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Joe Cortina

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Nov. 5, 2012




For my regular readers – you may wonder why I have decided to expose an evil leader from this far out of the past. Well – here is what caught my eye and as an American made me want to puke my breakfast. As I was reading a local ‘mullet wrapper’ (a local jew produced newspaper) – I saw a half page article entitled: ‘FDR memorial finally opens in NYC’. It read: Celebrating the design ,40 years in the making , dignitaries this week dedicated a new memorial park to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt overlooking the United Nations he helped found.

So here it was – presided over by New York jew Bloomberg designed by jews funded by jews and supported by jews. The single largest contributor to honor their hero – Comrade FDR – was the all jew Alphawood Foundation with 34 $mil. The foundation is comprised of really fine decent Godly family value everyday down to earth moral jews though. I know this has to be true because I researched their officers and principle grant recipients. Their Exec Director – Jim McDonough was on the Board of Directors of Lambda Legal, the oldest and largest national legal organization whose mission is to safeguard and advance the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV. The rest of the crew reads like a invite list to a bar mitzvah.

The grand recipients were all wholesome Christian folks like PLANNED PARENTHOOD ( AKA – MURDER INC.) – whose ‘services’ have included the premeditated murder ( infanticide) of over 53 million human beings

Another fine grant poster child for the Alphawood foundation is the classic all-American Trans Services – LA Gay & Lesbian Center. The homosexual pervert community and the baby murdering industry owe the fine jewish folks at Alphawood a debt of gratitude for keeping their soul destroying agendas alive and well. What a country!

Just thought you should know who the people REALLY ARE – who consider the ilk of FDR as an American Icon hero and saintly role model for all of our youth – and in league with the likes our Founding Fathers.

That memorial is the must unconscionable insult to America – to our Founding Fathers – to the sacred oath I took as a young soldier- to the uniform – the green beret and the silver wings I wore with honor and to all honorable pre 9-11 servicemen and every decent Godly patriot in America. It should be destroyed and leveled to rubble as it serves only Satan and his Christ hating jews.

Few Americans today are old enough to even remember this putrid rancid Democrat piece of Communist scum. He was Franklin Delano Roosevelt – or FDR as he was more commonly known. If there ever was a child of Satan in the White House – FDR was certainly one such demon. He was responsible – at least jointly – for the enslavement of over seven hundred million innocent civilians in Europe – millions who were subsequently murdered by his close friend and ally Joseph Stalin.

He was the undeniable embodiment of deception and evil and yet we elected this fiend four times! He was not only a physical cripple but a moral cripple as well. Americans – ESPECIALLY our children – deserve to know the truth.

FDR was responsible for every person that was killed at Pearl Harbor. FDR was responsible for criminalizing the ownership of gold in America and countless more crimes of treason theft corruption and malfeasance which I will enlarge upon. He was a corrupt amoral Godless soulless monster in every manner. He was the POTUS from 1932 to 1945 and was the only American President to serve more than two terms. This does not speak well for the intelligence and morals of our people. Remember this exceptionless profoundly true axiom – “The morals and values of an elected official in a free society are the mirror image of those of the electorate”.

FDR was an avid supporter of the murderous jew controlled Soviet Union under mass murderer Josef Stalin. He was so devoted to the monster Stalin that he warmly referred to him as “Uncle Joe” – the Uncle ‘Sam’ of the Marxist USSR. You remember master butcher Stalin and his jew KGB don’t you? He was the one who in 1952 said privately that “every Jew is a potential spy for the United States”.

Gee -I wonder if the jew ADL ever sent ‘Uncle Joe’ a nasty letter complete with “oy veys” of indignation at such ‘anti-Semitic remarks. Here is another bit of FDR’s unconscionable Godless filth: “Stalin is my brother” Tell that to the surviving family members of 7 million Christians he had murdered and starved to death in the Ukraine – and the 40 million Christians he and his Satanic ilk murdered in the USSR.

FDR’s cabinets were packed with his Socialist/Communist cronies. He even decided to trash the Supreme Court’s protection of Constitutional law by packing it with his hand chosen liberal socialists to insure passage of his treasonous socialist anti-free enterprise traditions – those upon which this nation was founded. The Supreme Court even formally proclaimed FDRs Communist based ‘New Deal’ UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

That was termed one of the most shameful acts by a President in US history – but such disgraceful unconscionable anti -American conduct didn’t bother the reprobate mind of comrade Roosevelt. By bribery coercion lies and fraud he finally got his socialist fascist agendas – so alien to the principles of liberty and free markets on which we were funded -passed. FDR’s treasonous ‘New Deal’ was in direct violation of the principles of limited government so clearly envisioned by the Founding Fathers.

