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Chapter 00      & Vindication of the South, by Mildred Lewis Rutherford,

Newspaper Correspondent; Author;

The manuscript was unearthed from where it where it had been stored.

“The South Must Have Her Rightful Place in History.”

Introduction (Follows)”

            “When time shall have softened passion and prejudice; when reason shall have stripped her mask from  misrepresentation, then justice holding evenly her scales, will require much of past censure

 and praise to change places.”  Jefferson Davis, President, The, (never legally surrendered,) Confederate States of America, the  CSA.

            When Pontius Pilate asked our Lord, “what is truth?”  Christ did not answer, because he knew Pilate did not wish to know truth.  When His disciples asked Him, “What is truth?  He replied, “I am the truth.”

            Now there are many people, who like Pilate, ask for truth, but really do not wish it and will not receive it.  Unless truth is sought and given in the spirit of Christ, it is not truth.

            False history accepted as truth destroys civilization.  For over one hundred and thirty years the civilization of the South has been almost destroyed by the falsehoods written about it, and now when one has in hand the authenticated facts to prove these falsehoods to be false, many of our own Southern people as well as the press largely responsible for them are unfair and say, “It will do no good to bring these facts to light, for you will only stir up strife.”  Why not stir up strife, rather than allow these falsehoods to forever remain in history?  Shall fear of attacks from those responsible for them silence us?  Have we lost our courage?

            The truth is all we ask, and when proven that what we have said is not true, then we will retreat.  Prejudice has no part in history.  I am not prejudiced against Abraham Lincoln, but if the falsehoods concerning him are balking the righting of Southern history, shall I, as a Southern historian, remain silent lest I offend one of his adorers?

            The South is no longer willing to stand the misrepresentations and omissions, and a fair-minded North should not blame the South, and should be ready to hear her side of the story, provided it is given from authenticated facts.

            Confederate States General Robert Edward Lee said: “Every one should do all in his power to collect and disseminate the truth, in the hope that it may find a place in history and descend to posterity.  History is not the relation of campaigns, and battles, and generals or other individuals, but that which shows the principles for which the South contended and which justified her struggle for those principles.”

            General Lee showed that he was far more concerned that the Southern cause should be vindicated than he should be glorified or any act of his or others be magnified. Benjamin H. Hill felt great concern about this question.  He said: “We owe it to our dead, to our living, and to our children to preserve the truth and repel the falsehoods, so that we may secure just judgement from the only tribunal before which we may appear and be fully and fairly heard, and that tribunal is the bar of history.”

            Had the South followed this advice we would not today, after one hundred and thirty years have passed, be obliged to correct these falsehoods of history.  These falsehoods are circulated not only in our own country, but now widely circulated in foreign countries as well.

            The South has been very patient, but can afford to be patient no longer—she must demand that the truth be told, and the truth is all she asks.  She desires that the truth be told in such a way that peace between the sections shall be the result.  Peace cannot come until the truth is known and acknowledged by both North and South.

            The cry is, “Let Abraham Lincoln alone.  He is entrenched in the (propaganda) minds and hearts of the people of (North only) both sections—you cannot make a change now.”  The change must be made.  The time has fully come when the South especially should know the truth about Abraham Lincoln.

            If all that has been said of him by his biographers, since Lamon and Herndon wrote, be true, then the South is not worth defending.  The Confederate monuments had best be taken down and the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy had best disband, for Lincoln’s glorifiers teach that the Cause for which Jefferson Davis and his followers stood was unworthy and should have been defeated.

            Our conquerors teach that the Constitution stood for a National Government and not a Compact between sovereign states.  They teach that the advocates of secession were “traitors to the United States government,” and should have been hanged when the war ended.

            They teach that the war was a “Civil War,” because we were not a Republic of sovereign states, but a Nation.  They teach that the South fought to hold their slaves, (not true, as Virginia was the first State, even before the war, to legislate against the trade of slaves) and that the slave holders were barbarous and cruel.

            They teach that Abraham Lincoln cut the shackles of slavery by his Emancipation Proclamation and set the slaves free.  The teach that had it not been for Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation the slaves would have never been freed. (Not true, before the end of the War all Southern States had already legislated against the slave trade).  They teach that the Confederate government was formed to destroy the Union, and but for Lincoln’s “wise policies,” the Union would never have been preserved.  They teach that the assassination of Abraham Lincoln was the worst blow that could have befallen the South, for his policies would have prevented the horrors of Reconstruction.

