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Dr. Helen Raajczak

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FW:  August 25, 2015

Dr. Helen Ratajczak, a former drug company scientist, just published a comprehensive review of autism research. Buried in her 79-page review, on page 70, are five words that reveal a secret Big Pharma has kept from you:

“…grown in human fetal tissue.”

As Dr. Mercola reports for Health Impact News Daily, Dec. 21, 2011, the line reads (page 70):

“An additional increased spike in incidence of autism occurred in 1995 when the chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue.”

But that fact is never disclosed in your vaccine consent form, which is why most people are unaware that cell cultures derived from aborted human fetuses have been used extensively in vaccine production for decades. And vaccine makers are just content that most of the public are ignorant of this most inconvenient truth. For if we knew, we might be dissuaded from getting the vaccine.

Why are human fetal cells used in the production of vaccines? Joseph Herrin explains, in his August 14, 2009 article, “Hell’s Pharmacy”:

The traditional process is to inject viral material into chicken eggs and then to harvest the antibodies that are produced. This is a time intensive process, and a way to speed up the production of vaccine has been sought, and has been found.

The foremost way to streamline the process involves taking human cells, instead of eggs, and using them as the medium in which to grow the viral material to produce the desired vaccine. […] one company in particular has a line of cellular material that they license to other major pharmaceutical companies so that they can create pharmaceutical products. These products include flu vaccines.

The company is called Crucell. It actually has multiple lines of human cell material, but one in particular, called PER.C6, is marketed to be used to develop vaccines. What the company does not announce publicly is that the cell line was derived from an aborted baby.

According to Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), the following 24 vaccines are produced using cells from aborted fetuses and/or contain DNA, proteins, or related cellular debris from cell cultures derived from aborted human fetuses:

Polio PolioVax, Pentacel, DT Polio Absorbed, Quadracel (Sanofi)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella MMR II, Meruvax II, MRVax, Biovax, ProQuad, MMR-V (Merck)


Priorix, Erolalix (GlaxoSmithKline)

Varicella (Chickenpox and Shingles) Varivax, ProQuad, MMR-V, Zostavax (Merck)


Varilix (GlaxoSmithKline)

Hepatitis A Vaqta (Merck)


Havrix, Twinrix (GlaxoSmithKine)

Avaxim, Vivaxim (Sanofi)

Epaxal (Crucell/Berna)

Rabies Imovax (Sanofi)

Educational psychologist Dr. Susan Tyrrell reports for, Dec. 13, 2011, that Children of God for Life has produced a one-page list of fetal cell products that include food, cosmetics, and vaccines. Below is the list. You can also download the list in pdf format by clicking here.

Aborted Fetal Products

Pepsi Beverages on the Boycott:

• All Pepsi soft drinks

• Sierra Mist soft drinks

• Mountain Dew soft drinks

• Mug root beer and other soft drinks

• No Fear beverages

• Ocean Spray beverages

• Seattle’s Best Coffee

• Tazo beverages

• AMP Energy beverages

• Aquafina water

• Aquafina flavored beverages

• DoubleShot energy beverages

• Frappuccino beverages

• Lipton tea and other beverages

• Propel beverages

• SoBe beverages

• Gatorade beverages

• Fiesta Miranda beverages

• Tropicana juices and beverages

Nestles Products:

• All coffee creamers

• Maggi Brand instant soups, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasoning, instant noodles

Kraft – Cadbury Adams LLC Products:


• Black Jack chewing gum

• Bubbaloo bubble gum

• Bubblicious bubble gum

• Chiclets

• Clorets

• Dentyne

• Freshen Up Gum

• Sour Cherry Gum (Limited)

• Sour Apple Gum (Limited)

• Stride

• Trident

Cadbury Adams LLC Candies:

• Sour Cherry Blasters

• Fruit Mania

• Bassett’s Liquorice Allsorts

• MaynardsWine Gum

• Swedish Fish

• Swedish Berries

• Juicy Squirts

• Original Gummies

• Fuzzy Peach

• Sour Chillers

• Sour Patch Kids

• Mini Fruit Gums

Other Cadbury Adams LLC Products:

• Certs breath mints

• Halls Cough Drops

Senomyx Products:

Many of the above products manufactured by Pepsi, Cadbury, and Nestles, make use of additives developed by Senomyx, an American biotechnology company that develops additives to amplify certain flavors and smells in foods. Senomyx’s website claims that it has reverse engineered the receptors in humans that react for taste and aroma, and they are capitalizing on these discoveries to produce chemicals that will make food taste better.

Children of God for Life, citing the Senomyx paper “Human receptors for sweet and umami taste” in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, claims Senomyx uses aborted fetal cells in its products and testing, making use of Human Embryonic Kidney 293 cells (HEK 293).

Senomyx has not denied this. The company lists several large corporate partners or “collaborators” on its website, such as PepsiCo and Nestle. Campbell Soup Company was a Senomyx corporate partner, but recently ended its partnership after pro-life groups brought up the matter of the use of human fetal cells. The recommendation is to boycott all of Senomyx’s products.

Neocutis Cosmetics:

Neocutis is one company that uses Senomyx. The company  produces anti wrinkle creams that contain cells from a 14 week gestation aborted male baby. It is recommended that we boycott all Neocutis products, especially the following:

  • Bio-Gel Prevedem Journee
  • Bio-Serum Lumiere
  • Bio Restorative Skin Cream

Vaccines Containing Aborted Fetal Cells And the Manufacturers:

  • MMR II (Merck)
  • ProQuad (MMR + Chickenpox – Merck)
  • Varivax (Chickenpox – Merck)
  • Pentacel (Polio + DTaP + HiB – Sanofi Pasteur)
  • Vaqta (Hepatitis-A – Merck)
  • Havrix (Hepatitis-A – Glaxo SmithKline)
  • Twinrix (Hepatitis-A and B combo – Glaxo)
  • Zostavax (Shingles – Merck)
  • Imovax (Rabies – Sanofi Pasteur)

Other medicines:

  • Pulmozyme (Cystic Fibrosis – Genetech)
  • Enbrel (Rheumatoid Arthritis – Amgen)

SCPI has a list of cosmetics that are similarly produced from aborted fetal tissue cell lines.

Even PepsiCo’s shareholders, who are not a religious or pro-life group, filed a resolution with the government office, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to demand they stop using fetal cell derived products because it was unnecessary and hurting business. You can find some general background on what we have called the “Industry of Death” by clicking here.

The seasonal flu vaccine actually has a low rate of effectiveness, of about 6%. There is evidence that Vitamin D better protects us from the flu. (To read more, go here and here.) In fact, 70% of doctors and nurses, and 62% of other health care workers do NOT get the yearly flu shot because:

  • They don’t believe the vaccine would work
  • They believe their immune systems are strong enough to withstand exposure to the flu
  • They are concerned about side effects

In the end, we must ask ourselves two questions:

1. Is this necessary? No.

Animal cell lines produce vaccines and biologics as economically and effectively as the aborted fetal cell lines. Rejuvenating anti-aging creams and cosmetic products are available produced using animal and non-fetal materials. Moral options exist for Rabies, Polio, Rheumatoid Arthritis. Separate moral options currently are not available for Measles and Mumps.

2. Is this safe? We don’t know. 

Studies have not yet been done to determine the health consequences of injecting contaminating aborted fetal DNA and materials into our children, into our bodies, or into our skin.

For more information, visit

Update: “New ethical flu vaccine by Novartis does not use aborted fetal cell lines,” Jan. 13, 2013.

See also: