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It won't end here . .

Mat Staver

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My staff is swamped with the most urgent pleas for help. In the last couple days alone, we have received more than 1,000 new requests for help! These people are facing the most serious threat to freedom under tight deadlines!

Mandatory injection requirements may begin with COVID, but they will not end there. The CDC is already recommending booster shots. Meanwhile, companies claim they can now manufacture the next version of these jabs in just 100 days (not the 10 years it usually takes)! Yet millions of Americans are being forced to take a mandatory jab right now—even while experts are admitting it's not effective!

  • Students are not in school today because they were expelled.
  • People who have already been fired are trying to find work.
  • More will be fired this week and next.
  • Some are being told there are "zero exceptions," which is just not true.

And they are begging my team for help. We can only help them because of those who support our ministry. Join LCA's Challenge Grant right now to double the impact of your gift today. Give to LCA today to help stop this injustice. — Mat

My text messages and email inbox are full of requests from friends across the nation asking for help fighting mandatory COVID jabs. Our general email inboxes and online requests are flooded with pleas for help. I can't convey the intensity of challenges. These are breaking my heart.

  • One husband called and broke down in tears: "My wife will be fired on Monday. She is part of more than 50 medical workers in a nursing home who declined the jab. They are being forced to sign that they 'voluntarily' quit so they can't get unemployment benefits. Do we have to?"


  • "Can you help us? I have 30 nurses that are also going to be fired."


  • "I have nowhere else to turn. Please help me."

Thousands of people have already reached out to my team. And some of the people asking for help are representing thousands more! My staff is constantly on the phone. I'm canceling everything I can to focus on helping as many of these people under fire as possible.

Sometimes there is not even notice of a jab requirement, just a boss questioning if the person is injected and then immediately firing them. There is an intense level of stress that each of these people are facing right now.

Do hospitals really think they can terminate 60-80% of their staff? I am not exaggerating. In one hospital with 23,000 people, 80+% are saying "No" to the shots. At another with 14,000 employees, 66% are saying "No!" How will the hospitals fill the void? How will these heroes feed their families?

They are turning to us for help. And I am turning to you to help us help them.

Our organization never charges anyone who needs help. Instead, we rely 100% on the donations of friends and supporters to help us fight to restore freedom here in America. Our staff is doing everything we can to help everyone we can. Join our Challenge Grant to double the impact of your gift to help them now. Give to LCA today to help stop this injustice.

All three COVID injection manufacturers are not forcing their own employees to take the jabs they created! The White House isn't either.

More people are realizing what this nurse sees. "I am an RN in a small, rural hospital. We had a coworker die of an MI [myocardial infarction/heart attack] after vaccination. We have seen an enormous uptick in strokes, clotting complications, failure to thrive, and cardiac issues since [the] vaccination campaign began. Most of our admissions for 'Covid' since March, have been in vaccinated individuals."

A healthy Virginia woman shared, "As soon as I received the vaccine, I immediately felt shooting pains in my right eye and noticed red blood vessels had busted on my eyeball, and I began experiencing light and sound sensitivity as well as a strong sense of smell. The next day I woke up to horrible acid reflux, nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps and stabbing stomach pains as well as neck pains and throbbing in the back left side of my head."

She doesn't stop there. "I then developed insomnia, anxiety, nerve pains and vomiting as well as a metal taste in my mouth and sore, swollen tongue. I also began having muscle spasms in my legs. The diarrhea, which lasted 6 weeks, caused a large amount of weight loss (eventually totaling 72 pounds). When the diarrhea subsided, the shooting neuropathy in my legs, arms and torso began. After about 7 weeks, my eyes began to start having shooting pains and my vision was affected."

Finally, she concludes, "I began to have tremors in the occipital region of my head when laying down, as well as body shaking and muscle and joint pains. I have also had memory issues and brain fog as well as ear popping. I then developed bulging veins on my feet, hands, neck and face."

Some people injured by the shots are losing hope. Others are losing hope to avoid the shots! We will not abandon them.

My team is tirelessly fighting for these people. But we can't do this alone. Please stand with us through our Challenge Grant to double the impact of your gift today.

Restoring freedom is a top priority. Urge these leaders to push back and protect freedom with your urgent fax.

Our staff is exhausted but pushing through. We are hearing deep gratefulness from the people we are helping.

Mat Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action


P.S. Join our extended Challenge Grant to effectively DOUBLE the impact of your donations!

P.P.S. Send a fax to key leaders demanding they do not mandate a vaccine passport.

And then sign our petition to the leaders who can help in the fight against mandatory vaccinations.


K.O. Virginia. 2021. "Real Testimonials." C19 VAX REACTIONS. August 12, 2021.

M.S. Minnesota. 2021. "Real Testimonials." C19 VAX REACTIONS. August 12, 2021.

Weintraub, Karen, and Elizabeth Weise. 2021. "Companies Are Adopting COVID Vaccine Mandates for Employees. So Why Aren't All Vaccine Makers?" USA Today via MSN. August 17, 2021.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.


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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