            They teach that Abraham Lincoln was a friend to the South and a friend to the Negro.

            Are these things true?  No, all are falsehoods!

            Abraham Lincoln is represented in history and in literature as “The Preserver of the Union.”  If this be true then we must acknowledge that the South fought to destroy the Union.  For this falsehood of history we will never stand.

            What political party stood for destroying the United States Constitution which created the Union?  Lincoln’s.

            What political party continued to violate the Constitution after war was declared?  Lincoln’s.

What political Party said, “Lets burn the Constitution; it is a compact with death and a league with hell?  Lincoln’s.

            What political party desired a dissolution of the Union and urged war to enforce it?  Lincoln’s.

            What political party was guilty of ten distinct violations of the Constitution?  Lincoln’s.

            What political committed no violation of the Constitution?  Davis’s.

            What political party urged and implored that the Union be preserved by the Constitution so that war might be averted?  Davis’s.

            Neither President Lincoln nor his party preserved the Union by the Constitution.  A Union pinned together by bayonets was the result at Appomattox, and a torn and tattered Constitution is our inheritance from Lincoln’s administration.  Happiness will never be ours until a party is (be that a republican, democratic, or a third party)  put in power that will see that the Constitution of our forefathers is protected as a sacred instrument, and the decisions of the Supreme Court (or as a final resort, the Sovereign State Legislature) reconsidered the highest law(s) of the land.  Then and then only will the Union be preserved in its integrity.

            Had the South won in 1865, no amendments to the Constitution would have been necessary.  However, the North won.  How many amendments became absolutely necessary because of its +victory?


Ps:  The monument to Abraham Lincoln should be dis-assembled and moved to Illinois from Washington, D. C., Where it belongs.


Chapter 1

          The life of Abraham Lincoln, as it is written and accepted today, is false history.  The South can never have justice until he is dethroned, and he can only be dethroned by proving from absolute authority these falsehoods to be false.  He must have his rightful place in history if the South ever expects to have her rightful place in history.  Whence may we look to prove these teachings of present day to be false?  The answer, “To Northern authority.”

          Was Abraham Lincoln a friend to the South or was he a friend to the slaves of the South?  If one studies the history of the War 1861- 1865, it will be found that he was not a friend of the South or of Negroes up to the time of his assassination.  Then why could it be thought that he would be a friend later had he lived, rather than that he would have carried out the schemes of conquest by further unconstitutional methods and falsehoods?  Let us remember his double dealing with Virginia after the fall of Richmond.

          Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States by an avowedly anti-South party without an electoral vote from the South.  In his campaign speeches he had promised everything that any party or section demanded – showing that his promises could not be relied upon. (Sounds like that usurper in D.C. now. Change?  CLM)  Hear what he said in a speech delivered on 27 January 1837:

          “Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well-wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the revolution never to violate in the least particular the laws of the country, and never to tolerate their violation be others.  As the patriots of ‘76 to the support of the Declaration of Independence, and so to the support of the Constitution and laws, let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor - let every man remember that to violate the law is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear the charter of his own and children’s liberty.  Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother to the lisping baby that prattles on her lap; let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in primers, in spelling books, and in almanacs; let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice.  And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation.”

          This was a fine speech.  See what Lincoln said, and then see what Lincoln did.  How could he be trusted?  There are ten violations of the Constitution by Abraham Lincoln:  Coercion in 1861. Article IV;  Laws of Neutrality – Trent Affair.  Article VI, Clause – 2;  (3) Violation of International Law; Writ of habeas Corpus Suspended. Article 1, Section IX, Clause 2; War Declared without the consent of congress, 1861.  Section 1, Section VIII, Clauses 11, 12; Emancipation Proclamation. Article IV, Section III, Clause 2; West Virginia Made A State. Article IV, Section III, Clause 1; Freedom of Speech Denied.  Vallandigham imprisoned in Ohio. Amendment One; Blockading parts of States that were held by the Federal Government to be Still in the Union; Liberty of the press Denied. Amendment One; Violation of the Fugitive Slave Law. Article IV, Section II, Clause 3.


          How did Lincoln’s actions tally with his words?  Was this honest dealing ?  Let us quote the admissions of Lincoln’s own contemporaries in the North.  Godwin, of The Nation, says: “The first real breach in the Constitution was President Lincoln’s using his war power to abolish slavery.”

