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Vance J. Beaudreau

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Federation of States, July 17, 2004 - - The distinction between these two concepts is very sharp, yet defused in the fog of the re-constructionist education we all suffer from. For most of us, in the so-called “Southern Movement”, the two concepts were somewhat taken for granted as being the same thing and may still seem to some as being the same. But, they most assuredly are not the same! In fact, under previous conditions, these two concepts were so entirely different as to have been the main cause of the War Between the States. To really conceive of the difference, simply think of the concepts this way for example:

Northern Nationalism vs Southern State’s Rights.

Abraham Lincoln’s friend, Karl Marx and his Marxist associates in the New Republican Party, saw Northern Nationalism (Federalism which equals Centralism) as a perfect vehicle to introduce Communism aka Socialism to the working class in America while maintaining an elitist status for the mercantile/industrial ruling class under the form of Fascism. (Government of, by and for the Corporations).

            Federalism is basically what you have in a pure or absolute Monarchy. Complete top down rule. The British system is one that appears as a modified Monarchy having a Monarch (King or Queen) but also a Prime Minister and two houses; the house of Lords and the House of Commons and a Judiciary in order to give the perception of some representative input. In America after the Civil Revolution which was perpetuated by the Lincoln Communists 1861-1865, the United States was converted into a hidden type of British rule.

            The Federalists had long pushed for a strong top down centralized Nation rather than a Confederacy of State Republics. Several Federalist steps had been taken after the formation of the United States of America for a step by step transfer of power from the various States in favor of the Federal government. The three most significant early steps were rewriting (amending) of the Constitution in 1787, the Judicial Act of 1789 and the establishment of the First American Bank in 1791 which was 72% owned by British interests. All three of these steps were pushed by Federalist Alexander Hamilton were designed to concentrate the power centrally under a King or strong President thus keeping most of the power at a great distance from the people.

            State’s Rights, on the other hand, involves keeping most of the power close to the people in their local militias, their towns, counties and then their sovereign State Republics. The Confederation of these Sovereign State Republics was a contract of alliance and cooperation called a Constitution which was composed of the Articles of Confederation signed by the delegates of each State involved and ratified by the legislatures or the people therein which was accomplished on March 1, 1781. With the powers of government close to home the people could be neighbors with their elected officials and could know them. Not so under centralism (federalism) which is always ruled by an elitist class.

This was a big part of what the South was rebelling from in their secession; the British debt and the Northern Tariffs as well as the destruction of State’s Rights by the Northern Union.


            After four years of horrendous fighting and bloodshed, the invaded Southern Nation called alternately “Dixie” was conquered and militarily occupied. However, the Union had bankrupted herself in the destruction of the South and pressure was exerted by the Bank of England for payment. The Union confiscated vast areas and plantations in the South to pay part of this debt, but it was insufficient.

            Thus the Bank of England and the House of Rothschild insisted that a Corporation of the UNITED STATES of the District of Columbia be established over the 10 square miles of the territory of the Central government. The Corporation of the UNITED STATES which was incorporated on February 21, 1871 by an act of the executive branch Congress* to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871.

            With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress in this act created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, a ten mile square parcel of land (see, Acts of the Forty-first Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62). However, the American Constitutionally authorized Congress had “Adjourned sine die” in 1861 without the possibility of reconvening due to the impossibility of obtaining a quorum after the seven (7) Southern States seceded. Thus the Constitutional Congress of the united States was abolished on March 16, 1861. At that time, the Constitution “for” the united States of America only had 12 amendments.

            However, eighty (80) days after President Abraham Lincoln’s Executive Order Proclamation declaring war upon the seceding States on April 15, 1861, then also by Executive Order President Lincoln ordered the terminated Congress back and reconvened it on July 4, 1861. Thus was established the Federal Union. This unconstitutional congress continues to this day in the United States operating by Presidential edict. Near the end of the war on April 14, 1865, Union President Abraham Lincoln was shot, supposedly by John Wilkes Booth, a Rothschild agent, and Vice President Andrew Johnson took over. The next President, Ulysses S. Grant, came into power and succumbed to pressure from the Bank of England and the House of Rothschild and the act of 1871 was passed by the unconstitutional congress and signed by the President to turn the national government into a British owned Corporation. That act, of course, is unconstitutional since there was no constitutional congress to pass it and thus that act was created indirectly by executive order under the administration of President Grant. Thus the Constitution “ of” THE UNITED STATES of America came into being and today contains amendments 13 through 27, mostly inserted by fraudulent “ratification” and by an Executive Branch Congress and not the Constitutional Congress.

            The only Constitutional Congress at that time was the Congress of the Confederate States of America who had a ratified Constitution of their own. In 1865 there were several cease fire agreements between the two opposing armies, both verbal and written and most of the Confederate Armies including the Northern Virginia Army of Robert E. Lee either surrendered and turned over their weapons or simply just went home and hid their weapons. However, neither President Jefferson Davis nor the Congress of the Confederate States of America ever surrendered the government and no peace treaty was ever signed nor was the ratified Confederate Constitution of 1861 ever unratified or suspended. Thus, without a peace treaty, a state of suspended war still exists and the Southland has been occupied since and has been reconstructed militarily, economically, civilly, educationally, politically and even socially by the conquering nation, the Union which is controlled today by the Corporation of the UNITED STATES which did not legally control the various other States existing at that time and still does not legally control the Confederate States.

