the House of Israel and Judah (Jews), or 'God's chosen people' through whose lineage the Messiah would later come. The remaining survivors of the Canaanite losing their epic battles to the overpowering Israelite, forced them north into the Caucus and Carpathians, linking up with others already settled there and it is said that while in the Caucuses, that they began to take on near mythic, monstrous attributes, leaving some to believe they interbred with Annunaki and made their stock even stronger, for the next generations were much greater in power to the point of being giants (the hybrid Nephilim, Rephaim, Anakim, and Emim). The majority of these wicked ones, despite their new strength, migrated further away from Israel knowing it was protected by the hand of God Himself, and so began their entrance into eastern Europe, where they became known as sons of the Devil, even the Vampires of legend,' including the bloodthirsty Vlad the Impaler who was called 'Dracula' by the locals because it meant 'the Son of the Devil,' (a son of Cain). Some of you reading this may be shocked to learn that Dracula's own descendants include Prince William, the future King of England, the Vampiric Christ.

There was a written history of these things across various Satanic tomes, occult texts, and magickal apocrypha, who all agree that Cain was the son of Satan, even "the first Vampyre," a tradition that was handed down through the most powerful of elitist societies, the same societies which gave homage to their evil ancestors. Renown in the ancient world for their extreme strength and murderous cruelty, Cainites were perceived by fearful Europeans to be gods in their own right, worthy of worship. Their seemingly divine and dark natures calling out to mankind to perform every manner of bloodthirsty evil which brings forth the blood of innocents, again alluding to the story of Cain and Abel and the the reputed Vampires of legend. Wherever world power was rising, Satan had his children placed there ever ready to take the highest positions of power and influence over the common stocks of 'Goyim' who were to be secretly ruled by multi-tiered societies of the purest blood members descended from the first Order of Satan who some have called 'The Illuminati' for the lack of any other name known of them. Over the generations, these secret societies who dealt in the forbidden ar-cane knowledge grew in number, status, and global authority keeping ancient Europe in such a grip of fear that the tales told of them could hardly be believed and so were reduced to wild stories and horrific tales of bloodthirsty 'monsters ruling the world.' Their ongoing westernly traveling migrating tribes later filtered into Europe, as if being led by some ancient force toward the Atlantic. However, it is believed a remnant always remained in the Holy Land, as if waiting for an event. At the time of Christ, some scholars have them as literally descending from their unseen abode in Canaan to later assimilate themselves into the Jewish Priesthood known as the Pharisees, who controlled the religion of the Jews at that time. This is still being debated and unclear, although one thing is certain, Christ always set Himself in total opposition to Pharisees every chance He got, despite their seeming power over life and death (even His own) and secret connections they held with Rome. Notwithstanding, Christ never addressed them as a Godly-ordained Priesthood, rather, He collectively labeled them as a generation of evil serpents, snakes, adders, asps, and even in one instance, as a "Brood of Vipers."

Ultimately, Christ revealed more of their nature as Cainites when he exposed them to be the children of Satan, and even went as far as to say that their father is the Devil and that he was a murderer from the beginning, a most revealing perception that combines Cain's murder by which he is defined, with Satan's attribute of being a "father," by which he should be defined. In effect, Christ was speaking to the evil natures of both Satan and Cain to be within these religious and gnostic Pharisees. Certainly Judas, more than any other which can be documented, was a Cainite. The second century scholar Irenaeus attempted to prove this by stating "They [Cainites] declare that Cain...acknowledge[d] that Esau, Korah, the Sodomites, and all such persons, are related to themselves...They declare that Judas was thoroughly acquainted with these things and that he alone, knowing the truth as no others did, accomplished the mystery of the betrayal." And Jesus answered them saying, Have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil? (John 6:7). As the later Scripture states, Satan entered into Judas, possessing him, just as Satan possessed Cain when murdering Abel, and how Satan will possess the Antichrist in the future. Indeed Judas, called 'The Son of Perdition' was a devil, possessed of the Devil, carrying Cain's accursed Mark and Bloodline of the Devil, and as this Son of Perdition (son of the Devil), naturally carried out his evil work, whose own inescapable destiny it was to carry out the extermination of Yeshua, the Son of God, just as it was prophesied in Genesis for Satan/Cain/Judas/Antichrist to do. Knowing this Biblical term "Perdition; Son of" is to mean the lineage of Cain and that Judas was called the 'Son of Perdition' proves his connection to Cain, yet also to the Antichrist, the last Son of Perdition who is yet to come.

Understand now the Biblical use of numerical acrostics, specifically the number of God's probation, which has always been the numerical value of forty (40). The number forty in Biblical acrostics is meant as God's number of testing and probation, out of which comes either a blessing or a curse, reward or punishment. One example of this is seen in Moses' leading the children of Israel out of bondage from Egypt and into wandering the Sinai desert for the designated time of forty years before entering the promised Holy Land. They were being tested by God, and in the end, God gave them their reward. Another even earlier example was seen in Noah's time; forty days and forty nights the rain fell when the earth itself was put on probation, it being cursed for a 40 days/night period, yet blessed thereafter. Even the Son of God was to be tested by God in His time, and so He fasted for 40 days/nights, during which He was tempted by Satan, out of which Christ was victorious and proved His great loyalty to His Father. As a result, Christ was rewarded with His Father's great power of Spirit and able to continue His mission. Yet another example can be seen after Christ was crucified, when He was supposedly dead for 'three days,' from Good Friday 3pm until Sunday morning 7am, when Jesus was resurrected, however that timeframe is not 72 hours, but precisely 40. Knowing this now, know also that forty years was given to Israel, as a nation, from the date Christ was crucified, to a date in 70 AD. As such, God gave Israel forty years to repent and accept Christ as the Messiah, and depending on their own actions, would either bring them great reward, or, a lasting curse. The early Church was also directly connected in this, and they did everything in their great power to save as many Jews in those forty years as possible. The Book of Acts tells us that the Apostles at one point saved 3,000 Jews in one day alone, yet time was quickly running out for Israel.

Even so, most Jews still wanted nothing to do with a "dead Messiah" or some "new religion" that would replace their ancient Judaism. Meanwhile, Rome was becoming increasingly more distrustful of the Jews as a whole, and as those forty years elapsed without the nation of Israel recognizing the truth of Christ, God allowed Israel to be destroyed completely. The order came down from Rome to finally wipe out the Jewish rebellion, completely, including, every single Jewish man, woman, and child they found, which made this Godly punishment very different than any before at the hands of the Egyptians, Babylonians, or Assyrians in previous times. This time, it was complete genocide, by a disiplined army that was well-versed in death. Forty years after Christ was largely rejected by the nation of Israel came the curse, and Israel was razed to the ground, the Romans even plowing Jerusalem with salt as to make certain nothing was able to grow there again. The relatively few Sethite Jews that survived the Roman Holocaust of 70 AD, wandered among hostile European nations for the next 1,878 years (40 x 40 + 278 more years). The original disciples remembered what Christ said when He foretold of this destruction, even telling them that the Last Days were at hand (for them), saying that the Temple would be destroyed, with not one stone left upon another, etc. Even while He was being led up to His Crucifixion, He told the wailing women not to weep for Him, yet for their own children, Jesus knowing that a great destruction would come to that next generation, in precisely forty years time, which is why on the cross He asked God to forgive them, as they were completely ignorant to what they were doing, and what curse they were about to bring upon themselves and their children, even their children's children and for the next 1,878 years.

By the time we reach the Dark Ages and the Celtic era of mist and legend, the Cainites have all but found a nation for their own in the two largest isles nearest the Atlantic, the isles of Albion and Eire (modern Great Britain and Ireland), as well as in areas of Celtic-Gaul (France). These proud and haughty bands of Solar-worshiping Priests (the Druids) along with their Celtic warriors assimilated themselves among the more common-blooded Celtic tribes and vanquished many foes over the centuries, and up until the time of the Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Viking invasions, they seemed unstoppable. As it was, shortly after the Romans began retreating back to their own dying empire, the nearly vanquished Anglo-Celtic Cainites looked toward a hero to come, to bring back their once great heritage by birthright, to put back the fear of their father/god back into the hearts of their enemies, to bring back again that which was lost so long ago, if only for a brief and shining moment, the return of their King, and with him a Golden Age of light. And so, like some black etherial spectre passing through the veil of time, did Sorath enter the world, once again, and leave it, as if to leave behind a legacy from which later to build upon. Those who came after the Once and Future King, carried on in his spirit, becoming renown in their own right. For at the time of the Crusades did the many Cainite 'Rex Deus' families create a society of Anglo-European warriors and knights, born from their own Satanic lineage, called the Knights Templar, a dark sect of heretical monks hellbent on finding that which was lost, at the Fall of Lucifer. As history does tell us, the Templars did find something under Zion, at the ruins of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, and whatever that was did spur on their great wealth immediately after. The modern version of this folklore would like nothing more than to tell us they found what amounted to be the secret of an unbroken lineage of families, descending from Christ to the noble heads of Europe, yet might what the Satanic-led Knights Templar actually have founded be more closely akin to the evidence of an unbroken lineage from Satan, to those same blue-blooded and aristocratic crowned heads of European Monarchy? Moreover, might have what the Knights Templar found in some way further legitimize the Satanic notions of the 'Rex-Deus' Families?

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Now while the still scattered and wandering Jews could hardly hide or blend well in or among any of the European nations they settled, Cainites learned to hide very well (as it was in their hybrid nature since Cain), living as a parasitic creature off the cheap blood of the common man, becoming quite skilled at placing themselves as Europe's new elite, even going as far in some cases as to replace their own names for Jewish sounding surnames while comitting their parasitic acts in business and finance to further even more distrust and hatred toward anyone of legitimate Jewish descent. During the Crusades, Jews were outright slaughtered at the bloody hands of the Knights Templar who saw genocide as a useful and benefical tool in reducing Jewish population. While their Semitic brethren were being all but wiped out in the Holy Land, the Jews living in France, Spain, England, and among other Rex-Deus nations also began to be persectuted by their most ancient arch-enemy. In the year 1290, then King of England Edward I expelled the Jews from Britain. Likewise, France's King Charles II expelled every Jew from France in 1394. In 1492, all Jews were expelled from Spain on orders from King Ferdinand. These unfortunate events finally led them in large numbers into Germany, and yet whilst the Jews were never officially expulled by a Germanic Royal decree during the Middle Ages, temporarily, living in their ghetto's. However, by the 1920's, an anti-Semitic secret society called the Thule Society arose and recruited a still young, idealistic, Austrian named Adolph Hitler, who had a great ill-will toward the Jewish race, seeing them as the only parasitic entity bleeding the world. These notions were further fleshed out by Dietrich Eckhart, an Occultist, who encouraged Hitler's hatred, as he groomed Hitler to become a public statesman and later, to become the one whose task it would be to take on the 'Jewish problem,' with a "Final Solution." So it was, the ongoing and ancient Satanic plan to destroy Seth and his descendants came into the modern era.

Thus, they continued their overall global conspiracy to bring forth their messianic Antichrist, a descendant of Cain, the son of Satan (who would oppose the Son of God the descendant of Seth as well as prepare the world for his ascension after 2012). This alchemical transformation and racial switch (Cain as Seth), therefore, freed them to more easily set their evil plans in motion quite openly, under Jewish sounding names and with reason, the implication of which makes it appear that Jews are the children of Satan and behind every evil work, and not themselves. This removed from history the increasing knowledge about them, their true identities, and their evil works by blaming their own evils upon the chosen people of God, to cast an evil light upon the Jewish race. However, God knowing all these things, had a greater destiny for His chosen. Just as He stated in the Scriptures, once His anger of them was accomplished complete in its time, He will once again have mercy on Zion and turn His face back toward them, and bring them out of all the nations from which they were scattered into and reestablish them again in the same land of their forefathers, from which, they would never be uprooted again. God always fulfills His promises. Shortly after the end of World War II, it was then mandated by the United Nations that a sovereign State of Israel be given to the Jewish people on May 14, 1948 and with that, Israel existed again, not seen since the great Roman destruction of 70 AD.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Prophesy unto the mountains of Israel, and say hear the word of the Lord. Because the Enemy hath said against you, Aha, even the ancient high places are ours in possession: Therefore thus saith the Lord God; I have lifted up mine hand and they shall bear their shame. For behold, I am for you, and I will turn unto you. And I will multiply men upon you, all the House of Israel, even all of it: and the cities shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be builded: And I will multiply upon you man and beast and they shall increase and bring fruit: and I will settle you after your old estates and will do better unto you than at your beginnings and ye shall know that I am the Lord.

Son of man, when the House of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings. Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for The Blood that they had shed upon the land and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it: And I scattered them among the heathen and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them (yet) I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries and ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the Garden of Eden; I the Lord have spoken it, and I will do it.

Ezekiel 36

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

It was Cainites who later became the much famed "Jewish Bankers" of the middle ages and after, which only brought real Jews all the more hatred with people again thinking Jews to be the 'children of the devil' never realizing the two clear distinctions between Cain and Seth or their very distinct and polarized lineages (this same ignorance being the very root of all anti-Semitism even today). As time went on, Cainites had found a more effective way to destroy the Holy race of Seth, still believing they can thwart God's greater plan - by having others do the destroying for them and with that their BRITISH-CONTROLLED Satanic version of Zionism was born. Many have fell into the same trap of hating Jews over the centuries while going to their grave in complete ignorance to the fact that there exists an entire parallel race of beings who only know evil, being descended from that first evil, who are calling themselves, and presenting themselves, as Jews. It this same monstrous cabal of evil which are of the same Bloodline which also spawned the Merovingian Monarchies of British and European Royalty; to which has led more than one wise observer to conclude: 'It appears that a Vampire-like clique directs the world.' The greatest of evils in this world are and have always been carried out in stages from generation to generation and manifested by these same Vampires, for it was Cainites who created strange and inhuman documents touted as "The Protocols of Zion" which they, with purpose, blamed it on Jews for writing when in fact, the Protocols are the outline of Cainite plans to establish Cainite power before the rise of their Cainite Antichrist (as all their wealth and power they've amassed will eventually be given to him). Even so, many today still believe that Jews have a global conspiracy to bring about man's destruction when in fact it was Cain's lot that both created and circulated their Protocols of Zion as well as the so-called Mystical Zohar and The Jewish Talmud.

Their brand of Zionism can be easily traced back to the formation of the The Priory of Zion and the Knights Templars in 1099-1118 AD, and it is they who are hellbent on their goal at placing Antichrist in Jerusalem in a rebuilt Temple, *not* Jews. The advent of World War II was a perfect example in history where we clearly see the Cainitic hand of evil acting against its Sethitic nemesis, for within the evil Cainite work of Adolph Hitler was the complete extinction of Seth's descendants, and yet many were confused as to why the supposed 'Jewish Zionist Bankers' of Europe financed Hitler's evil ends knowing the overwhelming hatred he held against Jews. The same is true today, people are still wondering long after the fact, why would supposed elite Zionist Jewish bankers want to finance the Holocaust and kill off their own kind? Now you know, they weren't Jewish Bankers, for just as Christ hinted at, even when it seems the roster of conspirators all have Jewish sounding names, they are, in fact, not Jews, but Cainites; the Synagogue (family) of Satan who have taken Jewish sounding names to make their own evil *seem* as if its being done by Jews. One of the most infamous Cainite families which can be named, having been connected to the globalist agenda for these past decades, is the Rothschild Dynasty, yet know they are only one powerful Cainitic branch from the evil tree whose root is the Devil himself. I say again to make it clear to you, the 'Grail lineage' is not of Christ, but of Cain. Furthermore, it has been the attempt of those in Satanic secret societies to control every form of media in order to ready the modern world for their coming hero, their messiah, their Kabbalistic King, for Cainites as this the Synogogue of Satan, have created every evil work in the name of Sethitic Judaism, including the Kabbalah and all of its secrets.


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

And God left us not without warning of these Cainites: And unto the Angel of the Church in Smyrna write; These things saith the First and the Last, which was dead, and is alive [JESUS speaking]; I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty...and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the Synagogue (Church; family; Bloodline) of Satan. Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan [Cainites] which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; to come and worship before thy feet (Christ speaking to Jewish believers who know Him as Messiah), to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation (the Great Tribulation) which shall come upon all the world, to test them that dwell upon the earth.

Revelation 2:8-10, 3:9-10

That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet saying, I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and His disciples came unto Him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the Kingdom; but the tares are the children of the Wicked One; The enemy that sowed them is the Devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the Angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

Matthew Chapter 13

The Order of Phosphorus is founded upon the techniques taught through the lore of Luciferian Witchcraft, the lore and legend of the old transferred into magickal technique. The common history of the gnosis is labeled Sethian as it was indeed Lucifer/Seth and Azazel who brought the Black Flame to humanity, enabled it to rise above the mongoloid putty of our ancestors and become something beautiful. Witchcraft was a natural tool, taught by Luciferic Angels known as the Watchers, and their Cain – inspired brethren known as the Nephilim. It is through the Luciferian Circles that the Watchers and Fallen Angels brought to us the gift of what is called Witchblood, the Black Flame of Awakening that offered an awakening of senses. Each Angel still exists in spirit form upon the earth, allowing a lineage to emerge.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

In the days of old, the gods had the whole earth distributed among them and there was no quarrelling. The island of Atlantis was divided into ten portions, he gave to the first-born of the eldest he named Atlas, the whole island and the Ocean, called Atlantic. To his twin brother, obtained his lot the extremity towards Asia. Many great deluges have taken place during the nine thousand years, for that is the number of years elapsed since the time of which I am speaking, since it fell.

Plato Critias, 360 BC

O Lucifer, thou Morning Star, Son of the dawn and now fallen from Heaven! How art thou cut down to the ground, Helel Ben-Shachar, you which destroyed the nations!

I, Jesus am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright Morning Star!

Isaiah 14:12; Revelation 22:16

[God speaking to Job] Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth, when the [2] Morning Stars sang together, when all the Sons of God shouted for joy?

Job 38:7

The Pyramid Texts are the earliest known collection of sacred knowledge yet discovered anywhere in the world. There are repeated references to a 'First Time,' an era when Egypt was ruled directly by the Gods, especially Thoth (Lucifer), who according to legend, gave the Egyptians the sacred gift of [forbidden] knowledge.

Rosslyn: Guardians of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 34

A global tradition recalls an exemplary King ruling in the sky before kings ever ruled on earth. This figure appears as the first in the line of kings, as the father of Kings. But this same figure is commonly remembered as the central luminary of the sky, often a central Sun, unmoving Sun, or superior Sun ruling before the present sun.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Going back to the latter end of the very Beginning, we arrive at the Lost Continent of Atlantis, long thought to be a mere shadowy legend from the mists of time, yet within its own mystery is found some of the most fascinating details which may shed light on not only what and who the Merovingian Kings truly represent, yet perhaps the reason why we as a human race exist at all. Now, knowing that many Christians and certain others won't be able to grasp what I'm about to reveal as they vainly believe the world cannot be more than 6,000 years old, they would certainly be enlightened by this important research showing the distinct ages of which this earth has already gone thru, back to a time when all was first created, in perfection, a time known as the First Earth Age (as it is called by author G.H. Pember in his much overlooked yet very important and recommended work titled Earth's Earliest Ages (1876). In it, Pember asserts that what was in the First Earth Age, will be, in the future when Christ is to rule as the Light, the (Son) Sun-King of the Millennial world, governing over a perfect planet that sees no death or sin, although at that earlier time, instead of Christ being the only Christed Being by which the creation worshipped, that it was Lucifer, the ancient Morning Star who also received worship, even commanding over a third of the Angels in that time. Moreover, Pember explains that obviously God made that first world in all perfection, and it was perfect, yet obviously something happened which gave way to the cursed condition of our present world, and even of sin and death itself. The Scriptures tell us that Lucifer was indeed the highest and most perfect of all of God's creations, and that God favored him so, and he covered God's Throne with great wings of perfected light. He was as the Sun God to that ancient world, and his number was always 666, which conveys his power over light, yet there was another being in those days, his equal in many ways, for there was more than one Morning Star in the Age that was. (Morning Star 666 v. Morning Star 888; see 666 and 888.)

While Lucifer ruled over the West in white light, song, and harmony, the Morning Star ruling the East was always with God, and called 'The Angel of the Lord.' His master number was 888 and His solar wings also outstretched covering the Throne of God, as He filled the East with healing, harmony, master teachings, Wisdom, and Love. As God Himself speaks of this time in Job 38:7 (known to be the oldest book of the Bible pre-dating Genesis), He cites it was a time when the "Morning Stars sang together, in harmony, and all the rest of the Sons of God (The Holy Angels) shouted as for joy at the New World that was made for them. As a Solar Deity and King of the West, as well as a Lord of that Age, Lucifer was given complete charge over a global Kingdom of his devising which existed in what is today's Atlantic ocean. Atlantis did exist, and it existed in the Atlantic, however it was likely much larger than Plato gave it credit for, with natural land bridges connecting it with the ancient British Isles, and Southern France, to the Caribbean islands, stretching even as far as the Yucatan. The Greek philosopher Plato is accredited with the first known writing of Atlantis, and it was described in some detail as a great nation who traded its vast wealth of resources among every nation surrounding it, and therefore influencing their own cultures as a result. Plato often referred to Atlantis as the "Island of Atlas," an ancient nation well known for its etremely advanced technology and mystical sciences, which more than one surviving culture attributing their great knowledge to that of the god of Atlantis, which is either depicted as Atlas, Albion, or Poseidon, yet more interestingly, this god-like being of the Atlanteans is most often described by the ancients as a Winged-Serpent of the Sun, a Sun-God, whom with his vast knowledge and power, gave his people every object of ancient power they'd need to dominate. (*The name Atlas itself may even be an ancient anagram for Satan.)