          Thaddeus Stevens Stated: “I will not stultify myself by supposing that Mr. Lincoln has any warrant in the Constitution for dismembering Virginia.”

          A. K. McClure, his friend, said: “Mr. Lincoln swore to obey the Constitution, but in eighteen  months violated it by his Emancipation Proclamation.” (1) James Ford Rhodes said: “There was no authority for the Proclamation by the Constitution and laws – nor was there any statute that warranted it”. (2) Wendell Phillips at the Cooper Institute, said: “I judge Mr. Lincoln by his acts, his violations of the law, his overthrow of liberty in the Northern States.  I judge Mr. Lincoln by his words, his deeds, and so judging him, I am unwilling to trust Abraham Lincoln with the future of this country.” “[looks like obama all over again. Chet]”;  Charles Sumner said: “when Lincoln reinforced Fort Sumter and called for 75,000 men without the consent of Congress, it was the greatest breach ever made in the Constitution, and would hereafter give the president the liberty to declare war whenever he wished without the consent of Congress.  Percy Gregg said: “Lincoln never hesitated to violate the Constitution when he so desired.  The Chief Justice testified to this.  Lincoln suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus in 1861; he allowed West Virginia to be formed from Virginia contrary to the Constitution; he issued his Emancipation Proclamation without consulting his Cabinet and in violation of the Constitution.

          Lincoln had no respect for the decisions of the Supreme Court, the highest law in the land.  As J. G. Holland pointed out; The South stood by the decisions of the Supreme Court – the North did not and Lincoln did not.(3) Abraham Lincoln himself stated in his Cooper Institute speech: “In spite of Judge Taney’s decision, Congress did not have a right to prohibit slavery in the territories.”  In his Inaugural Address, he said: “if the decisions of the Supreme Court are irrevocably fixed, then the people cease to be their own masters, and practically resign their government into the hands of that eminent tribunal.”

          To pander to the South’s vote, he openly said that any state had the constitutional right to secede if her rights were interfered with.  Yet as soon as he was elected, he denied this and began to plan to coerce the seceding states back into the Union.  He had openly said that coercion was not constitutional, and yet he called for 75,000 men to begin the coercion act without the consent of his Cabinet or Congress.  He gave as his excuse that he could not afford to do without the revenue from the Southern states, and must prevent their withdrawal, right or wrong.  This was the cunning that Seward said amounted to genius.

While insisting that the Southern states were still in the Union, on 19 July 1861, Lincoln declared a blockade, which brought untold suffering and privation on the people of the South.  No Nation can blockade her own ports. When England and France declared neutrality, fearing they would later acknowledge the seceding states as a Confederacy, issued his Emancipation Proclamation in the hope conciliating them, though he acknowledged that he thought “it would result in the massacre of the women and children in the South. [he thot the slaves wood revolt. A little humour hear. CLM]

          When the South, not desiring war, made every effort for peace, he blocked every effort that was made.   When he learned of the Peace Convention presided over by ex-president Tyler, he sent Salmon P. Chase to represent him, instructed to vote against every compromise, especially against the return of fugitive slaves.  And yet this was the man who had said in Peoria, Illinois in 1854: “The slaveholder has a legal and moral right to his slaves.  Fairly and fully I will give them any legislation for reclaiming their fugitive slaves.  The master has the right to seize the runaway slave in every state in the Union.”


1. Lincoln and men of the war time;

2. History of the United States, Vol. IV;

3. Life of Lincoln (1865), pager 284;

  (“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.  It’s just a goddam piece of paper.” ) George W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by

Copied by: Chester L McWhorter Sr, 504 N. Brighton Rd, Lecanto, Occupied Florida, USPLC 34461-9533

For Southern Independence (F S I), God Will Vindicate (Deo Vindice), Remember PEARL HARBOR!!!!


 Remember the Alamo.     Rem. The 1st WW. (WILSON’S WAR)   WW II Roosevelt’s.  Korea, Johnson’s war.  Viet Nam, Nixon’s War.

Iran, Carter’s WAR.   G. H. W. BUSH  PANAMA.   G. H. W. Bush Again, Iraq # 1; Johnson’s Pueblo ship & Egypt.  G. W. Bush, Afghanistan and Iraq again.

  The World Trade Center w/a loss of live exceeding 3,000. 