Once while being sternly cautioned regarding his openly close association with Communist as becoming scandalous – his arrogant reply? ” Why – some of my BEST FRIENDS are Communists” and it was NOT meant as a sick joke. At that instant he violated his oath of office and loyalty to our Constitution and should have been investigated charged and impeachment proceedings initiated immediately. A Communist Democrat President? How refreshing.

Are you – the reader – beginning to see a pattern of purposeful trashing of our Constitution here by this reprobate ? Keep on reading – as I haven’t even scratched the surface of the slimy conduct of the great Democrat deceiver. You will soon see that FDR was anything BUT – a classic moral decent patriotic Godly American. He was living proof that our people, especially Democrats – have been criminally ignorant – irresponsible – and morally lazy long before putrid drugged out alcoholic reptiles like Clinton & Johnson. Obama is of course in a class of puppets all by himself. But of course in the final analysis – the electorate always gets what it so richly ‘deserves’.

He has committed so many horribly immoral deeds that it is hard to know where to go next – but here goes!


FDR sabotaged the gold standard and robbed his own people.


August 5 1933 FDR executive order 6102 – requiring gold coin,geld bullion and gold certificates to be surrendered to the US government. Non compliance would be punishable by Ten years in prison and or ten thousand dollars fines( that is a quarter millions dollars today)





Day of Infamy speech written by the treasonous Marxist FDR – the day BEFORE the attack!

Of note, Author and historian Mr. Daryl Borgquist draws attention to a “major historical error” based on the typed text of the first draft of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Day of Infamy” speech.

Mr. Borgquist says the text was drafted by a State Department team led by former Assistant Secretary of State Adolph Berle between 8:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. — after the first 13 parts of the 14-part Japanese reply to the American ultimatum had been intercepted, decoded, and delivered on Saturday night, Dec. 6, 1941.

That supports Mr. Borgquist’s earlier argument, published in 1999 by Naval History Magazine, That the attack on Pearl Harbor was no surprise at all. He wrote that Helen E. Hamman, the daughter of Don C. Smith, who directed the War Service for the Red Cross before World War II, wrote a letter to President Clinton revealing a conversation she had with her dad: “Shortly before the attack in 1941, President Roosevelt called him to the White House for a meeting concerning a top-secret matter. At this meeting, the president advised my father that his intelligence staff had informed him of a pending attack on Pearl Harbor, by the Japanese. 

“He anticipated many casualties and much loss; he instructed my father to send workers and supplies to a holding area. When he protested to the president, President Roosevelt told him that the American people would never agree to enter the war in Europe unless they were attack[ed] within their own borders. . . . “He followed the orders of his president and spent many years contemplating this action, which he considered ethically and morally wrong.”

The attack came on Dec. 7. Thus the attack was no surprise at all. More deception lies and disregard for human life.




FDR & Lucy Mercer Rutherford: Lucy was Eleanor’s social secretary in the period before 1918. In September, 1918, Eleanor discovered a packet of love letters from Lucy to FDR. Eleanor later admitted, “the bottom dropped out of my own particular world & I faced myself, my surroundings, my world, honestly for the first time.” FDR and Eleanor immediately stopped living as man-and-wife. Lucy was dismissed but came back during FDR’s later years.

FDR & Marguerite ‘Missy’ LeHand, his “other wife.” FDR’s son Elliot wrote in his book about his father, “everyone in the close knit inner circle of father’s friends accepted it as a matter of course. I remember being only mildly stirred to see him with Missy on his lap as he sat in his wicker chair in the main stateroom holding her in his sun-browned arms…He made no attempt to conceal his feelings about Missy.” FDR left Missy half of his 3 million dollar estate. Note: before FDR got polio, he was widely known as a womanizer and playboy.

FDR & his floozy cousin Margaret Suckley. As early as 1920 she was misidentified as his wife in a newspaper photograph of them at a ball game. Eleanor who was sitting behind them was cropped out of the picture. FDR built a secret love nest on his estate for their trysts. .