Nearly every culture in the ancient world curiously speaks of a nation that was once a mighty empire in the middle of the sea ruled by a great Angel-Serpent/Sun-King who was renown, even revered, in the ancient world. The Aztecs, Mayans, Chinese, Sumerians, Egyptians, and the most ancient of Celtic Britons all tell of a Dragon-King of Light who brought an advanced wisdom to his people by which they flourished. As the Light of the West, Lucifer ruled Atlantis from a gloriously adorned White Pyramid of Crystal located at the western shoreline (at the 33rd parallel) from which enimated a pure white light that covered the nations, yet his tenure as Morning Star did not last for the enternity it was orignally created for. When God spoke to Ezekiel about evil King of Tyrus, he took Ezekiel back in time to show him what happened in that First Age and why Lucifer fell. Ezekiel 28 then describes Lucifer as one of the highest Sons of God 'created perfect in all his ways,' as a living musical instrument being adorned with tabrets and pipes through which he led the worship of his Kingdom on earth, toward God. This mighty Angelic being so favored by his Father was also adorned with the Ten Stones of Power (see below) that covered his glowing Chakra Body of Light by which he sent forth beaming rays of light each imbued with an individual effect, toward the earth. In this way did the world learn of the Eternal Holy Wisdom of God through him. As God's Son, this Morning Star also knew the language of God even the Ten spoken utterances by which the Universe was originally created. These same Ten Words were also reflected in the Ten Chakra Stones that God adorned Lucifer with, each Stone corresponding to a Power. As such, Lucifer knew something of the power by which God Himself utilizes and what makes Him, God. Lucifer also knew the power of reversing those same Ten utterances would bring about Universal destruction; and it was this, the 'brightness of his Wisdom,' by which he became evil, for there came a time when Lucifer believed he should be worshiped, by all, as God. *Lucifer was even incorporated into the mysterious stone works within Rosslyn Chapel where all around him is depicted the Music of the Spheres, a symphony of musical notes in the form of cubes that are said will reveal all to those who decipher its enigmatic musical code. (Lucifer's connection to music therefore is one key element to solving Rosslyn itself, as well as the Apocalyptic Date of July 28, 2019).

*The Ten Sefirot Chakra Power Stones which adorned the Holy 'Lucifer' (HaRA-EL) were:

[Kabbalistic Name / Position / Function / Stone / Power / Symbol / Planet / Angel / Chakra]

1. Kether - Crown - The Crown - Diamond - Great Work - First Sun - Creation - Metatron - Sahasrara

2. Chokmah - Third Eye - Wisdom - Beryl - The Force - The Obelisk - The Zodiac - Ratzkiel - Ajna

3. Binah - Throat - Intelligence - Onyx - The Goddess - The Chalice - Saturn - Tzaphkiel - Vishuddhi

4. Chesed - Heart - Mercy - Sapphire - Love/Hate - The Tetrahedron - Jupiter - Tzadkiel - Anahata

5. Geburah - Solar Plexus - Power - Jasper - Destruction - The Sword - Mars - Khamael - Manipura

6. Tiphareth - Sacral - Beauty - Topaz - Pride - Red Cross - The Sun - Raelohim - Swadhisthana

7. Netzach - Root - Victory - Emerald - Tyrant - The Torch or Rose - Venus - Haniel - Mooladhara

8. Hod - Splendor - Sardius - Truth/Lies - The Caduceus - Mercury - Michael - [Hand Chakra]

9. Yesod - Foundation - Carbuncle - Independance - The Mirror - Moon - Gabriel - [Leg Chakra]

10. Malkuth - Kingdom - Gold - Discrimination - Cross - Earth - Sandalphon - [Feet Chakra]

Somewhere in the dateless past, there were two twin Morning Stars in those days, they being the two eldest Sons of God set above the rest of Creation, as they participated with God in Creation. An unknown amount of time went on and All was perfect as God intended, that is until a time came when wickedness entered into the mind of Lucifer, the Sun-King of the West. He began to see his own great glory as that of matching God Himself, and whereas the Western races already looked to him as being their Messiah, the Son/Sun of God that he was, he wanted them to worship him as God, the Father of all. To this end, Lucifer began to rob and plunder the offerings and sacrifices that were set aside for God, for himself, as well as enslaving the pre-Adamic Atlantians, having them traffick earth's natural resources and heap its precious things, for only himself and his honor. Lucifer, in his growing dissension of the order God has placed creation and his lesser standing within it, decided he would build his own eternal Kingdom to rival that of Heaven, a powerful earthly Kingdom that in its raw strength of resources, used toward weapons of war, would topple Heaven and all of those who were insipid enough to remain loyal to a loving God. He wanted to be Lord over all Creation, of Heaven and Earth, and those who would help and follow him, he would be their God. With this, Satan openly made five infamous declarations against God, which included he was God was to be worshipped from atop Mount Zion, in the sides of the North, ascend above every cloud and every power of God, yet more than that, he would become (a) God Himself. However, the other Morning Star of equal power and might, loyal only to His Father, openly resisted his rivals' proud displays of blasphemic power, and there was War in Heaven. The original beings, even in their great knowledge, were still unknowing of what such a mutiny would bring them, yet Lucifer deceptively stirred them up and thereby corrupted their free will. Like a virus, he would have corrupted and deceived all but the most loyal and steadfast Angels of God.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Son, say to the King of Atlan-Tyrus, In the pride of your heart you say, "I am a God; I sit on the throne of a god in the heart of the seas." But you are of creation and not God, though you think you are as wise as God." Take up a lamentation upon the King of Tyrus, and say unto him: Thus saith the Lord God, Jehovah; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou art the Anointed Cherub that covereth and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the Holy Mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the Stones of Fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created till iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the Mountain of God. Thou hast defiled thy Sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. Thy arrogance and pomp is brought down to the grave of the earth [Hell], and the music of thy viols is heard no more.

Ezekiel 28:2,12-18

How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, Star of the Morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, you which didst destroy the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the Congregation, in the sides of the North. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like God yet thou shalt be brought down to Hell, you that did shake Kingdoms, that made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof. Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land and slain thy people: thy Seed of Evil shall never be renowned. Prepare slaughter for his children. I have set my King upon my Holy Hill of Zion. Thou [Christ] art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

Isaiah 14; Psalms 2:6-12

Christ: I saw a Star fall from Heaven unto the earth and to him was given the key of the Abyss. And Jesus said unto them, I beheld Satan falling as lightning from Heaven. And the Great Dragon was cast out, that old Serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceives the whole world. John: And I John stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, and the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. In that Day the Lord with His great sword shall slay Leviathan the Serpent, the Dragon that is in the Sea.

Revelation 9:1, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12:4, 13:1, Isaiah 27:1

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

And so God's Son of Light was cast out of Heaven by Michael and he fell to the earth. It is believed that when Michael struck him, many of the the Adorning Stones from Lucifer's Crown fell with him headlong to the earth (these Stones exist still, waiting to be found). In more than one account between Biblical and other sources including the eyewitness of the Morning Star Christ Himself cites that Satan fell like lightning, or comet-like to the earth. Coincidentally, the accounts of Atlantis being destroyed speaks of a comet crashing into the sea at approximately the year 10,500 BC, causing a massive devastation that also destroyed that very ancient world. The timing is most interesting to geologists because the year 10,500 keeps coming up in regard to historic destruction recorded in both native folklore, as well as the stone and fossil record itself. It is believed by researchers of Atlantis that this same destruction from the sky is what destroyed the Atlantic continent, just as Plato wrote, in one day of misfortune. Plato's mentioning of Atlantis sitting in the waters beyond the Pillars of Hercules places Atlantis situated on or near the 33rd parallel, the Number 33 of course being of great importance in the Occult mind, namely in Freemasonry. It is interesting to note that Tyre, the port city in the ancient world often used as a metaphor for Atlantis, the same Tyre/Tyrus that even God uses in his own metaphor when speaking of Lucifer, calling him the King of Tyrus, also sits squarely on the 33rd parallel, as does the pyramids at Giza. In the Atlantic, what is known as the Devil's Triangle covers almost the entire 33rd parallel, the Bermuda Triangle thought to be some cosmic Stargate connecting Atlantis with our modern age, those drifting into its borders believed to have gone thru time, whether propelled forward into the future or past is not known, yet there are still those who have never returned from the Devil's Triangle. This Otherworld-like parallel world is believed to be where ancient races built towering stone and earthwork monuments as gateways along powerful ley lines all over the Atlantic region, as a symbol of worship to an extremely ancient Sun-King and his once mighty, yet fallen kingdom. God has seemingly erased the rebel Cherub right out of the historic record, however, the many ancient stone temples dotting the Atlantic-area landscapes of Western Europe stand even today as remnants of an extremely ancient world that was whose inhabitants worshipped one or both Morning Stars, the twin Sun-Gods of Light. As such, from Atlantis to Avalon, Lucifer's Atlantic Forces of Earth Nature can still be felt.

Of course Satan was not the only one to fall after the Day of Battle. One-third of Heaven's Angels fell with him, each losing their once bright countenance as they fell, taking the various appearances and 'physical' attributes of earth's lowest scavenger and beastly creatures. Where Lucifer was once the most beautiful of God's creations, he became a monstrous reptilian-like Beast with great wings of a Dragon, as he was cast into the great depths of the Sea, his mighty nation in the sea was cast down with him. Whereas Satan fell in the region of the Atlantic, his many angels fell all over the world, it becoming their terrestrial prison. Even Satan himself can now only travel at will to and fro between the earth and its solar system. No longer can he freely walk upon the Stones of Fire toward Heaven and enter its dimension, where God Himself dwells. It is written that some of Satan's Angels, the most wicked and terrible, are held, trapped in prisons where they fell. One example of this is even told to us in the Book of Revelation where the Sixth Angel is commanded to loose the four Angels bound in the river Euphrates. The innumerable demons that landed on the earth took on appearances of various animals, including carrion eaters, yet also reptile, insect, primate, bats, goats and others mammals, many appearing much like the typical cloven-hoofed figure that is mistakenly associated with Satan, while others fell in rivers, fields, wooded areas, every one of them taking on certain attributes of the new abodes to which they were fallen, and it wasn't long before they had the remaining Pre-Adamic races in servitude to them, as they were seen to be fallen sky gods, thus deserving of a venerating worship.

With that the First Earth Age was destroyed into a formless state of existence and made void of all life, and we are given a clear account of this in Scripture. Jeremiah Chapter 4 explains in some detail exactly what was seen just before and after the destruction, even implying that the Pre-Adamic races of "man" tried to flee from the destruction they knew would come, to no avail. Jeremiah 4 and 2Peter 3:4-6 help fill that long gap between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2, even informing us that it was a Pre-incarnate Christ who came down to personally oversee the ending of that Age in order that a new earth be created upon the foundations of the ancient world that already was. Since God's original first Earth was certainly created perfect, in a time long before the account in Genesis 1:2, that is to say long before God's great global destruction which obviously occurred on or near 10,500 BC, the earth therefore would have to be much older than the typical Christian preacher would have you believe. They incorrectly teach that this world is merely 6,000 years old, not knowing it is just this current Second Earth Age that is 6,000 years old, not the earth itself. To say that God created all the Angels, including Lucifer, then Earth, then the races of Mankind, then Adam, and somewhere in that short amount of a six literal days, Lucifer all of a sudden, defiled his earthly Sanctuaries, grew haughty, was trafficking earth's resources unto himself, seemingly mere hours after he was created, became filled with violence planning a rebellion against God, then fought the First War in Heaven, then fell to earth and found Adam and Eve there in the Garden, simply does not allow enough time for all of those things to have occurred.

Obviously many eons passed with Lucifer, being Holy, carrying out his position with perfection as the trusted emissary who covered the Throne of God, while at the same time, he being the light of the world, was as the Sun to the earth. Moreover, what we see in the final chapters of Revelation, whereby all things in this world are restored as perfect, so too can we determine this world was once already perfect, as it was originally made in perfection, and so, God's ultimate plan is to bring this world back to what it once was, and cause the return of those very things which had already existed in the First Earth Age before Genesis 1:2 (which is why the Bible makes several allusions to a time for the "restoration of all things.") For as that world had no need for a galactic Sun in the First Age, because the Morning Stars, Lucifer included, was the light of the world, so too will there be no Sun in Heaven, as Christ and His Father are the light thereof, and as Scripture states in Revelation 2:28, we being as joint heirs with Christ, He shall collectively give us the power and office as Morning Star, as well. For as the pre-Adamic races of that time lived and were created to live eternally in peace and prosperity in a perfect world, so to will those in Christ's Kingdom live in complete peace and in the fullness of a bountiful enternal life. For as the original Kingdom of Zion left the earth upon Lucifer's rebelling, so too shall it return descending from the sky when Satan is finally defeated. Certainly all things will be restored as the former. The original peoples of that First Age are known as the pre-Adamites to Biblical scholars, and evidences of their scientific remains are found all over the world to this very day. Others under less Creationist ideals refer to these beings as everything from cave-men to root races, yet regardless of who they were or what name is given, because Lucifer deceived them to rise in revolt against God, they no longer could discern good from evil, and as a result their entire world was plunged into darkness beneath the icy depths of dark waters which made the earth formless and void of all life, after which, God created a new earth, a world to be replenished with new life in the form of Man, yet incarnated by the oldest of souls.

Christ spoke clearly about the Afterlife saying that our souls will become as Angels, our true selves. However, the implication is also clearly made that this life we live here on earth is for a test, our test, to see where each of our alliances truly lie, with the Creator who made us from the Divine Spark of His own essence, or Satan and his Fallen Angels, created beings like unto ourselves. It was because the those same Angels, including Lucifer, had no concept or foresight of what evil was and what it would become that they pursued it so, following Lucifer's vain desire to rule over all Creation. Indeed, there is the paradox, as evil would have never existed had it not been for God's creation of Lucifer, and yet, God knowing all things, Lucifer *was* created, albeit in total perfection and given complete free will, meaning the choices he made were all his alone. After he as cast out of Heaven he was not destroyed because Satan's existence then became a necessary threshing tool to determine which of God's other Divine Soul-filled creations were good or evil. Morever, God allows all of what evil has become, even at its most sinister and murderous extreme, to set a clear, defining precident for all time so that every Soul throughout the remainder of Eternity will know the consequences of Luciferian pride, mutiny, murder and sin. When God finally makes an end to our testing and Satan's vain war to make himself a God is finally ended, only then will all things in Creation be restored in the perfection they were originally intended and there will never again rise another Lucifer among us, which is exactly God's point. The next time someone asks why evil exists, or why God allows all of this insanity to endure, know that an end to evil is coming at the end of this age and that end comes when the last of the First Souls to be tested, is born.

Indeed, there was an entire age of existence between Genesis 1:1 (In the Beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth) and Genesis 1:2 when (the Earth became without form, and made void) that saw all these things occur, from the original Creation of the Universe and this world to Lucifer's Rebellion and War. Likewise, there was an untold millennia that transpired long before the earth was re-fashioned in those six literal days of Genesis 1:2-31 into what we see today, not to mention the matter of the geologic record, proving in itself the earth *must* be older than a mere six millennia. A closer examination of the original Hebrew language which the Old Testament, and Genesis in particular, was originally written in also proves there was another world age before this one. In the ancient Hebrew, Genesis 1:2 was written with the words 'Tohu va bohu' which is to mean that "the earth *became* waste, without form, and *was made* void of life," not that 'the earth was without form and void' as the medieval English translators have incorrectly translated it, and between those two conflicting interpretations is a world of difference, literally. In other words, what Genesis has been telling us all along, from the very first verse onward, is that there in fact was an entire age of existence, an entirely different world before the one we know today. The world we know now is a reformation of the previous age that was. Therefore, since the world was originally created perfect, and this age we know came out of, and was made in imperfection, something must have occurred in that previous age which destroyed its intended perfection. The Book of Jeremiah describes the destruction of that First Age, even telling us that there were entire cities of mankind dwelling in it, yet were already 'removed' by the time of its destruction, and yet Genesis, which picks up the story at the remaking of the world, only wants to inform us about our present Second Age because it's all a test.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

In the [very] Beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth (as a Heaven upon the Earth).

Genesis 1:1

They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. I beheld the earth, and lo, it became without form, and was made void; and the heavens had no light. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved. I beheld, and lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by His fierce anger. For thus hath the Lord said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.

Jeremiah 4:22-27

Thou art great O Lord, who maketh his Angels spirits, and His Seraphim Angels a flaming fire. You who laid the foundations of the earth that it should never be removed. Thou covered it with the deep; The waters stood above the mountains, at thy anger, they fled. At they voice, they were no more.

Psalm 104:1,5-7

And the earth became without form, and made void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said Let there be the Sun's light.

Genesis 1:2-3

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Genesis 1:26,28

Through water we come to know the deepest memories which dwell in us all. Facing unto the West, our eyes closed, do we then see ourselves tossed upon the dark waves of the First Sea - the wild and raging ocean from which all that may ever be doth come forth.

Merlin's Book of Magick and Enchantment p. 93

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

As seen above in the Jeremiah scripture, which is directly tied into the Genesis 1:1-2 account, as it uses the same words in describing "a world without form, made void, and having no light," we can clearly see that there was in fact another entire world age, long before this present Age we currently live in. Furthermore, we have the words of God Himself, stating even though that world perished, He would not make a full complete end to it, knowing He would in time recreate the world again, upon the very same foundation of that old world that then was. And so it was, God and His Son (and their equally shared Soul, which is the Holy Spirit) recreated the earth as new once more and allowed for this Second Age to be a testing for the created souls from the First Age to ultimately decide whom they will follow, good or evil, Christ or Satan. God specifically commanding His (re)newed creation to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth only reinforces the fact that the elder earth age was once filled with life long before the time of Adam's creation. Another keen point of interest is seen in the statement by God about making Man in "our image," which is depicting Christ talking to His Father, for Christ knew He would eventually have to be born as one of these new creations, therefore He requested of His Father that they at least be made in their own image and likeness, which tells us that the former creations of earlier "man" which existed in the First Age were not created in the image and likeness of God, which is why some scholars believe the pre-Adamites to be animalistic creatures with high intelligences while all the secular scholars attach a caveman identity to these earliest races of "mankind," and are still arguing that we are, somehow, descended from them in some unbroken chain of so-called "evolution." The fact is there is a broken chain, a complete gap in time when the earth was made void of all life so that rules out evolution, and the first set of scholars mentioned, with their belief of intelligent races of winged-beasts existing before man are not that far off. The very reason ancient man naturally revered and worshipped the fashioned idols of Dragons, Eagles, Griffins, Lions, Unicorns, etc., is because, like Angels, they were also the first sentient (soul-given) intelligent beings upon the earth by which later mankind today collectively still 'remembers.' The Seraphim are nearest God's Throne (see Isaiah 6; Ezekiel 1; Revelation 4:7) and have the ability of speech, having four monstrous faces which appear as Lion, Eagle, Ox, and Angel; beings also seen on Masonic Coats of Arms.

In His Perfection, God gave us all free will, including the Angels. Lucifer, by way of his great wisdom and knowledge of deception, corrupted our free will and transgressed us all, Christ will restore the balance, for us. Still, many ask in their complete ignorance and lack of knowledge of God, why couldn't He, being God, just simply have destroyed Satan outright as soon as he rebelled, yet in this they do err not knowing what has occurred, for Lucifer in one moment caused many more than just himself to be corrupted, he deceived and infected an entire host of God's children to sin, meaning to destroy Satan would have meant to destroy 2/3 of the same Angels God still loved. God knowing it was only by Satan, thru Satan that His former perfect Children were corrupted so, that eternal blame and punishment should lay squarely with Satan and his own host of completely loyal Angels, only, and so Satan and 1/3 of Heaven's host fell, while 1/3 of God's original Holy Angels remained loyal still, yet for the 1/3 at various levels of neutrality, it was decided they be tested, as they faultered, and so God must determine by each, who can be fully corrupted by Satan, and who can find the correct path back to Him. That said, it does become clearer how and why God made this new world, this Second Age, a very imperfect world filled with deceit, death, murder, and sin, as a test to finally choose between God or Satan and thereby determine our own eternal fate, for there can be no neutrality in this. Throughout the Scriptures, as the Book of Life given us for this Second Age, God makes it very clear there are only two paths set before us, the left hand path to Satan and death, and the Right Hand path toward Christ and eternal life. As He states, He would have us choose Life, that is to say, choose His plan of Salvation and love for us through His Son, who Himself clearly made it known that He was the only way back to the Father, announcing to all that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that no one can have that Life or stand eternally with the Father, except through the Path leading to a complete acceptance of Him, as Christ, the Anointed and only designated Savior for all mankind, as ordained by the same Father.

Consequently, it wasn't long into the Second Age, this age of our testing, before Satan and his angels began working against this completely new creation called Mankind, seeing as they were made in God's likeness and form. Upon Satan encountering Eve in the Garden, he saw that this new creature was even more easily corruptible than the Angels, for the Angels at least knew to sin against God was to war with Him, yet this new creature had seemingly forgotten everything, and taking advantage of this clear slate, Satan began telling her she could become like God Himself, if she would just partake of the Tree of Good/Evil Knowledge, and all it offers. Eve was beguiled, completely, and a seed was planted in her, yet of this God told Satan how he only helped create his own demise, saying that He would bring a Restorer thru Eve, and that her Seed will ultimately destroy his seed. The Lord also imformed Satan that this world was to only exist for one week, that is to say for 6,000 years before His Restorer will have made good on the promise given in Genesis 3:15, which infuriated Satan, seeing as how he has a short time left to deceive every soul born into this world. As a result, Satan revolted against this eventual Restorer by going unto the greater tribes of mankind and supplanting a deceptive counterfeit religion to the Truth, even creating and instilling within each, a Christ counterfeit figure in order to cause confusion and ultimately make it more difficult for the world to ever know the Truth, or find the only path back to the Father among all the decoy paths, false Christs, and counterfeit religions. Satan also commanded his fallen ones to portray themselves as the cultural gods and goddesses for each.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The [Atlantic] islanders, like all the Irish, believe that the fairies are the Fallen Angels who were cast down by the Lord God out of Heaven for their sinful pride. Some fell into the sea, and some on dry land, and some fell [further] deep into Hell, and the Devil gives to these knowledge and power, and sends them on earth where they work much evil.

Ancient Legends of Ireland (Vol. 1) p. 169

The Pheryllt were the legendary Priests of Pharon (Har-RA; Lucifer) an extremely ancient god whose worshippers were said to be the inhabitants of the Lost Continent of Atlantis. The Pheryllt text relates: 'When Atlantis disapperared, many of its Sun-Priests washed ashore onto the Western banks of Wales and there re-established their highly advanced religion. This could explain why the Druids revered Snowdonia (the tallest peak in Wales) as they did.