Chapter 2 of 14

          When the Virginia Convention pleaded for peace, he sent word by Colonel Baldwin to say, “it is too late for peace.”  He did not send word why it was too late, for at that time four expeditions were on the way to Sumter and Pickens to force war.  He refused to see the Peace Commissioners sent by the Confederate government to plead for – peace but through Seward and Judge Campbell he kept them deceived until war had been declared.  Abraham Lincoln did not want peace for he had promised coercion, which meant war.  He knew, too, that the South would never stand for his administration.

          What were those four expeditions he had already sent?  Mr. Johnstone’s Truth of the war Conspiracy of 1861(1) will tell you all about it.  Read it.  An armistice had been entered into between South Carolina and the United States government on 6 December 1860.  A similar armistice had been entered between Florida and the United States government on 29 January 1861.  These armistices agreed that the forts, Sumter and Pickens, should neither be garrisoned nor provisioned as long as these armistices continued in force.  Papers to this effect had been filed in the United States Army and Navy departments and Abraham Lincoln knew this – hence his secret orders.  To violate an armistice is a treacherous act of war.  This is acknowledged by all nations.  Before his inauguration Lincoln had sent a confidential message to General Winfield Scott to be ready, when his inauguration on 4 March 1861 should take place, to hold or retake the forts.(2) He had in mind then to break this armistice.  One of the agreements of an armistice was that no person, friend or foe, could visit the forts while the terms of the armistice were in force.  President Lincoln sent Lieutenant Worden with a secret message to Captain Adams at fort Pickens.  This was an act of a spy.

On March 12th, President Lincoln directed Montgomery Blair, one of his Cabinet, to telegraph to G. V. Fox to come to Washington to arrange for reinforcing Fort Sumter. Fox was sent on March 15th and arranged with Anderson for reinforcement.  This was an act of a spy.  Lamon had also been sent secretly to Charleston to confer with Anderson.  This was also the act of a spy.

          On March 29th, Abraham Lincoln ordered three ships with 300 men and provisions to be ready to go to Fort Sumter – all orders were marked private. On April 1st, he sent a secret message to the Commandant at Navy Yard in Brooklyn, New York to fit out the Powhatan without delay.  In this message, he said, “You will under no circumstances communicate to the Navy Department this fact.(3)  A fourth expedition was secretly sent to Pensacola [In Florida of all places. CLM) under Lieutenant Porter on April 7th on which date the three vessels were directed to go to Fort Sumter.  On the same day, President Lincoln directed Seward to say to the Peace Commissioners, “no design to reinforce Fort Sumter.”  In short, there were four expeditions ordered to garrison and provision Forts Sumter and Pickens while the armistice was yet in force.  Not until sufficient time had elapsed to suppose that the vessels had landed were the PEACE Commissioners informed of these facts.

