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South African Ruins 75,000 Years Old?

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When historians first stumbled upon these structures they simply assumed that they were cattle kraal left behind by the Bantu people as they moved south and settled the land from around the 13th century. But research work done by people like Cyril Hromnik, Richard Wade, Johan Heine and a handful of others over the past twenty years, into ancient southern African history, has revealed that these stone structures are in fact more than just cattle kraal, but the remains of ancient temples and astronomical observatories of lost ancient civilisations that stretch back for thousands of years.

These circular ruins are spread over thousands of square kilometres. They can only truly be appreciated from the air, and those lucky enough to view these ruins from the air will be able to see hundreds of ruins in a one-hour trip.


Many of them have almost completely eroded or have been covered by the movement of soil, while some have survived and still display the great sizes of the original walls that stand 2,5 metres high and over a metre wide in places. Prof Guy Charlesworth of Wits University concurs that if these were the original heights of some of the walls, it would have taken thousands of years to erode to knee-height through the effects of nature alone.

An ancient road structure that is still visible for hundreds of kilometres once connected most or all of these ruins. It becomes evident that this was no accidental settlement but a well planned and evolved civilisation that were mining gold and had some means of transport. Extended agricultural terraces are spread over large areas, often resembling scenes from the Inca settlements in Peru. This would suggest that these people had a good knowledge of agriculture and planted produce extensively.

There is no real count or audit of these ruins at present, but it is estimated by those who have been flying over them for many years that there must be around 20,000 structures scattered all over southern and east Africa.