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Who Really Assassinated JFK? (Updated Jan. 28, 2009)

Charles Neill

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 Who Really Assassinated JFK ?


           A conspiracy to murder the President was in operation in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

           As Stone and others pointed out, if Oswald was not just a "lone assassin", then there are

           others still free and the case is not closed.  Logically, if Oswald acted alone, and then

           Ruby killed him acting alone, which the Warren Commission says they did, why should

           there be any point to the Commission withholding this vital data from the American

           public for twenty-five years ?  Who are they protecting and why?          2.


           I believe that anyone with average intelligence will soon conclude that a conspiracy

           existed, involving both Communist and government-employed individuals to carry out the

           murder of the President of the United States.  Another conspiracy existed within the

           Warren Commission to cover up details and deliberately alter vital photographs causing

           them to be printed as authentic in Life Magazine and other publications.  This was done

           to keep from the public the very identity of the actual murderer, who at the time of the

           Warren Commission Hearings, had not been arrested.  The two conspiracies are in fact

           one in the same.        2.


           It must be remembered that the Warren Report was the conclusion of the Warren

           Commission alleged to have been based on the evidence which was uncovered during the

           Hearings.  The complete text of these Hearings fills 26 volumes of testimony by hundreds

           of witnesses. Further, the Warren Report was the unanimous conclusion of all members of

           this bi-partisan panel.  There was no dissenting opinions which is rather unique.

           Remember that the Congress, Senate, FBI, CIA, and Secret Service already had

           Professional investigative agencies established.  One of these should have been assigned

           to do this important task instead of a quickly formed panel of amateurs.


           Note: There is a tree full of foliage just behind the agents on the right side of the second

                    car. This tree is interposed between the Presidential car and Oswald's position on

                    the 6th floor of the Book Depository. The plain fact is that this tree obscures

                    Oswald's line of sight at the very moment that the first bullets had to have been

                    fired !  This fact is established in the Warren Report on page 98.


           It is interesting that Communist Oswald renounced his American citizenship and went to

           Live in the Soviet Union. Few Americans have given up their citizenship, but how many

           have you heard of that were accepted from America into the Soviet Union?  Oswald chose

           to live in Minsk, the same city where the Soviet Secret Police, Unit 13, maintain their

           school for assassins.  While there, Oswald fell in love and married a Soviet national, a girl

           who happened to live with her uncle, a KGB Colonel.  Some time later, Communist

           Oswald, now a family man with child, left the Soviet Union for America.  Here is a

           Communist who is no longer an American citizen by personal choice and is permitted to

           come here and bring two Soviet nationals, his wife and child, with him.  Have you ever

           heard of any other two Soviet citizens being so lucky back in those days?  He traveled in




                                                                                                                                    Page 2


           America with no means of support close to the amount of money he was spending.  He

           also decided to settle in Dallas, a city well known for it high proportion of patriotic, anti-

           Communist Americans.  Luckily, he managed to secure a low income job in a building

           overlooking the President's route weeks before it had been made public.  How in the

           world did he know exactly where he was supposed to be?  No one seems to ask that

           question. Oswald’s monetary needs were met by a special State Department loan,

           personally cleared by the Secretary of State, Dean Rusk.  Rusk had always been in the

           Marxist movements around the world.  Rusk, according to the House Committee on Un-

           American Activities, Appendix Part 9, was a Director of the Communist Front known as

           the "Institute for Pacific Relations."


           The FBI has a secret, subversive section know as cointelpro.  Most local agents are

           Unaware of this section in the FBI since cointelpro operates in areas without clearing their

           Activities with the local offices.  Oswald was a member of cointelpro.  He was a paid

           agent in this group and had an identification number of S-172.  He had on his possession a

           little black book. [Warren Hearings, Volume 5, pages 242-243], which contained the

           phone number and license tag of his FBI handler, James Hosty, a name which may have

           been an alias.  Oswald had played his role as a decoy perfectly even though he was not

           the major participant in the murder.  Oswald's FBI file was delivered to the Commission,

           but the staff members were not allowed to see it.  No independent examination of it was

           ever made.


           Communist Oswald had gone to basic training with the U. S. Marine Corps.  He was

           Familiar with military rifles and their use.  Yet, instead of buying a rifle he was familiar

           with through his Marine Corps training, he bought a mail order carbine, a short barrel,

           inaccurate weapon designed for close combat situations.  He chose from Kleins Sporting

           Goods catalog an internationally known piece of junk, a vintage 6.5 mm Mannlicher

           Carcano Italian carbine that costs $12.88!  Come on, no one is that much of a fool.  It is a

           clumsy, long stroke, bolt action (not semi-automatic) that would be especially awkward

           for any left-hander as Oswald was.  This weapon would not be up to the job of killing the

           President from that range.  I would have selected a semi-automatic sniper rifle capable of

           putting out many bullets in a short time such as the U.S. M-1 Garand.


           Fortunately, two people managed to take pictures which disprove the Warren Commission

           theory, and shoot holes in the theory of the now-famous movie "JFK".


           Now, lets examine the 8mm movie by Abraham Zapruder.  On the south side of Elm

           Street, there is a man who appears to be in the stance of a pistol marksman in two

           successive frames.  At the very edge of the frame, do you see a man wearing a hat and a

           black coat ?  His right hand is up and his elbow cocked as though ready to draw down

           and aim a pistol.  There is a slight bend in the knees as he appears ready to begin his




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           aiming routine.  Notice there is a woman with her back to the motorcade who is stepping

           up onto the curb in front of the man in the black coat.  She is probably trying to get out of

           the way of the motorcycle policemen.  In the next frame, the man in black is in a slightly

           crouched position, now he has his arm extended toward the Presidential car.  He has just

           finished shooting the first of what I believe to be a burst of four shots from a automatic

           machine pistol.  The woman seems to be falling.  This poor woman walked right in the

           path of the bullets from this gunman's machine pistol, and was hit by one or more of

           them! Did you ever hear of a woman being killed in Dealey Plaza that day?  It is one of

           the best kept secrets of the Warren Commission.  His weapon had a silencer screwed on

           the end of the barrel and even "smokeless" gun powder.  A second pistol is very probably

           in his left hand.           2.


           Agent Bennett stated that he heard the sound of firecrackers just before the shooting

           started.  Spent firecrackers were found near the front entrance of the Book Depository

           which is below Oswald's window.  The firing of the machine pistol by the man in black

           began only seconds after the diversionary noise began.  Evidence seems to prove that the

           man in black waited for it.  The Secret Service agents were looking toward the Book

           Repository in the Altgens photograph.  Certainly many of the spectators did so soon

           after and would have not seen the man in black in operation.  These firecrackers held

           their attention just long enough for the man in black to complete his mission.


           The man in black was standing just a few yards from the Presidential target calmly

           firing a series of bursts of shots from his silenced machine pistol as these motorcycle

           officers rode by.  The first was a burst of four shots.  The first hit his target in the chest.

           The second hit him in the neck.  The third hit him in the forehead blowing out the right

           rear of his head and slamming his head backwards at the same time.  The third or forth

           hit the lady who walked in front of him, and sprayed blood and flesh all over Officer

           Martin. The forth also hit a man on the street in front of the Book Repository according

           to witness Carolyn Walter in Volume 6, page 294.  Many witnesses testified as to the

           noise of a "burst of shots" or a "flurry of shots."  The second burst was 5 shots.  Bullet

           #5 hit the inside of the window shield of the drivers side cracking the glass, Volume

           16, page 945.  Bullet #6 - hit the windshield chrome, Vol. 16, p. 946.  Bullet #7 - hit the

           sign, Vol. 16, p. 19-24.  Bullet #8 - hit the motorcycle officer on the far side of the

           motorcade, Vol. 18, p. 763, and vol. 19, p. 535. Bullet #9 - known as the Koolade

           bullet, vol. 6, p. 212.  The third burst was three shots. Bullet #10 - Right shoulder / chest.

           Vol. 6, p. 19.  Bullet #11 - Right wrist as found in Vol 6, p. 92. Bullet #12 - Left thigh,

           as recorded in Vol 6, p. 90.  The forth burst was two shots. Bullet #13 - hit child on the

           north side of Elm Street, Vol 11, p. 218. Bullet #14 - hit man named John Wiseman, Vol.

           19, p. 535.  The fifth burst was three shots. Bullet #15 - Hit his hair but missed the head.

           Bullet #16 - Hit the back of his head and was the fatal bullet if you reject Parkland and

           accept the Bethesda autopsy. Bullet #17 - hit "the Boss" in the right shoulder.  Secret




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           service agents Hickey and Bennett saw the bullets hit, Vol. 24, p. 542.  The sixth burst

           was four shots. Bullet #18 p hit the pavement of Elm Street, Vol. 6, p. 221. Bullet #19 –

           hit pavement at left of the Presidential car (Skelton testimony, Vol. 6, p. 238). Bullet #20

           – hit the turf near the overpass and was discovered by Patrolman Foster, Vol. 6, p. 252.

           Bullet #21 - hit the curb of Main Street near the underpass, a fragment hit Mr. James

           Tague in the cheek, Vol. 7, p. 552.


           Was Communist Oswald stupid, or did he have a far different role to play in the Dallas

           Conspiracy?  Could his role have been that of a decoy - a man who could be rather easily

           captured so that the real triggerman could get away?        2.


           The actual assassin was Georges Von Mohrenskold, aka, Georges Sergei De

           Morenschildt.  His CIA code name during his assignment was "Saul" and "Troit".  We

           know that Von Mohrenskold was a wealthy, cultured White Russian who traveled in the

           highest financial and social circles.  At the very same time, he was a known friend and

           mentor to Lee Harvey Oswald.  Oswald even used De Morenschildt as a reference for a

           job.  In pre-revolutionary Russia, De Morenschildt was a Russian Count.  His uncle

           Ferdinand, married the daughter of William Gibbs McAdoo who was then Chairman of

           the Federal Reserve Bank! McAdoo was President Wilson's Secretary of the Treasury,

           and helped put through both the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Income Tax. 

           McAdoo married President Wilson's daughter on May 7, 1914.  One of his daughters by

           this marriage, Elinor Wilson McAdoo, married Ferdinand Von Mohrenskold, who was the

           uncle of the man in black.  McAdoo was a partner with Paul Warburg in the bank that

           handled Rothschild money to finance the Russian Revolution.  He knew how to play chess

           and polo, knew when to wear a black tie to an evening function, and circulate in the

           highest circles of society and the diplomatic corps.  He was a crack shot with a pistol in

           either hand and had been a CIA "black bag man" in the past.  He was trained as a

           petroleum engineer with a Masters degree. We know that he was given a CIA contract on

           the President at the Hotel Ibolele in Port of Prince, Haiti in May 1963.  He had gone there,

           supposedly and as a cover, on oil business on behalf of some Texas oil people and his tie

           to George Bush and the Zapata Operation at the time of the thwarted Cuban Bay of Pigs

           invasion, can be established.


           De Morenschildt admitted to a friend, Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans, that he was

           involved in the Dallas Conspiracy.  He was a close friend, some say a lover, of Mrs. Hugh

           Archincloss, the former Janet Bouvier, who is none other then the mother of Jackie

           Bouvier Kennedy, the wife of the man we knew as John Fitzgerald Kennedy.      2.


           In a Nov. 29, 1963 memo from J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI to the U.S. State Dept.,

           the "George Bush connection" was mentioned.  In the memo, Hoover stated while Lee





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           Harvey Oswald was in custody, the FBI's Dallas special agent W. T. Forsythe briefed

           "Mr. George Bush of the C.I.A." about "problems" related with the assassination.

           This startling memo was released to the public that had been previously stamped and

           classified "Top Secret."  The bulk of documentation regarding the Kennedy assassination

           still remains under lock and key.        1. (pg 62) and 2.


           Mr. De Morenschildt died from a shotgun wound to the head on March 29, 1977 at about

           2:21 P.M. at Palm Beach, Florida and it was ruled a suicide.  This was so he could not

           testify to the House Committee on Assassinations that began its hearings in 1977.    2.


           Oswald told the truth; 1. he did not kill anyone, 2. his hands were checked for nitrates

           which showed he had not fired a weapon that day and 3. he was framed.    2.


           Also note that somehow another "lone assassin" managed to get through tight security at

           the Dallas police station at just the right moment to be filmed on nation-wide T.V. so

           everyone could see how the first "lone assassin" has been killed.  No conspiracy could

           have done a better job of eliminating the chief suspect before he could talk.   2.


           Since there appears to have been at least two persons involved in the murder, Oswald and

           his mentor, the man in black, Georges De Morenschildt, then a conspiracy to kill the

           President has been established.  Since two vital photographs have been changed by

           Persons other than Oswald or De Morenschildt, then the fact of a conspiracy to deceive

           the American people has also been established.       2.



            NOTE:  There was high mortality rate among those Americans who learned too much:


                1. Dorothy Kilgallen (reporter) - dies after an interview with Jack Ruby.  Her autopsy

                    took eight days.