The 21 Lessons of Merlyn p. 2

So, from a single caste of the original Blood Royal - whether known as the Sangréal, the Albi-gens or the Ring Lords - we discover many of the descriptive terms which sit at the very heart of popular folklore. For here, in this one noble race, we have the ‘elves’, ‘fairies’ and ‘pixies’ not beguiling little folk, but distinguished Kings of the Dragon succession.

Laurence Gardner's In the Realm of the Ring Lords

When rules a Son of the Dragon

Bones of a Future King are found

A tomb beneath a Mysterious Stone

Ends the reign of a dreaded Queen.

The Lost Books of Merlyn p. 159

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Over time thru the generations of man, these same Fallen Angels became to be seen as everything from cultural gods and goddesses, otherworldly ancestral divining spirits, to the 'other-folk' who dwelled just out of man's sight. In turn, these demonic entities would impart ever more powerful forms of forbidden wisdom and magick to those who regarded them. In this way came about the first of the mystery schools and "secret societies," namely in the regions of ancient Babylon, Egypt, Tyre, Sumeria, Persia in the east, followed by ancient Britannia, Europe, and the Americas in the west, and still many wonder how certain societies of early Man became so incredibly advanced, seemingly overnight, or how they built such incredible structures, devices, and ideas so obviously derived from a greatly advanced knowledge of time, space, and the cosmos at large. Certainly, it seems, man was not alone, as it were. The many legions of fallen Angels that fell near the homesteads of early European man came to eventually be called every name ranging from goblins, trolls, dwarfs, pixies, brownies, banshees, sylphs, fairies, gnomes, and elves. Being very territorial in nature, feeling as they in some way own parts of the earth, many demons still hold loyalty and feel the need to 'protect' the very landscapes and local areas they had originally fallen to. Even in the modern computer age, you still hear accounts of their strange sighting proving their existence. As stated, while it was their task to 'befriend' and deceive mankind, it was Satan's specific goal to destroy the Hebrew race by creating a parallel race of beings who carried evil seed. In a similar manner, the Zophim Annunaki who were once Angelic Watchers who were charged to protect mankind, fell as a result of their lust with mortal women. Genesis 6:2-4 refers to them as the Sons of God who appeared to the daughters of Adam, taking them for wives who later gave birth to Giants; the dreaded Nephilim, Emim, Rephaim, and Anakim lineages that became renown in the earth for their battles and godlike abilities. This was the time of Noah, a Sethite, whom God found to be perfect (in Adamic Bloodline) as his family was yet untainted by the evil blood of the Fallen Ones. As in the time of Lucifer's fall eons earlier, the earth once again became a den of his interbreeding for every evil and wicked spirit creating evil lineages.

Once again God destroyed by water, yet as made clear in the original Bible text referring to Noah's flood, it was only a localized flood which was brought about by raining forty days and nights, the resulting waters of which covered only the areas of the Mideast, and not the entire earth as many ignorantly believe. Yet again, one must escape the trappings of the English text and read what's there in the original Hebrew. The King James English would have us believe that "the waters were on the face of the whole earth" (Gen. 8:9), however, in Hebrew the word used for "whole earth" is actually "eratz" #776, to mean a known land, a limited area. Therefore, eratz (or erats) does not mean a global planet in its translation, but rather a limited land area. For example, when Cain was "driven from the face of the earth" (Gen. 4:14), it was merely from the land, not the whole planet. When the plagues were upon Egypt and the "rain was not poured upon the earth" (Ex. 9:33), no scholar suggests there was a worldwide universal drought upon the entire earth, because the word used there is eratz, everybody understands it to pertain the land of Egypt only, and so, the earth, or eratz, used to describe Noah's flood, proves the waters flooded only the limited extent of geography known at the time. In fact, Noah's flood obviously did not even reach Egypt, for the entire extent of their history as well as an unbroken dynasty of Pharoahs continues right thru before and after the time when Noah's flood occurred. Moreover, the actual waters of this limited flood of Noah which covered the central Middle-east area can still be seen today, as they drained off into the Mediterranean, Persian Gulf, the Caspian and Black Sea. As stated, the limited flood of Noah with its forty days of rain was very unlike the instantaneous and global flood which God caused the First Age to entirely destroyed which killed every single inhabitant of that extremely ancient world. Noah's flood only killed of those monstrous offspring of fallen Watcher Angels, Satan's plan being to erase the Sethite lineage of Noah and prevent the Messiah from being born.

Therefore Noah's flood greatly reduced the population of evil offspring that were spreading too rapidly over the Middle-east, which the 'Book of Enoch' makes known. God prevented Satan and his Angels from destroying the lineage of the Messiah, thereby preserving Noah and his family knowing it was the last of the line of Seth, Adam' son, to not be tainted with Satanic or Demonic blood. As for other parts of the world plagued by the Giants of the Nephilim, as in the British isles for example, it is believed that God turned them into pillars of stone which it is thought explains some of the larger, unhewn, standing stones seen today. In summary, Noah's flood did not destroy the entire world with water as so commonly thought, however, the entire world was flooded long before Noah's time. One flood destroyed an age, one flood destroyed Satan's attempt at corrupting the lineage of Jesus Christ (thru Noah) with demonic blood, yet both are distinct, different floods referenced to in Scripture as most readers confuse them to be one and the same, when clearly they are two very unique floods. And so, the very reason why God preserved the Holy Seedline of Seth was to culiminate and remain untainted from evil seed all the way through its own history, through the life of King David, until the Holy birth of the Messiah where it ended in Jesus Christ. Despite what all the heretic scholars and those in service to the future Antichrist are heavily propagating today, Christ did not bear children, as Christ is the only, albeit necessary, Salvation gift from God to men. Satan however did produce a lineage through Cain, and his Angels did produce a lineage of men of renown called Giants, whereby my research proves that it is that lineage of Satan which has spawned what is now called the Holy Grail Bloodline, certainly not Christ. Furthermore, it was only Christ who could come down from Heaven to wrestle 'the Keys of Death and Hell,' from Satan and break the power of Sin and Death over Mankind since Eden, as Christ was the Morning Star, just as Lucifer was the Morning Star. This epic battle saw Satan himself tempting the Son of God, a battle which Christ won, and reached its apex at Christ's crucifixion where Christ, the literal Hero of all Mankind, took upon Himself the sins of the entire world, defeated Satan on his own ground, and took the Keys of Death and Hell which Satan held since beguiling Eve. At the end of the world when Antichrist rises to power, Christ shall win the war, at Armageddon. If you have not met Him, He is the Lord, and God, our only Salvation and it would be wise for you to accept that Salvation before its too late.

This is not to say that wicked spirits cannot still commune with wicked men, they can, or take up their abode in a human body or home as to possess it, they can, or cause every manner of disease, disaster, and destruction, they can do all this still, yet now they must cower in subjection and flee from those who speak, believe in, and confess the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah not only for the Jews, yet for all of the earth in this age and the one to come. Clearly Satan himself, like the Celtic Taliesin, has changed form over the age, taking on every attribute of the cardinal elements revered in Witchcraft and Druidism; being the Prince of the Power of the Air, the King of the Earth, and of Hell's fire, as well as Leviathan, the Dragon in the Sea. The latter image of an aquatic beast brings to mind both Revelation's image of a Beast rising from the Sea at the time of Satan's Antichrist, as well as the now infamous Quinotaur/Beast of the Sea who impregnated Europa, giving rise to the Merovingian lineage. From this interesting connection, we now solve the Mystery behind the 7 heads and 10 horns upon Revelation's Beast that arises out of the sea, for they represent every nation where the Atlantean Bloodline found its way back to power as Kings of world empires. Just as Atlas [Satan] ruled over his Atlantis which had Ten Kings/Kingdoms (ten horns) from the First Age, so too will Satan rule seven Kingdoms (7 heads) in the Second Age, with the latter Kingdom of "Babylon" being a representative of the first, Atlantis - for out of the Sea does this Mystery arise. Five Empires and its Kings are already fallen; Atlantis (Lucifer), Egypt (Akhenaton), Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar), Assyria (Sennacherib), Greece (Alexander). The sixth King and Kingdom ruling at the time of Revelation's authoring was Ceasar Nero of the Roman Empire. Since Lucifer has lost Atlantis for all time, he is going to take Europe and reform it into his New Atlantis (what the Freemasons were offering Lucifer with America), and just as before, from his Atlantic Kingdom he shall launch another attack at Heaven's Gates, which has since the destruction of the First Age been lifted up above the earth and won't return until New Jerusalem descends (Rev. 21:2). Satan's attack therefore cannot be launched againt Heaven itself, yet where Heaven once stood, present day Zion (Jerusalem) the ancient Mountain on which God dwelt, meaning Satan and his Antichrist's ultimate conquest is over the State of modern Israel and that of the coming Third Temple in Jerusalem, that Temple where God once dwelt on earth so long ago, during a Golden Age that was.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

It is possible that the cursed seed of the Serpent continued long after the Deluge. Merovingian authors claim there is a living descendant of this demonic bloodline who will one day rule over a revived Atlantis. In the thoroughly pagan milieu of Alexandria, an Egyptian priest and magus by the name of Ormesius founded the Society of Ormus whose members included the Therapeutae of Alexandria and the Essenes of Qumran (apostate) Jews who had embraced the Neo-Platonist doctrine of the lost continent of Atlantis. Ormus involves a kind of anagram which combines a number of key words and symbols. Ours means Bear in French, an echo apparently of Dagobert II and the Merovingian dynasty, their secret was the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon.

And there are seven Kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the Beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the Ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as Kings one hour with the Beast.

Revelation 17:10-12

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The seventh "one to come" who "must continue a short space" was Adolph Hitler and although he was never recognized to be a legitimate Merovingian, even though he proved himself to be the most destructive one of them all, was certainly descended from Cain, and therefore one of the Sons (from the lineage) of Perdition. The eighth and last King from this Atlantean/Cainite lineage is none other than the Antichrist himself, the last King and direct descendant from the first Empire in the Atlantic. The Ten Horns are those future Demonic Kings who rule for a time with the Beast, eventually becoming the arm he uses to destroy the Great Roman Whore (depicted in Revelation 17:16), burning her with fire and eating her flesh until she is fully consumed and no more. These ten therefore will serve as subordinate "knights" to the Beast who ascended from the Abyss, which is again reminiscent of the Quinotaur, the aquatic Beast and father to the Merovingian Kings (deluge surviving hybrid lineage of Cain). Too many overlook Atlantis was first called "Maru" in its time, and is the root of the name later rendered as 'Maru-vingian' as well as Mero-vech being the first of its maritime-born race of Kings. Theistic Satanists, and those who know of Atlantis being Satan's Kingdom also believe that Satan will bring back Atlantis as well as that lost library of knowledge which made Mystery Babylon Great, even that Once and Future Kingdom risen from the deepest Abyss. So the future Sun-worshipping Antichrist, his solar number represented by 666, the coming New Age of Light, the Merovingian King lineage, and all of these connected to Atlantis is truly nothing new, yet is a 12,000 year old ongoing conspiracy and plan to restore Lucifer back to his former glory, original power, and Kingship. Therefore, it can be determined that the coming Messiah [Antichrist] is Satan's last attempt to become what he already was, a Sun-King to the nations. The Lost Golden Age which he brings is also connected to King Arthur's Camelot, the Atlantis of its time; the once and future Kingdom. It is only through that last world Kingdom that he shall rule the world once more, with a last King descended from its accursed Satanic lineage, its Le Serpent Rouge arising during the time Ouroboros is made complete, when the Sun shall turn into blackness and the earth reveals its underworld gateways to loose every Angel of darkness into a world readied for their arrival. Therefore the Beast that returns and rises out of the sea, in a purely metaphysical sense, is Atlantis, Satan's original Kingdom reborn. Looking again at Revelation Chapter 17, we see that the Antichrist (the future King William V) is to be the eighth Merovingian World King to rule, "and is of the seven" former (Merovigian) Kings who ruled, and that he as the last King of this last World Empire, patterned after the first, is Satan's last attempt toward world domination.

Princess Diana, as the Occult's own Mero-Virgin Maiden (or Mer-maid) of Atlantis whose Bloodline is pure Quinotaur Merovingian (signified by the three white scallops seen on her Royal Coat of Arms) was the Virgin Mother to birth this Last of World Emperors. Prince William's Coat of Arms clearly displays a triple crimson-red scallop signifying his descendancy of the Atlantean Merovingian Branch of the Scottish Stuart lineage. Now, on that initial connection Henry Lincoln (co-author of Holy Blood Holy Grail) made linking Christ with the Merovingian Bloodline was his interpretation of "Merovech's mother being impregnated by one whose symbol was the fish," yet what Lincoln has obviously failed to realize is that there is another figure in religious history who is seen as the Aquatic King from a deep watery Abyss, and this would be Satan in his form as Leviathan. Moreover, artists' depictions of this impregnation of Merovech's mother consistently depict the Quinotuar having a rather sinister face crowned with two distinct horns, the classical artist's view of the Devil, not Christ. Futhermore, in Lincoln's attempts at finding clues within the painting 'Et in Arcadia Ego' by Nic. Poussin, he discovered through a rather unwitting use of Sacred Geometry, the Pentacle of Leviathan connecting Rennes-le-Chateau with other natural and manmade places of Templar design. However, he himself never could make the connection what the pentagram was doing there in the first place (other than it must have a Templar connection, who themselves, were connected to Bloodlines and Satan). As an unbeliever, he certainly would not ascribe the pentacle with the Devil. Therefore, it has become my conclusion all along that it is Satan who sired the Merovingian's and not Christ, and that this Merovingian Bloodline goes back much further than Merovech, to the Garden of Eden and the siring of Cain, the original prodigy and son of the Dragon, Satan, the Quinotaur Beast, Leviathan. However, as we have seen in this study, Satan's connection with the souls of what became mankind goes back much further than Eden, to a time all but forgotten, a time when all was yet perfect, to a place in the Atlantic where its most ancient Sun God, Morning Star, never set.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Further north along the European coast, French, British, and Irish, legends mixed with the older tales of a lost island. The Irish legend of Tir-na-nog concerns a great city now sunk beneath the waves and other Celtic legends refer specifically to the City of the Golden Gates, presently under the Atlantic reminiscent of the prodigal use of gold attributed by Plato to the Atlantean capital. In this manner, memories of the distant past joined with distinctly local legends. Ancient Avalon became associated with the final destination of King Arthur. The tribes of local western Gaul came from Atlantis, as recollected by the long lines of huge stone menhirs and dolmens that still lead to the western shores of Brittany and continue under the ocean.

Atlantis: The Eighth Continent by Charles Berlitz p 53

Always a peculiar publication, at least to Anglo-Saxon eyes, Vaincre was a mix of esoteric ideas. On the quasi-mystical side, the main focus was on the distant past- ancient wisdom traditions, particularly of the Celts, and the reality of the lost continent of Atlantis. Moncharville's series of articles claimed that when Christianity obliterated the Druids, the "Atlantean tradition" was preserved by monks who used it to create the Order of Galates.

The Sion Revelation p. 75

This then may be one secret of Rennes-le-Chateau the other is equally incredible. It has been suggested that within the Rennes valley is encoded a message left to us nine thousand years ago by the remnants of a lost race: the Atlanteans.

The Atlantic Continent sunk round Albions cliffy shore and the Sea poured in amain upon the Giants of Albion, as Los bended the Senses of Reuben. Reuben is Merlin.

In all the dark Atlantic vale...a black water accumulates, return Albion! return! Awake! Thy brethren call thee. All things begin and end in Albions ancient Druid rocky shore.

William Blake ~ Jerusalem: The Emanation of The Giant Albion (1804)

And so was born the book of Albion, the old[est] Knowledge, the Body of the Dragon! The wisdom of the Pheryllt from long-drowned Atlantis; the secrets of the Celtic Druids.

The Lost Books of Merlyn p. 63

The epic of King Arthur is the story of a creation of a terrestrial paradise, a paradise that was destroyed by sin. It is also a story of a longed-for redemption, the hope that some miracle could restore the Perfect World that [Lucifer's] Sin had destroyed.

The Grail Code p. 32

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Toward the end of the nineteenth century a sinister Order of New Templars was estabished in Germany and Austria, employing the Swastika as one of the emblems. Figures like H.P. Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy, and Rudolf Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy spoke of an esoteric "wisdom tradition" running back through the Rosicrucians to the Cathars and Templars who were purportedly repositories of more ancient secrets still..."

Secrets of the Code p. 181-182

The work of the astrologer and "Atlantologist" Paul Le Cour whose 1937 book The Age of Aquarius (L'ere du Verseau) greatly influenced the New Age movement there is no suggestion he was personally involved in Alpha Galates. It should be remembered that such "alternative" ideas can crucially influence the real world - after all, similar notions lay at the root of Nazi idealogy, even inspiring the [Nazi] Party's meteoric rise to power in Germany.

The Sion Revelation p. 75

In part, Hitler's program was aided by beliefs that evolved into an obsession with the Occult. The Ahnenerbe, an arm of the SS commissioned in the mid-1930s to research the ancestral heritage of the Aryan race, roamed far and provide scientific documentation that would unite their ancient past with their destiny. Heinrich Himmler saw the men in his army as the reincarnation of Teutonic knights and kings, in particular the Knights of King Arthur's Round Table. He designed Wewelsburg Castle to be their Camelot, but Peter Levendra in The Unholy Alliance dubbed it 'that Satanic Vatican'

In one of the few direct references to the Fuhrer, in the Jan. 1943 edition, Plantard wrote, "I want Hitler's Germany to know that every hindrance to our projects [of the Great Work] undermines it, as the resistance of Freemasonry ruins German's strength." He seems to have meant this as a warning to the German occupiers not to impede the Order. (It is true that the Nazi's appear to have been suspicious about Vaincre and Alpha Galates.) The Alpha Galates Order [being Merovingian promoters of their time] seems to have been playing down, if not actually concealing its synarchist credentials. Why? Perhaps the answer will lie in an examination of how synarchy transformed itself between two world wars into something very shady and sinister indeed.

The Sion Revelation p. 77, 357

[The Royal Dragon Court and Order] terms its descendants Dragons and associates "Adam" humanity with the Aryan race, claiming that Aryan means "wise and noble race" although he is quick to distance this from the Nazi's beloved Aryan "master race" [as] DeVere dismisses the Nazi's as "German peasants" of inferior genetic stock to the real Aryans [the Merovingians, etc.]

The Sion Revelation p. 286

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

What Satan's other son's could not do through inquisitions, royal decrees, conflict, and world wars, the final Antichrist, the last son to the Dragon lineage, shall accomplish through world peace. Even so, the future Camelot-like Kingdom that is to be governed by the Antichrist will be done so upon the ancient precepts of Satanic Occultism with the ultimate goal being to build a competely counterfeit Kingdom of Christ, which will last for 1,000 years. Adolph Hitler, clearly under the influences of the same Occult notions which drove his predecessors, likewise built the Third Reich, his own occult version of the Millennial Utopia to last 1,000 years. There is now an increasingly known history being written proving Hitler, Hess, and Himmler were insane with ideas of taking the world by force into the New Age of Atlantis, in effect, getting there first, as it were, before the Templarian Freemason's had the chance to finish their own alchemical Great Work. In so doing, they developed their plan for global conquest using both conventional and occultic means to bring it about. Shortly before the war, it was Himmler who was granted charge over a new SS faction called Ahnenerbe (the Ancestral Heritage Society). Ahnenerbe recruited many of Germany's top scientists, archaeologists, and scholars who mounted archaeological and anthropological expeditions throughout Tibet and Palestine, given the unique task in Hitler's occult plan to find traces of an ancient pre-Aryan master race which linked Atlantis to Germany. To Hitler, this term of pre-Aryan was ultimately rooted in Atlantis, he believing modern Aryans to be direct descendants of the lost Atlantic continent, the Solar Man who would bring back a Golden Age.

Researching Aryan (Satanic) doctrines further, you are taken into some detail about the mystical nation called Atlantis as it becomes overwhelmingly clear that Hitler actually believed he was reviving the legendary continent, and with that, become the first King of its New Age, fulfilling his own Aryan destiny given him by his Ascended Masters. Scholars are now convinced that Hitler and the Nazi party were influenced in these very bizarre ideas about Aryan Bloodlines, 'root races,' the hollow earth theory, Atlantis, its unseen Overlords, and other such theories by the occult through enigmatic writings of such authors as Edmund Kis (Fruehling in Atlantis) as well as Helena Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine) which details a spirit race of beings from Atlantis guiding man's destiny from the frozen north regions who later descended upon India, Tibet, and Germany becoming the supreme race known as Aryan. This, along with the writings of Bulwer-Lytton's notions of a hollow earth and Vril society completely shaped Hitler's Aryan (Luciferian) world view, further emblazoned his hatred of the Jews, and later influenced his own book Mein Kamph. Hitler attempted nothing less than to usurp the heraldry, ancestry, and authority of the Merovingian dynasty and recreate a new Aryan Solar-Man upon the earth in accordance with the will of the Ascended Masters. He adopted the ancient sun symbol and mark of the Swastika - the Luciferian symbol of the Sun, whose Occult number is equated with 666 and led many to believe he was in fact, their Messiah. Helping him with this effort, he believed, was the finding of certain ancient artifacts of Godly power that are prophesied in Occult lore to bestow upon its owner the Divine Right to be King of the world, the last Rex Mundi. As such, Hitler and Ahnenerbe wasted no time in searching the globe.

