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George Karavelis

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The  subject of great drama is to show how a culture, or society tends to destroy itself. The characteristic of great classical drama is, it is never fiction, it is always based on either a legend which a society has, or on actual history. How one or more courageous individuals, in a doomed society, discover the principles of heroic action which transforms  that society to save itself.  The characteristics or tools  endowed to the U.S citizen, and the highly analytic assassination researcher, to bring closure to the most tragic event in this Republic’s history, has been an illusion, a total fabrication. If the answer to an equation or problem is already common fact, what are the variables or components that will prove or disprove  the final result. The great literary writer Edgar Allan Poe, revolutionized a method of intelligence gathering. Poe established a method of looking for what is “odd” or does not fit into the solution or reason.  Logic is an inferior method to reason and if the serious assassination student  is  to finally solve  the century old tiresome  question “Who Assassinated President Kennedy,” a real physical process must be understood. The most significant variable or evidence to determine “what is odd or does not fit into a reasonable  pattern, in regard to the coup de tat that occurred on November 22, 1963, would be the Zapruder  film, itself.  The film itself, is a fraud, as it has been edited or individual frames have been removed to protect the most hideous “black” op assassins this world has ever known. Some of the most important indicators that classify the Zapruder film as worthless, are the following:

  1. Unresponsive spectators, 2. Stemmons Freeway sign inconsistencies 3. missing limo stop and Greer(driver)backward head turn 4. disappearing blood spray( frame 313 and 314) 5. absence of tissue debris on the limo trunk 6. missing Connally “ left head turn” 
  2. Out of 486 total frames, there are at least 9 frames missing(including the last one,frame 486), and two others( frame 331 and 332) that are out of order.  When combing frames 330, 331 and 332 it will finalize that the Dal-Tex building rather than the Texas School Depository was where many of the shots originated.
  3. For the last time, Lee Harvey Oswald NEVER shot the President. A seven man hit team was sent to Pueblo, Mexico, where they underwent a rigorous period of training and rifle practice for two months. The rifles they were provided with were German-made Mauser sniper rifles capable of up to 1,200 yards of a accuracy( The old Manlicher rifle advertised on Life Magazine, is another fraud).


In closing, the intelligence community is taught, that the most secure way to keep an event hidden, is to place it in open view, when something that seems plausible, but upon close examination, it is not.



                                                                                                   George Karavelis


                                                                                                   September 15, 2010