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Richard Kelly Hoskins

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Britain is part of the International Trade Cartel; the royal family figure heads - hired help. My own family's dealings with the cartel and their hired help has been anything but happy. 

The first Hoskins immigrant, Bartholomew, came to Jamestown in 1615 at the age of 15. His family sent him here because his brother was a protestant chaplain to a Catholic king, something not conducive to longevity. (The Protestants in ascendancy at this time were presbytery Protestants. Protestants are either episcopal or presbytery. Presbytery Protestants look on episcopal Protestants and episcopal Catholics as dunderheads, agents of earthly masters and obedient to their whims; relying on them instead of the WORD to tell them what to believe. Their most recent belief is whatever their most recent master tells them to believe. Episcopals boast of their continuity while Presbyterians see their belief system spinning like a barn top weathervein. Presbyterians stoutly maintain that unlike the masters of episcopal man, the WORD which is God never changes and that every man is a priest appointed by God and responsible directly to the WORD.) Logic dictated that if the older brother was killed the family would still exist in Virginia. 

Young Bartholomew landed at Jamestown, moved to the wilds of Norfolk County, and when he got older, secured land patents in Northumberland County on the Northern Neck, where they again came in contact with Royal authority. 

The Virginia Company Rip-Off

Virginia was a business venture launched by the stockholders of the Virginia Company. It was an expensive undertaking. Many died. When it became obvious that the Colony was going to be a commercial success - the crown took it over and Virginia became a Crown possession to exploit. Its old owners lost their investment.

More Rip-Offs

The King, the visible portion of the ITC, claimed Virginia and allocated it as it saw fit. The ruler gave the tremendous land area of Virginia's Northern Neck to two royal favorites, dispossessing hundreds of prior settlers in the process - among them - Bartholomew. In effect, Bartholomew, the immigrant, had his land stolen from him by the king. The king intended to do this over the entire land, but Virginia was too big to be a clone of the British feudal system. Britain could not enforce its claims. 

American Feudalism vs. European Feudalism

All land in Britain was claimed by the ruler. This ruler was the Catholic Church. Then, a king was hired to collect the tithes and taxes. He revolted against the Pope and kept the tithes and taxes for himself. The king appointed nobles to help him manage the people and collect taxes. The nobles in turn appointed gentlemen to manage farms and shops. These managers hired and fired workers. The lowest caste was the worker. For the gentry, employment in the clergy (1st caste) and the army (2nd caste) were the only occupational openings besides managing an inherited estate held en fief from the crown. To provide a means of livelihood for the very large number of younger sons, shopkeeping and the professions eventually became socially acceptable. Thus, the three upper job-castes tended to merge, leaving the worker in the lowest caste from which there was virtually no way to escape. The Jews maintain this caste system today. They will do anything to keep from becoming a member of the lowest worker caste and servant of the others. Being fired was often a sentence to starve. 

The Indian Menace

Virginia's Indian enemies were fierce, its scattered, independent, irreverent, and well-armed Saxon settlers were Virginia's only defense. The Crown needed their good will. There were 8,000 "well-armed housekeepers." They were organized into trained mounted militia companies. The Royal governor had only 300 royal marines to guard against France and Spain next door who were casting envious looks on the rich lands of Virginia. The Crown needed the good will of these 8,000 well armed housekeepers as a deterrent in case the colony were invaded. Perhaps the day would come when these housekeepers could be disarmed and then the Crown could exact tribute from their land and income. But, for the time, it had to content itself with stamp taxes on manufactures, exports, and legal documents. Virginians like George Washington and Richard Lee objected to even that. 

Indians As The Labor Caste

The Cartel planned to use Indians as labor to work the land, mines and industries, as had been done further south in New Spain, with the British settlers to be managers. But, the North American Indians wouldn't work. The king's missionaries had taught them the king's Episcopal religion that was supposed to "gentle them" and make them subservient to their English masters. They were taught that the King and his priests were God's representatives on earth and to disobey them was the same as disobeying God. But, they still wouldn't work. They continued warlike, treacherous, and indolent to productive pursuits. Besides producing a few pelts, their only value was as future allies against possible French and Spanish encroachments. Other than that they were worthless as workers to develop Britain's new colony. 

The Next Royal Run-in

Bartholomew had a son named Capt. John Hoskins (1625-1680). He owned ships and land. His boy Thomas (1650-1710) moved to St. Stephens Parish, New Kent County (later King and Queen). At that time this was the frontier. Indian raids were a usual occurrence. 

