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An Honest, Accurate, and In-Depth investigation into the claims by some in the "Patriot Community" that the United States once had two distinct and separate Flags; a Military Federal Flag (the Stars and Stripes) and a Civilian Federal Flag (the Civil Flag).

Includes an historical look at our National Flag, the "Stars and Stripes"; as well as the history and evolution of the "Revenue Ensign", (known today as the "US Customs Flag"


(Is This America's Only Flag)

(Or Did America Once Have Two Flags)




There are several Sites on the Internet making the claim that prior to the Civil War, and for some time thereafter, the United States actually had TWO distinct and seperate Flags; a "Military Federal Flag" and a "Civilian Federal Flag". They believe that the "Stars and Stripes" was strictly a Military Flag, to be used only by the Military Forces of the United States. They also believe that there was a "Civil Flag", a Flag that was to be used by all Civilian Branches of the Federal Government, and flown over All Non-Military Federal Buildings .


One site claims: "It is believed by some historians that the Civil Flag was discontinued after the Civil War when the federal government imposed military governments in the States and disbanded civilian government. As a show of it's power over the States, Civil Flags were discontinued and Old Glory became the sole emblem representing the People of the United States of America, united under military (or admiralty) rule. For over 100 years, the Civilian U.S. Flag was flown by a select citizenry that could afford to buy them. While most were of the design of the Customs Bureau and it's American Eagle, many continued to adorn the original look from 1777 with a constellation of stars on a blue field and with red and white vertical stripes. By 1900, the Civil Flag had all but disappeared except for the occasional use by the government's revenue cutters and more recently, the Coast Guard with a modified design. By 1980, nearly all documentation of the Civil Flag had been omitted in school text books and it's existence left as a mystery in a few old photographs and a rare mention in classic books".


The above passage claims that the Customs Flag was actually the Civil Flag; this is completely false! I could find no evidence to support this claim. (I find it compelling that not one proponent of this theory can supply us with any evidence, either) ! It also claims some Historians believe the use of the Civil Flag was discontinued after the Civil War; this again is completely false; I could not find one Prominent Historian who believes this. It also makes the Claim that all traces of the Civil Flag have been erased from History. According to their own theory, this Flag would have been in use for at least 63 years (1799-1862). Is it even possible to erase from History all traces of a Flag that had supposedly been around for so long? It seems unlikely!

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June 1, 2011




----- Original Message -----
From: Eldon Warman
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 2:51 PM
Subject: Civil Flag a fraud

Regarding the article on the Civil Flag myth:


The contacts on that 2005 webpage are invalid, but this statement was found there:

An Important Message From SCRIBE


There are those who will be very offended at what I have written here. But I believe that we must, as Honest, Free People, represent the Facts as we find them, regardless of whether or not they are to our satisfaction! To do any less would make us no better than those on the other side who use lies and deceit to accomplish their goals (like the Gun Grabbers or the Free Press Fakers)! Those of us who believe in the Ideals and Values of our Fore-Fathers, and who want to restore our once great Constitutional Republic to its true and former self, MUST hold ourselves to a higher standard when reporting informatiion.


Those of you who have read my articles in the past know that I always research my material thoroughly, and will only draw conclusions that are based on verifiable facts. The same is true here. I started this project out last year with one intention: to verify as to whether or not the Civil Flag did indeed exist. I had no bias one way or the other; before this piece I knew next to nothing about the history of America's Flags. That is not the case anymore!


This article is the result of over 1 Year of meticulous research! I am now completely confident with my facts, and the conclusions I have come to. I have made sure to incorporate into the article those Historical Records or Documents that are relevant to the subject, and have included links to the appropriate web-pages, so that the reader can verify the facts for themselves. (By the way, this is an area where the "Civil Flag" web-sites are found to be in very short supply of; Evidence and/or Verifiable Documentation).


Note: An Excellent Source where one can research early American Flags is, believe it or not, Auction House Web-Sites. Browsing these sites, I have seen literally Thousands of Historic American Flags of all types, shapes, and sizes, dating as far back as 1775. These are flags that have been held by Families, and handed down from Generation to Generation. There are numerous versions of the "Stars and Stripes"; Civil War Flags of every kind; and even "Revenue Cutter" Flags. But guess what? In all those thousands of Flags, there was No Civil Flag; not even One. Unquote

I have attached a picture from a 1913 postcard of San Francisco, and the US Customs House. You will see the vertical stripe flag flying there, without an Old Glory anywhere in sight.



And, relative to this statement:

"Those of us who believe in the Ideals and Values of our Fore-Fathers, and who want to restore our once great Constitutional Republic to its true and former self, MUST hold ourselves to a higher standard when reporting informatiion. "

How can something be restored that has never existed, except in a few people's minds, like Thomas Paine, George Mason, and a few others. All that was established in the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the 1787/89 Constitution was a State of the Pontiff of Rome's secular Holy Roman Empire. And, that deceit was promulgated by a majority of most of the, what many call, the Floundering Fathers. Without the 'property right', the right to one's own labor, or the lawful fruits thereof, the right to life and liberty are a total fraud. George Mason's Declaration of Rights for Virginia, which he presented 1 month before Jefferson presented the Declaration of Independence, did have enshrined the property right.  The Articles of Confederation was only applicable to 'persons', and by the Government's actions over the years, that can only mean a human creature of slave status owned by the fascist corporate body that makes up a Holy Roman Empire State/Province, just as the English people became 'subjects' of the newly incorporated Crown of England in 1297. Subject = citizen = freeman - all mean a corporate owned slave.



So, you may be correct regarding 'Old Glory' as being the only flag, because America has been under the rule of maritime law, being an incorporated body (make-believe ship at sea) right from the 'get-go'.  But, if the 'Constitutional Republic' were ever set up as the loyal to the cause 'Founding Fathers' envisioned, a land of peace and true prosperity for everyone,  then maybe, some serious thought should be given to some design for a banner representing that, and not a flag that is remembered on Planet Earth as a Land of Warmongers and Total Greed, that America has been throughout its existence as 'The United States of America, and especially as the Vatican directly owned UNITED STATES. The Dunn and Bradstreet website, reports that the UNITED STATES and UNITED STATES Government (which includes the City/State of Columbia) is owned by Archbishop Deric McLeod of the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception of Washington, DC.  And, a RC Archbishop would only act as agent for the Pontiff of Rome. Some report that, since this was found on that website a few months back, it has been changed to only state that the UNITED STATES Government is privately owned.



Eldon Warman

Former pilot with American Airlines based out of San Francisco

Currently living in Calgary, Alberta, as a refugee from the IRS

attack upon me in 1984 for my involvement with the private attempt

by Roger Elvik to institute Section 5 of the US Articles of Confederation.



