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Happy Birthday Fidel Castro

Michel Chossudovsky

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Today, August 13, 2011 it is the birthday of Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution.

The Global Research team extends its warm greetings and best wishes to Comandante Fidel. 


Today, August 13, 2011 it is the birthday of Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution.

The Global Research team extends its warm greetings and best wishes to Comandante Fidel. 


Fidel Castro under arrest in July 1953 after the Moncada attack.

Fidel Castro Ruz at the United Nations General Assembly in 1960

At the height of a US sponsored war and Worldwide economic crisis, Fidel Castro, the leader of the Cuban revolution, who to this day defies America's imperial design, remains a source of hope and inspiration to those committed to social justice and international solidarity.

Last October, I had the opportunity of spending several days at Fidel Castro`s home in the suburbs of Havana. Our conversation and exchange focussed on the dangers of nuclear war.

I had read Fidel Castro and Che Guevara during my high school days in Geneva, Switzerland and later at university in Britain and the US. When meeting him in person, I discovered a man of tremendous integrity, with an acute mind and sense of humor, committed in the minute detail of his speech to social progress and the advancement of humankind, conscious of the dangers of the US led war and the Worldwide crisis, with exceptional skills of analysis and understanding of his fellow human beings, with a true sprit of internationalism and a tremendous knowledge of history, economics and geopolitics.

On a daily basis, Fidel spends several hours reading a large number of detailed international press reports (As he mentioned to me with a smile, "I frequently consult articles from the Global Research website"...).