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Drifting Together--Will the United States and Canada Unite?

Andrew Carnegie - Written Oct. 4, 1904

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Britain and America being now firmly agreed that those who attempted to tax the American Colonies against their protest were wrong, and that in resisting this the colonists vindicated their rights as British citizens and therefore only did their duty, the , question arises: Is a separation forced upon one of the parties, and now deeply regretted by the other, to be permanent? I cannot think so, and crave permission to present some considerations in support of my belief that the future is certain to bring reunion of the separated parts, which will probably come about in this way: Those born north and south of an imaginary line between Canada and the United States, being all Americans, must soon merge. It were as great folly to remain divided as for England and Scotland to have done so.

It is not to be believed that Americans and Canadians will not be warned by Europe, with its divisions armed, not against foreign foes, but against each other. It is the duty of Canadians and Americans to prevent this, and to secure to their continent internal peace under one government, as it was the duty of Englishmen and Scotsmen to unite under precisely similar conditions. England has 7 times the population of Scotland; the Republic has 14 times t h a t of Canada. Born Canadians and Americans are a common type, indistinguishable one from the other. Nothing la surer in the near future than that they must unite. It were criminal for them to stand apart.


It need not be feared that force will ever be used or required to accomplish this union. It will come—must come—in the natural order of things. Political as well as material bodies obey the law of gravitation. Canada's destiny la to annex the Republic, as Scotland did England, and then, taking the hand of the rebellious big brother and that of the mother, place them in each other's grasp, thus reuniting the then happy family that should never have known separation. To accept this view, the people of the United Kingdom have only to recall the bloody wars upon this island for centuries arising from Scotland and England floating separate flags, and contrast the change today under one flag. The Canadians and Americans may be trusted to follow the example of the Motherland and have but one flag embracing one 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD whole race in America. Present petty Jealousies melt away as the population north and south become in a greater degree born Americans.

Even if this blessed reunion came as early as the end of the next decade, say 16 years hence, Canada and the Republic—the Scotland and England of America—would embrace 115.000,000 of Englishspeaking people, probably 7,000,000 of these in Canada. By the end of the present decade, 6 years hence, their population will be close to 97.000,000—6,000,000 of these in Canada. The Republic added to her numbers the past 14 years more t h a n the total population of Australasia, or than that of Canada, the immigration having been enormous. One of these years it almost reached a million.


The peaceful union of Canada and America would lead Britain to a serious view of her position, resulting in the conclusion that Cecil Rhodes reached—it will be remembered that he was at first a strong British Imperialist. Mr. Stead recounts t h a t Mr. Rhodes went to Lord Rothschild and laid that scheme before him, who replied— "This is all very well, If you can get America to join—if not, it amounts to nothing !" This led Mr. Rhodes to a study of the subject, and the result was he saw clearly that Lord Rothschild was right.

British federation would leave Britain as a member of the smaller part of her own race, and out of the main channel of progress: instead of sitting (with race imperialism accomplished) enthroned as the mother among hundreds of millions of her own children, composing all but a fraction of English-speaking men. Hence he abandoned the scheme and thereafter favored race federation, and left to America more scholarships than to all other lands. He saw that it was to the Republic, not to British settlements, his country had to look for the coming reunion of his race, with Britain in her rightful place as parent of all. A few figures will leave no room for dispute about this. In the last decade, 1890-1900, Britain, Canada. Australasia, and New Zealand, combined, added to their population 4,500,000—America 13,500,000. Canada only added 508000, the Commonwealth of Australasia only 660,000. In the 4 years since 1900 America added more than the total population of either Canada or Australasia. During the present decade, 1900-1910, at the same rate of Increase to date, she will add more than the present total white population of Canada, Australasia, New Zealand, and South Africa combined. So fast does the Republic grow, so slowly the Empire.