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Hugo Chaves: "Columbus Was Worse Than Hitler"

Mary Astro

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"Christopher Columbus was the spearhead of the biggest invasion and genocide ever seen in the history of humanity," the populist president said at a meeting of representatives of Indian peoples from across the continent.

Columbus Day, October 12, is celebrated as a holiday in the United States and several Latin American nations, but Chavez said it should be remembered as the "Day of Indian Resistance."

Isn't it ironic when you see certain groups, not the Hispanics, bursting with pride over Cristophoro Colombo? He was a ruthless mercenary, had he not found land he'd would've been killed, his crew was on the verge of mutiny. When you read about the Spanish Conquest of the New World you get nauseous. If you haven't read "Columbus and Other Cannibals" by Jack Forbes, you've missed one of the all-time greats. Anybody who doubts what a SOB Columbus was should also read Howard Zinn.

WBAI Pacifica Radio in NYC calls Columbus Day "Indiginous People Day." Every year there are Columbus Day parades. Every year the American Indian Movement (AIM) asks for Columbus's name to be taken from the parades and activities. Every year parade committees refuse. Every year AIM and supporters demonstrate hoping to raise awareness.

As we approach yet another Columbus Day set aside to revere Italy's version of the Terminator, how many centuries it will take until consciousness is raised and the United States has reconciliation talks concerning all the blood it has shed in the name of conquest with all the indigenous groups it has wronged? Upon encountering the Arawak people in 1492, Columbus noted "they would make fine servants," adding, "with fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want." Yep, Governor Arnold has nothing on Chris "The Continent Cleanser" Columbus.
