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Justice Mountain, by Mary Neal

Mary Neal

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Feb. 25, 2012

I. Introduction

Good news for justice! Americans of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds unite to celebrate Black History Month together. Africans in America have suffered slavery, lynchings, mob violence and genocide, extreme poverty amidst prosperity, deadly medical experiments, and Jim Crow laws. Today blacks experience a high incidence of police brutality, systemic racism, and enforced servitude after "liberation" because of mass incarceration and prison labor projects that removed over a million jobs from the private sector. The climb to the precipice of Justice Mountain is rugged and steep, but overcoming is still the dream. Justice Mountain climbers join themselves together by a rope, yet each climber must do his part. We must continue to toil individually and collectively until each team member reaches the mountaintop.

Especially during February, Americans solute the people who climbed and those who continue to climb Justice Mountain. We acknowledge the contributions of people who united in the 1960s despite their diversity to denounce and oppose racism in the United States. This did not happen until "slaves" first stood up for themselves and decided to resist oppression regardless of what they had to face. Their courage and tenacity in the face of police dogs, powerful water hoses, wrongful arrests, brutality and murders captured the world's attention and support for their righteous justice quest.

Information about the "Justice Mountain" drawing and the article's embedded video "Rough Side of the Mountain" is beneath the video. Telephone stalkers heard the cartoonist arrange with me to provide original art for my articles. I assured him that public transportation was accessible to my home, so he did not drive to Atlanta. While here, he visited Stone Mountain to see the place that Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. mentioned in his famous "Mountaintop" address. While returning to my home, two of my stalkers came within inches of running over the cartoonist driving a white van and a red van. That happened when he was on foot after dark, within four houses of mine.

The cartoonist was shaken when he reached my door, but I told him they probably did not really try to hit him. They probably only wanted to intimidate the artist for helping "America's Most Censored: Mary Neal" (Google my article with that title). Sometimes, stalkers steal photos from my articles. They stole numerous photos from my Care2 profile page and left spaces saying "Photobucket." I have NEVER used any art from Photobucket. The stalkers only wanted to remove the photos because one graphic picture can save a thousand words. The red van that almost hit the cartoonist is likely the same one I reported in the article "Crazy Idea - Justice in America." The red van frightened Jehovah's Witnesses who came to my home while doing their door-to-door ministry. The van followed them and parked behind them as intimidation. It must have worked, because now Jehovah Witnesses don't come to my house! I gave the Witnesses copies of my articles and asked them to share the articles with others as they canvas our neighborhoods and share with people in their temple. They can use the articles about my family's oppression following my handicapped brother's secret arrest and murder to illustrate the truth of their message: the end is near, and governments don't really care about people.

Have you ever considered how important mountains are in the Bible? Moses climbed to the mountaintop to receive the Ten Commandments. Noah's Ark came to rest atop Mount Ararat after the flood. David and his mighty men could have killed King Saul and his men while they slept in a mountain cave, but David spared his life. Jesus was tempted on Mt. Quarantania. My Lord resisted temptation on and was given ALL POWER as a reward after His ordeal at Calvary Mountain. You and I have a mountain to climb to make it to the Promised Land that Dr. King spoke about - a land where there is no discrimination and men live as brothers. "He said to Moses, "Climb the mountain to God . . . " ~Exodus 24:1.

I prayed about people stealing my photos and putting a FALSE message from Photobucket in their stead, pretending that I infringed on copyrighted photos at Photobucket, a site I never used, and God sent me a few artists. Just look at how they ruined my profile page at Care2, a site stalkers took over because my organization is there - "Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI)." Prison profiteers do not like my advocacy to decriminalize mental illness because America has 1.25 million mentally ill inmates. If they became inpatients and outpatients instead of inmates, we would not have private prisons. Care2 happens to be the same Internet site where a lethal injection bed with my name underneath would pop up whenever I opened my profile page. I reported that cyberterror to United States District Court while my mother and I sued The (Johnnie) Cochran Firm for defrauding our family to help Shelby County Jail escape accountability after the secret arrest and WRONGFUL DEATH OF LARRY NEAL (Google that web site). Larry was murdered in 2003, but the jail and U.S. Department of Justice refuse to release records or issue any explanation or apology. Killing mentally ill black men must be more acceptable to officials than killing Michael Vick's dogs was. Thank you, Jesus! "Justice Mountain" became one of my avartars. There are many people who stand against oppression, and my artist draws for justice despite the intimidation that confronted him during his trip to Georgia.

As always, this writer congratulates people who care about justice and show it by using a few minutes to share my articles and to contact their representatives to promote righteous congressional bills and denounce bills that impede our progress toward the mountaintop where there is liberty and justice for all. We have the right to peaceful assembly online. We have the right to peacefully petition the government for a redress of grievances. We have the right to free speech and freedom of press. We have the right to practice our religions, including the right to use online services to speak for the voiceless and help the least of these, HIS brethren (Matt. 25:40). But those are rights on paper that authorities refuse to enforce for Mary Neal, because to stop discriminating against the mentally ill like I ask would mean less money for prison investors.

