"The second major revival of Hamilton’scontrived economic principles were putinto effect by Abraham Lincoln during the War Between more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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'The Abraham Lincoln Myth Serves The Purpose of the U.S. Regime'

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"The second major revival of Hamilton’s contrived economic principles were put into effect by Abraham Lincoln during the War Between the States.
Though America had survived earlier experiences of central banks in the 1820s, bad experiences of financial crashes that were ended by Andrew Jackson in the 1830s, it was Lincoln’s national currency acts that really changed the direction of the country from what Jefferson had envisioned.
DiLorenzo writes, “The era of free banking was abruptly ended when the neo-Hamiltonian Republicans passed three Legal Tender Acts, beginning in 1862. These acts of legislation permitted the Treasury Secretary to issue paper currency that was not immediately redeemable in gold or silver. Then they passed the National Currency Acts of 1863 and 1864, which created a system of nationally chartered (and regulated) banks that could issue currency.”
“Whenever politicians promote any cause in the name of the “people,” you can be sure that the people have had little or nothing to do with the cause and will not benefit from it in any significant way,” DiLorenzo opined.
“. . . On March 9, 1863, Alexander Hamilton’s hometown newspaper, The New York Times, rejoiced that the Lincoln regime’s nationalized banking “crystallized . . . a centralization of power, such as Hamilton might have euologized as magnificent.” Unfortunately, the results were not so magnificent for Americans. The federal government’s printing of Greenbacks created enormous inflation. Greenbacks depreciated to a value of only 35 cents worth of gold by July 11, 1864.”"
To Lincoln's credit though, I have to mention the fact, too, that he, in the end of his career and life, turned against the Jewish Rothschild bankers who were trying to take over America's baking system.  Thus, he paid with his life.