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SOTN: I’m a scientist, and I won’t be having the Covid jab

Mark Pickles

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I AM not anti-vaccination. I had my annual ‘flu jab’ last month. And when I was in the forces, I was obliged to take the well-established vaccines in case I was sent anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat.

Throughout history, pandemics (or plagues and pestilence as we used to call them) have disappeared as suddenly as they arrived. If this were not the case, mankind would have perished millennia ago.

I am a scientist by profession, but more importantly I trust (Fides) our Creator, the omnipotent Creator of everything, good and bad, and whom, I trust, is gathering all things into the ultimate Good.

What is this season of Hanukkah and Christmas if it is not about trust in the Eternal King of the Universe? The Almighty’s power has no limits.

I see no philosophical case for trusting – as our pagan leaders of the incumbent Boris Johnson-led Government evidently do – ‘the science’ on all things.

The Nazis, the Stasi, the Soviets, the Chinese Communists trusted ‘the science’ and nothing else. Indeed, the Soviet Union’s formal philosophy was ‘Scientific Atheism’.

Everything can be justified by science. (Everything can be justified in religious fundamentalism also, but that is another subject.)

In England, the last major incidence of the Plague (the Bubonic Plague) occurred in 1665-1666. It disappeared as quickly as it came. Even worse for England was the ‘Spanish’ flu of 1918-1919, which also went as quickly as it came.

The world was not inoculated against the Spanish Flu (a misnomer because it did not come out of Spain or peculiarly afflict Spain, but was widely reported by the media in Spain, which was neutral in WW1, and therefore not concerned about damaging morale in Allied or Central Powers).

Think about it. Historically these ‘plagues’ have typically lasted about a year or two. But the advanced nations of the West (the nations most severely hit by Covid) have put billions into Covid vaccine development, not to mention a lot of political capital and reputation.

To profit from their huge R&D investment in Covid, Pfizer and the Big Pharma corps (which have a notorious recent history of corruption) need to get the vaccine distributed ASAP, before the pestilence naturally disappears. Similarly, here in the UK, our Government (nay, Parliament) and Sage surely realise that they are going to look culpably incompetent for all that they have inflicted on us in 2020 if their actions are not seen to have effected the end of pestilence that is disappearing naturally anyway, and did not even make it into the top 10 causes of global death for 2020. As with every godless mob, hubris very much comes into play.

All vaccines carry a risk. No one really knows the risks carried by the Pfizer vaccine, which is why in the USA the regulatory body FDA has granted only ‘emergency’ approval, on the grounds that they have decided the potential benefits outweigh the risks.

No one really knows the long-term risks for the first universal vaccine in history developed in less than a year. The only recent smaller-scale precedent is the vaccine for the swine flu epidemic of 2009-2010. The effects of the swine flu a decade ago must not be downplayed, but the disease did disappear as quickly as it came. Sadly the same cannot be said for people who are still suffering from side effects of the swine flu vaccine, especially in Sweden, where take-up of the vaccine was most widely encouraged by the medical/scientific authorities. 

Hundreds, primarily children and young adults under 30, were later diagnosed with narcolepsy, a chronic disorder of the nervous system that causes excessive and often uncontrollable drowsiness, as a side effect of the vaccine.

The Swedish Pharmaceutical Insurance has so far approved 440 of 702 narcolepsy claims linked to the vaccine, paying out nearly $9million in compensation.

Such unknown risks are why I will not be volunteering for the Covid vaccine.