FDR blackmailed Princess Martha of Norway, mother of three small children, into having sex with him in return for war aid to her husband Crown Prince Olav and Norway during 1941.




FDR became a failed lawyer (without a degree) in 1907, which explains his morals.

1910-1913 – NY State Senator. He told Rosenman in 1928 about his time as Senator: “I remember they used to call us socialists and radicals in those days.” 1913-1920 – Assistant Secretary of Navy (he later bragged that during WWI he had “thrown money around like water”). FDR played the most sordid sort of ward politics with Navy contracts. 

THE BUTCHER OF HAITI – In July 1915 FDR, as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, personally led US Marines into Haiti to overturn the only independent black republic besides Abyssinia. By all accounts, FDR administered Haiti brutally and cruelly with no regard for lives. Even in 1920 after gross atrocities were reported in the media, FDR claimed responsibility but when that caused an uproar, he denied responsibility.

SELF-CONFESSED FELON – 1 February 1920 before an audience of 1500 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, FDR said, “Two months after the war was declared, I saw that the Navy was still unprepared and I spent $40,000 for guns before Congress gave me or anyone permission to spend the money.” This action had been opposed by the President. FDR further boasted that he had “committed enough illegal acts” to be impeached and jailed for “999 years.” 

Perjury in 1921 – A Senate subcommittee concluded that FDR had committed perjury before a Naval Court of Inquiry about his investigation of a homosexual corruption ring at the Newport, RI, Naval Station. FDR, as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, had approved the use of decoys to entrap homosexuals (young sailors were instructed in and ordered by FDR’s men to perform homosexual acts and the details truly are unprintable). When it became an issue he had lied about it to the Court.

1928 FDR became Governor of New York by means of massive vote fraud in Buffalo. The seeds of the Great Depression were first sown in New York State when FDR was governor.



 1933 FDR became the 32nd President of the United States. He had sent William Bullitt to the USSR even during the campaign to arrange its recognition while Stalin was killing 10 million Ukrainians. FDR imposed central planning through New Deal, a.k.a. Raw Deal, regulations and programs. His close advisor Douglas said “The present pseudo-planned economy leads relentlessly into the complete autocracy and tyranny of the Collectivist State.” FDR broke every campaign promise he had made and the New Deal was exactly the opposite of what he had promised. FDR had promised “I propose to you that the government, big and little, be made solvent and that the example be set by the President of the United States and his cabinet…Stop the deficits! Stop the deficits!” FDR made a flat promise to “reduce the cost of government operations 25 percent” and called for a sound gold currency (!). Instead, Franklin Deficit Roosevelt engaged in an orgy of spending and implemented the first twelve planks of the Socialist Party platform, which in substance was the New Deal. In his first year he proposed spending 10 billion on 3 billion of revenues;

“There is in Chicago and in a very large part of the country, more suffering than there was in 1933 when the President came into office. It is a common sight to see children salvaging food from garbage cans.” Grace Abbott to the DNC. Labor leader John L. Lewis told the NAACP in 1940 that “Mr. Roosevelt made depression and unemployment a chronic fact in American life.” Herbert Hoover, 1928 Democrat Presidential Nominee Alfred E. Smith, and the 1924 Democrat Presidential Nominee John Davis all called the New Deal communistic. Admitting the failure of the New Deal, FDR said in October of 1937, “I’m sick and tired of being told by the cabinet, by Henry and everybody else what’s the matter with the country and nobody suggests what I should do.”

Every choice made in the New Deal, whether it was one that moved recovery or not, was a choice unerringly true to the essential design of totalitarian government . To extend the power of executive government, to rule by decrees and rules and regulations of its own making; between 1933 and 1943 FDR issued 3,556 Executive orders To strengthen its hold on the economic life of the nation; To extend power over the individual – the domestication of individuality; To degrade the parliamentary principle; To impair the independent Constitutional judicial power; To weaken all other powers – private enterprise and finance, state and local government. It is almost amusing that FDR built a cult of personality just as Hitler and Stalin did – it is necessary in a tyranny because in rule by men, loyalty is not to law or country but to a person. Power then depends on such a cult.



