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California dictator Gavin Newsom is now using lock downs and RACISM to force 4 million Latinos to vaccinate

Lance D Johnson

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Gavin Newsom, the tyrannical dictator over California, is about to lose his title of “governor.” Before he is removed from power, he is trying all he can to threaten freedom in the state and to force certain races of people to vaccinate. Newsom says the people of California will not be able to go back to normal until 2 million Latinos are fully vaccinated according to the current CDC guidelines.

As part of the state’s “equitable” distribution of covid-19 vaccinations, California public health officials have allocated 40 percent of the state’s vaccine lot to the Latino communities in Central Valley and in pockets of Los Angeles. Gavin Newsom is threatening to hold down the livelihoods of people throughout the state, in a desperate attempt to divide people by race and pressure Latinos to take the vaccines.

Gavin Newsom racially profiles Latinos, forcing them to vaccinate in high numbers in order for people to have their freedoms back

Instead of seeking repentance for his tyrannical actions over the past year, Gavin Newsom is trying to shift the blame for his perpetual lockdowns by shaming people who don’t get the experimental vaccines. The first group that Newsom seeks to shame and racially profile are the Latinos, who live mostly in low-income areas, where infection data is high and where healthcare systems are failing.

Newsom refuses to take accountability for his perpetual lockdown policies, which have needlessly upended countless lives. The only way out for Newsom and these corrupt public health figures is to use the lockdowns once more to deprive people of their rights and segregate certain races and demographics, coercing them to give up their bodily autonomy.

State Health and Human Services Director, Dr. Mark Ghaly, said the state won’t reopen until the shots are in the arms. If Latinos do not submit themselves in higher numbers, then California will stay locked down. “As we achieve higher levels of vaccine in the hardest hit communities, we feel more confident that more and more activities across the state can occur,” he said in a recent press briefing. This is what the lockdowns were for. They weren’t a benign 14-day break, to “slow the spread.” They weren’t put in place to prevent peak capacity of hospitals. The lockdowns are to abuse people in every facet of life, until they submit their bodies en masse to the pharmaceutical companies. (Related: Biden orders TROOPS to administer coronavirus vaccines in California as military is repurposed for genocide.)

Using threats and coercion, California targets specific races and neighborhoods, giving rise to a Fourth Reich

The “equitable” distribution plan is not based on compassion, informed consent, or any medical ethic whatsoever. The “equitable” distribution plan is a way to target specific demographics and races, to put pressure on them to comply. Vaccination is no longer respected as an individual choice, with comprehensive, informed consent. Vaccination is being rolled out in stages, lumping people in herds, so they are more likely to be pressured by their peers and coerced to comply. By hinging the state’s freedom on one race’s compliance to the vaccines, a Fourth Reich is officially born.

In California, lockdowns are broken down into “reopening tiers” as state officials promise freedom in stages. These reopening tiers dictate business operations and school re-openings. Californians are being spoon-fed their freedom, as long as a certain percentage of the population complies with vaccinations. This color-based tier plan is now putting people of color in its cross-hairs, forcing them to comply in order for Californians to get some of their freedom back.

This level of coercion is racist, illegal and in violation of basic medical ethics and the Nuremberg treaty. With this level of coercion in place, state officials believe they will get 1.6 million people to comply with a first round of shots in the next two weeks. Officials do not consider this amount of vaccination sufficient to green-light “reopening tiers” across the state. Public health officials demand that the state will not get some of its freedoms back until 4 million doses of vaccine are received in the arms of Latinos in the targeted neighborhoods.

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