Today I received a call from a tearful mother whose 32-year-old mentally challenged son was sentenced to 56 years imprisonment for hitting his girlfriend. The man who is so retarded that he never learned to read and write signed a "plea deal." That equals life in prison for an offense that other men did and never spent a night behind bars. Guess who pays for his life in prison - YOU DO. To prevent distraught mothers like her from reaching me, stalkers took over my phone 678.531.0262 and usually tell callers the circuits are busy, the phone is out of service, or they let the callers leave messages then prevent my receipt. The police got three short beeps and a hangup in June 2011 when officers came to my home to warn me not to tell their supervisors that police refuse to address my police reports. Their supervisors already know, but they probably did not want it documented that government officials allow my terrorism and censorship. See "Open Letter to President Obama from Mary Neal" online.

In text capsule number VI - "Arthor's Notes" below the embedded video, please see the famous quote about numerous mountains from Rev. King's "Mountaintop" address that inspired this article. I appreciate your interest and your taking action. Let us climb together, and we shall overcome!

II. "And still we rise!"~Maya Angelou

Every Black History Month, we celebrate famous mountain climbers like Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wife, Coretta, Malcolm X, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglas, and many others. We honor Jewish youths who died fighting for civil rights for blacks and Quakers who were dedicated to the abolition of slavery. When we look at photographs taken at the Poor People's March in Washington, D.C., we see Justice Mountain climbers were African Americans, whites and Jews, wealthy and impoverished - all joined at the waist by the same rope to climb out of hundreds of years of discrimination against their neighbors for being of a different race or socioeconomic class. "And still we rise!" (Maya Angelou).

Yes, we have overcome much, and we continue to overcome! "We" means all Justice Mountain climbers. For we are team members who face not only falling rocks and jagged edges in the mountainside but also human adversaries hiding in trenches along the rockface. They seek to divide and conquer us. As one falls, so will other mountain climbers, and everyone's quest for the precipice is endangered. Climbers must be resolute and committed to helping each team member to arrive at the dream. Dr. King said, "I might not get there with you, but WE AS A PEOPLE will get to the mountaintop." Only unity works. God said a united people who speak the same language can have anything we want - even true democracy.

Mountaintop Address - MLK

III. Pull Together

What happens Justice Mountain climbers lack endurance? There are no comfortable resting places for the team along the mountainside. If some in the middle rest on a ledge, the leaders and those at the bottom of the rope are left hanging. Justice Mountain climbers must pull together and look ever forward to meeting the goal. We must not "grow weary in well doing."

When Justice Mountain climbers fail to pull together diligently, there are many casualties. Men die in execution chambers with guilt not proved. Soldiers die in avoidable military conflicts. Prisoners are brutalized and some are murdered, like my disabled brother, Larry Neal. He expired after 18 days of secret arrest in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003 in circumstances that authorities refuse to disclose. Families that complain about brutality and murder like mine are censored and gangstalked. Unarmed young men like Oscar Grant are fatally shot in the back by B.A.R.T. police officers. Grant's cousin was also recently shot in the back by police. Justice Mountain climbers like those in the Occupy movement are denied the right for peaceful assembly. Human and civil rights are withheld and eliminated for people who are close to the bottom of the mountain first, such as African American young men who lack wealth, but all Justice Mountain climbers are intended to fail.



IV. Moderation v. Success

When Justice Mountain climbers are strong, united and resolute, we overcome. Americans recently defeated SOPA and PIPA to keep net freedom. Multimillionaires and unemployed waiters joined hands without regard to race and class to fight the Internet's takeover by the U.S. Justice Department.

Who would suffer most under Interenet sensorship? In the early months of 2011, Google was asked to remove certain police brutality videos from YouTube, but the Internet giant refused. It was not disclosed which videos officials wanted offline. Blacks are beaten and killed by police with alarming frequency. Protesters of all races are often brutalized, and four white students were killed at the Kent State University Massacre in 1970. It is fitting that we do not know which videos authorities wanted Google censor. The contested videos could be about anyone. The truth is they are about all of us, because abuse of power negatively impacts the entire nation and could desecrate our way of life. Violence by police and cover-ups by government officials would increase substantially if there were no concerns about police brutality and other governmental abuses of power being videotaped and broadcast to the world. It is usual and ordinary for oppression to affect minorities first and most profoundly. That was also true in Germany during the 1940s. But even billionaire corporations recognized the negative impact that SOPA and PIPA would have had on their businesses and the quality of life in our country, and affluent people joined/led the fight against those Internet censorship bills.