U.S. Population (1935)…120,000,000

46,000,000 Eligible for Old Age Pension

30,000,000 Children prohibited from working

30,000,000 Government employees

13,999,998 Unemployed






To do so, FDR trashed the four freedoms, the Atlantic Charter, his promises and commitments to small democracies, his oath of office, the moral standing of the United States, and he created a perpetual cold war that bankrupted US. To understand the treason at Yalta, is to understand Roosevelt. All of his actions were bent in the same direction – dead left. He unceasingly promoted Communism at home and abroad to the full extent and possibility of his office. FDR was a hard-core Marxist as proved by his speeches – in his first inaugural he proposed 3 planks of the Communist Manifesto. In his first inaugural address, he proposed national land redistribution! Karl Marx explained his plan to destroy all constitutional government: “The surest way to overturn the social order is to debauch the currency.” FDR carried that out with a vengeance by taking the US off the gold standard and confiscating all gold.




( my personal comment: I found so many – it was impossible to list them all. Here are a very few)

FDR gave a speech in Troy, NY, 3 March 1912, in which he laid out his philosophy – he placed the “liberty of the community” over “the liberty of the individual.” He said competition was bad but cooperation was good. The speech was a concerted assault on the idea of private property.

Charles Beard, the doyen of American socialists stated that” “Individual economic activities and individual property rights will be altered and changed.” FDR was bringing us to a ‘collectivist democracy’ and “worker’s republic.”

Earl Browder, a regular Bolshevik and General Secretary of the Communist Party USA, went wild with delight and excitement over FDR’s speeches. “If the New Deal could be established, it should be possible to proceed from this, step by step, without violent overturning, to socialism.” Earl, who was also a Russian spymaster, ran his base of operations from the White House and hired and fired administration officials at all levels. FDR pardoned him from a 5 year prison sentence in 1942.

George Bernard Shaw said FDR “is a communist but does not know it.” Of course he did know it, but it would have been political suicide to express it.

H.G. Wells wrote “The exciting thing about him, as about Stalin, is that he, too, has more of the appearance of having modern objectives, however incompletely apprehended, than anyone else in the world.” Also that FDR was feeling his way toward state capitalism and Washington and Moscow were ‘the twin centers of reconstruction effort.’ After reading Well’s autobiography in which he called for a ‘greater effort’ for Communism, FDR wrote him “your direction and mine are not so far apart.”

“The Russian newspapers during the last election (1932) published the photograph of Franklin D. Roosevelt over the caption ‘the first communistic President of the United States’.” — Senator Thomas D. Schall

Stalin called FDR in Dec 1933, “a decided and courageous leader.” In 1934 he praised FDR’s “initiative, courage and determination”.

Although FDR liked to pretend that Teddy Roosevelt and his family supported him, in 1935 in Philadelphia, Teddy, jr. leveled this blast at FDR: “You have been faithless. You have usurped the function of Congress, hampered freedom of the press…You have urged Congress to pass laws that you knew were unconstitutional…You have broken your sacred oath taken on the Bible.”

August 13, 1938, The House Un-American Affairs received testimony from John Frey, president of an AFL union, about 280 Communist Party members in the CIO and that communists had infiltrated the government in almost every bureau through the United Office and Professional Workers Union. FDR , who was very angry, met with Chairman Dies and told him “Well, there is no one interested in Communism, no one at all. I’ve heard it all my life. There is no menace here in Communism…there is nothing wrong with the Communists in this country. Several of my best friends are Communist.” .

“Submission, not freedom is to be the future badge of the United States…the overturn of institutions, including the Constitution, is the avowed goal of his (FDR’s) immediate advisors. — Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby, in Portland, OR, Sept. 1934

Father Coughlin said in 1936 that the New Deal had its feet of clay mired “one in the Red mud of Soviet communism and the other in the stinking cesspool of pagan plutocracy.” Also “the efforts are made for low, practical purposes to confuse a Christian program of social justice with a Godless program of communism.”

FDR and Eleanor’s political views were shaped by a political leech named Louis Howe who attached himself in 1912 .. Howe saw in FDR an ambitious, ruthless young man with no moral compass or ideas. Howe shaped both FDR and Eleanor. Howe wrote quoting his protégé FDR “that the time has arrived to build a new kind of government founded on the doctrine of the good neighbor and not the cruel doctrine of ‘rugged individualism.’ ” In other words, FDR stood for the obliteration of individualism at the hands of a ruthless, all powerful state.