          Fortunately, a storm delayed some of the ships.  When the Confederate government was informed of this treachery, permission was given to General Beaugard to demand the surrender of Fort Sumter.  Anderson was ordered to surrender the fort.  He refused until he could receive orders from the United States authorities.  General Beauregard sent word that unless the fort was surrendered within a certain time, it would be fired upon.  It was not and the shot was fired, and the war began.  Who was responsible?  No one but Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, who on his own authority, without the consent of Cabinet or Congress, declared war by breaking the armistice agreed upon and forcing the Confederate troops to fire.  This is the truth of the matter as the War Records at Washington reveal it.(4)  Hallam, in his Constitutional History, rightly says: “The aggressor in war is not the first that uses force, but the first who renders force necessary.”  President Lincoln sent a note to each member of the Cabinet asking advice about holding Fort Sumter.  Two may be said to have voted for it.  Blair favored it; Chase was doubtful.  He said, “I will oppose any attempt to reinforce Fort Sumter, if it means war.”  However, the others decidedly  voted against it.  Notice that Lincoln did not call a Cabinet meeting and he did not call his Congress.  Why?  He knew that neither would favor war.  Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, said: “There was not a man in the Cabinet that did not know that an attempt to reinforce Sumter would be the first blow of war.”  And again he said: “Of all the Cabinet Blair only is in favor of reinforcing Sumter.”  William Seward, Secretary of State, said: “Even preparation to reinforce will precipitate war.  I would instruct Anderson to return from Sumter.”  General Braxton Bragg said: “They have placed an engineer officer at Fort Pickens to violate, as I consider, our agreement not to reinforce.”  Hosmer, in his History of the American Nation wrote: “The determination expressed by Lincoln in his Inaugural Address to hold, occupy and possess the property and places belonging to the United States precipitated the outbreak, and his determination to collect duties and imports was practically an announcement of an offensive war.”  The New York Express said: The people petitioned and pleaded, begged and implored Lincoln and Seward to be heard before matters were brought to a bloody extreme, but their petitions were spurned and treated with contemp.”(6) In The Opening of the Twentieth Century, these words are found: “The war was inaugurated by the North on an unconstitutional basis, and defended on an unconstitutional basis.”  The New York Herald stated: “We have no doubts Mr. Lincoln wants the Cabinet at Montgomery (Alabama) to take the initiative by capturing the two forts in its waters, for it would give him the opportunity of throwing upon the Southern Confederacy the responsibility of commencing hostilities.  But the country and posterity will hold him just as responsible as if he struck the first blow.”(7) Again the New York Herald stated: “Unless Mr. Lincoln’s Administration makes the first demonstration and attack, President Davis says there will be no bloodshed.  With Mr. Lincoln’s Administration, therefore, rests the responsibility of precipitating a collision, and the fearful evils of protracted war.”(8) Governor Moore of Alabama Said: “I have had a conference with Secretary Mallory of Florida, and Secretary Fitzpatrick of Alabama, in which they informed me that they and Secretary Slidell had a personal interview with the President and the Secretary of the Navy and were assured by them that no attack upon Fort Sumter and Fort Pickens or any excuse given for the shedding of blood during the present administration.”  Stephen Douglas Said: “Lincoln is trying to plunge the country into a cruel war as the surest means of destroying the Union upon the plea of enforcing the laws and protecting public property.”  Zack Chandler wrote to Governor Blair: “The manufacturing states think a war will be awful, but without a little blood-letting the Union will not be worth a curse.”(9) Benjamin Williams, of Lowell, Massachusetts, said: “The South was invaded and a war of subjugation was begun by the Federal government against the seceding states in amazing disregard of the foundation principle of its existence – AND THE South accepts the contest forced upon her with a courage characteristic of this proud-spirited people.”  Hortons  History states: “The first gun of  the war was the gun put into that war fleet that sailed against Charleston.  The first gun fired at Fort Sumter  was the first gun in self-defense.  This is the simple fact stripped of all nonsense with which it has been surrounded by abolitionists.(10.)  J. D. Holland writes: “Up to the fall of Sumter Lincoln had no basis for action.  If he raised an army that would have been an act of hostility that would have been coercion.  A thousand Northern papers would have pounced on him as a provoker of war.  After Sumter fell he could declare war.”

          It is true many causes had led to the secession of the states, but none of these would have declared war.  The South did want war and the North did not want war, so Abraham Lincoln was responsible for the crisis that forced war in order to please his anti-South party . One cannot truthfully deny this - the facts of history prove it.  Mr. Lincoln had pledged his party, if elected he would, in case the Southern states seceded, coerce them back into the Union.”(12) General Donn Piatt said: “Lincoln’s low estimate of humanity blinded him to

the South.  He could not understand that men could fight for a principle.  He thought this movement on the part of the South was only a political game of bluff.  It was said, ‘The South Can’t fight, she has no resources.’ ”(13)   Hannibal Hamlin said; “If they fight they must come to us for arms, and they must come without money to pay for them.”  Lincoln tried in every way to quiet the fears of his constituents, but when the states did secede he remembered his promise to coerce.

          The leaders of the North, strong, just and brainy men, who while differing with the South along slavery, and other lines political and commercial, stood for the Constitution and stood by the decisions of the Supreme Court, and would never have taken up arms to coerce the Southern states.  But when the cry was raised, “The flag has been fired upon”, they felt that their refusal to enlist might misjudged, and many hired substitutes to take their place.  There was nothing said when said when the flag was fired upon on the Star of the West in Buchanan’s Administration.  It was simply an excuse of Lincoln’s to fire the men of the North to take up arms.  The following will show the spirit of the true men of the North at that time: “A committee was appointed to draw up resolutions to present to the Massachusetts Legislature when sectional feeling was at its height.  They calmly and deliberately weighed the arguments on the side of the [Southern only. CLM] slaveholders, and just as calmly and deliberately weighed those on the side of the Abolitionists.  Then they came to a conclusion and

said; ‘Nothing which is not founded upon the eternal principles of truth and justice can ever long prevail against an irresistible force of public disapprobation.  Your committee feel that the conduct of the Abolitionists is not only wrong in policy but erroneous in morals.’

