Overthrow of the American Republic Part 30 Udate Note
By Sherman H. Skolnick 3/23/03
This is based on several radio reports of BBC London heard in the U.S., 3/22/3, several times on the network, National Public Radio.
Also a possibly related historical note: As anti-war sentiment and peace parades escalated in the United States during the Viet Nam War, there were reports of numerous incidents of disgruntled U.S. soldiers in Viet Nam, throwing hand grenades into the tents of their commanding officers, calculated to murder top officers blamed for keeping the war going. At that time, it was called "fragging".
To wind down that growing unpopular war, and to extricate the American aristocracy from being blamed for starting the war for profit by a fraudulent "Gulf of Tonkin" incident, the American CIA had government-paid supposed peacenik leaders highly publicized by the spy-riddled monopoly press. So-called "peace leaders" were promoted and installed to direct the conclusion of the war as to evade mentioning how the major war-mongers, tied to the press-fakers, profitted from the terrible bloodshed in a seemingly endless conflict.
These peace-fakers included Rennie Davis, part of the notorious "Chicago Seven", whose father was a strategist and consultant to pro-war Richard Nixon in the White House. To misdirect dissent, Rennie, part of the Chicago Seven, created staged riots with the Chicago Police, in 1968, during the Democrat Presidential Convention. The upshot and purpose? To discredit Democrat Presidential candidates and assist Nixon taking over the Presidency and continuing the war.
As I documented at the time, Rennie Davis, Tom Hayden (more recently in the California State Assembly), Abbie Hoffman (whose family were in the pharmaceutical business and Abbie liked to make jokes to popularize dope), and Jerry Rubin (another dope promoter) and other supposed peacenik leaders were heavily and secretly financed by the Roger Baldwin Foundation. In 1967, that Foundation quietly took over the American Civil Liberties Union which as an actual entity does not continue thereafter to exist although the name continues to be used to mislead the public. In the 1970s, I taught seminars at various colleges in Chicago and across the nation and at a radio broadcast school in Chicago, as to the methods of tracing funds from the American CIA to fake "for sale" leaders and government-paid agents-provocateurs. A favorite trick, for example, of Rennie Davis, was to lead poorly informed, good-hearted peace marchers into the bayonets of national guards troops guarding military facilities and weapons armories. Rennie would peal off from the peace marchers and disappear two blocks or so from the confrontation.
In 1972, Rennie was on a live television show broadcast in Chicago. I was a spectator in the audience. As a paraplegic, I got up on my braces and crutches, and haltingly got myself onto the live tv set. I confronted Rennie Davis with the specific details of how he was secretly financed through CIA-linked foundations, such as the Roger Baldwin Foundation which took over the ACLU. The tv station went blank on the program. To protect Rennie, 18 heavily armed police were called in to take me away to jail on charges of alleged trespass.
The United Press International wire service photo of me confronting Rennie Davis on the live television show appeared in many newspapers without adequate explanations as to what it was about. During my jury trial on the trespass charges, I defended myself, being self-educated in law, and subpoenaed the Chicago Station Chief of the American CIA, a person and title of domestic U.S. operations forbidden to exist under the CIA Charter. (I had previously located the secret office of the CIA official in the federal courthouse building.) The resulting jury trial commotion enabled me to be turned loose and freed from the trespass charges.
Many years later, Rennie's CIA-financed gang members, Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, were killed or found dead under circumstances strongly indicating they were murdered to shut them up. In 1988, at the 20th anniversary of the 1968 events of the Chicago Seven, I attempted to tape an interview with Abbie. He fled from my tape recorder. A friend of his told me Abbie had just survived getting almost killed when his vehicle was in a sabotaged crash situation.
Unlike Rennie Davis and his CIA-financed white-washers who protected big business from being fingered as war-profiteers, I spoke in the 1970s at numerous peace rallies with specific details of the war-mongering industries, interwoven with top level Federal banker-judges and press-fakers, and activities of America's secret political police and their domestic units. At the time, I greatly angered media celebrities and hotshots by fingering some of them with their CIA connections. And, since 1991, through my public access Cable TV weekly show, I continue from time to time with the same.
In the 1970s, at student-sponsored seminars, I taught a several week course to large audiences at the University of Illinois, Chicago campus. My subjects included details of CIA-linked foundations misdirecting and limiting dissent by installing and buying supposed "leaders" of dissent movements. As to the CIA foundations, visit my website story, by scrolling all the way down my Home Page list of stories, to my story, first posted in 1999, "A Short History of Reported CIA Fronts".
We have a limited number of self-printed leaflets, a little shelf-worn, left-over from those we distributed at anti-war rallies in the early 1970s, as to the CIA's involvement with the Chicago Seven. To get that, send one dollar and a stamped, self-addressed BUSINESS size envelope [ #10 envelope, 4-1/8 x 9-1/2 ], to Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. The heavily detailed leaflets tell a rather complete story of CIA involvement.
If the Iraq controversy drags on, war and post-war, will there be "fragging" incidents as in the wind-down of the Viet Nam War? Will they in some way be related to the details in our part 30 story? Stay tuned. Who bothers to point out, other than us, the issue of U.S. black soldiers being located in the Mid-East to protect Saudi and Kuwait, each of whose royal family own BLACK CHATTEL SLAVES?