In early 1939, FDR tried to become a card-carrying communist. He applied for membership in the front League of American Writers but Earl Browder, General Secretary of the Communist Party USA, returned his application saying, “Don’t get mixed up in this. There is going to be a lot of controversy about it.” That was the understatement of the decade. Recall that FDR’s choice, when he was aware that he was dying, for vice-president was Henry “The people’s revolution is on the march” Wallace, a communist; that FDR had supported the communists in the Spanish Civil War and had tried to get the neutrality act repealed for them, that FDR sold out Eastern Europe to the Soviets at Yalta; that FDR made Karl Marx’s primary goal, redistribution of income, his primary goal; that he was against loyalty oaths; that remarkably there was not a single prosecution of any Soviet spy during his Presidency; that when 12 communists were arrested by the FBI in Detroit in 1940 that he removed the FBI’s power to make arrests; that he vetoed a bill to deport communist aliens in 1940; that he several times blocked the extradition of communists; that he constantly sent “greetings” to various Red organizations and took every opportunity in public to praise Stalin’s regime.

On Sept 30, 1941 FDR told reporters that there was freedom of religion in the USSR, right after 2 million Christians had been butchered and the churches were still burning: religious control was “essentially what is the rule in this country; only we don’t put it quite the same way.” “I may say that I got along fine with Marshall Stalin. He is a man who combines a tremendous relentless determination with a stalwart good humor. I believe he is truly representative of the heart and soul of Russia; and I believe that we are going to get along very well with him and the Russian people – very well indeed.” -

FDR lived by the maxim “the ends justify the means” and endlessly preached class warfare – profit was evil, investors were parasites and businessmen were scoundrels. FDR stocked his government with communists. For example the OSS, the forerunner to the CIA, had so many communists that it was jokingly said that OSS stood for “Oh, So Socialist and Office of Soviet Stooges.” Joe Kennedy complained to FDR that he was surrounded by “Jews and communists.” FDR made sure that the atom bomb project was crawling with communists.

FDR defined Freedom of Religion as Stalin did.


FDR defined Freedom of Speech as Stalin did, i.e. he used the Marxist formulation ‘Freedom of Information’ in his speeches.

FDR pressed a bill to eliminate the right to bear arms, the guarantee of all others. 

The whole point of this brief ( as compared to the material I have at hand) – of which ALL was as damning as the strongest point made in the paper here – was to make three points.

In conclusion, It is glaringly evident:

(1) That this evil wicked demented Christ hating reprobate piece if putrid shit hypocrite – Frankenstein Demento Jewsvelt dedicated his life’s agenda to make the world a safer place for COMMUNISM – and in the process he wished to completely transform the United States into a Godless totalitarian Marxist USSR style slave state – PERIOD!

(2) That it must be painfully noted that the people that supported and sustained this mutant demonic freak did so of their own free and obviously irrationally evil will – which should scare the crap out of every moral responsible freedom loving man woman and child in this country. Keep in mind – I presented only a small percent of the well documented depraved evil he committed against America and the world.

(3) That in a few days the SAME ilk of morons who gave FDR dominion over their very lives will make the SAME grave mistake and doom what is left of our freedoms and the blessed Republic Constitution all because of a level of ignorance combined with hypocrisy, indifference irresponsibility and a rising level of stupidity that is legion rampant and epidemic!


My name is Joe Cortina. I was a 60s Green Beret commander and a representative for IBM as well as a scientist for Honeywell Aerospace in Florida. I later became President of my own manufacturing company. I have two sons and 2 granddaughters who are the reason for my dedication to expose the threats to the freedoms I hope to see them enjoy as I did many decades ago when America was still a Christian-based sovereign nation free of Zionist influence.

Book Of John Chapter 8 – as Christ damns the Jews ( and NOT JUST THE HIGH PRIESTS AND Pharisees – see notes below)

” Ye do the deeds of your father (the devil). If God were your father. ye would love me; for I proceed forth and came from God: neither came I of myself, but He sent me.”

” Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie – he speaketh of his own; ( the Jews) for he is a liar, and the father of it”

“That this SATANIC FATHERHOOD cannot be limited to the Pharisees is MADE CLEAR in 1 John 3;8-10″

Matthew 23:15″ Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.

“You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?” (Jesus – to the Jews; in Matthew 23:33)

“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.” — Benyamin Netanyahu, at the time a former IsraHELL prime minister

“There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people”

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002. (Widely reported, see here)

Israel, America’s albatross