The king had appointed Governor Berkley to be royal governor. The office was a political plum. Royal Governors were paid handsomely by the struggling colonists. The governor's salary absorbed half the income of the entire colony, but still this was not enough. Berkley using his royal prerogative and made the fur trade with the Indians his own private monopoly. This monopoly, small in its parts, more than equaled his large colonial salary in the aggregate. Berkley did not want anything to disturb this trade. He ignored little incidents like Indian raids that took a few scalps of Virginia's women and children here and there. 

The colony was incensed. At long last a young man named Nathanial Bacon went over the governor's head and called up the militia. Virginia's militia destroyed the offending indians - and the governors lucrative fur trade. The governor was furious. 

A war was fought - Bacon's Rebellion (1675). My ancestor, Thomas, served under Bacon. When Bacon lost, my ancestor joined the "little house Virginians" when the Royal Governor confiscated his lands. 

Crown Slavery

The confiscation of Bartholomew Hoskins' land on the Northern Neck and the confiscation of Thomas Hoskins' land in New Kent/King & Queen may be mere blips in the history of Virginia to others, but, we Hoskins remember. It was our land. We remember that we were punished for defending ourselves against the Indians. We also remember how the Crown forced Blacks slaves on us to manage and feed - and then stole them from us. 

Virginia's money crop was tobacco. Soon, it became apparent that Indians could not be made to work on farms. This left the cartel with high cost Saxon labor to produce tobacco. Royal statutes stated that tobacco could only be sold to Britain, and only for the low prices set by the government. The British re- packaged the product and resold it at high prices over the rest of Europe. If Virginia had more cheap labor they could produce more cheap tobacco to be sold to Britain who resold it at high prices elsewhere. Black slaves were the answer. Cheap tobacco was the reason for the King's insistence that Virginia accept black slaves. 

Virginia Protests Slavery

While Virginians were fighting continuous bloody wars with the Red strangers on the frontier, the Crown was busily inserting Black strangers into the plantations behind them. Virginians knew the detrimental effect of having strangers living in their midst: 

"Again and again they (the Virginians) passed laws restraining the importation of negroes from Africa, but their laws were disallowed. How to prevent them from protecting themselves against the increase of the overwhelming evil was debated by the King in council; and on the 10th of December 1770, he issued an instruction under his own hand commanding the Governor `upon pain of the highest displeasure, to assent to no law by which the importation of slaves should be in any respect prohibited or obstructed.'"History of the US, Bancroft, Vol III, p. 410. Quoted in Vigilantes Of Christendom, Hoskins, p.176: VPC, PO Box 997, Lynchburg, VA 24505, $17/copy. 

Matters came to a head in 1774 when the Virginia Colonial Convention revolted and resolved: 

"We will neither ourselves import, nor purchase any slave or slaves imported by any other person, after the first day of November, next, either from Africa, the West Indies or any other place." Bancroft, Vol IV, p. 445. 

Declaration Of Independence

This culminated in The Unamimous Declaration of The Thirteen United States Of America, called the Declaration Of Independence which charges that among the many injuries the king inflicted on Americans: 

"He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us (the slaves) and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions." 

The Royal Cartel Government paid the Indians for each Saxon scalp they brought in - man, woman or child. All were the same. The King's agents provided leaders for Indian raiding parties, and furnished them arms and supplies. They were able to do this because these Indians had been taught by the Episcopal Anglican religion that the King was God's representative on earth, and that it was his will that the American rebels be destroyed by fire and scalping knife. Of course, it is more difficult to make this work if the Indians were converted by another episcopal agency. In the earlier war between France and England (French and Indian War), the Indians converted by Catholic missionaries fought for Catholic France and those converted by Anglican missionaries fought for Anglican England. Presbytery Christians denounce both by pointing to the WORD. 


Thomas Hoskins' great grandson, Col. Robert Hoskins (1755- 1815) inherited a great hatred for the Crown and as soon as war broke out his militia unit volunteered and was incorporated into the 1st Virginia Continental Line. This regiment fought throughout the entire war against the king. Robert was at Yorktown to witness the final surrender, and also watched Col. Tarlton, commander of Lord Cornwallis' cavalry - the butcher who burned houses and hanged prisoners - walk away unpunished. 

The Crown Cartel had taken Bartholomew's land; it took Thomas's land; and now, the Hoskins didn't get their land back, but for the first and only time in the almost 400 years they have lived in Virginia, a Hoskins witnessed the ITC jackbooted thugs stacking their arms and colors - beaten - almost. 

The Saxon Repatriation Movement

With American independence won, Virginia led the way to rid herself of Black slavery. The British Cartel had forced Black slaves on Virginia to increase cheap production of Virginia tobacco. Slaves provided the needed workers. Their presence drove down the wage levels of White workers over all the land. Virginians determined to rid themselves of the unwanted Blacks; buy them from their masters, train them and settle them in their own country in Africa. The implementation of the repatriation plan found its first practical advocate in the colonization plans of Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson owned over 200 slaves. He could not legally free them because they were part of the collateral for debts he had inherited from his father-in-law. It was his intention, as economic circumstances permitted, to buy them and repatriate them to Africa. 

