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This Is A Handwritten Letter Dated 12-1-1789 C.E. George Washington, 9th Pres

C.E. George Washington, 9th Pres

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This is a handwritten letter dated 12-1-1789 C.E. to Emperor: Mohammad III of Morocco from the ninth president of the United-States: George-Washington apologizing for the non-receiving of the regular-advices (tribute). The picture below is of Emperor: Mulay-Arsheid of Morocco from 1676 C.E. .See the newspaper article and other works of U.S.: Senator: Charles-Mathias.


The English, French, Dutch, Dane, Swedes, and united-States all paid tribute [rent] to the Moor-Empire as documented in the book entitled “U.S. And Barbary-Powers” by David Macritchie [Written back in the 1800's C.E.].

The first eight presidents of the United-States were as follows:

1st President = John-Hanson

2nd President = Richard-Henry-Lee

3rd President = Elias-Boudinot

4th President = Thomas-Miflin

5th President = John-Hancock

6th President = Nathaniel-Gorham

7th President = Arthur-St.Clair

8th President = Cyrus-Griffin

George-Washington was a general in the Continental Army whose budget was set by the Continental-Congress. The reason these facts are hidden is because the first 8 U.S.: Presidents were of Moorish-Ancestry.

See Benjamin-Bannekers’ almanacs and the U.S.: Archives for documentary evidence of these facts.
