It is Over! Cloak Exclusive!
Today Bush ordered FBI to make fake Capitol "terrorist" scare to force evacuation. Democrats, however, refused to leave. Member of Joint Chiefs of Staff says he wants to go to arrest Commander-in-Chief Bush for treason. But Bush loyalists in top Military brass threaten to arrest brave senior General who is supported by an Admiral. Some in military, nevertheless, ordering monopoly press to quickly "tell the truth now" or suffer dire consequences.
Also today, Federal Reserve Czar Greenspan ordered secret market clamps to avoid panic including for Monday. Threatened with job loss, media whores ordered to stay silent as long as possible. Bush claims we are "at war". If so, and if he is found guilty of treason "during war-time", then his punishment is by hanging or firing squad. More coming. Stay tuned to Cloak and Dagger for more breaking news. www.cloakanddagger.de. _