            This Corporation of the UNITED STATES accomplishes in America today most of the functions of the British Crown in England by ruling without giving the appearance thereof. Actually, the British Crown rules as the hidden King of the UNITED STATES through this D. C. Corporation. True, we have a President (similar to a British Prime minister) and two houses of Congress, and a Judiciary being covertly ruled over by the Corporation of the UNITED STATES which is owned by Internationalists and their organizations and Banks. The Secretary of the Treasurer does not even swear an oath to the United States of America, but instead serves over several international Banks as well as the Treasury of the UNITED STATES.

            These facts of the incorporation of the UNITED STATES are little known and thus people find such information very hard to believe. See Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43 and 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15). This British owned Corporation has jurisdiction over the10 square miles of the District of Columbia. - - BUT, the British have created, in the District of Columbia, all of the alphabet soup agents (NSA, FBI, CIA, IRS, SEC, FCC, FTC, IPA, Secret Service, Federal District Judges, Federal Marshals on etc.) to harass and eat out the substance of the people as was complained about in our Declaration of Independence of 1776 and have established Federal forts, Federal Prisons, Federal buildings and Courts throughout the States and have then stretched their supposed usurped jurisdiction into our States by that device.


            Thus they have tricked Americans into allowing them to control our school districts, our congressional districts, our courts such as no Ten Commandments therein, and even our marriage institution and, of course, they rob us of the fruits of our labor placing us under involuntary servitude with the British created IRS which they headquartered in Puerto Rico, a Federal protectorate of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES.

            The Southern States who were, and still are, States of the Confederate States of America

were forced at gun point to accept Federal corporate State structures overlaid on top of the real Confederate States which now function as satellites of the Federal Union of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES in Washington, D.C. But, the people therein are still natural citizens of the Confederacy.




            Well, maybe Northern Nationalism had, and still has, problems, but what has that got to do with Southern Nationalism? That is a very on point question. There is a Southern movement abounding today, but the various organizations find themselves loaded with quasi-Confederates, counterfeit Confederates, or even Confederate Unionists and apologists. All of these discourage real efforts in the Restoration of our government for our country, the Confederate States of America. Perhaps the most dangerous of folks in these Southern or Confederate organizations are often true Southern patriots, but who lack the knowledge of what being a real Confederate is or what type of government is involved as a Confederacy.

            Many of these folks call themselves Southern Nationalists and many assume that such organizations are Confederate. They are wrong! Southern Nationalism is alien to Southern Confederacy. The Southern Nationalism that has surfaced is based upon a semi-Monarchal top down centralist type of governmental organization, organized with a corporate charter. They are on track to duplicate in the South a “New Southern Nation” in the image of Washington, D.C., but with the window dressings of Southern Heritage and Culture. They could receive support from certain British and Federal Union groups because that would fit the mold of the British Crown who would be likely be willing to grant them independence from Washington so long as they incorporated their capital in a British corporation and established a Central Bank like the Federal Reserve Bank which would be a sell out.

            While most of the members of such organizations of Southern Nationalists are completely unaware of this, some of the leaders apparently are aware. They know that the Restoration of the Confederate States of America is the only path that could offer true independence and freedom from Great Britain and the international bankers as well as from the Federal Union of the UNITED STATES. Therefore there are leaders in the Southern Movement who oppose all efforts in the direction of real Confederate resurrection. Some may be doing this misdirection because they fear the consequences of an outright Restoration of an active and independent government of the Confederate States of America.



            Think about it folks. Do you want the real thing? Are you willing to stand firm and brave or do you have fear? Actually, any intelligent person would have apprehension in standing firm against a World Empire like the Federal Union and the British Empire. In the book of Judges 7:1-22, in particular, and Judges 8:10 we find the story of Gideon and how the LORD told Gideon to send home 22,000 men who were afraid leaving him with on 10,000 men to defend Ancient Israel from 135,000 invading Midianites. But, then the LORD told Gideon to test those remaining to see who were without caution and send those home as well leaving Gideon only 300 valiant and brave men to try to stop 135,000 Midianites.

            Gideon complained to the LORD but was told that this way the tiny Army of Israel would know from Whom their victory Cometh and not boast of themselves. Indeed, the LORD did give them a complete victory over the Midianites without one of the 300 men being killed. The main lesson of this story is that we should trust in the LORD. Another lesson is that we cannot accomplish our task with large numbers nor with those abounding in excessive fear nor with those whose actions might be taken rashly.

            The Restoration of the Confederate States of America is certain and shall succeed without question if the LORD is with us and our cause just and righteous. He will bless us with the pure fresh air of freedom.