Since many of these objects were also on the Templar/Crusaders list to find, some have speculated the Nazi's saw themselves as the New Templar Crusaders to restore balance and bring forth a lost age when Man and the God's were one. These objects included the Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of Destiny, the Holy Grail, the Crystal Skulls (of Atlantis), the Emerald Tablets of Thoth/Lucifer, which according to the Occult-influenced Nazi doctrine, were the very objects of pre-Aryan (Atlantean) society which would give the Nazi war machine complete victory as they set forth to conquer the world. Once found by Ahnenerbe, the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, and every other relic of Occult/Christian power were to be placed in one central location. In 1934, Himmler selected a 17th century gothic castle fortress known as Wewelsburg Castle (see the middle of this document). It and the city which was planned around it was ultimately envisioned as serving as a future Holy City of an 'SS' Supertate - a kind of Satanic Jerusalem. The planned town which was to be built around the castle was to radiate outwards in concentric circles (as seen in depictions of Plato's Atlantis) with the castle at its center. Within the Wewelsburg Castle itself, which was built upon an ancient Teutonic crypt, was a 12,000 volume library of rare Aryan lore, several medieval shrines, with entire wings devoted to ancient Teutonic Knights, as well as devotion to Aryan Gods such as Thor, Loki, and other mythic gods of Nordic light and darkness. Occult symbolism was rampant throughout, in and everywhere around the castle were to be found magickal Nordic Runes which supposedly further gave this one place on earth every occult power imaginable. Within the very center and lowest part of the castle was the secret plan to build a "Round Table room" which would house the aforementioned relics of power, where twelve pure-blooded SS "Knights" would meet and draw upon the combined Occult energy, and radiate it outwards in an unstoppable God-like destructive force against their global enemies. The Messianic Fuhrer, Adolph Hitler, completely insane with varing notions of the Occult, knew the prophecies of the Arthurian/Grail Antichrist, and Germanicized them to better fit his maniacal vision of an Aryan Camelot, whose perfect Kingdom and Millennial Reich would last for one-thousand years.

However, the war ended before his nefarious dream was attained. The Masonic elements within the British and American governments had a far more ancient doctrine and plan to accomplish, despite Hitler's attempted hijacking of the Merovingian (Antichrist) destiny. Needless to say, this Satanic-serving child of Germany and self-proclaimed Aryan Messiah was subsequently removed from power. Russian and American troops assaulted Hitler's iron fortified Chancellery bunker in Berlin, the fort of his own land. History tell us he killed himself on April 30th, 1945 just before his underground bunker was overrun by Russian forces. After the battle, there was found in the bunker courtyard the remains of a German man made to look like the Fuehrer, yet the dead man was an obvious body double which Hitler was reputed to have, allowing even history itself to be uncertain of his final fate, as Adolph Hitler's body was never found. The robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall He shall set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; thus shall he do. Then he shall turn his face toward the fort of his own land: but he shall stumble and fall and not be found. [Daniel Chapter 11:14-19]. And so throughout history we've seen many archetypes of Antichrist's rising and falling: from Akhenaten to Antiochus; from Neron Kaiser (Nero) to Napoleon, to Hitler, all leading to a final One.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation




Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

It was broadcast in 1972 to a particularly enthusiastic reaction, as if the mystery had finally broken a spell - or cast its own - releasing a vast emotional and spiritual paralysis in the buttoned-up psyche of the Anglo-Saxon world. Once again that old Sauniere tale was working its deep dark magic, demonstrating just how powerfully the mystery finds echoes in so many minds, with its archetypal themes of buried treasure, secret codes, shadowy orders, and hints of magical, even perhaps Satanic practices.

The Sion Revelation p. 244

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Among the picturesque age-old landscapes of southern France sits a modern mystery, the scene of which has reached deep into modern culture, the references of which have found their way into modern films such as The Matrix, and the recent best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code. What follows is as much 'alleged' history as it is 'actual' history, as the information comes from many sources of various repute: In 1885, the tiny village of Rennes-le-Chateau in the Languedoc region of southern France gained a new parish priest, the Abbe Berenger Sauniere. Though comprised of barely twenty houses, the village was once thought to be a major stronghold of the Visigoth Empire, under the previous name of Rhedae. Once established in the village, Sauniere undertook a refurbishment of the local church, originally consecrated to Mary Magdalene in 1059, which had fallen into ruin. During his work excavating and rebuilding the church, Sauniere allegedly came across a number of coded parchments hidden within the Visigothic pillars. Astonished at the finds, Sauniere left for Paris where he would consult with specialists at the Church of St. Sulpice. There, it is alleged that the author of the parchments was the Abbe Antoine Bigou, who may have written them, or at least secreted them in 1781, more than a century before Sauniere's time. These ancient parchments were then promptly decoded in Paris to reveal the cryptic messages: (See them above).

Curious and perplexed all the more, it is said that before leaving Paris Sauniere purchased copies from the Louvre of paintings by Nicolas Poussin and David Teniers the Younger, apparently on the basis of the coded message. When one of the painting is titled "The Shepherds of Arcadia" and Teniers was known to be a painter of the Devil, Sauniere knew he was on to something, yet what? The story gets very murky after this point yet one fact is indisputable, like the original Knights Templar centuries before him, Father Sauniere suddenly and mysteriously, became rich. He began spending vast amounts of his new found wealth building Rennes-le-Chateau into an estate complete with guest house and castle tower hanging off a cliff-face called the Tour Magdala or Magdalen Tower. Not long after, he reportedly entertained important personages and strange guests from all over Europe. The church of his new Rennes-le-Chateau estate, Church of St Magdalene, was also completely refurbished by Sauniere using various clues as to what he ultimately discovered, which has kept modern Grail hunters and researchers captivated ever since. As you approach the entryway of his church, Sauniere oddly installed the Latin verse meaning "This Place is Terrible." As you enter, you are immediately met by the statue of Asmodeus, an Arch-demon within the Satanic hierarchy who seems to be strangely crouching, one hand holding a trident (missing) the other on his knee forming the number five. Opposite Asmodeus, across a checkered floor is a statue of Christ. All around the church is seen various idols and statues in very unique positions that are obviously veiling a message, of some sort. The Stations of the Cross that are displayed are said to have strange anomalies in their depictions as well, hinting at some form of heretical belief. Statues of Joseph and Mary are also present, yet each holding a blonde Aryan-looking infant on either side of the altar. Some have surmised that these statues might be intended to represent Jesus and Mary Magdalene, hinting at the notion of a possible continuation of Christ's Bloodline that has seemingly infused itself into the European collective DNA of its Serpentine Royal Families.

Some have surmised that Sauniere instead found the lost treasures of Jerusalem, the Ark of the Covenant chief among them, which was thought to be stolen by Roman legions upon their sacking Jerusalem and its Temple in 70AD, a treasure that was perhaps later taken by the Visigoths and that this was the secret Sauniere was displaying all around him in his church. Others say it was the mysterious treasure secreted by the Cathars during the time of their persecution at the hands of the Catholic Church. However, given the nature of the actual clues Sauniere chose to display, with that of a Devil, and a Child, one cannot help but consistently come back to the 'treasure' being a secret, a Royal Secret, most notably that Jesus Christ sired children and His Bloodline continued as a Royal lineage, or perhaps it was to mean the Devil sired children and his Bloodline continued as a Royal lineage, who can really say? Esoteric researchers point out that the entire region of southern France forms a pentacle which can only be viewed from above, meaning that the site of Rennes-le-Chateau is one node of a larger 'pagan temple' displayed on earth, yet only seen from far above, from near-orbiting space, and yet, who could have built such a symbol that stretches across hundreds of miles, with such symmetry of lines angled so perfectly as to form a symbol that is connected with Venus, also called Lucifer? Ephesians 2:2 answers that. In time, the Catholic Church heirarchy changed. A new regional bishop questioned Sauniere about his obvious wealth to which Sauniere completely ignored his requests for an explanation, eventually quitting the priesthood rather than divulging his vast monetary source. Perhaps the rumors were true then, Sauniere had gotten involved with various Occult secret societies immediately after finding the 'secret of the Holy Grail' and it was they who made him immediately wealthy, which speaks to the great need these same European magical societies had for whatever hidden knowledge, secret object, or tomb that Father Sauniere had so willingly provided to them.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Prince William studied these very paintings working toward his Degree. Merovingian secrets have been laced into the arts since Cain.

On January 17th 1917, ironically enough, the same date Marie d'Hautpoul died, Sauniere apparently had a stroke, and died five days later. Local lore says that the priest who arrived to give last rites to Sauniere denied him absolution based on his confession. It is also said that a strange memorial was held for the dead priest - his body was seated out on a balcony where mourners walked past plucking red paper apples from the shawl that covered him. When relatives of Sauniere enquired about his will, they were surprised to find that the priest had signed over all of his possessions to Marie Dénarnaud, who lived much longer than Sauniere and it is said she promised one day to reveal the secrets of Rennes le-Chateau during her later years. Unfortunately, she suffered a stroke which left her completely unable to communicate in any form and she died in 1953. The story of Berenger Sauniere came to the attention of the French public around 1956, causing somewhat of a national sensation. In 1962, an individual by the name of Gerard de Sede published his book Le Trésor Maudit (The Accursed Treasure), a key moment in the history of the mystery because seven years later, in 1969, a writer/producer for the BBC named Henry Lincoln happened across this book while on holiday in France, and while reading it, Lincoln began to decode some of Sauniere's alleged parchments, and was hooked on finding a final solution. Lincoln pitched the storyline to the BBC for a documentary, and they agreed to let him pursue it. A famous moment in the story occurred when Lincoln quizzed de Sede about the coded parchments. At first de Sede denied knowing about any codes, something that Lincoln found hard to believe. Under further questioning as to why he didn't reveal the codes in his book, Gerard de Sede eventually answered quite cryptically:

"Because we thought it would interest someone like you to find it for yourself."

Thus began a second episode to the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, the unveiling of a secret society with reputedly ancient roots and modern power, the Prieure de Sion (Priory of Sion). Henry Lincoln went on to make three full-length documentaries on the subject of Rennes-le-Chateau and the Priory of Sion during the 1970s. When the subject became too far-ranging for him to handle on his own, he joined with two other researchers, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh. In the hands of Lincoln, Baigent and Leigh the mystery grew into a full-blown historical investigation which fostered a great amount of skepticism of the Jesus Christ account in the Gospels, while promoting Occult secrets of the medieval Knights Templar and Cathars, and the greatest of secrets: that the Bloodline of Christ continued through Mary Magdalene and the Dark Ages French lineage of the Merovingian Kings, a lineage which still exists into the modern age. A number of documents purportedly belonging to the Priory of Sion have been uncovered only adding to the mystery. The Dossiers Secret, a 27-paged document that tells of a long-line of distinguished Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion, which included such historical personages as Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Claude Debussy and Victor Hugo, who were all in league protecting the secret Bloodline of the Merovingian kings of ancient France, a Bloodline that was supposedly descended from Christ. These secret documents, as they were called, were to eventually restore this Bloodline to the Throne of France in the modern age, a difficult task since France is now a republic. Conveniently, the man slated by the Dossiers to be that same King appeared to be none other than Monsieur Pierre Plantard, an enigma of a man eccentric at best, and although it was reputed he was a seeker of mere self interest with notions of being seated on the long-forgotten Throne of France, he had still re-ignited that firestorm of sensation surrounding the Bloodline of the Holy Grail bringing it into the post-modern age for the entire world to become acquainted with, quite purposefully I say.

It wasn't long before all the media-hyped books began appearing on shelves worldwide, most notably the definitive popular work on the subject 'Holy Blood Holy Grail' (1982) written by the same trio of researchers that looked into the Plantard phenomena, oddly enough. Their work became a best-selling book in the millions which still garners an audience to this day. Other authors that came after, each added their own insights into the mystery behind Rennes le Chateau and of the Holy Grail Bloodline mystery which surrounded it. Some of these books, only hint at the mystery without giving any(?) clues, such as the enigmatic document titled Le Serpent Rouge, which may actually foretell much more than readers can see on the surface. Although recent investigation into the Priory of Sion has shown a rather exaggerated pedigree for the organization, as well as checkered past for its own supposed Grandmaster Pierre Plantard (who died in year 2000 at age 80), a former acquaintance of Plantard, named Phillipe de Cherisey's own explanation of the creation of the Dossier parchments is at best strange and incomplete, prompting many researchers to believe he is lying or at the very least, that he simply embellished already existing texts of an actual secret document, and simply replaced Pierre Plantard's name in the place of the true recipient of the Holy Grail Bloodline, who is logically considered to be a Royal Family member already in line to one of the still existing Thrones in Europe. Since France lives in a modern republic thanks to the French Revolution, and no longer has a Royal Family, one can only surmise the secret behind the Holy Grail must rest then in the British Isles, be it Scotland or England, two nations well-known to having the strongest and most recent links with the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail, both nations already connected with the supposed Holy Grail lineage of Christ, thru the Scottish/British tenants found within Anglo-Israelism belief.

The notions of a Holy Bloodline descended into the modern era also interested members of the growing behemoth of the Nazi SS movement. In his book “The Emerald Cup Ark of Gold: the Quest of SS Lt Otto Rahn of the Third Reich,” Colonel Howard Buechner puts forth that Otto Rahn, the gifted author and historian founded the location of the Holy Grail Mountain, the Montsalvat of legend, in the Cathar mountain fortress of Montsegur in the French Pyrenees. Prior to his mysterious death at age 35, Otto Rahn wrote two books about the Cathars of southern France: 'Crusade Against the Grail,' and 'Lucifer's Court.' Otto Rahn believed with absolute conviction that the Cathars were the last owners of the Holy Grail that was spirited away when the Catholic Church sought to erase them from existence. The Cathars believed in the primordial Light from which all life emerged signified by a Solar Christ, instead of Christ. Moreover, it was the Cathar's belief that all clerical rulers, principally the Catholic Church, were the personification of Darkness and evil in the world, and that there exists an eternal war between the principles of Light and Darkness on whose meetings and encounters everything in the universe was based. Therfore, for Otto Rahn, Montsegur was the 'Lighthouse of Catharism,' and of the Holy Grail. The medieval Germanic tale of Parzival, revived in the 1800s by Wagnar's popular mystical operas, helped fuel Otto Rahn's obsession and modern quest for the Holy Grail and also inspired Hitler and the rise of the Nazi party itself. Early in the summer of 1929 Otto Rahn made his first appearance in the Languedoc region of southern France. He quickly settled in the village of Lavelanet and over the next three months systematically explored the ruined Cathar temple-fortress on Montsegur as well as the surrounding mountain grottoes, possibly including, as many believe, the area of Rennes-Le-Chateau, situated right in the heartland of Catharism.

Otto Rahn believed that the Cathars who guarded the Holy Grail in their castle at Montsegur, could be traced back to Druids who converted to Manichaeism. The Druids in Britain being forerunners of the Celtic "Christian" Church. He also saw in the culture of the mediaeval Cathar stronghold of Languedoc strong resemblances to the Druids. Their priests akin to the Cathar Parfaits. The Cathar secret wisdom being preserved by the later troubadours of the medieval courts of France, who it is believed gave Wolfram von Eschenbach the story of Parzival. After Hitler took power in 1933, Rahn lived in Berlin devoting himself to further studies of the Grail. His quest for a secret primordial religious tradition, the Religion of Light, came to the attention of Nazi SS leader Heinrich Himmler who sought Rahn's collaboration in SS sponsored research. His talents were soon recognised by his superiors. Pursuaded to formally join the SS in 1936, within a matter of weeks Otto Rahn was promoted to SS-Unterscharfuhrer. In the summer of 1936 he undertook an expedition to Iceland by order of the SS. Highlights of this Grail journey formed part of some chapters in his second and final book "Lucifer's Courtiers" published in 1937. At some point however, Otto Rahn fell into disgrace with the Nazi hierarchy in 1937 and for disciplinary reasons and was assigned a tour of duty at the Dachau concentration camp. Rahn began to talk freely. He opposed the coming war, believing instead that Germany and Europe should be transformed into a race of "Pure Ones" or Cathars. In the new year of 1939, Rahn submitted his letter of resignation from the SS to Karl Wolff writing: 'Unfortunately, I must ask you to intervene with the Reichsfuhrer [Himmler] for my immediate discharge from the SS. The reasons that have led me to this resolution, this decision, are of so grave a nature' A few weeks later he was dead. Otto Rahn was dismissed from the SS on 17 March 1939, four days after his death.


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

During the time when the walls of Montsegur were still standing, the Cathars kept the Holy Grail there. Montsegur was in danger. The armies of Lucifer had besieged it. They wanted the Grail to restore it to their Prince's diadem [Lucifer's Crown] from which it had fallen during the fall of his Angels. Then, at the most critical moment, there came down from Heaven a white dove, which split Tabor [Montsegur] in two. Esclarmonde, keeper of the Grail, threw the sacred jewel into the depths of the mountain and in this manner was the Grail saved. When the devils entered the fortress, they were too late. Enraged, they put to death by fire all of the Pures.

Otto Rahn: Crusade Against the Grail

Possession of the Grail has always been the dream of chivalric orders. The Knights of King Arthur's Round Table, the Templars, even the Teutonic Knights have sought the mystic vessel. But Otto Rahn believed that he could triumph where centuries of questing had failed. He had studied the sacred geometry of Montsegur, its sunrise orientations and its relationship with other sacred places, and had discovered secret underground passages, where he felt the treasure must be concealed.

Hitler's Secret Sciences

Rahn's research resulted in a book called Crusade Against the Grail, published in 1933. Rahn believed that the Cathars were in fact descended of Druids who converted to Manichaeism, and that is why they were guardians of the Grail, both as descendants of the Celtic priesthood, and pure followers of Lucifer, the Angel who brought knowledge to mankind and exposed the Demiurge.

Otto Rahn claimed that the Grail Castle was Montsegur. His researches into the Cathars and the Grail had the support of Alfred Rosenberg, major racial philosopher, Nazi spokesman, and friend of Hitler. Otto Rahn disappeared in 1939.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 490

Both Crusade Against the Grail and Lucifer's Court are full of remarkable insights and revelations of important historical links. Deep within the grottoes of Sabarthez, Rahn found chambers in which the walls were covered with symbols characteristic of the Knights Templar side by side with emblems of the Cathars. [One] depiction immediately suggests the Bleeding Lance which appears over and over again in the Arthurian legends. The legend of the Grail is centred on the legend of King Arthur (Amfortas) Arthos [Arctic] King of the Grail by which the exact geographical position of the Lost Continent [Atlantis] of the First Solar Age is pinpointed: Hyperborea.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Scotland, land of William Wallace and the same nation which is said to have the most UFO sightings in the world at the time when Prince William attended college at St. Andrews for his Degree in Geography & Art, was built a curious church named Rosslyn Chapel. Founded by Sir William Sinclair in 1446, Rosslyn Chapel is built over a deep vault of uncertain date, which is now entirely walled-off, though the heavily-worn steps down to the sacristy suggest that there was substantial traffic in the past to and from the vault with the legend being that the Templar Knights, as well as the Scottish Rex-Deus Families who supported and protected their presence since the order came out of Rome that all Templars should be executed, would hold secret Satanic rites and rituals in the darkness of the vault, surrounded by the Stones of Lucifer, the very same which adorned him before the Fall. The incredibly intricate interior is engraved with a profusion of Templar, Nordic, Celtic, Christian, and heretical symbolism including the floriated cross (the 'Rosy Cross' from which the Rosicrucians took their name) at the top of the sword on Sir William Sinclair's tomb. The equal-sided 'Grail Cross' is also displayed everywhere in Rosslyn Chapel's stonework as well as the shape of large stained-glass window at the frontispiece of Rosslyn. The Solar Grail Cross (also known as the Celtic or Maltese Cross) is a very ancient pagan sun symbol which was adopted by Templar Knights (ableit red in their version) as a sign of their possession of the Holy Grail, leading some to believe the Knights Templar themselves were spawned of the Merovingian Grail lineage, which may explain their desire to protect the lineage to the death. Celtic symbolism is also rampant throughout Rosslyn Chapel and carved into the stonework of the Chapel itself, including over a hundred 'Green Men,' the Celtic fertility symbols denoting a strong link with the ancient Celtic Bloodlines, as well as a curious image thought to be Lucifer himself; his body fused into the image of a Grail, falling seemingly in space to the earth, or perhaps into Hell.

The Sinclair's have a long and noble history in Scotland as Princes and defenders of the Stuart monarchy of Scotland against invasion and sedition. Of Celtic origins, they served with the Norse Duke and later King, William the Conqueror in 1066, and were subsequently granted lands in southern Scotland by King Malcolm Canmore (of 'Macbeth' fame). The Sinclair family, in whose care the Chapel remains, have a long association with the Knights Templar and with worldwide Freemasonry which traces its roots back to the craftsmen employed to build Rosslyn Chapel itself. Their history of noble service to the Crown continues to this day. The current Earl of Rosslyn has served as the head of security for the British Royal Family, including Prince William. The founder of the Knights Templar, Hugues de Payen, was married to Katherine St. Clair, and the Sinclair's had a long history of service with the Templar Order until it was dissolved by Papal decree order in 1307. In 1441, William Sinclair, 3rd Prince of Orkney, was created Grand Master Mason of Scotland. This title ran with the family until its last Sinclair holder died without issue in 1778. The legend that the mummified corpses of Sinclair Knights Templar are lying in their full armour on plinths in the vault, with no coffins, has spawned hundreds of various conspiracy theories about the Merovingian lineages returning shortly before the end of the world. The author of 'Rosslyn Blood' believes the Templar corpses are still there, on the evidence of an elderly friend who says that in the 1950s it was possible to access the vault by rope ladder from the Chapel by lifting up a floor slab, and that she has been in the vault and seen the mummified Templars, still in their shining armor and white capes adorned with the Red Celtic Cross, as if sleeping. This calls to mind the legends of King Arthur who is said to be sleeping with his Knights under an ancient Celtic hill or mound, waiting for a time when his country would need him most. 'The Hiram Key' advances the theory that Rosslyn Chapel is consciously built to the dimensions of the Holy of Holies in the Temple of Jerusalem. This is credible as the ground plan of Rosslyn Chapel fits exactly the dimensions of the Temple of Jerusalem as described in the Book of Ezekiel, so much so, that any future Third Temple could be built using Rosslyn as a template.

