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The Discovery of America

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----- Original Message -----
From: DD
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 5:34 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

I\'m thrilled that some of the truth is coming out about the Q and the Pope. History buffs will know that "Conquest & Discovery" did not occur with the infamous "Columbus." In 1294 there were 26 ships arrived on North American (Merica) soil from Scotland. Many of the same ships returned with American Natives who were of the Dannite and Judah Bloodline. That\'s why 70% of all people in Scotland that swear their ancestors have never left Scottish soil bear Cherokee Bloodline DNA.

Much more can be said, for example, the "Declaration of Arbroath" was actually a contract, never rebutted, that stated that as long as 100 of "us" remain, we\'ll never succumb to the Pope.

Please encourage "Casper" to continue. There are many of us "waiting in the wings" to step up to the plate; believe it or not, many of us are quite qualified, not in the ways of the legal fiction of corporate enterprise, but in True Law. I, myself, am of the low branch of Judah (namesake) and direct descendant of Chief Moytoy, Emperor of North America, and also of the MacDuff Clan of Scotland at Fife.