The Overthrow Of The American Republic - Part 77 Bush & Co. Facing Prosecution
Sherman Skolnick
Nixon had two options:
(A) He could have his attorneys put together a lawyer-like defense, based supposedly on the law and the facts. [As a stooge and scapegoat for the ultra-rich, he might do that. His bosses, the Ruling Elite, however, rely instead on the Big Fix, blackmail, terror, bribery, political murder.]
(B) Whatever presidential power Nixon supposed he had, he might use to "chop off the heads" of the prosecutorial team---all of them.
The result was called "The Saturday Night Massacre". After August, 1974, when Nixon resigned facing Impeachment, some smaller newspapers carried the statement of the Foreman of a Federal Grand Jury. The Grand Jury, he said, had voted True Bills, Federal Criminal Indictments, against Nixon. But, the Justice Department warned the Foreman and the Grand Jurors, that if the indictment was released, they would be greatly harmed and the federal authorities would not protect them, according to the Foreman.
Connecting the dots might show what choices the Occupant and Resident of the White House, George W. Bush, has, if at all.
1. For several years we have been reseaching and investigating bribery and other malign influences used to procure from a Five-Judge majority of the U.S. Supreme Court the arbitrary and corrupt ruling, December, 2000, installing by way of the case of Bush versus Gore, a fictitious president into the Oval Office. One of the four dissenting judges, John Paul Stevens, issued the most blistering Dissenting Opinion ever made by a high court judge.
On the other hand, dissenting Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the subject of threats by the Five, deleted from her Dissenting Opinion certain revealing matters.
2. The kingpin of the infamous Five was Judge Antonin Scalia. He and three judges in the federal appeals court in Chicago, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, one step below the high court in Washington, three were professors together and one was law school dean at Rockefeller's University of Chicago Law School.
These four Rockefeller judges, while on the bench, continue to represent the several billion dollar investment portfolio of Rockefeller's University of Chicago. Included are stocks of major corporations whose litigation is ruled upon by these judges who do not disqualify themselves. Further, by failing to reveal this, these judges violate a federal law requiring a mandatory annual judicial disclosure of income which these judges sign subject to the penalties of perjury. Particularly arrogant is Judge Scalia. In the law trade he is known as a "Go To Hell Judge".
3. In December, 2000, presenting the position of George W. Bush in the high court case of Bush versus Gore, was Theodore B. Olson, at the time, a private law partner of Eugene Scalia, son of Judge Scalia. Some contend Olson is a "court bagman" in Washington and in the Federal Courthouse in Chicago.
After George W. Bush was thus installed, Olson was made the Solicitor General. In that capacity, he perverted an intellectual property case in the High Court which benefitted Mickey Mouse---Disney---by extending their Copyright 75 years, worth many billions of dollars. Funds from Disney and Coca-Cola were involved in corrupting the Unholy Five on the High Court.
In the 9-11 matter, there is a serious controversy whether Olson's estranged wife Barbara (with whom he apparently had not spoken to for some time) actually spoke from a supposed hi-jacked plane directly to Theodore B. Olson. Was it actually a conversation with a call center operator? Was the American CIA involved? Some think so.
Some continue to aver that Barbara Olson did not perish and has a plastic surgeon new face and a wig. And. moreover, that she is parked in seclusion in an Embassy in Sweden. If so. her emergence some day would pulverize the fake story of 9-11 "Moslem terrorists" like the internal planted explosives that took down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.
4. On my website, www.skolnicksreport.com, is an extensive series, "Coca-Cola, CIA, and the Courts", in part relating to the corruption of the infamous Five on the High Court in Bush versus Gore. Documented there is how Homeland Security and the FBI run a warehouse separate from the U.S. Supreme Court Building. A box of documents sent by registered mail and addressed to one of the dissenting Judges was unlawfully there blocked by the American Gestapo. Instead the documents were sent to a secret federal tribunal supposedly considering misdeeds and corruption of federal judges. Such tribunals keep no name on the matters submitted to them, no public docket, no results, if any, are publicly disclosed. [Yes, there are such secret tribunals. See parts 9 and 10 of the Coca-Cola series.]
5. A tiny portion of our investigation of the High Court corruption, without mentioning us at all by name, became the subject of a lengthy story in Vanity Fair Magazine, October, 2004 issue. Following this was a forty minute segment about this on the Terri Gross Show on National Public Radio.
Risking their future career, some of the law clerks of the Dissenting four judges in Bush versus Gore reportedly stole private secret records of the Infamous Five showing the malign influence worked on the Judges in installing Bush. Instead of investigating the Five High Court Judicial criminals, Homeland Security and the FBI have been threatening and inflicting harm on the Dissenting Four High Court Judges and their brave law clerks.