There is no place to rest while climbing Justice Mountain. Today our net freedom is threatened by ACTA, a treaty that was signed in November 2011. If fully ratified, ACTA will give other countries a voice in what Americans can upload or keep online, including China. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Section 1021 became law on December 31, 2011. It allows for American citizens, immigrants, and our nation's visitors to be arrested and detained indefinitely in military concentration camps without any criminal charges and with no opportunity for defense. Two more pending congressional bills, H.R.3166 and S.1698, would give government authorities the right to remove Americans' citizenship. Those two bills would override any protection from indefinite detention that citizens may or may not currently have. The Whistleblowers Improvement Act, H.R.2483, is another draconian bill pending before the 112th Congress. The bill seeks to remove protections under the Whistleblowers Protection Act and makes it necessary for anyone who has information about corporate or government abuses to first complain directly to the abuser. If H.R.2483 passes, whistleblowers could be fired without any recourse if they report crimes by employers, such as toxic waste-dumping, racist practices, and other illegal acts. I am a witness that reporting wrongs, including the secret arrest and murder of one's handicapped relatives, already results in persecution, censorship, and endangerment for truth-tellers.


  • ACTA Treaty: The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has information online about ACTA, including a petition for you to sign AGAINST the treaty that will allow other countries to have a measure of control over Americans' online publishing, including totalitarian countries that do not respect free speech and press.
  • NADA Indefinite Detention Sec. 1021: Rep. Ron Paul introduced H.R.3785, a bill to repeal the indefinite detention provision in NDAA. The bill to save America from concentration camps is only two paragraphs long. Read it today at and vote FOR H.R.3785. Also, contact your representatives and request that they support H.R.3785. We must try to get the repeal bill to the floor of the House for a vote well before the next elections so that Americans will know which candidates wish to eliminate trial by jury, a Constitutional right. Call your representatives and request that they support H.R.3785, then ask friends to do the same. The president expressed reservations about signing NDAA with the indefinite detention provision in it, but he did. Representatives should therefore embrace the opportunity to repeal the offending Section 1021 by passing H.R.3785, No responsible president wants to leave such power to future unknown presidents who may misuse that power.
  • H.R.2483 - Whistleblower Improvement Act: Use to read about H.R.2483 and vote AGAINST it today. If it passes, H.R.2483 will reduce the likelihood that people will report corporate and government abuses. This promotes a climate for environmental damage and other corporate wrongs as well as corruption in government.

Some Justice Mountain climbers are sleeping on narrow, uncomfortable ledges in the middle. There is no middle ground for people engaged in military battles or spiritual warfare. The middle class in America may prefer to be neutral and rest on an unstable ledge, but they cannot. To rest is to slide into poverty, and the middle class is being diminished daily. Nevertheless, some people and organizations that climbed Justice Mountain with us in the past now try to rest on skinny, unstable ledges. They left team leaders hanging precariously with their muscles strained and tiring and abandoned the handicapped and poor who need help climbing. This article has three simple tasks listed above to promote liberty and justice. Will you climb with us, please? "The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute." ~Prov. 12:24.

Doomed Ape on Mountain Ledge


V. Battle Fatigue and Sellouts

Teammates at the bottom, the least among us, are left vulnerable to attack when climbers above them rest on uncomfortable ledges - uncomfortable because the sleepers recognize how important perseverance is. But they lack the courage and stamina to step off the ledge and continue to climb rugged rock. Today, 2.3 million people are imprisoned in America, over half for nonviolent crimes. Minorities and mentally disabled people are overrepresented among prisoners. Roughly 1.25 million inmates are mentally ill and should be hospital inpatients or outpatients depending on their offenses and functionality, not inmates. Unemployment is a persistent problem. The gap between the rich and poor is greater now than when hundreds of thousands of people united at the Poor People's March on Washington in the 60's. Still they sleep on the ledge. Moderate and disheartened Justice Mountain climbers endanger the mission for every teammate and forsake the dream.

Abominable snowmen hide in the mountain's crevices and attack climbers. The grip in Justice Mountain climbers' hands sometimes lessens under their steady assault. Enemies against justice know that the longer it takes climbers to reach the precipice of Justice Mountain, the more frazzled our rope becomes. Abominable snowmen frequently use diversionary tactics such as rock slides to deflect climbers' attention and slow our advance. They cause some to fall. America's hold on liberty is extremely precarious today. Justice Mountain climbers must not allow themselves to be diverted from the team's goal to make liberty and justice for all a realty. We cannot sleep on narrow ledges and should never attempt to reach the precipice by standing on lower climbers' heads. Climbers who do that make climbers behind them lose their hold and they both fall into the abyss.

