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Has Washington ever had courageous leadership?


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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 10:59 AM
Subject: Has Washington ever had courageous leadership?
You just have to go back in history a few hundred years for proof

America's staggering national deficit isn't just about dollars; we’re suffering a scarcity of inspiring leadership too. While you'd be hard-pressed to find any in Washington, D.C., you’ll encounter rare strength and character on the pages of the remarkable new—yet again—book, "Life of Washington."

Life of Washington

This month marks the 210th anniversary of George Washington's death. And this book was originally published in 1842. But its story of Washington's sense of purpose, love of liberty, deep reverence for God and today perhaps more timely than ever.

The young republic that Washington proved so vital in founding is very different today. As economic anxiety spreads, the federal government expands, recently wrapping its tentacles ever-tighter around the health care system. As our Christian heritage is denied, mocked and attacked, daily headlines, streams of statistics and countless personal anecdotes chronicle society's unraveling. Against this Everest of evidence it's helpful to read how the role of faith in God — and faithful men like Washington—fortified America's founding.

First published 168 years ago by the American Sunday School Union, Anna C. Lee, the niece of a signer of the Declaration of Independence, authored the "Life of Washington." Originally translated into more than 20 languages, it ranked among the most widely read biographies of Washington during this time.

Lee documents:

  • Washington's unique faith-filled life forged from childhood to his final moments

  • Accounts of his devotion to biblical values and honoring the Creator

  • Events that shaped his life, his faith and his tireless commitment to humble public service.

You’ll enjoy ample examples of Washington’s oration—recorded in early British spelling and grammar—such gems as:

  • (Addressing Revolutionary soldiers): "The fate of unknown millions will depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Let us rely on the goodness of our cause, and the aid of the Supreme Being, in whose hands victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble actions."

  • (Directive to the chaplain after peace was achieved): "Render thanks to Almighty God for all his mercies, particularly for his overruling the wrath of man to his own glory; and causing the rage of war to cease among the nations."

  • (In a letter to a friend): "The good citizen will look beyond the applauses and reproaches of men, and, persevering in duty, stand firm in conscious rectitude, in the hope of approving Heaven."
  • Get "Life of Washington" from WND's Superstore.

    Originally published in 1842 by ASSU

The book's beauty extends beyond the eloquence of its written word. Its hardcover vintage design looks weathered. The cover is crafted from texture that appears well-worn and is soft to the touch. The inside pages feature a rough, slightly uneven cut to mirror the common outcome of early bookbinding ventures.

"Life of Washington," and its exploration of the depth and devotion of our first president, is not only an excellent history lesson, it's hopefully a helpful guide to our future — and a step toward restoring among our citizens and our leaders the principles, prayerfulness, and godly perspective that made America great.

"It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."
George Washingon, Farewell Address, 1796