6. For the first time in memory, an out-of-town prosecutor was brought in to be the new U.S. Attorney in Chicago. Unlike previous Chicago U.S. Attorneys, Fitzgerald was not one of the local political crowd who hope to leave federal office after a few years and join the corporate gangsters who while prosecutor were protected.. Patrick Fitzgerald was also named as the Special Prosecutor in the case stemming from the outing of deep cover CIA operative Valerie Plame. Her husband. former U.S. Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson 4th, was dispatched to the tiny African nation of Niger to find out whether Saddam Hussein was buying yellow cake, that is, uranium, from Niger. Who bothered to note that Iraq has their own ample supply of uranium not used for developing nuclear weapons?
Upon return, Wilson publicly criticized George W. Bush for the fake story about Saddam getting Niger yellow cake.
7. Valerie Plame headed a vast team of more than one hundred covert agents. Some of them were penetration agents, secretly inserted in countries considered by the U.S. as unfriendly in Africa, the Mid-East, and elsewhere. Also part of her team were upwards of three dozen, or more, biochemists among other things, studying for or against how to use pandemics to minimize "excess population" , that is kill off mere eaters who supposedly do not produce anythimg "useful". Several of these biochemists were purportedly adjuncts of various foreign counter-intelligence agencies. Since Plame's covert operations cover was blown, several dozen of these biochemists were murdered. A mere coincidence? One of those biochemists murdered, as ordered by Tony Blair for the benefit of George Bush, was Dr. David Kelly, purportedly also with British Counter-Intelligence, MI-6.
8. Overseas, facilities of Coca-Cola act as an American CIA proprietary firm. Covert espionage agents use Coca-Cola's offices and plants as a cover, a place to conveniently hang their hats. The vast Coca-Cola money flow has been used to return to the U.S. to corrupt the High Court case of Bush versus Gore and other high-level litigation. The Chief Federal Prosecutor in Atlanta, Coke's headquarters, began digging into allegations that Coca-Cola's upper brass were "cooking the books" sort of like Enron. Understanding it was a good time to get out, many of Coke's upper management quit. The Atlanta Prosecutor perhaps feared forbidden matters would come out at a trial. Such as that the Coke "book cooking" matters related to the malign influence on the Unholy Five on the High Court in Bush versus Gore. A less than brave prosecutor might jeopardize his career making such matters public. So instead of a trial there was a settlement. How many incriminating Coke documents were dumped into the Atlanta Prosecutor's shredding machine? How many witnesses were told to "Get lost"? What did the Atlanta Prosecutor do with the load of documents we made available to him?
9. A question remains. Did Valerie Plame, or her husband, know that a sizeable portion of the funds for her team's operations worldwide were funneled through American CIA proprietary Coca-Cola? And that the funds corrupted the High Court?
10. Under the supervision of Chicago Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, several federal grand juries have been examining the route of the release of the information that Valerie Plame was a deep cover CIA operative. outing her being a federal criminal offense.
===A male prostitute, Jeff Gannon, a reputed journalist, attended George W. Bush press conferences, apparently without having been cleared by the Secret Service and the FBI. Gannon asked Bush "soft ball" questions. There is reaon to believe that "Gannon" is actually Johnny Gosch who disappeared or was kidnapped at age 12 and made part of a ring of teen age prostitutes arranged by pedophile Daddy Bush. Omaha. Chicago, District of Columbia.
In recent years, on one-day passes, Gannon visited George W. Bush's White House apartment some 200 times, according to U.S. Secret Service records which do not note if Gannon left each time after one day.
Available to one or more federal grand juries have been witnesses who support the contentions that Bush himself gave directly to Gannon data as to the deep cover secret role of Valerie Plame; and that Gannon reportedly proceeded to distribute such data to various mass media people and others. Another grand jury line of inquiry has been that George W, Bush divulged Plame CIA details to Vice President Richard Cheney and that Cheney, in turn, made the information and documents available to his Chief of Staff, "Scooter" Libby tightly entangled with international swindler Marc Rich (alias Reich) and Israeli intelligence, The Mossad. Libby, in turn, made the details known to NBC "Meet The Press" faker Tim Russert but Russert disputes this route. Marc Rich about 1985, with the illegal aid of then Vice President Daddy Bush, fled the U.S.for Zug, Switzerland, just as a federal criminal indictment was about to fall on Rich accusing him of a billion dollar swindle.
At the last minutes of the Clinton administration, in 2001, Mark Rich bribed Bill and Hillary Clinton a reputed one million dollars to pardon Rich, the Clintons being urged to do so because of Marc Rich's work in washing spy funds through the Chicago markets for the unlawful benefit of certain high-level criminals in Israel and elsewhere.
