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Posted on October 15, 2014 1 Comment

Russia To Send Ebola Vaccine to West Africa in 2 Months

October 14, 2014 • 9:21AM

Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova announced Monday that Russia is planning to send a new, experimental vaccine against Ebola to Africa in two months. The efficiency of the drug, which is to be tested on the ground, is about 70-90 percent.

“Today we are discussing that we will have enough of Triazoverin vaccine in two months so that we can send [doses] to our personnel in Guinea and test its efficiency in clinical conditions,” Skvortskova said. The vaccine has so far proved efficient against various hemorrhagic fevers, including the Marburg virus, which is very similar to Ebola.

“The efficiency ranges between 70-90 percent, and this is a very good indicator,” Skvortskova said, announcing that the Russia Virology Institute is preparing a whole group of drugs. “They are basically genetically engineered drugs which can work both for disease treatment and prevention.” Russian virologists, who have set up a laboratory in Guinea, are preparing to test the vaccine on primates.

“The vaccine we have produced is made from attenuated strains [of the virus]. We now have enough to repeat the experiment on the primates and proceed to clinical trials,” she said.

On Oct. 12, Skvortskova told Rossiya-1 TV that Russian scientists are working on three potential Ebola vaccines which they expect to introduce as soon as the next six months: “We have created three vaccines. One vaccine is based on a strain of Ebola, and the other two have been created by means of genetic engineering.”

As of Oct. 8, a total of 4,033 people had died from the Ebola outbreak, out of a total of 8,399 registered cases in seven countries, the World Health Organization reported. According to WHO, the fatality rate associated with Ebola averages roughly 50 percent, but has ranged from 25 percent to 90 percent in past outbreaks.


October 15, 2014 at 7:31 am

This is very interesting indeed! I do not like drugs and vaccinations but we all know where this Ebola farce is heading and that is with the GlaxoSmithKline biological weapon disguised as an Ebola vaccine for profit, tracking & culling purposes. Now if it gets to this force vaccination stage and you do not want to be killed or removed from society (no electronic Serco/G4S [Octopus] bracelet) then you might have an option to still be accepted in the new system but save yourself from the outright biowarfare by GSK a New Venice (Britain) corporation under the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries/Barbers.

In a forced vaccination type scenario you will not get a choice of vaccine so I would suggest you hide out for a while. If you do hold it off for a while you might just be able to take another vaccine and then be accepted but it is unlikely. Now what I would suggest is that as well as us all pushing natural remedies to tackle Ebola, we also spread the word on Russian Ebola treatments and this Triazoverin vaccine. I’ve highted the from a medical mafia angle the Japanese Ebola drug Favipiravir and the anti-retro viral therapy (DNA terminators aka HIV [doesn't exist] drugs) as proven counter-measures to this dreaded untested and dangerous GSK vaccine. None of those drugs can prevent an infection they only treat the infection! So in the eyes of a medical mafia clown we need protection which comes in the form of a vaccine. So why not hinder the GSK agenda and instead promote people look towards the Russian vaccine as well as the Rabies vaccines and Favipiravir.

We have to tackle this nasty agenda on both natural and medical mafia fronts otherwise we stand no chance of defeating it so understand the deeper battle lines drawn here. Now can Putin steal all the limelight away from New Venice and get his vaccination program out before the nefarious bioweapon gets forced onto the public? Can Putin help put an end to the Ebola scam once and for all and save humanity from the Livery pirates of the City? Make sure this data on Russian treatments get spread far and wide as well as the Plague Fighter documentary on blood transfusions and the various proven anti-Ebola drugs like the much safer Japanese tried and tested drug. We must defend against western big pharma biological warfare under the Club of Rome. All of us who know better can stay away from all drugs/vaccines and go natural but for those who do not know or cannot stand their ground then please go the alternative drug route using Russia and Japan!

-= The Unhived Mind