                2. Mrs. Earl T. Smith: close friend of Dorothy dies of undetermined cause 2 days later.

                3. Earlene Roberts: had last interview with Oswald, died of a "heart attack" on 1/9/66.

                4. Rose Cheramie: age 40, worked with Jack Ruby, was killed Mafia style by a hit-and-

                    run driver on highway near Big Sandy, Texas on Sept. 4, 1965. Ruled an accident.

                5. Hank Killam: whose wife worked with Jack Ruby, was hounded by Federal

                    authorities and had his throat cut on March 17, 1964.

                6. Robert Perrin: whose wife worked with Jack Ruby, died of "voluntarily taking


                7. Betty MacDonald: who worked for Jack Ruby was found hanged in a Dallas jail cell

                    on February 14, 1964.  

                8. Bill Hunter: who interviewed Jack Ruby's lawyer, died of strange circumstances.





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                9. James Koethe: was present in the above interviews, died of a karate chop to the

                    throat on September 21, 1964.

               10. Delilah White: age 27, who worked for Jack Ruby, and was writing a book, was

                     shot and killed by her husband of only 24 days.

               11. David Ferrie, a sodomite, was the pilot friend of Oswald and Ruby, died of "natural

                     causes" after leaving two suicide notes on Feb. 22, 1967.

               12. Eladio Cerefine de Valle: Ferrie's friend, age 43, coincidentally was killed in

                     Florida with a machete on the same day that Ferrie died.

               13. Mary Stults Sherman: cared for David Ferrie, was stabbed to death and her body

                     burned in her apartment on July 21, 1964.

               14. Lt. Paul Dyer: a policeman who knew too much and would not keep his mouth shut

                     was the first of many "cancer victims" and passed away at age 33 on Feb. 23, 1965.

               15. Capt. Frank Martin: (the Dallas Police) made the mistake of hinting in his testimony

                     that there was more to be told and "died of cancer", age 56, on June 16, 1966.

               16. Gary Underhill, a former CIA agent who claimed to know who was responsible for

                     the Dallas murder was found shot to death. It was reported as a suicide. He was 48.

               17. William Waters: age 32, died of a "suicide" in a Memphis jail on May 20, 1967.

                     Walters had taken an "over-dose" of Demerol, according to police, but there was no

                     autopsy, a convenient bureaucratic oversight.  He had called the FBI just after the

                     murder in Dallas to provide some information.  He was told he knew too much and

                     to keep his mouth shut.  When he did not, he was confined to a Memphis jail for

                     eight months on a "misdemeanor charge."

               18. William H. Cooper: was found shot to death in his bedroom of his apartment on

                     Oct. 16, 1974 as reported by a Baton Rouge, Louisiana newspaper.  He was a

                     private investigator.  He was actively investigating the Dallas Conspiracy for ten

                     years. He was close to proving that the murder was ordered and directed "by certain

                     individuals in the U. S. Intelligence community." Observe: Cooper shot himself in

                     the right temple, transferred the .38 revolver to his left hand, wiped it clean of

                     fingerprints, placed it on the bed beside him - all in a split second before he died.

                     The Coroner's report states that the bullet through the brain killed him instantly.


           We know that Kennedy had represented the Rothschild or Zionist wing of the world

           socialists, who compete for power with the Rockefeller branch. Johnson and the CIA

           represent the Rockefeller side. Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush are all on the

           Rockefeller side.


           Haven't the Communists and their friends, such as Earl Warren and George Bush, been

           insisting for forty years that no such conspiracy exists ?  If gullible Americans were to  

           learn that their beloved President had been murdered as part of some Communist

           conspiracy, they might insist that their government stop trade and financial aid to  

           Communist dictators. If the American people had ever found out that a Communist had




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           been a party to this murder, they might have triggered another round of "McCarthyism."

           Americans might demand a Congressional investigation of the Communist penetration

           into high levels of the Federal Government, especially the State Dept. and the Warren

           Commission did not want that to happen.  Neither did they want the involvement of

           American CIA intelligence operatives known either.  Thus the only alternative -- logic,

           physics, and physical evidence to the contrary -- "Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone."    


           If an investigation were done, it would eventually lead back to the Jews and their ties to

           Marxist activities and the "global conspiracy" in Zionism, through their various agents

           and cover groups such as the Illuminati, to takeover Christian America.     2.


