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SOTN: Operation Warp Speed Meets the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda


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The Overwhelming Campaign to Covid Vaccinate Every Person on the Planet

Put on Super Steroids by NWO Cabal

“We are all dealing with a highly organized

and extremely complex criminal conspiracy

of epic proportions.  This genocidal scheme

is both monolithic and international in

scope and magnitude.  The countless Covid

co-conspirators includes every single major

government, Fortune 10,000 corporation,

global NGO, university system, scientific

research institution and think tank.  The

end goal is to vaccinate every individual

on Earth with risky experimental vaccines

which have proven to be both exceedingly

hazardous to human health and frequently

deadly.  There are very serious reasons why

Operation Warp Speed is driving the global

Covid Super Vaccination Agenda at this

defining moment in world history.” 

— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer

Covid Super Vaccination Agenda

State of the Nation

There’s an inexorable worldwide push to jab every resident on planet Earth—QUITE OBVIOUSLY!

Why?  Really?  Why are the criminal Covid perps so hellbent on injecting every inhabitant of this world?!

Even conservative Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is now putting out transparent Covid ‘vaccine’ propaganda.

Gov. Ron DeSantis Outright Lies About Effectiveness of

Dangerous Covid ‘Vaccines’ (Video)

Remember, the great state of Florida has become the mecca for both the stalwart Health Freedom Movement and fierce Anti-Vax Movement.

What that means is that anti-vaxxers and health freedom advocates — FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY — are migrating to Florida in unprecedented numbers to avoid the coming Covid ‘vaccine’ mandates in their home blue states.

Now we see that even Florida is as precarious a state as any other in the USA.

How so?!

Watch this!

Can Florida Officials Forcefully Vaccinate Citizens? (Video)

Just how serious is this rapidly evolving situation in Florida?

Nobody really knows … … … until a declared health emergency exists that permits the FL governor to invoke his now statutory emergency powers to forcefully vaccinate every Florida resident against their will.

While it’s highly unlikely that Gov. DeSantis would exercise that illicit, unconstitutional and immoral power, which was unlawfully arrogated unto itself by the FL state government, there is no question that a future Democrat communist governor would jab every Floridian in a New York minute if given the false pretext to do so.

Now that’s a HUGE problem for the people of Florida!

It especially demonstrates:

“The Overwhelming Campaign to Covid Vaccinate

Every Person on the Planet Put on Super Steroids

by NWO Cabal”

KEY POINT: Many Patriots, conservatives and anti-vaxxers coming to Florida are now asking themselves whether DeSantis is being used– wittingly or unwittingly —  by the globalists as a magnet so they can be forcefully vaxxed by a future Democrat governor.

Bottom Line

But what’s the ultimate objective of this unparalleled pandemic farce and utterly ridiculous hoax?  As follows:

Here’s the main reason why the NWO

globalist cabal is dead set on mandating a

universal COVID-19 vaccination program.


There’s a treacherous conspiracy at work that involves both sides of the American political counterfeit coin.

When supposedly conservative governors join the naked traitor to the Republic like POTUS imposter Joe Biden in blaming the unvaxxed for a fake Covid surge, it’s clear that the barbarians are inside the gate.  See: Why are Republican Governors blaming the unvaccinated for the fake COVID-19 surge?!

Which means that We the People are really on our own from this point onward.  Which really means that there’s only way the American Republic can be saved.

We the People must rise up and do whatever it takes to rid the nation of all communist leadership that is treasonous and working for the New World Order globalist cabal.

It has even been asserted by the Patriot Movement that: “Nothing changes until the Covid perpetrators are all hanged live on the Internet for everyone to see.”

After all, they have violated the Nuremberg Code billions of times since the beginning of the COVID-19 Plandemic.

Special SOTN Editor’s Note

The level of unprecedented in-your-face brazenness and sheer desperation on the part of the power elite confirms they are operating according to a strict schedule of deliberately staged global events.

It’s of paramount importance that every truth seeker understand that timeline to protect themselves, their families and their property/estate.  The unfolding GREAT RESET actually provides the backdrop for the HUGE changes that are currently being dictated on every continent and foisted on the entire planetary civilization.

However, it is the specific timing of the controlled demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System — scheduled for the 2022/2023 Super Shemitah — that is right now recklessly driving the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda. See: The Actual Timing of the GREAT RESET Laid Bare

Word to the wise: Be sure to read the whole back story that undergirds the intensifying manufactured chaos and confusion via the purposeful Ordo ab Chao strategy that has been utilized by The Powers That Be over the millennia.







of 2022/2023

State of the Nation

July 24, 2021

Recommended Reading


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