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A Pop Quiz For All Of You Constitutionalists And History Buffs

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ocess had been successful. Yet, this is what we have been taught or led to believe. Along with that teaching we were taught of the greatness of George Washington, who was alleged to us to be the first president and the Father of our country.

Why (were we) misled in grade school? When the information below was relayed to some of my friends, they seemed upset with me. Some simply did not believe what I told them...." (The Barnes Review, A Journal of Nationalist Thought and History - November/December, 2004., article "George Washington wasn't our First President by Vance Beaudreau.)

(article excerpted. Be sure to subscribe to TBR and get the real deal, or reference their website, above.)

P.S. "Samuel Huntington assumed the office of president when the Articles of Confederation were ratified March 1, 1781, thereby becoming the first U.S. president to serve in office. On July 10, 1781, Thomas McKean was elected and accepted, becoming the second president of the United States in Congress Assembled. John Hanson was the third president of the United States in Congress Assembled. Hanson was the first president to serve the prescribed full one-year term (1781-82) under the Articles of Confederation. The first president of the Continental Congress of the United Colonies of America was Peyton Randolph. The first president of the Continental Congress of the United States of America was John Hancock. Hancock served from July 2, 1776 to October 29, 1777. John Jay was chosen by his peers to succeed Henry Laurens as President of the United States serving a term from December 10, 1778 to September 27, 1779. Laurens served from Novermber 1, 1777 to December 9, 1778. Cyrus Griffin was the 10th President of the United States in Congress Assembled, serving from January 22, 1788 to March 4, 1789." (TBR) To unsubscribe to the MOM list send an email to mom-l-unsubscribe