           The Mossad, the Israeli spy agency equivalent of our CIA, has infiltrated the U.S. CIA,

           and for all intents and purposes, runs our CIA from behind the scenes, as former President

           John Kennedy found out when he attempted to disassemble the CIA in 1963 because of

           in-subordination by the Israeli double agents working inside that organization.

          To put it bluntly, Kennedy's head was blown off on television for the whole world to see,

          as a warning to any future president who might even think about resisting the aims of


          Other reasons Kennedy was shot are:


1)      He had signed a bill to print U.S. Treasury bills (as the Constitution requires) rather   

than Federal Reserve Notes (what we are using now) which would have eliminated the Federal Reserve Banking system, a Central bank which is necessary for Israel to control the U.S. money supply.  Look who owns and runs the Federal Reserve Banking system - Alan Greenspan and the other Wall Street Banker whose allegiance is to Israel and a One World Government instead of an allegiance to America. (A Central Bank is one of the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto)

By the way, the Federal Reserve Bank is NOT Federally owned. It is named "Federal" to deliberately mislead you.  The Federal Reserve Bank is PRIVATELY owned, it has NO

"Reserves", and it is unconstitutional and therefore illegal.  It is solely responsible for our

"National Debt" which is fraudulent and criminal!      3.


           John F. Kennedy versus The Federal Reserve.  On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown

           Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically

           strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal

           Government at interest.  With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the

           privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business.      4.




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           2)  Kennedy had also signed an order to get the U.S. out of Vietnam. This angered the

           same group of bankers who make money off of wars by one group funding one side of the

           war and another group funding the other side of the war - so they ALL make money.

           Besides, the war was demoralizing our country which greatly pleased these bankers,

           whose allegiance is NOT to America, but to International Jewry - and the ushering in of  

           a One World Government.

           3)  Bobby Kennedy, the U.S. Attorney General and the President's brother, was

           imprisoning and deporting high level members of the Mafia, which was (and is) run NOT

           by the Italians, but by Jews.  At that time, Meyer Lansky was the Mob leader, and

           remember the movie "Bugsy Siegel"?  The name Siegel is NOT Italian.

           Those are just a few of the motives for assassinating President Kennedy.  For more

           information on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, read the book “Final

           Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy”.      3.

We have one primary example of just one President who turned against the Illuminati once   he was in office; his name was President John F. Kennedy.  Consider these facts, against the backdrop that Kennedy was assassinated in November, 1963:

         Spring, 1963:  President Kennedy announced that he was going to withdraw American forces from the Vietnam War.  September, 1963:  President Kennedy announced that he would have 1,000 "American boys" home by Christmas.

President Kennedy was planning to use the powers of his office of the presidency to fully inform the American people of the Illuminati plan to enslave us, and only weeks later, he was assassinated.  However, his assassination was carried out according to the favorite number of the Illuminati, Eleven:

*  Kennedy was murdered during the 11th month [November]

*  Kennedy was murdered on the 22nd day [11 x 2]

*  Kennedy was murdered at the 33rd parallel [11 x 3]

*  Kennedy was murdered in the Masonic Dealey Plaza, the site of an old Masonic Lodge during the time of the Texas revolution designed to free Texas from Mexican control.

Kennedy was murdered with the accompanying signature of the Illuminati, just as surely as the Number 11 formed the Illuminist signature of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.        5.



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JFK was assassinated by the Illuminati for several obvious reasons and one not-so-obvious.  Let us begin with the obvious reason:  President Kennedy was planning to reverse the plan of the Illuminati to carry out the war in Vietnam.  I was a sophomore in high school at the time, and had been very active in politics for about three years; in the Spring of 1963, I heard JFK say that he was going to pull America out of Vietnam, and in the Fall, I heard Kennedy say that he would "have a thousand boys home by Christmas".  He was killed weeks later, on November 22 [the 11th month, 22nd day], at Dallas, Texas, which lies nearly exactly on the 33 rd parallel of the 33rd degree of latitude.  [Ibid.]

Further, JFK was killed in Masonic Dealey Plaza, the site of an original Masonic Lodge in the early days of Texas.  As David Icke notes, "Dealey Plaza is a mass of esoteric symbolism and is officially named after a 33rd Degree Freemason called George Bannerman Dealey ... Dealey Plaza is shaped like a pyramid with the capstone missing. The top is truncated by a railway bridge." [Icke, Ibid., p. 407]  Icke further says that Dealey Plaza was a outdoor Sun Temple [Ibid., p. 408], and his killing corresponded to the "ancient fertility oblation of the 'Killing of the King'." [Ibid.]

