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JFK, Israel at Odds Over Nukes

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Nov. 18, 2013

There was a was a secret back-channel confrontation between Kennedy  and Israeli PM Ben Gurion that came  to a head in 1963.

by Richard Evans


I was nine years old when Kennedy was assassinated.  School was suspended for a week so we could stay home and watch the drama unfurl on CBS television .

My grandfather told me it was a conspiracy; and if I lived 50 years, I’d be told the true facts.

JFK, Israel at Odds Over Nukes

What my grandfather didn’t know (because it wasn’t in the newspapers) was a secret back-channel confrontation between Kennedy and Israeli PM Ben Gurion that came to a head in 1963.  It started in December 1960 when US intelligence informed the White House that the Israelis were building a nuclear facility at Dimona, Israel.

Construction at Dimona began in 1958, and the delay in informing the White House is considered one of those ‘intelligence community blunders’.  I’ll leave it to readers to process why it was presented to the Eisenhower White House one week after the 1960 election.   Eisenhower merely passed it on for the new Administration to deal with.  Kennedy was informed ten days after he took office in January 1961.  [1].

Kennedy and Secretary of State Dean Rusk summoned the Israeli ambassador to arrange an inspection of the Dimona facility.  The ambassador agreed – “if it is done on a secret basis.”

(JFK the last President to confront Israel)

Ben Gurion was embroiled in a domestic political crisis (the Lavon Affair [2] ), so as a courtesy Kennedy agreed to wait for an inspection.

An inspection was carried out in May 1961, reporting to the President that they found the facility “within the scope of peaceful character”.   The tensions relaxed for two years.

Kennedy, however, expected the inspections to be ongoing.    Ben Gurion stepped down in 1963 appointing a new Prime Minister,  Levi Eshkol.   Kennedy took the occasion to write a polite diplomatic letter to Eshkol, and asked for date for another inspection of of the Dimona facility “within six months”,  to be followed with regular inspections every six months.  And he added the following ultimatum,

As I wrote Mr. Ben-Gurion, this Government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized if it should be thought that we were unable to obtain reliable information on a subject as vital to the peace as the question of Israel’s effort in the nuclear field.”

There were no nuclear proliferation treaties in those days, so Kennedy was informing the Israeli government that US direct aid and more important trade agreements were now on the table.

Kennedy was still waiting for the Israelis to agree to another inspection when he left politics suddenly on November 22nd, 1963.

Beyond circumstances, there’s no evidence directly fingering Ben Gurion or Eckhol, or MOSSAD in the assassination.  It’s just a damn good motive.    No American President ever made such an ultimatum to the Israeli government again.

Like my grandfather said, though – any of the powerful enemies Kennedy enraged between 1961 and 1963 would have had to ‘wait in line’.    Kennedy didn’t play ball with any of them.

May 18, 1963 – Letter from President Kennedy to Ben-Gurion -

[1] 1961 NSA. document  “Implications of the Acquisition by Israel of a Nuclear Weapons Capability.”

[2] The Lavon Affair: Israeli  False Flag Operation

See also,

Israel and the Bomb by Avner Cohen

Kennedy, Ben-Gurion and the Dimona Project 1962-1963

fitz2.doc     A JFK- Profile in Courage by Toomas Trei