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JFK: Judyth Vary Baker cements Oswald in the Doorway

Judyth Vary Baker (with Jim Fetzer)

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Aug. 3, 2014


Among the most contentious issues in JFK research has been  whether Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of JFK, was caught in a famous photo taken by AP photographer James “Ike” Altgens in (what is known as) the Altgens6. The question is of enormous importance, since, if he was in the doorway at the time, he could not have been on the 6th floor shooting at JFK.

It therefore gives me great pleasure to report that the issue has been decisively settled by new research from Judyth Vary Baker. Lee not only cannot have been “the lone assassin”–he cannot even have been a shooter! He was innocent of the assassination of JFK. He said he was “the patsy” and that he had been in the doorway with Bill Shelly during the shooting, which has been proven–objectively and scientifically, through collaborative research–to be true.

My own research on the Altgens6 began when I discovered that the ARRB had released notes Will Fritz, the homicide detective who had interrogated him, had taken, during which Lee Oswald had told him he was “out with Bill Shelley in front”, which led me to take a closer look to see if he had been caught in the famous photo. Everything else that Lee had said after his arrest has proven to be true and I, like my colleagues, wanted to know whether that claim was, too.