In 1816, the organization began to acquire African land to create what was to become the Black Republic of Liberia colonized by former American slaves. The American Colonization Society was its sponsor. Henry Clay presided. In 1817, funds began to be solicited to buy slaves and repatriate them. Males were to be bought at the age of 21 and females at the age of 18 and repatriated. Blacks older than 21 were to be allowed to remain in America and die of old age. Tens of thousands of former slaves found new lives in their own country of Liberia. 

Cartel Reaction

One of the primary activities of the International Trade Cartel is manufacturing. They manufacture cheap and sell dear. The key component of cost control is labor. Few laborers result in high cost; many laborers result in low cost. The Colonization Society's repatriation movement removed potential workers which threatened to increase production costs and was therefore diametrically opposed to Cartel interests. 

While Virginia and her sister states saw the Black slave population as being against the interests of the Saxon and turned their attention to ridding themselves of it, and were opening up Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase, Cartel agents were busy setting up usury banks and manufacturing in the northeast. With bribes, they persuaded the luminaries of the Revolution to allow the Cartel to set up a central bank monopoly called the Second Bank of the United States. Using front men and supplying them with unlimited funds from this bank, the ITC bought up urban newspapers and manufacturing facilities. President Andy Jackson declared war on this 2nd Bank and drove it into bankruptcy. When its stockholder list was made public the owners were found to be all British! Read that again - British! Cartel men of the crown. 

The American colonies who had just finished fighting a war for their independence were already back under the domination of the very same Royal Government whose armies they had just banished from their country. The fact that the 2nd Bank had gone out of business made no difference; the seed had been sown. The agents who had run the newly formed banks were Cartel men, hired help, cartel agents. With few exceptions, America's large urban banks were cartel banks under agent management - and the industries they bought were cartel industries - under agent management. These industries desperately needed cheap labor. 

Developing The Market

To get cheap labor for the new industry the owners of the newly purchased newspapers needed Cartel politicians in office to enact necessary legislation. To elect these politicians, cartel newspapers publicized cartel politicians and ignored others. Once in office these media-selected cartel politicians demanded immigration. Millions of Europe's surplus workers migrated to become wage slaves in the slums of American cities - a decided step up for European workers. Fueled with this relatively cheap labor, American industry and output grew by leaps and bounds. Production grew much faster than did the markets available in which to sell it. Thus, the low cost European immigrant labor was gradually looked on as being "high cost labor." 

The Reason For Radical Abolition

The thing needed to keep labor cheap was a continuing pool of surplus labor. The biggest reservoir of labor nearby was the African slaves owned in the South. All that was needed to avail themselves of this labor pool was to destroy the Repatriation Movement, free the remaining slaves, and put them to work as wage-slaves in the factories. Of course this would involve the destruction of the Self-Sufficient Farm System of the South. 

Radical Abolition worked like a charm. The urban Cartel newspapers launched a campaign of vituperation against the South that surpassed anything seen before. Southerners were pictured as being rich neer-do-wells sitting on front verandas sipping mint juleps and whipping slaves. Repatriation, buying the slaves and sending them to their own country in Africa, was never mentioned. The radical abolitionists demanded that the South free their slaves now without compensation. This guaranteed that there would be war. A $2,000 slave would be worth the same as a brand new expensive automible today. Who is going to sit back and watch someone steal his car? The Cartel determination to gain access to the cheap Black slave labor in the South was the reason radical abolition was born. 

Hoskins Involved Once Again

Robert Hoskins fought for six years in the Revolution. He lived at the Dragon and had a few slaves. His grandson, Dr. William Hoskins, married Janet Carter Roy. The Roy's were descended from Scots who had been dispossessed of their land in Scotland by the Cartel. Transported to Virginia they had prospered and now owned 10,000 acres in King and Queen. That was quite a marriage for William. The war came and took the land, slaves, everything. 

At gunpoint Southerners were forced to sign the 13th Amendment to the Constitution which ex-post facto legalized stealing the slaves from their owners without compensation for use by the Cartel. Next the 14th amendment was railroaded through (it was never ratified) giving the slaves the right to vote. Southern Whites were then denied the right to vote and Black rulers were put in office in the South. Carpet baggers were sent to tutor them to raise taxes to astronomical heights. Dr. William Hoskins lost his plantation to a tax free Northern Land Company (Chesapeake Corporation). The Cartel had again reaped the Hoskins family; First Bartholomew, then Thomas and next William - in just two and a half centuries. 