          “Your committee are determined to fulfill their duty to the state and to our common country in the most firm and faithful manner.  In remembering that while they are men of Massachusetts, they are incapable of meanly forgetting that they also are Americans.”

          George Lunt said: “Abraham Lincoln was not the choice of the people of the North.  The Republican Party put him power, because he seemed to afford the prospect of more malleable material for their purposes.”(14)   This anti-South party wanted a man from the lower class to humiliate the upper class.  The lower class voted for him because they were of his class, and the lower class are glorifying him today [wow..shades of the naacp. CLM] because they sympathize with him.

          Lincoln hated the aristocrats, whether they were slaveholders or not.  This statement has been denied, but a man who headed the list of subscribers to John Brown ‘s raid in Kansas and Virginia, advocating murder and arson, who telegraphed congratulations to Sherman, Sheridan, Grant, and Hunter for cruel treatment of women and children, who stood for destroying all food supplies, leaving both White and Black to starve, who allowed the women of New Orleans, Louisiana to be treated with such indignity by the order of [spoons] Benjamin Butler, and who allowed Negro troops to guard and fire upon Southern prisoners, could not have had love abounding hate in his heart for the South.(16)   Nor could a man who advocated Parson Brownlow for the Governor of a Southern state, after hearing his New York speech, love the people he wished to put him in to rule over.  This is what he said: “If I had the power I would arm every wolf, panther, catamount and tiger in the mountains of America; every negro in the Southern Confederacy, and every devil in hell and turn them on the rebels in the South.  I would like to see Richmond and Charleston captured by negro troops commanded by Butler the Beast and driven inti the Gulf of Mexico to be drowned as the devils did the hogs in the Sea of Galilee” (LONG AND LOUD APPLAUSE. Emphasis supplied by CLM)   And after, when he was made Governor of Tennessee, he said: “If I could I would divide the army going South into three divisions. 1st, with knives to do the killing; 2nd, with torches dipped in spirits of turpentine to do the burning; and 3rd, with compasses to divide the land.”

          Had Abraham Lincoln forgotten his Inaugural address of March, 1861?  “The republican Party placed on the platform for my acceptance and as a law to themselves and me, the clear and resolution which I now read: ‘Resolved: that the maintenance of the rights of the states, and especially the right of each state to order and control its own domestic institutions, according to its own judgement exclusively, is essential to that balance of power in which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend: and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed forces of the soil of any state, or territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes.’‘ these messages of congratulations for lawless invasion of the South by armed forces make Abraham Lincoln a criminal by his own definition.



1. Curryville, Georgia;

2. Letter from Abraham Lincoln to Hon. E. B. Washburn, dated Springfield, Ill., 21 December 1860;

3. War of The Rebellion Records, Volume IV, p. 109;

4. Series 1, Volume IV, pages 90-259;

5. Volume XX, page 20;

6. 15 April 1861;

7. 6 April 1861.

8. 7 April 1861;

9. Quoted by S. D. Carpenter, the logic of history (1864), page 138;

10. Page 109.

11.Life of Lincoln (1865).

12. The Makers of America, page 270;

13. Reminiscences of Lincoln;

14. George Lunt, Chairman;

15. Origins of the late war (1866)


  (“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.  It’s just a goddam piece of paper.” ) George W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by


Copied by: Chester L McWhorter Sr, 504 N. Brighton Rd, Lecanto, Occupied Florida, USPLC 34461-9533

For Southern Independence (F S I), God Will Vindicate (Deo Vindice), Remember PEARL HARBOR!!!!


 Remember the Alamo.     Rem. The 1st WW. (WILSON’S WAR)   WW II Roosavelet’s.  Korea, Johnson’s war.  Viet Nam, Nixon’s War.

Iran, Carter’s WAR.   G. H. W. BUSH  PANAMA.   G. H. W. Bush Again, Iraq # 1; Johnson’s Pueblo ship & Egypt.  G. W. Bush, Afganistan and Iraq again.

  The World Trade Center w/a loss of live exceeding 3,000.  (We are a warlike bunch, aren’t we?)