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The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 6 Bush Ages Nix US Genealogy Claims

Jon Carlson

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u know why the DC airport was called Dulles Airport. The Nazis in the White House honored NAZI TRAITORS.

One example of unAmerican policy was the change in FDR policy of neutrality towards the Arabs by haberdasher President Truman creating Israel in 1947. Throw in the Korea War also. Haberdashers are not students of foreign policy and would rather listen to spies even though they are Nazi spies with the destruction of America as their motivation. 9/11 was carried out by Nazi elements in the Bush administration, the CIA, and the US Navy.

The spy plot was to infiltrate the US government UNKNOWN and make changes to every aspect of a Christian middle class America, BRING AMERICA'S REPUTATION TO ROCKBOTTOM WORLDWIDE, AND BOOSTER GERMAN INTERESTS WORLDWIDE. An FBI agent circa the Bush I administration said, "They are making everything that was illegal legal." That agent said the FBI knew where illegal aliens wer living but the Bush administration wouldn't let FBI agents do anything about it. When asked why the Russians were being dumped on in spite of their similarity to Americans and their partnership in WWII without which the allies wouldn't have prevailed in Europe and the Pacific, he said, "It is government policy." Russia lost 20 million dead in WWII.

GHW Bush Honored For Committment To Germany!

Holbrooke told The Associated Press that Bush, who was president in 1989-93, lobbied for Germany's reunification against the wishes of his counterparts in Britain and France. "There is no one who Germans are more appreciative of than President Bush," Holbrooke said.

  British Prime Minister Thratcher:

“The reunification of Germany is not in the interests of Britain and Western Europe. We do not want a united Germany. This would have led to a change to post-war borders and we can not allow that because such development would undermine the stability of the whole international situation and could endanger our security.In the same way, a destabilisation of Eastern Europe and breakdown of the Warsaw Pact are also not in our interests.

“All Europe is watching this not without a degree of fear, remembering very well who started the two world wars."

It stands to reason that if America was unaware that the White House was infiltratied with Nazi spies even in the Presidency diplomats in foreign countries outside Germany also were also unaware. The Nazis in the White House have in fact used US troops and taxpayer funds to start unending wars around the world for Germany interests.

April 27, 2010