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Porter Goss Resignation 'Mystery' Solved: DC9 with 5.5 Tons of Cocaine was CIA Plane

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FW:  March 1, 2013


May 25 2006--Venice,FL.

by Daniel Hopsicker

The “mystery” of Porter Goss’ resignation last month as CIA Director is apparently directly related to the huge seizure in Mexico several weeks earlier of over 5.5 tons of cocaine, according to government documents recently obtained by the The MadCowMorningNews.

After Goss’s surprise resignation last month he told reporters his reason for resigning was "just one of those mysteries," offering no other explanation for his sudden departure after almost two years on the job.

Goss’ resignation appears to be connected to the unprecedented withholding by the Federal Aviation Administration of the registration records for the DC9 (N900SA) which more than six weeks ago was caught carrying a cargo of five-and-a-half tons of cocaine, neatly packed into 126 identical black suitcases at a jungle airstrip in the Yucatan.

At the time of the plane’s seizure on April 11, FAA officials stated the aircraft’s title records would become available to reporters within two weeks. Six weeks later that statement, in a phrase famous from the Watergate Scandal, has been rendered “inoperative.”