Another striking aspect to Rosslyn Chapel is the detail of the ceiling, which features hundreds of small cubes intricately carved with mysterious symbols, that it is believed somehow some sort of coded musical notation. Another one of the Chapel's most remarkable features is a intricately carved pillar, symbolic of the Tree of Life, that rises up from the floor called the Apprentice Pillar. The Apprentice Pillar is one of three stone pillars believed to represent the concepts of Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty, attributes linked with the etherial Chakra Body and to the Sefirot Tree of Life in the Kaballah. Around the base of the Apprentice Pillar are found eight winged serpents which have eaten evil's forbidden fruit and even though the Apprentice Pillar was carved more than 500 years ago, these same spiraling serpents which wrap themselves around the pillar's Tree of Life have been more recently revealed as perfectly representing a double helix - the fundamental DNA building block of life. (Incidentally, The nearby Roslin Institute was the organization behind the first ever successful mammal clone in 1996.) This enigmatic stone puzzle of the Apprentice Pillar also carries its own legend which relates to a ritual found in modern Freemasonry. As it is told, a Master Mason wanting to carry out the great work of carving the pillar hesitated, needing enlightnment and inspiration whereby he traveled to Rome to view the original pillar that was carved there. Upon his return, the Master was immediately dismayed to find his apprentice had completed the pillar to exact specifications. In a fit of jealous rage, the Master Mason struck the head of his apprentice with a Mason's tool, killing him. This same story has been infused into same Masonic rituals which correlate to the needing of keeping certain knowledge a secret with the punishment of death for revealing them. Recently, some have attempted to claim that the Apprentice pillar is hollow and may contain a metallic "Grail" hidden within its pillar. Others insist the Prince Pillar, as it was oringinally called, may contain the mummified head or body of Christ or at the very least, Christ's own DNA hidden there serving as the Holy Grail in Scotland. Although being that the original Sinclair founders of Rosslyn Chapel never served Christ in any real capacity, might the Apprentice Pillar contain something else altogether?

The identification of the ornately-carved Master's and Apprentice's pillars at the East end of the Chapel as Boaz and Jachin, the pillars of the Sanctuary of Jerusalem even reinforces this. Other books cite that Rosslyn Chapel is the last stop in an epic tale stretching back into Biblical times, with both the Ark of the Covenant, and the Holy Grail, being hidden within the deep vaults, underneath the Templar vault. In recent legend the Grail (traditionally the Sangraal in French) has been identified as the Sang Real, the Royal Blood of lineal descent from Jesus Christ and his supposed wife, Mary Magdalene which is meant to have flowed through the Merovingian monarchy of France and onwards through various dynastic figures to modern times. According to the legend, Mary Magdalene died in 63 AD at what is now St. Baume in southern France, and many Magdalen cults sprang up both before and after her death. The Feast of the Madonna, a feast dedicated to the Magdalene originated in Marseilles and that it was to Mary Magdalene that the Order of the Knights Templars swore their allegiance. Reminiscent of the Cult of the Black Mother Kali in India, early reverence for the Magdalen also spawned the various images and cults of the `Black Madonna' who was often portrayed wearing red as a sign of her office, and green as a sign of fertility. Anyone who has watched "Rosemary's Baby" would be able to relate to why it was called the cult of the "Black Madonna." A hundred motion pictures these days have portrayed the idea of the `devil's child' or of Lucifer/Satan taking a woman to produce an heir. These cults suggest the number of people who have known about his presence on the planet for such a long time, but would shock an average Westerner unfamiliar with world traditions. The Knights Templar, who excavated the vaults under the Temple of Jerusalem when they had custody of the site during the brief reign of the Crusader Kingdom in the Holy Land, found something which they believed to be the Holy Grail, hence their self-identification as the Knights of the Grail. The belief now hints strongly that the Templar Bloodline will return in the form of a last Grail King who shall restore the world back to a Golden Age for all mankind, which also means the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple and the return of their Messiah King to be part of that New Age.

This belief is thoroughly hinted at in 'The Hiram Key' and every other book on the subject of the Merovingian Bloodline and from the sheer nature of the amount of this research, seems irrefutable. Modern Masonic lodges, like Rosslyn, are built in conscious imitation of the Temple of Solomon, and much Masonic practice revolves around the legends of the construction of the Temple and allegedly the perpetuation of the heterodox beliefs of the Templars. The basic theory is that once the Pope's authority was restored in Scotland after his acceptance of the Declaration of Arbroath asserting Scotland's independence and, incidentally, the Scots' descent from the Chosen People, the Lost Tribes of Israel. The Knights Templar therefore had to conceal the perpetuation of their activities by creating a new and secret order of 'Master Masons' at the centre of whose cult was the construction and ritual use of Rosslyn Chapel, built to house the Stones of Lucifer. In the legends of King Arthur, the Davidic line was represented by the Fisher Kings, while the patriarchal line was represented by the name Anfortas (`In strength') for it was in strength that they usurped the rightful succession. It was also identified with the Hebrew name Boaz, the great-grandfather of King David, the name given to the left-hand pillar of Solomon's Temple. Its capitals, and those of the right hand pillar, Jachin meaning `He shall establish,' were decorated with brass pomegranates, the Hebraic symbol of male fertility. The Scots Royal line still traces its lineage back to King David as well, the progenitors of the Royal House of Stewart in Scotland having derived from Viviane II del Acqs, dynastic Queen of Avallon. (The American Kennedy family is a modern-day archetype of this line of inheritance surrounded by the mystique of the Camelot ideal of Royalty.) Therefore overall significance of the Holy Grail and King Arthur relates directly to the Merovingians. According to early Greek histories, Troy was in fact founded by settlers from Arcadia-Arkades ("the people of the bear"). The constellation Ursa Major means "Great Bear" and where the ancients believed Kochab (Sun God Lucifer) dwelt, a belief cursiously shared by the Arthurian worshipping Mormon Church of today.

The Merovingian Kings were occult adepts, initiates in arcane sciences, practitioners of esoteric arts-worthy rivals or equivalents of Merlin, having gained much of their occult knowledge through the Atlantean remnants who had escaped its destruction by moving to the western shores of Atlantic-Europe, Wales and the South of France among it. Merovee (Merovech or Meroveus) was a semi-supernatural born of the Merovingian line. His name(s) come from the ancient words for Atlantis, Mother and Sea. Merovee, it was said, was born of two fathers. Legend has it that when already pregnant by her husband, King Clodion, Merovee's mother supposedly went swimming in the ocean. In the water she is said to have been seduced or raped by an unidentified marine creature from beyond the sea (the Atlantean priest-king bloodline) this creature apparently impregnating her a second time. When Merovee was born, there allegedly flowed in his veins a co-mingling of two different bloods, perhaps the Atlantean and the Lemurian, since the Atlantean Basque lands were so near to the Merovingian lands in southern France, representing the ongoing blending of the Celtic and Roman Church; or perhaps it could refer to the two strains of Luciferian control on the planet, the Celtic Priesthood and Kingship. It was under Merovee's son, Clovis, that the Franks were converted to Roman Christianity. Clovis conquered most of France and drove the Visigoths back to Razes, now the village of Rennes-le-Chateau. Clovis died in 511 AD and the empire was divided up between his four sons. The heirs, however, were put on the throne at an early age and thus were easily manipulated. Unfortunately it was also at this time that the court chancellors or Mayors of the Palace accumulated more and more power, a factor that would eventually contribute to the fall of the dynasty. A short time later, one of the last heirs to the Merovingian throne, Dagobert II, the son of Sigibert III (631 - 656), an Austrasian king of the Merovingian line, was kidnapped upon the occasion of his father's death by then Palace Mayor Grimoald, who tried to put his own son on the throne. Presumed dead, Dagobert was in fact secretly exiled to Ireland only to return some years later.

In the year 666, while probably still in Ireland, Dagobert married Mathilde, a Celtic princess. Guided by his mentor, Saint Wilfred, he moved with her to England. This was shortly after the Roman Church's assimilation of the Celtic Church in 664 at the Council of Whitby, the cause of which is attributed in legend to King Arthur's supposed turn to Catholicism. Giselle Dagobert had a son in 676, the infant Sigisbert IV. By the time Sigisbert was born, Dagobert was once more king, aided by a mysterious figure named Saint Amatus, bishop of Sion in Switzerland. Dagobert did not, however, prove to be a sword arm for the Church. By 679 he had made powerful enemies. As the story goes, one day while hunting in his sacred forest, he was attacked and assassinated, pierced with a lance through the eye, a sign of ritualistic murder. As explained in volume IV, this is the lance that later became the Spear of Destiny (the spear that could kill a dynasty and create new ones) when wielded in the hands of Charlemagne and other world leaders. The murderers then went back to the castle to wipe out the rest of the family, but it is uncertain how effective they had been. In fact, the young Sigisbert was still left alive, but without his parents protection he needed to be hidden from further attempts on his life. Meanwhile, the slain Dagobert became the object of a fully fledged cult and even was allotted his own feast day. His church in Stenay was later protected under extreme measures by Godfroi de Boullion, but all relics of him were lost in the French Revolution, except what is purported to be his skull. A poem calling his death an act of martyrdom arose later out of the Abbey at Orval. It is obvious that Dagobert had turned against the Church's increasing control, causing them to later turn against him and his Holy Grail Bloodline.

With the death of Dagobert, the main lineage of the Merovingians was deposed. Even though he could have taken the throne, his potential successor, Charles Martel, did not, and those successors who did, went out of their way to marry Merovingian princesses (the notion behind the female carrying the bloodline) in order to legitimate their claims. Certainly history repeated itself when for the very same reason, the Windsors married into the Stuart Grail lineage by matching Prince Charles with Diana Spencer. As well as the pillars named Boaz and Jachin, Rosslyn Chapel includes a sculpture of a man with a gashed forehead identified as the architect of the Temple of Solomon who would die rather than betray its secrets. This symbol of the mortally wounded man also resonates with the Book of Revelation with its description of a future Antichrist figure that is resurrected from a mortal head wound. When the Templar Order, who had absorbed the esoteric Kabbalism of the Mideast and brought it to Europe, fell into disfavor with the Holy Roman Empire, Pope Clement V and King Philippe IV of France dissolved the Order in 1309 and sought to destroy every last Templar including Templar Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, who was eventually captured and executed in 1314. The rest of the Order fled into other parts of Europe, namely, Scotland. Others sailed across the Atlantic, it is believed, until they made landfall at a site in Massacuhsetts which was marked with the carved grave slab of a Templar knight. The Templar colony in America did not survive, but other Knights Templar were more fortunate. The Templar Knights in Scotland were pivotal in the Scots victory at Bannockburn in 1314 and were rewarded with land and titles by the Bruce. It is also believed that the Templars brought with them the treasures from the Temple Mount, including the Secrets of the True (Pagan) Grail, which they entrusted to the Sinclair family as the senior Templar family of Scotland. These treasures were contained at Rosslyn Castle until threatened by fire, after which Rosslyn Chapel was specifically built as the reliquary for the Stones, including the Emerald Lapsit Exillis of the vanquished Solar King and his relucent Lost Kingdom.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Rosslyn Chapel is an enigmatic, arcane library of secrets, sculpted in stone and shrouded in mystery. Professor Thomas Lin Yun, the leader of the Buddhist Black Tantric sect, claims that Rosslyn is one of the most powerful sites he had ever visited and one that will play an important role in the move towards [one] world peace. The Chapel attracts Rosicrucians, New Age seekers, anthroposophists and theosophists in the thousands. In the late 1930's several leading members of the Nazi party visited Rosslyn Chapel, for they were obsessed by the legends surrounding the Holy Grail.

Rosslyn: Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p.xv, 22-23

Rosslyn is reputed to be an approximate copy of the design of the ancient Temple of Solomon and is adorned with innumerable carvings, including Judaic, Celtic, Norse, Templar, and Masonic symbols, in addition to mainstream Christian images.

Secrets of the Code p. 248

We completed the sequel to the Spear of Destiny, which was published after Trevor's death as The Mark of the Beast. One theme in the book was Trevor's intuitive study of the apocalyptic configuration in stone: seven sacred [medieval] buildings on the alleged sites of ancient Druidic planetary oracles. We could not put aside the conviction that the actual geographic location of Rosslyn and the Apprentice Pillar was an integral part of some great unsolved mystery concerning both the symbolism of the Apocalypse and the exact date in which its most crucial events would take place. Suprisingly, we did find a date on which not only did the planets align themselves in the order of the sites, the replication was almost exact. That date is 28 July 2019.

Rosslyn: Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. xxi, 21, 208, 210

The first of the St. Clairs to be born in Scotland, Henri St. Clair, accompanied Godfroi de Bouillon to the Holy Land in 1096 and was present at the fall of Jerusalem. He was accompanied by knights from eleven other leading Scottish aristocratic families. Representatives of all twelve familes met regularly at Roslin prior to the Crusades, and for many centuries afterwards. The group included ancestors of the Stuarts, with whom the St. Clairs made marital alliances...and were involved with the Templars throughout their history [and] with early Freemasonry in Scotland, with support of the Stuart cause. Recent studies of the Rex Deus legend have suggested that the Stuarts were actually descended from leading families among the hierarchy in Biblical Israel.

Rosslyn: Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 200

The hidden heirs to the Knights Templar devised a method to pass on their sacred knowledge; a system that eventually developed into Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and the Invisable College, which later transmuted itself into the Royal Society in England. The roof [Rossyn Chapel] is powdered in a profusion of stars and roses. The lillies had been carved above the two pillars and are believed to signify the descending Bloodline of the Kings of Israel.

Rosslyn: Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 126, 10

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


As mentioned, thirty-third degree members within the British and American Masonic-led governments firmly believe that they carry the Heritage of the Lost Tribes of Israel, and are themselves the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. With this false notion found deeply rooted into the equally deluded and powerful and elitist 'Anglo psyche' with its covert leaders manipulating mankind into a one world government under their Sun-God, they have willingly placed themselves at the very forefront in the advancement of the Great Work, that being Satan's grand plan to return as earth's Solar deity. Many of these same leaders are so well deceived in their (lack of) understanding in this, some actually believe they are doing 'God a service' while the majority of others know exactly what and who they are bringing back into the world, Lucifer himself. As seen in Scripture, Satan will always desire that which he can never be, in this case, God. Even so, he has fought his war since time immemorial and is even now still fighting his war thru his chosen people. From the moment of his evil discourse and making of his five I Wills, it is clear Satan (and certainly his Antichrist) only have one true goal in mind which is to reign as 'God' from Mount Zion, the center point of the Universe and all Creation, it being the First and Highest point of all Creation; the absolute highest position one could reign from because it was where God dwelt; where Heaven met earth and where God existed in His Heavenly Temple. Lucifer, as Morning Star of the Highest Order of Cherubim, in a moment of great evil coveted the Throne of God, wanting to be God, and so lost his former position while the Morning Star [and pre-incarnate] Christ, gained even all that he once had. From this alone we see the war is over the rights to planet earth, over the territory of Israel, even of Heaven itself.

Therefore, Lucifer's ancient and ongoing battle is over the Temple and Throne of God at Zion, the Gateway to Heaven, literally where Heaven meets earth. It is here where the first battlelines were drawn between Good and Evil in the Beginning, and likewise in the end of time where the Final Conflict between them must again be waged. Even though the Throne of God and Heaven itself has since lifted up from the earth with God into the Third Heaven, the geographic place where it once stood remains on earth still, It is Jerusalem, Israel. Now you can understand why the Anglo-Masonic nations of the United States and Great Britain need to "protect" it so, for as their own Templarian forefathers belonging to ancient occult societies will attest 'There can be no subject of greater interest to Freemasons than the Temple of Solomon and 'the [future] King of Israel' (Antichrist). Bringing all of this into the modern era, we see that Israel is once again at the very center geopolitically in a fight to keep the sovereign city of Jerusalem as its ancient capitol intact. Zion and 'Zionism' is what makes the seemingly awkward, even dangerous, foreign policies of both the American and British governments so dangerous for the rest of us alive at this time. You must understand something, there is a curse in the Bible to anyone who carves up what God Himself calls His land, (as God created Israel and more specifically Mount Zion for Himself and His Sons) therefore He will strike down anyone, even any nation who has a hand in giving the land away in some ill-fated land for peace deal, or any deal, as it is mandated to always be Jewish land given by God Himself and not anyone's to give away, yet Anglo-Atlantic nations continue to believe and align themselves behind a fusion of twisted Biblical Masonic deception with that of Satanic, Aryan, and Masonic lies, thinking they will bring their Messiah into the world for the purposes of solidifying lasting peace on earth, without God.

The current Masonic and Royal Family-connected President George W. Bush as well as the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who has recently been made interestingly enough, the European envoy and overseer of Israel's coming "peace treaty" will at some point in Bush's remaining tenure in office, be portrayed as bringing the leaders of the Israelis and Palestinians together to broker a seven-year peace treaty which the future Masonic Antichrist-King is to later confirm and reactivate during his reign from 2015-2022. This peace therefore is not for what Israel hopes, yet for what must come, not a seven-year peace, but a seven-year Tribulation period prophesied in Daniel by the Angels of God, as well as by Christ Himself in the Book of Revelation. Therefore is America and Britain and their Masonic wrought 'foreign policies' that is hastening Israel's eventual meeting with destiny and her own future takeover at the hands of Satan and his Antichrist. Satan will, with his Serpent children of intrigue and through the perfect corruption of the American and British governments, then ultimately through the Antichrist ascend to global power once again to finally lead the last siege from a his latest 'Atlantis' against God. Since Heaven has been removed from the earth at the end of the First Earth Age, Satan and his Son will take their war against where Heaven met earth and stood as God's Throne, the Ancient Mount Zion, modern-day Jersuasalem. Satan's 'Angel of light' is born in this generation for this very purpose, and he waits even now, quietly, unassuming, quite parallel to all these events taking place, completely unknowing of the destiny he himself will soon fulfill, even though many ancient societies in league with his Father have waited for him for over 12,000 years. With each day's passing are heard only his footsteps growing increasingly louder on the horizon as this slouching beast moves toward Jerusalem bow in hand, death in tow, and a new age in mind.

Again, the examples of preparing Israel for that coming peace treaty (and for their Messiah; Antichrist) are found everywhere, most recently in the 9/11 attack and the real reason America has gone to war in Iraq as well as its need to topple the despotic, unpredictable and dangerous (anti-Zionist) Saddam regime. It has even been admitted by the Bush administration through many veiled speeches that this war, which is seemingly about 'democracy for an oppressed people,' is actually more about "protecting the region," than anything else, and you'd be foolish not to realize *who* it is in the Middle-east region that the United States actually cares about. This latest war against Babylon is more than anything else, to protect Israel and place yet another buffer-state in the region, like Egypt and Jordan, to prevent an unforeseen and premature war that would set back the Masonic plan toward Middle East peace back decades, when their timeline toward a mock peace plan is to be initiated before 2012. Of course destroying every element of terrorism now in the Mideast is almost a necessity if a King of peace (the Antichrist) is ever to find the world ready for a global peace in the time of his arrival, yet never be so simple to actually believe it's the only reason Anglo-American forces are currently in Iraq. For the sake of the ancient and ongoing conspiracy to place their Merovingian King upon the world throne at Jerusalem, the Anglo-Masonic led American and British governments must make a way for a more stabilized Middle East that brings no opposition to the one they are preparing it for, the same one who will confirm and finalize a 'Covenant of Peace' between Israel and its many ememies in 2015. Although very convincing reasons will be given for the wars and other strange policies fostered by the U.S. and Britain, it was and still is the ancient 'Great Work' that is actually being carried out to near perfect efficiency, yet, there is still one more increasingly dangerous anti-Zionist regime in the Middle East to be dealt with, the Kingdom of Persia. In the next section we will see that the US and Britain (as 'young Lions') will be rendered powerless to step in and protect Israel ultimately, as that has always been God's work.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Persia, that ancient kingdom known for its once mighty empire that existed long before the empires of Greece or Rome, is even now attempting a return to its former glory, power, and widespread influence. Persia is easily identified as today's Iran, and Iran has been prophesied by Ezekiel to come against Israel in the latter days, at a time which surprises shocks the world, as it will have been quite unexpected even though it has been prophesied to occur in "the latter days" since the day Ezekiel wrote his prophecy 3,000 years ago. The Scriptures further explicitly state, that Iran is not alone in its attack, yet Russia, Turkey, Libya, Sudan, and others shall make an alliance with one another in order to carry out the final destruction of Israel, who Iran sees as hindering its own goal toward being a unifying power in the region, while the other countries each have their own agenda as reason for their attack. For this reason, many believe that current Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may in fact be the "Third Antichrist" of Nostradamus, and where so many confuse this prophecy of Mabus as Antichrist with the Antichrist of Biblical prohecy, the two are very much two different and distinct beings in their own right, as one arrives before the other, is openly evil, speaking great words of evil, war, and destructions from the onset, while the true (Biblical) Antichrist comes after him, and from the onset lulls the people into an epic dream and wonderful fantasy world with words of peace and prosperity. Thus, for a man of global peace to come after, there must first come a man of great global war before, as one is seemingly contrast by the other; and yet both serve the same master. While the Mabus is known to be of Arabic/Persian descent, the Biblical Antichrist is of Celtic-Aryan Merovingian descent, and is the one that deceives the entire world, after it has believed to have witnessed final Armageddon in 2012. Because of this, many in the world will let their guard down after the Great War, after the Comet, when such a Man of Peace rises up and becomes a global Messianic King as predicted by the Prophets.

Meanwhile, at present, as we are leading right into the prophecy's fulfillent, Iran seeks to become the sole superpower in the Mideast and create a new Persian Empire stretching from its most eastern border, cutting through southern Iraq, and all the way to the Mediterranean. Its inclusion of Iraq and the ancient city of Babylon itself is vital, even necessary in this push toward a New Persian Empire since the birth of the original empire in 539 BC, came into being when Persia crossed the Euphrates and seized the ancient capital of Babylon (Iraq). Iran is today using any means necessary to achieve this aim, to take the Middle East by force, Iraq being the first stepping stone. However, there is another nation in the region that is completely opposed to all their plans of becoming an Islamic Superpower, the modern State of Israel, which is why the President of Iran is already threatening Israel even now, stating that Israel and the Jews must be erased from the region and that their destruction will finally unite the world under a so-called eternal Islamic peace, before the arrival of their Islamic Messiah, the 12th Imam, who they believe will bring the entire world under Allah's rule, their supreme God. Moreover, it is Iran (Persia), and its many proxy armies in Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad, along with the Islamic states of Libya, Sudan, and Turkey, who will all without warning, unite and seek to destroy utterly the modern Jewish State of Israel. That said, what could bring Israel into such a incredibly false sense of security in our time to the point where it can completely tear down every one of its walls and remove all of its security gates, posts, and checkpoints and later, not see Russia and Iran's large scale military move against them? Answer: That same yet-to-be made peace covenant which ultimately seeks to have a so-called "two-state solution" with Israel existing right alongside a "New Palestine" nation, which is even now as you read this being drawn up.

