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Germany, 1939; America, 2009; And Perverted Science

Sherwood Ross

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It has become commonplace for

Congress to ignore the public's yearnings for peace and to support the

Pentagon's now habitual wars of aggression.

Last November's anti-war vote

illustrates this disconnect between public opinion and public policy. War-weary

Americans went to the polls believing they were voting for peace but President

Obama has instead merely shifted the focus of military action from Iraq to

Afghanistan while planning to maintain a major garrison of 50,000 troops in

Iraq, hardly a "withdrawal."


U.S. taxpayers---who already

pay more for wars than the rest of the world combined---are not blood-thirsty.

They didn't want any war against Iraq to begin with and have long preferred

diplomacy to conflict.

In January, 2003,  a CBS News/New York Times poll found 63% of

Americans wanted President Bush to find a diplomatic solution to the Iraq

crisis compared with just 31% who wanted to intervene militarily.

This great

cry for peace, not war, arose despite a shower of lies from the White House

that Saddam Hussein threatened America with WMD.

As for Afghanistan, a CNN/Opinion Research

Corp. poll last February, showed 5l% of respondents opposed to the war in Afghanistan, compared to 47% in favor. Yet,

President Obama is plunging ahead against the majority and mindless of the cost

to a tottering domestic economy starved for good jobs, good housing, good

education, good medical care, and good credit.

Contrast President Obama's

attitude with President Franklin Roosevelt's careful reading of public opinion

in the Thirties that caused him to go slow even in aiding countries threatened

by Hitler. FDR never did help the embattled Loyalist government in Madrid fight

the insurgent generals led by Franco and their Nazi allies. And he moved slowly

coming to Britain's aid before providing "lend lease" to London. FDR

consistently acted in concert with public opinion, reading the lips of an

"isolationist" public that did not want

to get embroiled in a second European war in 20 years.

The actions of Presidents Bush

and Obama that run contrary to public opinion are not unique to America. This

disconnect between public and presidential desire recalls the opposition of

what likely was a majority of the German people to Hitler in 1939, people who

feared to stand up to Hitler and were led to their doom by their Nazi leaders.

A joke Germans told at the time asked: "Hitler, Goebbels, and Goering were in a

plane that crashed and they were all killed. Who was saved?" The answer:


 Back in 1938, ordinary

Germans feared Hitler's aggressiveness would lead to war. Commentator William

Shirer, who covered Germany for CBS, wrote in his "Berlin Diary" on Sept. 27,

1938, that when a motorized column paraded through the streets after a Hitler

speech, Berliners didn't both to watch but crowded into the subways to go home.

They "refused to look on" and "the handful that did at the curb (stood) in

utter silence unable to find a word of cheer for the flower of youth going off

to the glorious war."

Hitler, Shirer recalled,

stood on his balcony "and there weren't two hundred people in the street or in

the great square of the Wilhelmsplatz. Hitler looked grim, then angry, and soon

went inside, leaving his troops to parade by unreviewed." Two hundred onlookers

in a city of five million souls! Shirer said what he saw rekindled his faith in

the German public because "They are dead set against war." They were right to

be, of course. By the time the war was over, Germany lost 5.5-million men and

1.5-million civilians.

The Pentagon recognizes

Americans today do not want war, and has devised ways to circumvent the

anti-war movement. There are no conscriptions as during Viet Nam. Military recruiters are squeezing every enlistment they can out of low-income and minority communities, targeting youth who couldn't otherwise find jobs. Today's oil wars are being fought partly by

contractors to hold down official military casualties. The Pentagon is also

buying good will by farming out billions in biological warfare research to

colleges and universities.

The challenge to Americans today

is as formidable as that faced by the German people of 1939. We have a moral

obligation to stop the Warfare State.

The robot planes now swooping

down on Afghanistan and Pakistan are but crude harbingers of future Pentagon

technology that will employ weapons of increasing sophistication directed by

remote operators seated at surveillance systems like video gamesters. These

operators may employ a variety of ever more lethal and/or incapacitating

weapons---ranging from guided missiles to tungsten poles hurled down from space

platforms at supersonic speeds to destroy victims. Moreover, the Pentagon is

pouring over a trillion dollars into new research to refine its sophisticated

killing systems. And what may be used on foreigners, may also be used on


Thus it has come to pass that

the nation that gave the world such brilliant inventions as the electric light,

airplane, phonograph, telegraph, movies, automobile assembly line, and

telephone(all developed at private expense by private enterprise) now sags under the weight of a government war

machine that pays fine scientific minds to work at the Devil's Bench. In his

famous address of June 18, 1940, Winston Churchill denouncing Hitler spoke

words that sadly apply to America's Pentagon today: "But if we fail, then the

whole world...will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more

the lights of a perverted science."

If the American people do not

stop the Pentagon war machine, like the German public before them under

Hitler they will bear a heavy responsibility for the ensuing calamities caused

by their inaction. #


(Sherwood Ross is a

Miami-based public relations consultant for non-profits who formerly worked for

the Chicago Daily News and wire services. To contact him or contribute to his

Anti-War News Service:

Author's Bio: Sherwood Ross has worked as a publicist for Chicago; as a reporter for the Chicago Daily News and workplace columnist for Reuters. He has also been a media consultant to colleges, law schools, labor unions, and to the editors of more than 100 national magazines. A civil rights activist, he was News Director for the National Urban League, a talk show host at WOL Radio, Washington, D.C., and holds an award for "best spot news coverage" for Chicago radio stations for civil rights reporting. He is the author "Gruening of Alaska,"(Best Books)and several plays about Japan during World War II, including "Baron Jiro," and "Yamamoto's Decision," read at the National Press Club, where he is a member. His favorite quotations are from the Sermon on The Mount.