The not-so-obvious reason JFK was murdered would be known only to a dedicated Satanist and Freemason.  As Icke points out: "Kennedy was killed on November 22, 1963.  This date was the anniversary of the order, or papal bull, by Pope Clement V for the Knights Templar to be subjected to torture by the Dominican Inquisition.  It [the Papal Bull] was issued on November 22, 1307."  Thus, Icke believes that Freemasonry / Knights Templar finally exacted its long-awaited revenge by killing the only Roman Catholic President this country has ever had, on the anniversary date of the attack on Knights Templar, and in a specific satanic ritual called, "The Killing of the King".


To tell the world that the assassination of JFK was Illuminist, our government put an eternal flame at his grave site, as the above picture illustrates.  JFK's eternal flame was also in the middle of a circle, which carries a double Illuminist symbol -- a circle encircling a flame.  As Dr. Burn notes, the circle is derived from the Sun, and it symbolizes the pagan god [Burns, quoting Masonic author, J.S.M. Ward, Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods , London:  Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Company, Ltd., 1921, p. 30]



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Witches also use the circle drawn on the ground during ritual to "enforce demons to appear". [Burns, Ibid., p. 27].  Thus, a circle is a powerful Illuminist symbol, and is doubly powerful when a flame is in its middle.

These are the reasons President John F. Kennedy got an eternal flame at his gravesite.     6.





        1.  "Dark Majesty - The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of A Thousand Points

              of Light." Texe Marrs. Living Truth Publications. 1992. pgs. 47-48, 122


        2.  "Dallas Conspiracy" by Nord Davis Jr., April 1992. Northpoint Teams, P. O. Box 129,

              North Carolina 28781. April 1992 pgs. 5-11, 14-19.  


3.   “Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy” by Michael Collins Piper, Wolfe Press, Washington, D.C. ISBN: 0-935036-47-4.  Call American Free Press at 202-544-5977.

4.      Source:

5.      Source:

6.      Source:


Response to January 27, 2009  Posting: “Who Really Assassinated JFK” by Charles Neill



 The  subject of great drama is to show how a culture, or society tends to destroy itself. The characteristic of great classical drama is, it is never fiction, it is always based on either a legend which a society has, or on actual history. How one or more courageous individuals, in a doomed society, discover the principles of heroic action which transforms  that society to save itself.  The characteristics or tools  endowed to the U.S citizen, and the highly analytic assassination researcher, to bring closure to the most tragic event in this Republic’s history, has been an illusion, a total fabrication. If the answer to an equation or problem is already common fact, what are the variables or components that will prove or disprove  the final result. The great literary writer Edgar Allan Poe, revolutionized a method of intelligence gathering. Poe established a method of looking for what is “odd” or does not fit into the solution or reason.  Logic is an inferior method to reason and if the serious assassination student  is  to finally solve  the century old tiresome  question “Who Assassinated President Kennedy,” a real physical process must be understood. The most significant variable or evidence to determine “what is odd or does not fit into a reasonable  pattern, in regard to the coup de tat that occurred on November 22, 1963, would be the Zapruder  film, itself.  The film itself, is a fraud, as it has been edited or individual frames have been removed to protect the most hideous “black” op assassins this world has ever known. Some of the most important indicators that classify the Zapruder film as worthless, are the following:

  1. Unresponsive spectators, 2. Stemmons Freeway sign inconsistencies 3. missing limo stop and Greer(driver)backward head turn 4. disappearing blood spray( frame 313 and 314) 5. absence of tissue debris on the limo trunk 6. missing Connally “ left head turn” 
  2. Out of 486 total frames, there are at least 9 frames missing(including the last one,frame 486), and two others( frame 331 and 332) that are out of order.  When combing frames 330, 331 and 332 it will finalize that the Dal-Tex building rather than the Texas School Depository was where many of the shots originated.
  3. For the last time, Lee Harvey Oswald NEVER shot the President. A seven man hit team was sent to Pueblo, Mexico, where they underwent a rigorous period of training and rifle practice for two months. The rifles they were provided with were German-made Mauser sniper rifles capable of up to 1,200 yards of a accuracy( The old Manlicher rifle advertised on Life Magazine, is another fraud).


In closing, the intelligence community is taught, that the most secure way to keep an event hidden, is to place it in open view, when something that seems plausible, but upon close examination, it is not.



                                                                                                   George Karavelis


                                                                                                   January 28th, 2009