Once that is achieved, and Israel seems to be at peace, Scripture is quick to warn a sudden destruction comes. The following Ezekiel passage seen below is the infamous invasion prophecy and so many wonder today, with a Russia being such a friend to the West, how could this happen? My answer is: because the Bible, morever, God, said it would happen. That's why. Eventually, after their conquests of smaller nations, at some point Russia shall feel confident enough to make a move against Israel, during a time when all Arab nations go on the offensive against the Jewish State. Notice Russia is to be "a guard unto them" meaning Russia shall include itself into this invasion force to: 1) Guard Iran and its Arab allies against any Western intervention 2) They come for a spoil - to loot and plunder and rob the young Jewish State. Even though we see how the "young lions" (the British Commonwealth nations) are shocked at this Russian military action, they don't seem to be able to do anything about it. Since Israel is a staunch ally of the United States, one really has to wonder where is America? Has the United States been rendered completely blind to anything going on outside of its borders by a large-scale Russian cyber attack and therefore too occupied with its own internal strifes by way of civil disrest and riots as the result of a nationwide blackout? Has America already been destroyed by Nuclear War, by a natural disaster such as a large comet or nightmarish earthquake, or perhaps crippled by a stock market crash and economic collapse worse than in 1929? Whichever the case, the U.S. will be perceived as weak, preoccupied, or outright destroyed enough to cause a hostile action against its ally Israel by all of Israel's sworn enemies who seek the utter destruction of the Jewish people. One also has to wonder has Iran been already attacked first? Perhaps this war is itself a counter attack by Iran after Israel has already sent its air force to destroy underground nuclear facilities Iran has built in order to manufacture a nuclear arsenal, or more likely, perhaps this unparalleled attack upon Israel by much of the Islamic world is as a result of internal events happening in Israel against Islam, on the level of a third Palestinian Intifada or the Dome of the Rock being destroyed. At any rate, the negative events in America will allow for the alliance of Russia and Iran to solidify further to eventually invade Israel, an event which must happen 3-7 years before the arrival of the Antichrist.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (Moscow and Tubalsk) and prophesy against him. Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army; you and others with you; Persia (Iran), Sudan and Libya with them; Gomer (Syria) and all his bands; the house of Togarmah (Turkey) of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. Prepare thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, thou be a guard unto them. After many days thou shalt be visited; in the latter years (the end-times) thou shalt come against Israel, a [new] nation brought forth out of all the nations and dwelling safely. And thou (Russia) shalt be a guard unto them (Iran).

Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee. Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: And thou shalt say, I will go to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, having neither bars nor gates; to take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the people that are gathered out of the nations (Jews), which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land. All the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? Hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? To carry away silver and gold and goods?

In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely...thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days...Thus saith the Lord God; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them? And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face. For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;

And I will plead against (Gog) with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.: Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured. Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God. And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.

Ezekiel Chapter 38

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Since American forces are still in Iraq and will be for some time to come, Iran (Persia) will more than likley mobilize its forces northwest into Armenia or Turkey to link up with Russian forces there, and together with Turkey, will march toward Israel to invade. Israel will literally be attacked from every side as Libya, Sudan, join in along with Islamic fundamentalists from all over the Arab world. Clearly from the prophecy in Ezekiel above we know what will take place after these invading forces cross into the mountainous border regions of Israel. God will rise up and furiously defend His nation on earth, completely destroying 5/6th's of all the invaders, allowing for only 1/6th to survive to tell their nations what they have just witnessed. Again, as I have concluded for years, this will cause the nation of Israel to band together as a nation, to once again look toward their loving God as the only reason for their survival. The destruction of the Russian/Islamic invaders will be seen as a complete and unquestionable, miracle, and we can already see this prophecy beginning to take shape, now, and come to pass exactly as the Lord God said it would. Over the years since August 1991, when Russia suposedly wanted to become fully democratic and make friends with the West, many thought that the Battle of Gog and Magog would have to be far off into the future as Russia's government, and especially its army, was completely tapped out and simply had no money left to fund it. In the years since however, we have seen Putin increasingly make his real intentions known, most recently culminating in the full scale invasion of northern Georgia, where some of their hostile forces still remain as so-called "peacekeepers."

Russians will likely never fully retreat from their positions in Georgia as they provide a perfect base from which to impose their will of dominance in the region, reminding former eastern-bloc countries that they are once again, still vulnerable. The very fact that Iran is even able to join with Russia and mobilize in such force against Israel almost certainly proves something on the level of a national disaster must have befallen the United States to render it so unresponsive, especially given that its the seemingly inherant national policy of the United States to defend Israel, at all cost. As I have mentioned before in this website, a time is coming when America is destroyed or at the very least, reduced, and rendered much less than its current superpower status. Thus, at the most critical moment when Israel needs help from its only real ally in the West against Arab nations seeking to wipe all Jewish presence off the map and destroy the State of Israel, America will not be coming. Whether this is by some internal national or natural disaster, complete market collapse, unanswered nuclear strike, Russian cyber-war rendering U.S. computers, satellites, power grids, and defense systems useless, or some combination of all these events, the United States of America will no longer be of any help to Israel, ever again. A world without America then clears the stage perfectly for the Antichrist and his Kingdom, as predicted in Daniel Chapters 7-8. With America removed, the future Antichrist and his European nations can then play the role of Israel's only ally in the West, bringing Satan's man increasingly closer to Israel proving once again that Biblical prophecy is currently being fulfilled at an astonishing pace.

Notice something very interesting in the above Scripture, something which further proves the Bible is the inspired Word of God. At the time the book of Ezekiel was written, ancient Egypt was a major enemy of Israel, and to some extent, so was Jordan, and yet they are both notably absent from Ezekiel's vision. These nations are currently both Islamic states, share the two largest borders on Israel's east and west side, meaning they could easily take part in any invasion into Israel with their Islamic allies, and yet they are not listed among the nations who attack Israel in the latter days. Why? Interestingly enough, these same two nations which happen to be nearest Israel, bordering it on either side, have made peace treaties with Israel. This interesting fact means the prophecy which God gave to Ezekiel is perhaps the most relevant and undisputable reason why many Jews and most Christians know there is supernatural power in God's Word and that it is just as alive today as it was in ancient times. For only an omnipotent all-seeing God could peer 3,000 years into the future, call it the "latter years," the end of days, and knew that Egypt and Jordon will not be involved in attacking Israel (despite their close proximity bordering the Jewish state and being Islamic) because they would be the only two in the entire Middle East who would have working peace treaties with Israel in that distant time (which is our time), treaties that have been recently created in our lifetime. Egypt signed its treaty with Israel back in the Anwar Sadat era on March 26, 1979. More recently, Jordon made peace with Israel on October 26, 1994, so it is very curious that such ancient, sworn, enemies of Israel, (especially Egypt), would not be listed among a grouping of ancient, Israel-hating, past invaders into God's land of Israel prophesied by Ezekiel 3,000 years ago.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Any one of you reading this prophecy today can clearly see how the alliances between those same countries mentioned above (Russia with Iran, Iran with Syria, Turkey, Libya, Sudan, all moving toward an increasing hatred with America and its ally in Israel), to see how close we are to this great battle, and yet it must occur and is even necessary for all the rest of prophecy to take place. For only then, with this miraculous defeat of Islam in the battle of Gog and Magog cause Islam to stand down and allow Israel to be at peace. Only then will there be a national call to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem dedicated to the ancient God of Israel who not only saved them from ancient Egypt, at the time of Moses, yet has now saved them from a much larger and greater enemy which would have certainly destroyed them completely had God not directly intervened. Certainly this one event, and the prophecy of Ezekiel which spoke of it long ago, was literally inspired directly and directly carried out by God and not written by mere men, and therefore, certainly God is the author (and finisher) of not just Ezekiel's prophecy, yet all of Biblical prophecy, making this very relevant to the greater point I am making - that very soon all of prophecy will be fulfilled exactly as predicted in the Bible, and Christ will ultimately reign on earth, yet first, Antichrist, and just before him comes a great destructive world war, rumors of wars, and disastrous global earth-changes.

The timing of this Battle is interesting in regards to the coming Rapture, as well as the coming of Antichrist into his full Satanic power. We know from the same verses scattered throughout the Bible which hint at a "Rapture" also include the strongest hint in 2Thessalonians Chapter 2 which explains that the Holy Spirit (which is currently in the world), must leave the world before the Wicked One (Antichrist) can rise to power, whose power is of the working of Satan. Knowing that all true Christians since the time of Pentacost have been possessed by the Holy Spirit, we know that the Holy Spirit would never leave the Church alone as the two have intrinsically become as one. When the 'one who letteth will let' (or allow) Satan to take over the mind of Antichrist and rise to power, this 'one who letteth' is the Holy Spirit removing itself from the world, and with it, all true Christian believers in the world. This is the time mentioned in Matthew 24 with Christ saying only the Father knows what day this is, however, we on earth can see from the signs, perhaps not the day, yet the season these things will occur. This means the Battle of Gog and Magog could occur anytime between now and 2012, and yes, perhaps on December 21, 2012 which would coincide with the 2012 Cataclysmic global destruction that seems to be hinted at in Ezekiel 38:18-20, especially Ezekiel 39:6. Now while this Russian/Iranian invasion into Israel could happen anytime between now and 2012, it is certain that the Antichrist arrives some years *after* this Battle. We know this from Ezekiel 39:9, which clearly makes known that it will take seven years to cleanse the land of Israel and to bury all the dead invaders at a place that will be called the Valley of Hamongog. Since Antichrist's Satanic possession and 42 month reign of terror will begin at the midpoint of the Tribulation, precisely 1,260 days after his confirming of that soon drawn-up seven year Peace Covenant with Israel, he will certainly not allow any Jews to cleanse the land at that time he is conquering it while seeking to kill every last Jew in the process. Therefore, it is assured that Israel has at least 3 1/2 to seven years for their work of burying all the Russian/Islamic dead that must transpire first before the Antichrist conquers Israel. This means that if the Gog Magog invasion takes place in 2012, Antichrist cannot confirm the Peace Covenant that initiate the 7-years of Tribulation until at the very earliest some three years after the Russian invasion.

And now, what of the Jews themselves immediately after this great Battle? As mentioned, the entire State of Israel and all its Jewish inhabitants will have become a religious nation once more, seeing their God's hand in protecting them from what could have been a completely murderous and bloody genocide. Since all of Islam would have been routed in the aftermath, as even the Arabs would finally have to admit that the God of Israel is the one True God, the Dome of the Rock, having already been destroyed (or will be dismantled by the Arabs themselves) will then give the Jews reason to finally build the Third Temple upon the Temple Mount (Zion). Even as they build, the cry would go out all throughout Israel for the arrival of the Messiah, and as if it was perfect timing, the Antichrist will arise to power, as well as the seemingly Jewish False Prophet that promotes him, and he will be eventually accepted as their Messiah. The day of this acceptance of Antichrist as Messiah will coincide upon the day he confirms and sign a seven year Peace Covenant, the same covenant being furiously attempted to be put together before President Bush leaves office in January 2009. With the advent of Russian and Iranian agression toward American interests in the Middle East, the sudden Russion invasion event which began on August 8th, 2008 may help push that American and E.U.-fostered Peace Covenant between Israel and its neighbors even sooner. Amazingly, Christ has clearly left his numerically enigmatic signiture of 888 all over this event culminating with Russia having "hooks put in its jaws and drawn forth" south into Georgia. The Holy Spirit is telling us to watch, look up, and know our God is in complete control as we enter that pre-Tribulation time Christ marked by natural disasters of all kinds including earthquakes, untreatable plagues, increased hatred, wars and rumors of wars, a timeframe He called "The Beginning of Sorrows." (Matthew 24:8).

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

I also think that, if there ever were going to be an “Anti-Christ”, a king who unites the globe in a universal religion and government, declaring himself to be the embodiment of God, it stands to reason that he would probably come from the Grail bloodline. He would be descended from Satan, which would explain his predestined predilection for evil, but he would also be a descendant of Christ, King David, Abraham, Jacob, Noah and Adam. He could use all of these lineages as credentials to convince members of all the world’s religions that he is not only their divine right king, but the final avatar, or messiah, which their prophets have been predicting. So yes, I think that our generation may yet see the rise of a Merovingian Anti-Christ.

Tracy R. Twyman, Occult Author and Expert

It is also here in England where those that continue to reject their Messiah are based, and why the powerful Judean minority of England always backs their Judean brothers in the Mideast, and why their offshoot America always follows their lead and vice versa. For although England is called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, its Kings and Queens are not the true lineage of David. For only in the Last Days will our King David, step forward, via his ancestral blood and fulfill his prophetic appearance via the Stone of Destiny...and a new King Arthur, the once and future King of England shall re-appear and establish a new Round Table of Equality.

David Jay Jordan

Adding more fuel to the etherial intrigue it was reported recently that “Princess Diana will go down in history as the woman who restored Stuart blood to the Royal Family.” Once again the Queen of Cups is about to play out a cosmic role. According to Leonard Gardner [“Bloodline of the Holy Grail”], the Stuart branch which Diana brought to the Royal Family are the inheritors of the Holy Grail. As the Grail Queen (Queen of Cups) it seems that Diana’s son William may be the Grail Prince (Knight of Cups). The last time the mystical Grail made an appearance was in the time of King Arthur of Britain. Celtic Britain was changed forever.

Additionally, to create the rebirth of King Arthur in young Prince William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor (born Summer Solstice 1982) would require some extremely powerful magickal energy indeed; which could only be raised by the ritual murder of a “Divine King” or a “Royal substitute.” It is entirely possible that Diana was sacrificed in substitute for Charles’ ritual murder. Also telling in this regard is that for the vicarious sacrifice to be effective, it would have to be done near but before the Harvest feast. August 31, the day of Diana’s accident does qualify. The missing piece of this odd puzzle is that the garter has been a symbol of a Witch Queen for millennia. To this day, the Order of the Garter remains one of the most elite societies and appears to be at pinnacle of English-speaking Freemasonry, if not all Masonry. The Garter itself appears on the coat of arms of both the Queen and Prince Charles. This is why the strange Masonic overtones to Diana’s death are so significant.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation



DEATHWALKING WITH DIANA -by Dr. Maureen B. Roberts PhD -a must read






Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Penultimate of the surname of the Islamic Prophet

Will take [Princess] Diana for his day and rest:

He will wander far because of a frantic head,

And delivering a great people from subjection.

-Nostradamus Century 2 Quatrain 28

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

I am sitting here at my desk today in October, longing for someone to help me & encourage me to keep strong & hold my head high. This particular phase in my life is the most dangerous. My Husband is planning 'an accident' in my car. brake failure & serious head injury in order to make the path...

Princess Diana, Oct. 1996

Immediately after the late Princess Diana was murdered, an anonymous source called and stated that the place where Diana was killed was the site of an ancient Temple devoted to the pagan Goddess Diana, and that the 13th pillar where she met her death was explicitly chosen to be the exact point where the altered Mercedes would impact. Add to this certain witnesses actually hearing a large explosion just before the actual impact of the car which initially led them to believe a bomb may have been detonated, and we have the hallmark of something much more sinister going on than what was initially reported. It has been determined on the one hand that the car was driving anywhere from 65 to 90mph, yet the extreme level of the car's destruction knowing it was heavily reinforced with armor plating has caused much confusion, for example, how could a Mercedes that heavily armored look like it was literally destroyed at 65 mph? Other "investigations" then quickly tried to subdue the original 'lower speed-great damage' report and stated the car must have been traveling in excess of 120mph or more in that short distance from the hotel to the tunnel. It was the French police who claimed that the speedometer inside the Mercedes had frozen at a very high speed, supposedly showing the driver (Henri Paul) had been speeding thereby seemingly absolving any other blame than his own. Mercedes quickly countered this claim saying that the police are lying as it is impossible (or unlikely) for their speedometer to freeze upon impact.

One of the most obvious signs of a conspiracy directly involving the French authorities was that the Paris security cameras in and around the tunnel were all switched off just before the accident, with the official word being that they were shut down for repairs. Very soon after the deaths, other reports surfaced that Henri Paul, the driver of the Mercedes must have been intoxicated, the media stating there was found a blood alcohol content of 0.25% in his body yet this too has been proven to be a lie of the French investigative teams because like the entire event itself from the French ambulances 'getting lost' to the scene, the many hours it took to get Diana to hospital, to her dying from something she would have otherwise survived, the blood and bodily autopsies were seriously mishandled in the resulting chaos. More than this, it is Diana's own prediction about her death just 11 months earlier by way of a car "accident" which is more revealing than any of these false reports after her death. In the case of the driver, Henri Paul, and his own autopsy, no heavy amounts of alcohol or even the smell were recorded to have been in his organs at the time of death despite the 0.25% ratio made. Moreover, his blood was determined to have been 'switched' even 'lost' by the time the Paul family wanted their own investigation opened. They were instead met only with further inconsistencies and mishap, their own questions never being answered. As the few investigations that were 'allowed' went absolutely nowhere, and as those who attempted their own personal independent investigations, such as Mohammed al Fayed, or even security advisor and veteran of Scotland Yard, John McNamara, all discovered they were met by hostile forces within British government. McNamara himself was threatened with arrest and imprisonment if he continued any further investigation, citing his alleged "crime" to be obstruction of justice, etc.

Since the time of the accident, all government sanctioned investigations have since come to a definite halt, even closed, leaving the public with less than zero to research. Some of you may remember the variety of reports of a white Fiat Uno that was seen by more than a few witnesses as it sped away from the scene just after the underground crash, its paint even found on the front passenger side of the Mercedes. The same people who were there that night claiming to see the white Uno also had it impressed upon them that this vehicle was the actual perpetrator in causing the "accident." Some even heard to them what sounded like a bomb, a deep thud of a dual explosion before the actual sound of the wreck. One American witness, Tom Richardson, has gone on national television in his own account of hearing an explosion seconds before the car's impact. However, there was one lone witness in particular who stated that he saw a dark car, driven by an indiscernible figure or figures who had in their hand a small device which flashed a series of beams, just before the impact. All witnesses agree there was absolutely no sound of breaks being applied before the car hit the thirteenth pillar. Many questions are left there on that late August night in Paris 1997, seemingly buried for all time. It is clear that the initial investigations were fraught with inconsistencies which was further made into a cold case never to be solved in our lifetime.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Explained away in the report was the many strange events which seemingly became known only after the accident which led to the deaths of Diana, Fayed, and her driver. Excuses were made for the reason every close circuit camera in and around the scene being mysteriously switched off or "not working" at the time just before and during the crash, as well as French ambulances and authorities "getting lost" enroute to the scene when they were only minutes away, not to mention it taking two hours for them to begin life saving work on Princess Diana certainly left ample room for a conspiracy. What cannot be so easily explained away, however, is Diana knowing she would be killed in exactly this way. New light being cast on the French for being somehow involved with the British in Diana's death wasn't helped when after she was finally taken to hospital, her body was immediately drained of all blood and embalmed (mummified) before a proper investigation could be performed. Naturally, the world believed something was amiss yet their knowing very little of the actual facts only led to mourning instead of outrage. Certain facts about that night have been made known and the world slowly learned about things such as Merovingian Kings, Bloodlines, and Royal Secret Societies, as if the killing of Diana made the timing right to release such information. It soon became apparent even to the lay person that Diana met her fate at the hands of some shadowy organization which manipulated events within British intelligence, and that it somehow related to the Merovingian Bloodline, which Diana was descended, and now her two sons being connected by the Blood, one of them slated to be the next King.

Everything seemingly led back to the Knights Templar being involved, from the location of the accident, its name, right down to the very pillar in which Diana's car struck, eerie connections can be made as if God Himself were leaving the clues. First, Diana was killed after her armored car struck the 13th pillar under a Paris bridge, which in ancient times was called Pont de l'Alma, which was used by the Merovingian Kings of France thirteen centuries earlier as a place of human sacrifice and worship to the Roman Goddess Diana. The Merovingian Bloodline Diana carried is known as the all-powerful 13th Bloodline of the Illuminati. The number thirteen itself is intrinsically linked to the Knights Templar as they were known to be finally found guilty of Satanic worship on Friday the 13th, 1307, a day that has lived in infamy and superstition ever since, add to this the fact that the last full year of Templar reign was the year 1313, that the Templars were active in preparing the world for the coming of the Merovingian Antichrist, that the Antichrist first appears in the Book of Revelation in the 13th Chapter, and you have either the greatest coincidence ever, or the greatest conspiracy and cover-up. Princess Diana herself was indeed likely exterminated for two reasons: 1) To cause a shocked world in the wake of her death to venerate her as a form of Goddess, much like Mary, mother of Christ is worshipped today, perfectly setting the stage for her progeny. 2) To cause a rather unique global adoration for her two sons (which her untimely death has certainly created for them on both counts. To the Windsor's, she had already served her purpose as a "breeding sow" and was therefore expendable. One book which detailed the connections the Occult had with Princess Diana very early on was aptly titled Diana: Queen of Heaven by Rayelan Allan explaining the many fascinating coincidences between Diana and her connections with the Merovingian Kings and its own Templar connections. 'The Hidden Evidence' by Jon King speaks directly to the cabal of powerful men who help lead the Royal Family to arrange the doomed (thrice cursed) Royal marriage between her and Prince Charles in the Summer of 1981, then since, proceeded to stalk her every move.