My father, John, was a doctor. After WWI he went to Hazard, Kentucky, borrowed $50,000 from a Cartel bank, and bought a hospital. In the 1920-22 bust, the price of coal dropped to a fifth of what it had been and and Dad's patients couldn't pay their bills. Dad lost his hospital to a cartel bank. Now it was Bartholomew, Thomas, William, and John. The Grizzly Valley in Western Canada was discovered to have the richest gas field in North America. The company formed to develop it borrowed money to put in gas lines to hook the field up to the United States Market. I bought two partnerships for $17,000. The Canadian Government then enacted a law forbidding Canadians to sell natural gas to the United States. To sell gas my company would be forced to build a pipeline thousands of miles long crossing Canada from west to east. It did not have the money for that and the banks would not lend them the money. Since they were now forbidden to sell gas to the United States, there was no income to pay on the existing company debt. The banks foreclosed the company and I lost every dime I had put in it. As soon as the company was foreclosed, Canada repealed the law and the company started pumping gas to the United States under new owners. Now the list reads Bartholomew, Thomas, William, John and Richard. 


The motto of my mother's family is Remember. My family remembers. I remember that we have been robbed time and again by the royal cartel and its American subsidiary and have never received a cent of restitution. If Blacks can demand indemnity from Saxons for being brought as slaves to America, and if Jews can get compensation from the Saxon taxpayer by claiming to be our best friends in the Near East, why shouldn't the descendants of Saxons victimized generation after generation by the Cartel pass these demands on to the Cartel for collection. And while we are at it, why shouldn't Saxons like the Hoskins' and 200,000,000 others present their own bills for collection? Why shouldn't we be compensated for the theft of Bartholomew's lands, of Thomas' land, of Dr. William's land. Why shouldn't we be compensated for the usury loan that caused the bankruptcy of my father? Why shouldn't I be compensated for the theft of my interest in the Canadian gas company? 


I figure that I individually am personally due at least $500,000,000 dollars in direct claims for wrongs done to me and my family in America by the Cartel. I figure that just about every person reading this report is due at least $500,000,000 or more, and these aren't frivolous slavery hardship or spurious holocaust survivor claims. These are real claims for real property stolen from me and my family, and the families of millions of my fellow Saxons kinsmen by the cartel or its agents. 

Discovering Assets To Pay Claims

Where is the money to come from to pay the Saxon claims? The cartel has always known that there would be a payback time, which is why they have gone to such lengths to hide their plunder. They have done a good job in covering their trail, but not good enough. A bloody trail leads to their dens. 

  • Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase, a land area equal to more than double the land area of the existing United States. He meant for it to be given to his people. However, only part was distributed. A full 38% still remains in the hands of the king who allows his favorites the use of it. This land is immediately available for division. 
  • Gigantic tax-exempt foundations hide trillions - most in the stock form. This is immediately available for division. 
  • The Federal Reserve central banking system comprises a giant pool of wealth. It can be shut down in a move to non-usury banking (See War Cycles / Peace Cycles, Hoskins, PO Box 997, Lynchburg, Virginia 24505, $17/copy) and its holdings divided. 
  • Both Anglican and Catholic churches operate hundreds of usury banks. These Christian entities, crushed under the weight of sin accumulated for centuries, undoubtedly consumed with remorse for their un-Christian and un-Lawful usury lending, will naturally welcome restitution of illegal and unGodly gotten gains by returning them to their rightful owners. 
  • Banks control the vast majority of stock in Western corporations by voting bank owned stock and the stock deposited with their trust departments. With the abolition of the income tax there will be no reason to hide property ownership. At that time the nation's trusts can be converted into sole ownerships and partnerships. Owners found hiding illegal wealth will be expected to return it to those from whom it was taken. 
  • In addition, the descendants of the New England slavers, living in mansions built with the wealth obtained from the transport of Black slaves to America, will be glad for the opportunity to donate that part of their estates to a fund to compensate the Blacks for their mental distress in being transported to America. Most large slave transactions are public record and should prove easy to trace. To identify other profiteers, the Nation of Islam published a book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews (VPC, PO Box 997, Lynchburg, VA 24505, $23), compiled from Jewish sources which indicates that the Jews were a major, if not THE major factor in the slave trade. Jewish interest in social justice will undoubtedly inspire them to return this wealth as an example of their genuine humanity to humans. 

We can see from the above that there is no lack of places and wealth to adequately compensate the Saxon nation for their suffering at the hands of the establishment through the years. Never having had to account for their actions before, this accounting may come as a bit of a shock to the cartel, but it is one of the things that the emergence of God's Kingdom requires.