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Israeli Health Official Tells Public to Prepare For Endless Boosters: 'We Will Need to Take The 4th Shot, The 5th Shot, The 6th Shot And The 7th'

hris Menahan, Information Liberation

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Israeli Health Ministry vaccination advisory committee member and deputy chief of Israel's biggest hospital Professor Arnon Afek is telling the public to prepare not only to take their fourth "booster" shot but also their fifth, sixth and seventh.


"Those who think we won't need to take more boosters are wrong," Afek said Monday. "We will need to take the fourth shot, the fifth shot, the sixth shot, and the seventh shot."

"As long as the pandemic continues in places like Africa, where only few are vaccinated, new variants of COVID-19 will develop and the need to protect against them with vaccines, will continue," he said.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, who appears to be working in cahoots with the Israeli government, has said repeatedly people are going to "need" "annual revaccinations."



The CEO of BioNTech claimed Wednesday that they've got an Omicron specific shot coming soon but people should rush to take their "booster" now rather than wait.


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said during an interview on Tuesday that "there's not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program."

They're telling us exactly what they have planned and yet many people don't want to believe them.

As I've said repeatedly, this is the textbook "Foot-in-the-door technique":

Foot-in-the-door (FITD) technique is a compliance tactic that aims at getting a person to agree to a large request by having them agree to a modest request first.

This technique works by creating a connection between the person asking for a request and the person that is being asked. If a smaller request is granted, then the person who is agreeing feels like they are obligated to keep agreeing to larger requests to stay consistent with the original decision of,,,,,