The Thirteenth (13th) Illuminati Bloodline also known as the Merovingian is the purest of the Satanic lineages from Cain to Antichrist. The descendants of this most ancient of bloodlines has given birth to some of the most infamous world leaders as well as the oldest of fraternities steeped in odd, if not deadly, secrecy. Not all are known by name yet most are known by the pagan religions and organizations developed: Celtic Druidry and Witchcraft certainly counted among them, as well as the ancient Mystery Schools of Europe, Egyptian sorcery, Black Magick Templarianism of the Knights Templar, and Satanism itself. As their own history states, they are direct descendents of Satan's first son, Cain, the first murderer and builder of ancient cities. When God banished Cain from the area of Eden's east, after killing Abel, He placed a unique mark upon him that no one should harm him or his offspring, allowing for them to carry out the ancient prophecy of a 6,000 year endeavor which ends in reign of Antichrist, first prophesied in Genesis 3:15-16. Some of the very earliest attempts to account for and trace this seed of Satan were books written which did extensive research and genealogy on the descendents of Cain (see the Cross of Lorraine & Divided by (the) One). Egyptian symbology remains strong and reveals much about their expansive migrations while in the ancient world. Likewise, the occult number thirteen (13) itself represents Cain and his lineage, from Cain's thirteen sons to the Knights Templar extermination carried out on Friday the 13th, right into modern times with the blood sacrifice of Princess Diana; killed hitting the 13th pillar in an ancient tunnel used for Templar sacrifices. See also Thirteen and its connection with 666, The Sacred 13, the Fear of 13, George W. Bush's connection to 13, and Revelation Chapter 13. Even more interesting while adding yet another element, there's even a connection made with the Mayan "end of the world" date of December 21, 2012 with the number 13, as that specific date of December 21, 2012 in the Mayan Calendar is read as

It should be no surprise to anyone why the recent decision was made by British Channel 4 to air the graphic pictures and video of Princess Diana's impending death. The tenth anniversary of her demise is still an open wound in the hearts of many the world over, to blatantly rip at that wound again by those in the occult-run media only plays to their deeper agenda at wanting people to have a renewed mourning for her and feel the need to love and adore her still young sons all the more. It's a psychological attack that strikes right to the heart of society in general, and an effective one at that, especially in this post-DaVinci 'Code' world where people are now enthralled about anything related to Grail lineage and research, perhaps the world is now ready for those pulling the strings behind the media to make known Diana's Merovingian connection, perhaps we are finally ready to hear that Prince William is the Order's new King Arthur, an idea to be finally pushed after the year 2012. Evidence that Diana felt as a pawn in a larger game was certainly revealed as early as 1981 when she confided to a close friend to have wanted to throw herself down a flight of marble stairs at Buckingham Palace to kill herself and the unborn child (William) which she carried within her. In this same account which was recorded and played on a recent documentary about her life, she seemed to stop short of saying that it was the dark feelings she received from her unborn child itself which led her to such desires. At any rate, the feeling of being controlled by unseen forces were usually blamed on the Royal Family themselves, and only later, that of their security agents. Diana was monitored, followed, recorded, harassed by the CIA and MI6, all of which which would later prove to cause her much public distraught when tapes of her private conversations, were leaked to the media likely in attempt to completely discredit her in advance of whatever her plans may have been for the future. Now that the truth has been revealed about both the British and American Intelligence Agencies involvement with Diana while she was alive, trials are still going on to this day to determine if in fact it was murder at the hands of these same security forces. I think it would be a safe bet to say that little if anything will ever come of these more recent inquiries, and so the truth will never be known what happened on that late August night in Paris...or perhaps it is being revealed, all around, even right under your very nose.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Just before Princess Diana was killed certain unsubstantiated rumors did arise which hinted at her being pregnant with another child. This, after a string of men she brought into her life in the course of five years since her divorce. We can only wonder what plan was already in place in just such an event. The Templars who have men placed deep within UK Intelligence were not about to have even the possibility of a half-Moslem hyrbrid Merovingian heir being born. Furthermore, British Intelligence knew if she had lived long enough within the Fayed family, who were well known to have set themselves against the Windsor Royal Family many times before in regards to business, certain complications could and would inevitably result with a future 'Mrs. Diana Fayed.' In any event, she did eventually became a liability and a direct threat to the Great Work which is by this time, nearly complete and certainly when the secret cabal of men who control even the Royal Family realized that Diana was a direct threat to everything according to their ancient plan, her fate was finally sealed. It is true that the Knights Templar, and its hired assassins are well entrenched within both Scotland and Britain, yet the fact they can so deftly cover-up what amounts to be a modern day assassination of the mother of a future King of England proves there will be no stopping them in their murdering Satanic bloodlust at placing that same Future King upon the Throne of the world.

It is interesting to note that Queen Elizabeth II alluded to a strange knowledge she herself had when conferring with Paul Burrell in 1997, shortly after Diana was killed, by saying "...Be careful, Paul. There are Dark Forces in this country which we know not of..." which is quite an interesting statement coming from someone like the Queen of all England. The latter part claiming to "know not of" which I believe to mean that even she may not know of the exact identity of the ones behind the murder, yet she knows exactly of the reasons why. The Knights Templar are known to have sworn their protection over the ancient Merovingian Bloodline at all cost, that is to say over its future King, the one Satan has waited on for thousands of years. His men in all the various secret societies, specifically Templars are charged to protect the Cain/Antichrist lineage, to the point of using any manner of malevolent aims to achieve that goal. The Dark Forces at work within the British and American intelligence agencies have nearly reached the fulfillment of a plan that has been in effect for at least 6,000 years, since Satan was in Eden. More recently, in 2004, came the startling revelation from the French Government through their further investigations and inquest into the matter of Diana's death, that even though Princess Diana was killed in their country, the French government are now exclusively blaming the British Intelligence Agency, and more specifically, the British Royal Family themselves for the deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed, as if to say even they know of the connection between the Royal Family and British MI6 being involved...even though the Merovingian would-be Queen died waiting two hours for a French ambulance to arrive in the heart of Paris. It seems, even the French want no more part of what is ultimately Britain's scheme.

There are some uncanny and strikingly reminiscent scenes being carried out in real life parallel to the first three Omen films in relation to the life of Prince William, and yet, it is we who are that generation witnessing this young and charismatic Prince increasingly acquire charitable duty, humanitarian ideal, and global responsibility, the very same traits shown by one following a seemingly benign, yet medieval, chivalric knightly code of conduct. This latter fact is intriguing in itself, when you consider what Princess Diana said of her son, the future King of England just before her untimely death in 1997: "I believe Wills can rebuild Camelot, and I will be his Merlin. Together, we will return to the chivalry, pageantry, and the Glory that was King Arthur's Court." Indeed, as every day draws nearer to that global event of his coronation, we have the ability to contrast what he will finally become, with the current turmoil within the man himself while still in his youth, and there is very much a dark side which churns within the young Prince which brings to mind the Biblical prophecy citing that 'his anger has provided a great foothold to the Devil'. And yet one by one the old Monarchy falls away giving rise to the inevitability of this future King, and within that same inevitability, how even Prince Charles and Prince Harry will likely be removed from their order of succession to the coveted Throne as well, either thru their unique ability at causing worldwide scandal, or thru their own untimely deaths. Moroever, it should be no shock to anyone reading this if Prince Harry is himself killed off first, either while at war in Afghanistan or on his return trip back to Britain. No matter how it plays out, it will prove interesting in the coming years as another layer of the conspiracy is put into motion and places William one step closer to ascending the "Davidic" Throne of England.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

The Princess of Wales was assassinated by MI6 and the CIA not merely because she was about to marry a Muslim but also because she was being "courted" by supporters of the Merovingian Bloodline - of which she herself was a member...[she] posed such a threat to the future of the British Royal Family.

The Sion Revelation p. 288

This cabal is said to have guarded documents and other proof that Mary Magdalene carried a child with her when she fled to what is now France after the Crucifixion becoming, figuratively, the Holy Grail in whom Jesus' blood was preserved. Their progeny intermarried with the locals, eventually founding the Merovingian dynasty of Frankish monarchs. Although deposed in the eighth century, the Merovingian lineage has not been lost; the Priory has kept watch over its descendants, awaiting an auspicious moment when it will reveal the astonishing truth and return the rightful monarch to the throne of France, or perhaps even a restored Holy Roman Empire [the 'Revived Roman Empire': the prophesied future Kingdom of the Antichrist].

Secrets of the Code p. 298

The maiden with the title of Princess of Wales died on August 31, 1997 at 4:05 AM. No one seems to have taken notice, but the moment she died, her zenith was aligned precisely with the birth zenith of the Prince of Wales. The death of the Princess of Wales meant a rebirth of the Prince of Wales. She had came to prepare him to become a King. Saturn sat upon the passageway to the bottom of the sea. Like the Phoenix, Diana was the Holy Grail who came to carry the sword Excalibur for the distance of one lifetime. When her spirits had passed the bottomless pits of self despair, she pulled on the handle of the Excalibur ancient sword. Thereafter, she became a Queen of a Princess to all England. In the end she was taken to a lake just like Excalibur, the Lady of the Lake...her soul was cast upon the sacred waters. Is this a sad ending to a legend, or was something else at work in the Heavens?

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

In the year 1999 after Seven full months

From the sky will come the Great King of Terror

who will bring back the Great King of Angolmois

Before and after this, shall Mars reign supreme

-Nostradamus Century 10 Quatrain 72

New Age speakers and metaphysical authors of late have been telling their ignorant sheep to look for and meditate on the numerical phenomena of 11:11. One of these self-inflated sages who goes by the solar name Solara informs us that "11:11 has long been our preordained signal that our time of earthly completion is near. There is no turning back as it is our key to unlock the portal of Ascension. As the 11:11 is activated, the seventh star is made manifest and the Dove returns. What we are called to do is quickly take our positions within the Body of the Dove. This must be done in a state of full surrender and total commitment to the One. For we are being called to serve a far greater purpose than any of us could achieve on our own. This is deeper, more vast and more profound than anything we can yet imagine." As you can clearly determine by her own words, something very cult-like and strange is going on in the New Age world. They are fully expecting 'The One' to arrive shortly after the year 2012, of whom they are to willingly surrender themselves, without hesitation, to join him in whatever he does no matter the sacrifice or cost. The code 11:11 in their own words is to awaken them as it is an Ascension number, and his Ascension number, and they already see themselves as joining into his body, which interestingly enough, is represented by the Dove, the symbol of peace, the same symbol for the Holy Spirit which was present at Christ's Baptism. Now, to the Satanist, 11:11 is coded language to convey the 'Age of Aquarius,' an astrological term representative of the time when the entire world will be under the Antichrist's rule and subjection. To the new spiritulist 'seeker' movement on the internet, 11:11 is a point of synchronicity that will unite the planet. Perhaps all of this New Age musing and cultish prophecy is to make cult-like members of believers in a New World Order now, based on one-worldism, and for the 2012 Antichrist 'One' to come. Clearly 11:11 is connected to the beginning of the so-called New Age to come, yet being that it is ultimately connected to Satan and his "Once and Future" Antichrist, it is more than likely the Occult the esoteric 11:11 also has something to do with the distant past.

It is believed that the nine original Knights Templar, carriers of Cainitic lineage in league with Satan, were formed in the year 1111 AD, yet the origins of the number travel much further back in time to the very Beginning. At some point after the Creation, when all was yet perfect even as Lucifer was still perfect, and before the ruination of earth (after the Fall of Lucifer), this annointed Cherub was befit with a Messianic role and seated in the highest of Heavenly offices called the Morning Star. As such, Lucifer was 'the Light of the World,' a 'god' of light, (as Freemasonry and other secret societies worship him as the Lightbearer still). We also know that Christ likewise held this office, as Morning Star, and that these two Suns of God goverened over all of Creation, namely over the Earth and its pre-adamic inhabitants. They were as the 'Tree of Life' to that first world, healers of the nations; the Twin Towers of God, represented as Two Towers in the ancient Tarot, each having the Kabbalistic master number of 11, the number of the Aquarian Messiah. According to this thinking, since 11-11 is the splitting of Heavenly forces, in effect representing the cosmic duality, the principal forces of good and evil in complete disharmony and chaos. The number 22 therefore represented their once-bound unison and perfect harmony and this is why, for example, the Hebrew language of God was founded using 22 letters, the Kaballah and its Sefiroth Tree of Life are connected upon 22 paths, 22 cards exist in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, etc. Interestingly, people sensitive to the paranormal and those deep into the New Age enigma around the world are seemingly having strange visions of dual Suns in the sky, and all connected to 11:11. Ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, and Aztec myth speak to us of similar accounts of twin heavenly brothers, Enki and Enlil, Xbalanque and Hunahpu, Seth and Osiris, yet as most ancient cultural myths inform us, somewhere in the dateless past, one of them became evil.

When Prince William is finally given the title 'Prince of Wales,' he will in fact be the 22nd person to have been born into such prestige. In the book, The Templar Revelation by Clive Prince, he reminds us that "There is a good reason for the emphasis on eleven and twenty-twos: these numbers are both "Master numbers" within the Occult work. They are particularly significant in Cabalistic studies." The Necronomicon refers to the spirit of Antichrist rising up from its ancient abyss to possess the one who would become his Son and reign as a World King. 11:11 therefore represents the coming Antichrist and his ascension. That said, perhaps the actual interpretation of the Quatrain about a King of Terror coming from the sky above, bringing forth the "King of Angolmois" from below was too easily overlooked. While everyone at that time searched for the most obvious thing falling from the sky in July 1999, perhaps it was actually a more subtle event going on with the Sun and its effect on earth which should have been investigated. This fourth Stargate opened on the morning of August 11, 1999 at precisely 11:11 am [GMT; London time] in the already blackening skies over England, when a dark shadow from the 'last Total Solar Eclipse of the Millennium' first cast itself upon earth over Tintagel, Cornwall in England. Now, this would mean very little to anyone if it weren't for a few things. First, the Solar Eclipse itself is a powerfully wrought and ancient occult portent relating directly to the omen of Satan's Antichrist. Second, 11:11 is Satanic numberology relating directly to Antichrist himself. Third, and perhaps most interesting of all is where this shadow of the Eclipse was first cast upon earth that morning of August 11th, at Tintagel, birthplace of King Arthur, at precisely 11:11am GMT.

Consider also the Grand Cross Alignment appearing exactly one week later on August 18 1999 in the skies over Britain within the astrological signs of the Lion, Eagle, Bull, and Aquarius/Man. Take careful notice, as those are the same four (1+1+1+1) Holy Beasts of Revelation (see Rev. 4:7), pre-cursors to the four horseman of the Apocalypse, who pour out Hell on earth. The actual Cross shape itself formed was an equal sided 'Celtic Cross,' the Solar Cross of Britain at the time of King Arthur and found everywhere throughout the ancient British isles. Many in the occult attribute this cross to not being a Christian symbol at all, yet a very ancient pagan rune of their Sun God. Others have likened Grand Cross Alignment to an imperfect 'crooked cross' or Solar Swastika, therefore relating it to the Antichrist. The reference to Mars reigning supreme before and after the 1999 event alludes to the fact that in both 1988 and 2003, Mars was closer to earth than ever before in modern history. In the occult, Mars being so near represents a sign of great change about to take place, catastrophe, upheaval, war, and in the ancient world, the Devil himself. Mars being this close is said to signal the time of Satan and his Antichrist King being chosen. Evidence is virtually everywhere, if you know where to look, and all signs point to centuries of British involvement being intertwined with the spirit world, hastening the end of the current age (Christ's Age of Pisces), to be replaced supernaturally by a new age (Satan's Age of Aquarius), and more than any other place in all of Britain, is (Arthur's Avalon) Glastonbury constantly referenced as being that place from which the entire world is to be transformed. This fact, is even seen built into the English countryside itself, a puzzle unlocked by various methods of science, not least of which extends even beyond Britain, beyond earth. Recent research into the 19.5 degree/Mars connection relating to the planet Mars and its area known as Cydonia seems to reflect back to the same areas of Britain where time and again, history meets the paranormal, as if some strange and otherworldly involvement had its hand in all of this from the very beginning. As such from Avalon to Avebury, all have their time & place.

In summary, the 11:11 synchronicity and the 1999 Total Solar Eclipse corresponding with it, as well as casting its first solar shadow upon King Arthur's ancient birthplace, connected to a celestial Celtic Cross, both above and below, linked to the Antichrist King of Revelation as well as a Nostradamian future Antichrist King enigmatically called Angolmois, heralded by Mars (the Devil) must mean something, and it does. Occult author and practicing Dianic New Age witch Kathy Doore, stated "The August 1999 Cross in the heavens will form the Hebraic Tau which is the emblem of the Initiate who has triumphed over death. It also signifies the 22nd and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet denoting the end and perfection of the Kabbalistic Great Work, as well as the soon rebuilding of the Third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, and the return of a Grail King to oversee the world's own anscension to the Godhood. In addition, the Grand Cross Alignment corresponds directly with the Tribes of Israel, the British people themselves, who have the Royal Blood of the Ancient Hebrew Kings." Therefore taking all of these epic signs into account, the stunning celestial events of August 11, 1999 were many and clearly meant to be noticed by our generation and taken as a warning, leaving no more question as to the meaning behind the now infamous Quatrain above about 'the Great King of Terror' whose planet is represented by Mars (Satan) who comes to bring back the spirit of "King Angolmois," other than who or what is the Angolmois? To the Occult mindset, Satan is the Sun God; Diana is the Moon Goddess, and their tantric union is represented by the symbol of the Baphomet, yet also by the symbol of the Solar Eclipse which symbolizes the Antichrist Child, that Once and Future King who according to the prophet Nostradamus is to be born under the Astrological sign of Cancer with Mars active and Sagittarius rising.


The British King Descendant [supposedy] of the Bloodline of Solomon

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

When the Eclipse of the Sun will then be

The Beast's Omen will be seen in the daylight

One will interpret it much different from the rest

High price unguarded: many are ill-prepared for it.

Nostradamus Century III Quatrain 34

The sign of this transition will be the astro[logical] Star of Bethlehem, which contains three "mystic rectangles", a Star of David, a Seal of Solomon, a Grand Sextile, superimposed upon another to form three sets of six (666) with a "Grand Cross."

Behold the Radiant Child of the Two!

Bright Space, Son of Dark Space

Who emerges from the Depths of the Great Dark Waters!

He shines forth as the Sun - He is the blazing Voice, Dragon of Wisdom!

HP Blavatsky: Stanzas of Dyzan

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Eclipses/events in Diana/William's Life/Death

Prince Charles and Diana married July 29, 1981: Solar Eclipse

Prince William born at St. Mary's June 21, 1982: Solar Eclipse

Prince Charles and Diana announce divorce Dec. 9, 1992: Lunar Eclipse

Princess Diana killed in suspect crash August 31, 1997: Next day Solar Eclipse

The King Arthur Solar Eclipse: Last Solar Eclipse of the Millennium: August 11, 1999

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


This Solar Eclipse on August 11, 1999 at 11:11am over Tintangel, England was considered by many in the occult to be the literal "seeding moment" for the spiritual [re]birth of the "New Aquarian Messiah" (what us Christians call the Antichrist). According to one new age author, this event "is the representative or rebirth of the Arthurian archetype, an old Avatar for a New Age." How fitting is that description, because according to their modern neo-prophets, the rising of Arcturus represents the cosmic return of King Arthur. Furthermore, many in their ranks agree that the most startling piece of evidence relating the Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 to King Arthur is that his star of Arcturus rose precisely to its highest point during mid-eclipse. (Arcturus is also known as the Star(s) of Satan [see 7th paragraph here].) Revelation 9:11 makes very clear '...they had a king over them, which is the Angel of the Abyss, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon (the Destroyer),' and no wonder, for September 11, 2001 was a Satanic calling card and portal leading us down a short path towards a final countdown ending in Antichrist and Armageddon. To occultists, the King to return is Thoth, the etherial King of Atlantis, bringing with him the Emerald Tablets to change thru metaphysical alchemy, men into gods, heralding a new enlightenment for mankind. Important to modern Freemasons are the rites and rituals of the star Sirius for it is represented in the symbol of the blazing star who came from the heavens to enlighten mankind. This same 'star' was earlier depicted as Horus, the 'Conquering Child King' or starchild who, according to occult and Masonic belief, shall yet speak thru and embody one man, one King, who will rule and reign and be seen as the great restorer of the nations.

In Masonic writings, the constellation Orion is also very important and sacred, representing the "Return of a Conquering Messiah," just as it was for the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians believing that their great dying King Pharaoh 'being possessed of the Sun' had ascended to the stars to be reborn in the future. Prince William has also recently been connected to the Demon Star Angol. The now obvious omen that occurred on August 11th 1999, took place on the 222nd day of the year and exactly 144 days before the year 2000. Nine months after this 11th day of August 1999 came May 5 2000 when nearly all the planets of our solar system were perfectly aligned all in a row behind the Sun. This portent combined with the 9/11:11 symbology and its own connections to the Eclipse was ultimately to send a powerful message to Satanists telling them their long awaited Aquarian Age has finally arrived and their ancient British God-King had been spiritually reborn. Eleven months after the August 11, 1999 Arthurian Solar Eclipse brought the eclipse of July 1 2000, on what should have been the 39th birthday of Princess Diana. One year and one month after the alignment of the planets on May 5th 2000, was the Druid Summer Solstice on June 21 2001, Prince William's day of birth. On that same day there was a rather unique Solar Eclipse over Africa with a unusually bright corona. Coincidentally enough, Prince William was visiting Africa at the time completing a three-month 'gap year' there, yet something just as interesting occurred a few months earlier when Prince William was in Chile, the dark shadow of another eclipse blighted the landscape there, as well. In addition to these events on June 21 2001, there were also a number of giant solar flares striking the earth as well as a comet called Linear C/2001 A2 burning through the sky, all on the same day, while those Druids and others back in England continued to worship at Stonehenge on into the night.

Exactly one year later, on June 21, 2002 saw a day very much like the 1999 King Arthur Solar Eclipse, with Mars [Red Dragon] shining unusually bright in the sky, it reportedly being closer to earth that it had been in thousands of years, shining from the constellation of the Sword, yet June 21, 2002 is perhaps more infamous for being the day when Nostradamus predicted a new King would arise in stature, who would later lead the world in global peace, and that a unexpected star falling would herald this event. Strangely enough, it was reported precisely on June 21, 2002 that a 'killer asteroid' just missed our planet, coming within 1/3 of the distance between earth and the moon. Scientists admitted that had it struck earth, we would already be living in a very different world already. Again, all these strange events happen directly on or around Prince William's day of birth, this notable future King of our time. His day of birth is one of the most important and certainly most celebrated, holidays in the Satanic/Pagan calendar. As we steadily approach the Occult banner year of 2012-2013, we shall see all manner of strange signs and events relating to the coming Antichrist, yet of these most recent occurrences which transpired, it could not be any clearer that even now, the Beast already lives among us.