Another tactic is temptation. Remember forbidden fruit in the garden? Freedom's enemies who inhabit rock crevices, especially but not exclusively in the upper region of Justice Mountain, do not always attack climbers. They sometimes induce climbers to join oppressors. Many whites, blacks, and people from every political party have stopped climbing for justice to eat shiny, sweet apples. They then sabotage other Justice Mountain climbers in exchange for more apples as they continue to climb, seeking only their own comfort at any cost to their former teammates. That is hypocrisy and treason.


Liberty is a radical, revolutionary concept in the human experience. World history and American history are steeped in slavery. African American slave quarters were a type of concentration camp that now threatens a comeback in America. Early reservations for Native Americans were like concentration camps. Thousands of Asian Americans were interned in the United States during World War II. Many European immigrants who fled poverty and oppression to relocate to America in the 1940s found themselves living in ghettos. They became lumps in the melting pot. Separated from the mainstream by differences in language, accents, religion and ethnicity, they were "interned" because of bigotry by affluent whites who settled in this country centuries before the immigrants' arrival.

The Mayflower only carried approximately 120 people. Most early Europeans arrived in America as serfs and impoverished but ambitious farmers seeking better economic opportunities and freedom from oppression. Unfortunately, many of them forgot those humble beginnings and oppressed their own brothers and millions of people of other races for centuries. Prisons are concentration camps where one million inmates work up to 72 hours per week on jobs that were removed from the public sector to be done by laborers who have no unions, no workers compensation and minimum wage laws to protect them. When mountain climbing, there is always the threat of falling and taking those with the most tenacious hold on the rope with us. Climbing is hard, but God's Word says we must "endure until the end."

Moderation in Justice Mountain climbers is detrimental to our success. We must regain the momentum that abolished slavery, gave women the vote, ended child labor, and seriously wounded Jim Crow in the 1960s. We Justice Mountain climbers must work together as a team - all races, all socioeconomic levels, all revolutionaries who dream of this nation becoming a mountaintop where racial bigotry and class consciousness are relegated to history. Diligence and radical dedication to freedom despite fatigue and opposition are required to achieve freedom and to keep it. Only the strong survive, and quitting is not an option.

My mentally, physically disabled brother who was secretly arrested for 18 days and killed under undisclosed circumstances was a lifelong schizophrenic heart patient, but he was very intelligent. He loved to quote great, historical speeches. One of Larry's favorites was the Gettysburg Address, and it remains a favorite of mine. I recognize now that many of the speeches I love and believe in were not meant for me initially, and neither was the Constitution of the United States. However, as I wrote in the online article entitled "My Flag, My Country," the promises in the founders' speeches and the Constitution became mine by choice and my ancestors' sweat and bloodshed. Therefore, I steadily try to influence America to 'be true to what she said on paper' (MLK). Below is an edited excerpt from the speech Abraham Lincoln delivered in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on November 16, 1863, regarding the Civil War, which was supposed to save the union and deliver my people from slavery:

Eleven score and 16 years ago, "our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure."

We can long endure if we will. The choice is ours. We can keep climbing Justice Mountain or not. But one thing I am convinced about is this: "No Justice, No Peace" ~MLK. A peace purchased by sacrificing freedom is not worth having.

Black History Month is good for African Americans. We celebrate our rich culture and human rights champions who include famous people and many thousands of unsung heroes. Studying Black History is also good for all other Americans. When part of a nation's history is falsified by omission and misinformation, everybody is cheated of the opportunity to learn from the past and avoid repeating mistakes. The black experience in this country demonstrates that slavery is an evil, mercenary, subhuman experience that reduces slave masters and slaves alike to the level of beasts. Let us refuse to return to that system. Resist oppressive laws. Champion just causes, and defend victims of oppression. Always hold government officials accountable to the Constitution, which they swore to uphold. Keep climbing, and "we as a people shall get to the Promised Land," as Rev. King predicted. God is with us. Liberty and justice for all is His idea.

Happy Black History Month 2012. Happy Liberation Month for all Americans.


VI. Author's Note

The drawing "JUSTICE MOUNTAIN" is copyright protected by artnet at (email address). He and I conceived the drawing to illustrate Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous speech, "Mountaintop." A popular excerpt from Rev. King's speech is below:

"Let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But not only that: Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia [where I live in bondage, censored and stalked for truth-telling]. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee [where Larry Neal died under secret arrest]. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring."

I commissioned "Justice Mountain" from a gifted newspaper cartoonist. He also does original art for business cards, blogs, websites and corporate ads. If you can conceive it, he can draw it! Please contact him if you wish to use the drawing, "Justice Mountain." I had ARTNET use a cross for the "t" within the word "justice," because I believe Jesus is the central figure for every successful justice quest, whether or not the people involved are Christians. God loves justice, and so do I. Thanks for reading and sharing links to advocacy articles by MaryLovesJustice.


Coming Up on the Rough Side of the Mountain