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US government shot WW1 veterans dead

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FW:  11/11/13

It was a protest of more than 43,000 marchers-17,000 WW1

veterans, their families, and affiliated groups—who gathered in Washington, D.C.,

in the spring and summer of 1932 to demand cash-payment redemption of their

service certificates. The world war adjusted compensation act of 1924 had

awarded them a payment in the form of certificates they could not redeem until


The main demand of the march was the immediate cash payment

of their certificates.

Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler, one of

the most popular military figures of the time, visited their camp to back the

effort and encourage them. On July 28, U.S. Attorney General William D Mitchell

ordered the veterans removed from all government property. Washington police met with resistance, shots were fired and two veterans were wounded and later died.