Yet another sign in the heavens that did prove disastrous was the 1997 Comet Hale-Bop as it seemingly cut right through the constellation of Cassiopeia (the Queen). In ancient times, comets were always known to spell doom for a certain Royal or Royal family living on the earth at the time of its sighting, not just in Europe, yet in Egypt, China, and most of the ancient world. In China, comets were even known as "broom-stars" for the way they were said to 'sweep away' the ruling family or emperor of the time. In 1997, as Hale-Bop silently burned through Cassiopeia, an omen which seemed to spell death for a Queen, Princess Diana was killed in Paris. There is so much overwhelming esoteric meaning all relating to this unique mother (Diana/Moon Goddess) as well as her first son (William/Sun God) within the writings of Occultists, like Aliester Crowley, who penned "Moonchild" years before even Princess Diana was born, and yet it is so utterly prophetic. With the surviving Sun-Child remembered against the template of the Moon-Mother, it can be easily seen how and why the Antichrist symbol is both of the Sun, and the Black Sun (Eclipsed Sun). More recently, some in the Occult have even added on to the Eclipse symbology, displayed around it a circular Serpent eating its own tail, known as the Ouroboros. Occultists seen it as a symbol of renewal. Satanists see it as sign of their Messiah, yet its very real scientific interpretation is related to the Milky Way galaxy keeping a great time cycle that ends in catastrophic change at the point where the serpentine galaxy devours itself, which many ancient cultures attribute to be a death of this present age making way for the next. Another related Occult symbol, the Suntelia Aion, gives hope for a New Age rising out of the old, and depicts our Sun rising out of the mouth of the Ouroboros, which is to occur precisely on the Winter Solstice (December 21st) 2012 at 11:11-11:18 AM GMT. More importantly, whatever disasters would have befallen the earth by 2012 and after, the planet will be forced to rebuild those nations, a three year period of time I call earth's Great Reconstruction from 2012-2015 with 2015 possibly being the start of the Tribulation period.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

I. The Years Leading Up to the Seven Year Tribulation Under the Antichrist-King

a. Increased Falling Away from Christianity as New Age/Luciferian Religions Rise

b. Global Warming Affects Weather Patterns Causing Weather Related Disasters

c. Dramatic Increase in Earthquakes, Floods, Drought, Disease Strains, and War

d. A Seven Year Peace Treaty is Accomplished for Israel; Broken within a Month

II. The Epic Disaster Which Forces the World to Change Under the "Great Work"

a. A Comet Devastates Much of the U.S. While Other Disasters Plague Globally

b. The Russia-Iran Alliance (Gog/Magog) Attempts to Invade Israel; "World War III"

c. Raptured Souls Counted Among the Millions of "Missing Persons" Worldwide

d. Without America, the European Union Ascends to Global Police/Power Status

III. The People Begin to Rebuild; A Global Tax and Reconstruction Period is Enacted

a. Israel Turns to its National Religious Roots, Recognizing God; Temple Rebuilt

b. Strange Angelic Beings, False Teachers, and a "Raiser of Global Taxes" Arise

c. The Antichrist is Crowned King in England, His Global Power Greatly Increased

d. Antichrist reconfirms the Peace Treaty between Israel and its Arab Neighbors

e. After Many False Signs and Miracles, Antichrist Accepted as Israel's Messiah

f. Three Years of Relative Global Peace; Solar Mark of the Beast; World Prospers

IV. 3 1/2 Years into the Reign of Antichrist, the Peace Covenant w/ Israel is Broken

a. The Antichrist is Assassinated yet Ressurrects in 40 hours Stunning World

b. In One Day European Armies Under the Antichrist Conquer and Take Jerusalem

c. Lucifer within Antichrist Enters the Third Temple and Claims to be God Himself

d. The Two Witnesses who were Killed by Antichrist Suddenly Ascend into Heaven

V. The Great Tribulation Period Begins; Earth's Last Forty-Two Months of Great Evil

a. God Pours Out His Great Wrath Upon the Wickedness of Earth in 7 Final Stages

b. News of Invasion from the North (Russia) and East (China) Troubles Antichrist

c. Antichrist Plans a Final War with the Worlds Armies in the Valley of Megiddo

d. Christ Returns; Antichrist is Defeated; Israel Finally Accepts its True Messiah

VI. The Seventh Millennial Period; 1000 Years of Sabbath Rest; The Earth at Peace

a. The Third Temple is Cleansed; Millennial Reign of Christ from Jerusalem Begins

b. Entire Planet at Rest; Earth is Taught of God by Christ Himself; A True 'New Age'

c. The Final and Last War Waged by GogMagog/Satan is Put Down by God Himself

VII. Age of Man's Testing Finally Ended; A New Heaven Descends upon a New Earth

a. The Great White Throne Judgment as God and Christ Judge Every Created Soul

b. The Faithful Enter the Kingdom of God; The Damned are Cast into Hell with Satan

c. A New Heaven Descends Upon a New Earth and The Trinity Dwells with Mankind

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them; many shall come in my name saying they are of Christ therefore be ye not deceived. Ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars. Be not terrified, for these things must first come to pass, but the end is not yet.

When this Gospel is preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and tribes; then shall the end come. When ye see the Abomination of Desolation (Antichrist), spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the Jerusalem Temple, then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains. For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to that time.

And except those days be shortened, no flesh would be saved: Then said He unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and great earthquakes shall be, famines, pestilences, plague and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from Heaven. There shall be signs in the Sun, Moon, and in the Stars; the Sea roaring. Verily, I say unto you, that generation shall not pass away until all [prophetic] things be fulfilled.

Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation


Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Three centuries before the birth of Christ, the Central American Maya developed a calendrical system which has enigmatically placed the end of our age precisely on December 21, 2012. The Mayans seemingly predicted that the world would "end" on that date based on their complex system which uses the master fourth-dimensional 13:20 matrix, and began with the thirteen Baktun count on August 13, 3113 BC (others say August 11 3114), a timeframe connected to the planet Venus and ends at the closing of the Great Cycle at 11:18 AM GMT of December 21, 2012. The Mayans had a dual understanding of time which is reflected in the Mayan Tzolkin attuned to fourth dimensional galactic cycles and operated according to a 260-day main cycle (13x20). They also used a secular calendar for recording three dimensional time based on a 360-day (18x20) cycle known as the Long Count. The Long Count consisted of 13 cycles of 144,000 days each (or 5200 cycles of 360 days) totaling 5125 solar years known as a Great Cycle. Currently, we are at the fifth marking of the age which fast approaches to bring about the closing of "an ending of time," meaning the end of the age of civilization as we currently know it to coincide with a New Beginning, therefore, a New Age. In one moment, a New World Order is to be carved out from the old as global powers are shifted back to their tribal roots and people are literally forced to survive anyway they can. The Age of Fire coming will be announced though massive and violent earth changes which shake the very foundations of the planet as well as shake the foundations of mankind's beliefs, as well. There will come a terrible increase of earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, killer famines, incurable diseases, plagues, draught, global flashpoints and wars and rumors of war, murders, genocide, terrorism. At the same time, signs shall also appear in the sky to be taken as warnings that the prophesied Tribulation is also near at hand and a Comet will appear. There is a Great Cataclysm coming upon this earth in 2012, prophesied and recorded into a stone calendar by the Maya, yet long before them, the events of 2012 and of a Great Comet striking the earth was encoded into the Bible, by God. So, despite what you are hearing coming from the New Age community about a New Beginning, New Era, or New Age coming on December 21, 2012, I tell you this, nothing is immediately brought after 2012 except the Age of Satan and his ultimate weapon of deception through Antichrist, a King who shall live up to his legendary name, when the wicked spirit within him also lives up to his.

Modern techno-prophets and metaphysicists such as the late Terrence McKenna (known for his TimeWave Zero theory), and others have developed systems which show varied ways of measuring linear/non-linear time as it affects our human condition, and vice-versa, yet all have as their conclusion that there is without a doubt, a drastic change coming upon this planet in the year 2012. Just before this slated winter catastrophe however, it is interesting that in that previous summer of 2012, the eyes of the entire world will be focused on London for the Olympic Games (officially known as the Games of the XXIX Olympiad) held July 27 to August 12 of that fated year. Naturally this event will only highlight, even promote, the Man who shall be King (Antichrist) as global attention will certainly be on the games, yet also focused on Prince William and his brother at that time, as well, and of course, Diana's name will be mentioned enough times to make people remember just why they love the young Royals as they do. Thus, the summer of 2012 is certainly to see the British Royals once again thrust into a global spotlight guaranteed to have billions of viewers worldwide. Moroever, one could only imagine as to what kind of intense media-hype the puppetmasters have planned for us watching, knowing that the Prince and Future King William V will have just turned thirty years of age on the Summer Solstice, five weeks before the Olympic events in London. One should also consider this is the exact same age Christ was upon His baptism, when Christ was immediately possessed by the Holy Spirit, was announced as the King of Israel, and began His three-year ministry on earth. Therefore, being that Satan is the ultimate counterfeit of Jesus Christ, might Prince William also be baptized, albeit by the spirit of Satan, be coronated King of England, and begin his own 3 1/2 year path toward the Great Tribulation? It does seem to be a possibility, which helps explain why such importance is really placed on that year by Satanists and New Age writers alike. If Prince William is not in fact coronated King in 2012, I would say he will certainly be King by 2015, when he turns 33, the same age Christ was at His crucifixion and death and Ascension to the Throne of Heaven. If this is the case, might this also mean that William has to die, to ascend? Because, at some point during the life of Antichrist, the Book of Revelation explains that he will suffer a deadly mortal wound to the head, yet miraculously recover, even resurrect by the spirit of Satan while the entire world marvels at the event. What would even more immediately affect us all is that of the many natural disasters and omens which would signify the crowning of the Antichrist's arrival.

Those who control global events to the extent of their Satanic ability and position of power shall increasingly do so in order to make it seem the Antichrist will be the very Messiah figure the world needs. To some extent, they will be behind some of the crisis leading up to 2012 and be initially in control of the world after 2012 up until the time they give everything over to the Beast, including the vastness of their accumulated power and wealth. Of course, since much of the world is somewhat aware of how the Revelation prophecies (or their own similar-unfolding cultural end-time prophecies) the powers behind the world must bring about a False Antichrist figure, parade him as the evil Antichrist that everyone is expecting to see, to later make the true Antichrist seem as the Messiah. To create that future environment of global peace from which the true Antichrist arises in, there must first be an Armageddon scenario led by the false Antichrist figure who brings the world on the brink of total destruction and fear of complete annihilation. To seemingly fufill the prophecies about the coming Wormwood Comet which destroys part of the earth, a comet will hit, yet it cannot be the Biblical comet Wormwood which can only come at some point within the Great Tribulation period, the time of Antichrist. To fulfill the Bible's Revelation of a "Babylon Fallen," there must be a great, global superpower (like America) to seemingly fulfill that prophecy of the destruction of a great end-time Kingdom of great substance and means, that falls like the Roman Empire, when the actual fulfillment of all these prophesied events will only truly be fulfilled at the rising of the Antichrist's own Babylon and global empire. In other words, the powers behind such events will make it seem all of the negative and dark "end-time prophecies" have already taken place, and that the world should no longer be concerned with good or evil because "good" has already won and the planet stands on the precipice of a new dawn of unparalleled peace and global unity, yet again, this is their deception, to usher in Satan himself as the Millennial Christ.

Amazingly, so many people who research prophecy are completely ignorant to these things, which may have been why Christ remarked that even the very Elect would be deceived, if it were possible. Equally amazing is how many people think Nostradamus to have more relevance to these soon coming events than that of God's prophets of the Bible. I do not pass off Nostradamus completely, yet his position of a actual prophet of God is assuredly not secure. In fact, it may very well be Nostradamus was in league with demonic forces and that it was they who were behind the source of his gothic form of medieval scrying, just as it was in the case with Royal prognosticator to Queen Elizabeth I, John Dee. However, one would be a fool to completely discredit Nostradamus for the mere fact that Fallen Angels were behind the extent of his prophecies, as such malevolent forces have an inside query in relation to the events surrounding their Master, and that of his future Antichrist, as Satan's Kingdom is not divided against itself. Therefore, it is my belief that Nostradamus' Third Antichrist, so-called, is titled as such to fit into that coming deception whereby the Mabus is to be seen as The Antichrist himself. In other words, Nostradamus is actually fostering the coming deception in making his believers to accept the (Islamic?) Mabus figure, is the Antichrist, to which it does seem this Mabus is currently being made out to be either the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or America's own Barack Obama. Whichever the case, they are not the Biblical Antichrist. That said, it is also possible that Nostradamus was clearly referring to that Mabus figure as the False Antichrist which must be soon brought forth to bring the world into an Armageddon scenario, by which 'the King,' the Chief of London through Masonic America, can arise.

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

Chief of London through the realm of America

The Island of Scotland(?) will be tried by frost

The King and Reb will face Antichrist so false

That he will place them all into the conflict.

Nostradamus Century X Quatrain 66

Mabus shall arise and soon afterwards die

A horrible destruction of people and animals

At once everyone will see the vengeance

Thirst, famine, when the Comet shall pass.

Nostradamus Century II Quatrain 62

After misery for mankind an even greater approaches.

When the Great Cycle of the Centuries is renewed:

A new rain of blood, milk, famine, war and disease.

In the sky will be seen a star dragging a tail of sparks

Nostradamus Century II Quatrain 46

The Second Angel sounded, and as it were a

mountain burning with fire was cast into the Sea.

The Third Angel sounded and there fell a Great Star

from Heaven, burning as a lighted fiery lamp,

and it fell upon the waters of the earth.

The Holy Bible; Revelation 8:8,10

Antichrist Identity King Arthur Prince William 666 Antichrist Bible Code Prophecy Mayan Calendar Survive Doomsday 2012 Comet World War UFO Israel Jewish Messiah Moshiach Secret Satanic Bloodline New Age Antichrist Armageddon Lucifer Angel Magic Kabbalah Occult Symbols Antichrist Knights Templar Freemason Illuminati Antichrist Russia Iran Conspiracy Third Temple Holy Grail Celtic Druid England Rosslyn Chapel Nostradamus Antichrist Mabus UK Antichrist Alien Clone Christ Reptilian Satan Antichrist Revelation

According to Metaphysical propaganda sources, during the years 2010-2017 (both before and after the 'Great Purification' of earth), discovered will be several 'sacred relics' of immense power unearthed at such places as Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, Glastonbury Tor in Britain, Rennes Le Chateau in France, The Giza plateau in Egypt, as well as relevant finds to be revealed in Iraq, Israel, and deep within the Atlantic itself. Many of these important relics include some of the very same objects that past despotic tyrants and kings spent their vast resources searching for, yet never found, believing that possessing such "Holy relics" would make them unstoppable in their true quest for world domination. Adolph Hitler believed that being in possession of the Spear of Longinus which pierced Christ would make him infused with powerfully Occult magick, namely immortality. Hitler also sought to find the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and evidence of an Aryan Atlantis, as well as the thirteen Crystal Skulls of Atlantis. Once these are all found in our time, they are to help in the efforts of those currently controlling the world in providing a new history and foundation from which the rest of the New Age lie will then be presented, all to set the stage for the Antichrist, making him appear to Israel initially through the parallel lie which will support the Ten Lost Tribes theory, that he is their long-awaited and promised King that arrives before the End of Days. Most destructive to Christianity itself will be the remains of a certain King found, and yet it's all a lie, exactly as prophesied, to make those of that last generation who reject Christ already, reject Him still and become further deceived by those who call their god, Satan.

One object that will be found in Great Britain will be said to be the original Ark of the Covenant, seen as the most powerful object from the ancient world which gave Divinely-wrought destructive power to the ancient Israelites against any who dared opposed them. It is believed by many in the occult underground that the Knights Templar brought the Ark to Scotland and that it lies there still, underneath Rosslyn Chapel, yet I tell you a truth, the Ark of the Covenant found anywhere on earth, especially in the British Isles, will be a counterfeit fake lie. Why? Because Scripture already tells us quite plainly where the Ark of God's Testament is. Search the Scriptures. Jeremiah 3:16 and Revelation 11:19 proves the Ark of the Covenant is already in Heaven with God, yet when it shall be suddenly found somewhere in the British Isles, the discovery would only lend further proof legitimizing British-Israelism claims, making it easier for Israel to take in that evil inspired teaching as one of fact, which is the whole point. Satan's men in "secret societies" created such a counterfeit, just as they have always created counterfeits, from so-called "Lost Gospels" to Lost Arks, from false legends, to legendary genealogies, all to prepare for that time when Antichrist would rule, a great deception to force Israel into total acceptance of Satan as a Messiah, to deceive the entire world. Look how they've already used such things as the Stone of Destiny for their aims, citing that the ancient Britons are somehow descended from Israel and therefore any King arising from British royal stock could therefore be a candidate for the Messiah, yet again, it is all a lie, for the future, just as the entire Christ Bloodline media blitz and theory is a lie, stating that Christ has descendants when in fact this overly-propagated and hyped Blood lineage is descended from Cain, not Christ.

As a result, the erosion of Christianity and especially of Christ Himself, and moreover, the erosion of Christ as the Messiah, will be working on many fronts leading up to a single event that seems to prove that Christ died as a mere man. Not only would this be an attack at the very foundation of Christian belief, yet it also attacks the validity of Scripture leaving those who are already liberal in their Faith, to fall away all together, just as IIThessalonians Chapter 2 predicted would happen before the rise of the Antichrist. As a matter of fact, the same Scripture even foretells that the Antichrist cannot rise to power unless most of the world is deceived by a great global deception first (IIThessalonians Chap. 2:11). Therefore, marvel not when the time comes, even as it is already here. Nowhere is this campaign more prevalent and obvious than in the American television and film industries with their overtly heretical-leaning programming within seemingly scientifically neutral documentaries. More rampant since the release of The DaVinci Code, are all of the so-called educational channels frequently airing documentaries depicting a much less Divine, more humanistic, gnostic-styled Christ while at the same time promote very obvious Anti-Christian themes, overtly advancing the Merovingian Grail Bloodline lie while covertly attacking Christ's mission and Divinity. This is done purposefully by the programs' producers whose agenda is to superimpose an entirely new interpretation of history and religion upon a generation being increasingly readied to become part of the Antichrist empire and once these gates are opened, accepted, and allowed to air without contest, there will be no stopping the onslaught of deception.

Do not be deceived. All of this information being released today about such subjects as the Knights Templar, Freemasonry, European Bloodlines, and the Holy Grail, has been already prophesied to be part of Satan's attempt at deceiving the world thru his Son. It is by these same deceptions he gains all he ever wanted, to rule as God upon earth beginning at Zion, the World Mountain, where Heaven met a very ancient earth. Therefore the Ark of the Covenant is to the Jew as what the Holy Grail is to the Gnostic Christian, and both are important in Satan's campaign for conquest, however, just as the earthly Ark is not what it seems to be, so too it is with the Grail. For what is called the Mystical and Holy Grail is actually something much more than a mere cup, or Bloodline for that matter, as it is neither a relic of Jesus Christ or His supposed lineage. What the so-called Holy Grail actually represents is an extremely ancient Satanic relic named the Lapsit Exillis, which fell from Heaven with Lucifer, as it was the same Heavenly Emerald that once adorned the fallen rebel Cherub Lucifer himself. It is believed by Satanists that once found, the Lapsit Exillis (or Grail) would reinstate Satan as Lucifer the all-powerful and mighty Morning Star whereby he would then make war with the 'Tyrants' in Heaven once more, and win. Since the Beginning, Satan's race has assimilated themselves into various secret societies each with its set of strange rituals and arcane magickal rites, and together they have searched the globe for the one missing stone that fell with their God of Light so long ago. Such is the nature of the knightly "Grail Quest," of the Knights in Satan's service throughout the centuries, such is the nature of the dark power Satan will again wield through his son upon the Throne of the World. Such is the need for God to save His own while leaving the rest to the one they've chosen. Now that you finally know of these many things, now that you've learned who and why these evil clans of the Dragon lineage are invading our world, all of this then speaks volumes as to what is coming upon the earth after the great cataclysmic event in 2012, if you survive it. Many of you will awaken to find a very different world than the one you always knew.

There shall be many god-like beings that seemingly descend from Heaven, yet do not be deceived by your eyes, for that is all part of the Satanic global deception where demons appear as 'Occult Angels,' Gods, Aliens, Avatars, and teachers, the many false Christs who arrive to pave the way for the Antichrist and his Prophet spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 24:24. Angels descending they may be, yet they have long since fallen from Heaven and appear as anything they need to in order to deceive, just as they have done so before in the ancient world when they were known by the same cultural names by which Occultists still venerate as 'gods' to this very day. God will have the unbelieving in such derision that their own eyes will deceive them, they choosing to believe every single lie and blandishment of evil, rather than humbly accepting the truth of God. As such, during that time of Tribulation, which they so sottishly call their New Age, they will believe in only what they think they see, and Satan will certainly provide much to see, for them to believe, and God shall allow them to be so deceived, with the many supernatural sights, wonders, and miracles of Satan's devising, all of which are prophesied to occur just before and during the rise and reign of Antichrist. In a world that has just witnessed a great world war and destruction by way of a comet, a worse time is coming. As the Scriptures make known, the deception will be so great, so completely enamored people will become by all that they see, that even the people of your own household will fall in line with the new belief system that will be globally propagated to a wounded, hurting world ready to accept anything that seems would help them recover and rebuild. This will be a frightening time, because as they increasingly come under Satan's control and will, the people who blindly follow this global paradigm will turn in those who will not accept the new world view, or its lying Angel of Light and his increasingly powerful Sun-King of a false utopia, a world where you are deceived by your own eyes, where demons appear as Angels, Satan as Messiah, and the post-apocalyptic scorched and ruined 'new earth' as a one-world global United Kingdom ruled by a "Once and Future King."