11. From time to time, over the years, Federal Prosecutors in presenting witnesses and evidence behind closed doors, develop problems. Usually, a U.S. District Judge, in secret, is asked to assist. It becomes partly public only rarely when the matter goes on appeal, with a heavily redacted appeal record to the federal appeals court. Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald was led to believe that, because of her background, Chicago District Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow might assist in secretly resolving some of the grand jury problems centered on George W. Bush facing federal criminal prosecution. She, together with the one who later became her husband, early in their careers, they became a team stationed in Indonesia for the American CIA. They were there in the oil-soaked island nation at a time when, at the behest of CIA, one hundred fifty thousand natives were slaughtered on the unproven charges they were "Communists".
As we have in previous postings detailed, the FBI no longer were tight with, and using as pals, the traditional Italian and Sicilian mafia. The Bureau preferred to protect the Russian mafiya, particularly so in Chicago where the Bureau is entangled with the Russian mafiya and uses them for FBI dirty business
The FBI refuses to take action against the Russian mafiya's activities in the Chicago-area in peddling stolen credit cards, superior quality counterfeit paper money, and the Russians, primarily Jews as traitors to their tribe, run the Red Light District with impunity; and the Russian mafiya has taken over the Federal Judge bribery rackets in the Dirksen Building, site of the Chicago Bankruptcy Court, the Chicago U.S. District Court, and the U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit (appeals from Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana).
The Russian mafiya as well has taken over the dirty business of buying and selling Chicago Federal Judgeships, an enterprise formerly engaged in by the traditional mafia. [Visit the series, "Coca-Cola, CIA, and The Courts"]
Judge Lefkow and her husband had a bad conflict of interest. however, which apparently interfered with any aid she might be in unknotting grand jury problems behind closed doors. The Judge and her husband had somehow fallen in with the Russian mafiya. Near to the Judge's residence is the Russian Martial Arts Center which somehow boasts on their website and elsewhere that they train U.S. and Russian personnel to be available to the Russian bloody tricks secret political police and commandoes, namely the Spitznaz. Taught for such service is how to subdue enemies with mind-control or to kill enemies with your hands, without using guns.
In February, 2005, Judge Lefkow's mother and husband were found in the Judge's residence brutally murdered. As is their rotten habit, the FBI blamed it all on a "lone assassin", a sometime electrician, a Polish immigrant. The FBI conveniently disregarded the closed circuit video operating in the alley behind various other houses, showing the faces of known Russian mafiya killers, pals of the Chicago FBI and some U.S. Marshals, breaking into the rear of the judge's residence.
12. One or more of the grand juries have concluded their probe and have voted True Bills, Federal Criminal indictments, against George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, "Scooter" Libby, Condoleeza Rice, and Theodore B. Olson; and several media people not previously mentioned in the monopoly press as implicated. Shown as unindicted co-conspirators are two Judges on the U.S. Supreme Court, William Rehnquist and Antonin Scalia, who are among the Gang of Five also in Bush versus Gore.
Because of the horrendous consequences involved, the Indictments are suppressed and there may be an extended delay until they appear on the Chicago Federal Court open records.
13. The substance of the details in this story have been confirmed to us as being true and correct by high government officials, with spotless records, of the U.S., Canada, and Europe.
14. To distract from the impending release of the indictments and the naming of the unindicted co-conspirators, the Bush White House has caused deadly rumors to circulate.
Such as, that the FBI is tracking in the District of Columbia and elsewhere that certain supposed "terrorists" have suitcase dirty nukes ready to set off in D.C.
Such as, that Bush will declare Martial Law and suspend Habeas Corpus, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Such as the U.S. will be wracked with financial and domestic anarchy as Bush seeks asylum in Brazil, or Australia, or elsewhere overseas.
Extensive archives of our stories are on the websites shown under my name as author, at the beginning of this story.
For example, see the reports on the pedophile/homosexual media and politics underground, Overthrow part 24, iinvolving George W. Bush who is being blackmailed for weapons secrets by the Red Chinese Secret Police. And, the series "Gannon Cannon", Bush and Jeff Gannon.
On skolnicksreport,com, visit the series on swindler Marc Rich. On the skolnick archives on rense.com, visit other parts of Overthrow series, as to Judge Lefkow.
The book "Ahead of the Parade" by Sherman H. Skolnick, deals with corruption and dirty business of the Bench and the Bar, the Banks, the Secret Political Police, and much more. Can be ordered U.S./Canada, 1-800-861-7899. Also from amazon.com
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