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A Letter To Susan Eisenhower

Ann Morrow

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Dear Ms. Eisenhower:

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Anne Morrow.

I need your help!

I believe that I am the illigimate daughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Kay Summersby, his driver, during the time he was stationed in Europe as a General.

Last year I saw on The History Channel a Biography on Dwight D. Eisenhower and you were in the Biography, you stated "why would my Grandfather keep Kay Summersby in her position knowing how much it upset my Grandmother Mamie".

I grew up unaware of the truth to my origins, it has been since 1986 that I have been in search of my origins.

If you have not visited my URL, please do so @ _http://www.palatinepress.com_ ( . Go to: ABOUT AUTHOR, see letters, etc., and scroll on down to view morphs of Dwight D. Eisenhower, myself and Kay Summersby. I have a well-done site, much documentation, there you can review my Biography and more.

I am faxing you documentation that hopefully you will review and please make note of each date of document, it will help you understand some of what I have endured these past years, relative to my book 'A CASE OF INJUSTICE' and seeking my own true identity.

Mr. Frank Wheaton, Atty informed me a few months ago that he was acquainted with a Mr. Alexander in Washington, D.C. a friend of yours. Mr. Wheaton suggested that we have a formal or informal meeting, you and I.

I would appeciate your having a meeting with me, after meeting with me, then you will know the truth, as to whether I am the daughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower or not. The minute you meet me, you will know the truth. This I am positive of. What do you have to lose?, I want nothing from you, just to meet you would be great. This is not about monies, selling books, fame & glory, this is about truth.

I spent sometime in Gettysburg, Pa., met so many people that worked at the Farm and a person that sold your Grandmother Mamie a Washing Machine. I met the lady, her father was in the Catering Business, they catered all the parties, receptions, the Farm. The lady was up in the years, she told me about your father John's Wedding Receptionist at the Farm. Her Bathroom was all papered with Dwight D. Eisenhower's pictures. I have met so many people that served under Dwight D. Eisenhower during the War and shared many moments with me. Some retired military told me that many people knew a baby was borned from the affair, nobody knew what happened with the baby.

The rumors & gossip started a long time ago concerning my origins. The affair between Eisenhower and Summersby has been very publized, why is it that some people cannot fathom that they had a child?

I have been planning a trip to D.C. in the next two to three weeks. Possibly, we could meet for luncheon or dinner, I would like that very much. Please search your heart and possibly we can bring this situation to a closure concerning whether I am Dwight D. Eisenhower's daughter. Again, it would be a pleasure to meet you, if it is true, and we do not meet, we both could be missing out on knowing each. Just think, you, yourself have wondered if it is true that Dwight David and Kay had a child, you can know this truth for yourself if you will meet with me for a formal or informal meeting.

Why not? you can make the decision, no obligation, whatsoever. I simply want the truth and I believe I can go on with my life with the burden released from my heart, not knowing who you are, leaves a scar on your heart that is embedded forever.

Again, I need your help. If it is not convenient to meet me in D.C., please advise Mr. Frank Wheaton, as to the time & place of your choosing. Mr. Wheaton would be there for me and if you want to the meeting held in confidence, so shall it be. I believe that a meeting with you would help you and myself. Possibly after our meeting, the Eisenhowers and myself will have the truth and can move forward with a contented mind. This I am in hopes of, surely, my request to you is reasonable and fair, like I stated, what have you got to lose?

I am anticipating meeting you in the next two or three weeks, this would be best for me, hopefully, you and Mr. Wheaton will work out a time and place for our meeting that is convenient to both your schedules.

After hearing about a possible meeting with you, I recently spent time on the Internet researching you! are really an achiever, my, my, what a background you have, if you have not been Voted Woman of the Year, you should be. You are a Author as well I noticed on your Biography among many other attributes, it is all in the genes!

Looking forward to meeting you.

Thanking you in advance.



* * * * * * *

----- Original Message -----

From: Marty

To: Anne Morrow

Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:42 PM

Subject: Morty's Cabin - A Case Of Injustice by Anne Morrow Palatine Press

Howdy Anne,

I've posted a review of your book on Morty's Cabin. It's a good time to be up on there, as Jim was threatened by someone on his cellphone, and his article about that incident on Rense's site has brought us an avalanche of new members and visitors.

I'm going to start working on my own article about you tonight. The article will actually be based about your belief that you are the daughter of Dwight Eisenhower and Kay Summersby. I have quite a bit of information about that affair here at home in my reference materials, so I will speak about that and how it ties into yourself, and your plans to write a book about that. I will also mention your first book and that a review of it is up, and give your website address again also.

One thing I have never asked you, and you don't have to answer me on this if you feel uncomfortable about it - I have had several friends down through the years who were adopted, and my college roommate was a guy who found out that he was illegitimate - the product of a union of his mother and another man who wasn't her husband. Most of them were eventually told of their origins and were able to deal with it and feel comfortable about it. One old girlfriend of mine who was adopted, found her sister, also adopted, a few years ago and reunited with her.

I just wonder how you personally feel about perhaps being the offspring of Dwight Eisenhower, a former highly respected US president and a war hero who brought the allies to victory over the Nazis, and his mistress, Kay Summersby?

My own reference materials don't say what became of Kay after the war. Eisenhower and his wife were at a great distance for many years and he thought of divorcing her for Kay, but one of his superiors threatened to ruin his military career if he did, so he stuck with his wife, and eventually things became better for the two of them. I get the impression that Eisenhower wasn't the gentlest or most understanding of men when it came to women, or the easiest man to get along with. Do you know what happened to Kay after the war? Was she heartbroken, or did she go on to find a new life with someone else eventually?

Thanks for any information you can provide.

