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One phone call "changed our lives!"


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I want to share two of the countless emotional stories that are flooding my team, from saving one life to losing another precious one—all in one day.

We are in one of the most critical life-or-death battles for freedom against mandated shots.

Our staff have frequently teared up with emotion as they help scores of people facing termination, expulsion or discipline. We are making a HUGE difference across our nation! This is because of your support, which makes our ministry possible!

Give to LCA today to help stop this injustice.

A woman called yesterday to say, "You have changed our lives!" This woman's husband has worked for the FBI for more than 10 years while she serves at their church.

Her husband was completely discouraged. She had never seen him so low. He was being forced to choose between getting the COVID shots or losing his job. As their sole income earner, he didn't know what to do. On Monday, he gave up and decided he had no choice but to schedule the jab.

Then our team showed up in their lives!

A friend shared information about one of our many private conference calls. I led two of these calls Tuesday ...

His wife called Wednesday morning to thank us for caring and helping her husband. This family now has hope. Now this FBI agent is not alone and can fight this mandate by requesting a religious accommodation. This one conference call literally changed the course of their lives.

Millions of people are now facing an impending deadline to get the shots or be fired. These precious people should not be told they cannot work unless they inject an experimental drug into their body. My heart breaks for them, and I am resolved to help them.

Your investment in our ministry is changing the lives of many people.

For each story like this, scores more need our help.

Some people who want the shot don't realize that a forced injection on those who don't want it dehumanizes them. When someone else holds the power to decide what will be injected into your body, you lose one of the most core elements of freedom. This is why even those who want the shot can still demand freedom for this decision to be the personal choice of individuals.

People keep calling our office every day pleading for help. Sometimes they are crying so hard they can't even talk. Sometimes my staff is reduced to tears with them ... and from the overwhelming need right now. We need your help so we can help them.


Give to LCA today to help stop this injustice.

This shot is neither safe nor effective.

This just got personal again. The brother of a former employee and friend died Monday night. His body was discovered Tuesday morning on the kitchen floor. The brother had relentlessly pressured my friend to get the COVID shots. She refused. After this brother's last shot, he began to vomit, could not eat and collapsed dead in the kitchen. He was 51 years old, healthy, with no underlying conditions.

He believed the media and now he's dead!

People can die from the shot or from COVID itself.

Israel and Iceland are two nations with some of the highest jab rates (8th and 14th worldwide, respectively). The CDC just warned Americans not to visit these countries due to the Delta variant. In Israel, 64.5% of those hospitalized and 67.7% of the seriously ill have both shots. In Iceland, 82% of COVID cases are among the "vaccinated."

In Ontario, Canada, hospitals July 11-24 saw MORE people hospitalized for adverse reactions from the COVID shots than people hospitalized with COVID itself (109 from the shots and 102 from COVID)! The sad thing is many have lost their lives to get this ineffective injection.

Millions are being forced to get the shots. We are working with hundreds of people working for a major airline. In one hospital that employs 23,000 people, over 80% have not had the shot and refuse to get it.

How has the land of the free come to this point in history?

In moments like these, heroes are made. We represent many of these heroes. With God's blessing and your support, we are helping heroes who stand for freedom. But more importantly, you are helping us change lives!


Give to LCA today to help stop this injustice.

There is another way you can help. Some governors have not taken a stand on this issue. Send your urgent faxes to governors and federal lawmakers demanding NO TO MANDATORY COVID SHOTS or VACCINE PASSPORTS!

It's time to demand freedom and personal medical choice in America.


Mat Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action


P.S. Join our extended Challenge Grant to effectively DOUBLE the impact of your donations! Select here to equip our staff to fight this battle for free and fair medical choices.

P.P.S. Send faxes to key leaders demanding NO MANDATORY SHOTS OR VACCINE PASSPORTS.

And then sign our petition.


2021. 2021.

Alus, Horus. "The Best Performing Countries for Coronavirus Vaccinations." US News & World Report, July 26, 2021.

"Covid19Crusher. 2021. Twitter. July 25, 2021.

Reuters Fact Check. 2021. "Fact Check-COVID-19 Cases in Iceland Are Not Proof That Vaccines Are Ineffective." Reuters, August 2, 2021.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.


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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
