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URGENT ALERT- TO ALL ATTORNEYS -within Vaccine Liberation Army earshot

Eileen Dannemann

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What the below amounts to is the next level in 'culling the goyim'-- as if the goyim even care, or are aware that They are being intentionally culled -- anymore than cattle are aware that Their going to be butchered while waiting for Their turn in the stockyards outside.


On this link (see below) is an attorney letter to California officials expressing the  intention of attorneys throughout this  nation-a nation of 50 united states, founded on the principles life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,  to challenge the constitutionality of California bill (SB277) , if passed into law,  that would dare allow a State or Federal government to force medical treatments on its citizens without their consent...which includes in this case, giving the State authority to make medical decisions (compulsory vaccination) for a child against the parents wishes in order for the child to attend private or public school.


DETAILS:  There was a tsunami of 110 vaccine bills across the nation in this year's State legislatures.  One bill looms darkly on the horizon of our liberty!


We just got word from an Assemblyman in the California legislature that  SB277 which seeks to remove all philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions will be pushed forward this week. It has been requested that a strong letter from the nation's attorney arrive to the Assembly no later that Tuesday, June 9, 2015.  If passed (and it appears to be likely)  it means that all children in California except those that are seriously medically ill must be fully vaccinated in order to attend private or public schools. (fully vaccinated means 49 vaccine doses by the age of six)


It is important to WHO and the CDC establishment that this one bill passes, as it is scheduled to function as the model bill mandating compulsory vaccinations for all children, state to state, next year.  It is to be noted that the HHS, sensing a California victory and on the heals of successfully compelling the employees of different industries (currently hospitals and teachers) to vaccinate or lose their jobs... has published, in February 2015,  a draft leading to nationwide compulsory Adult vaccinations.


See this 5 minute power-point:  Warns that it is the vaccinated that are endangering immuno-compromised children (Note: This is actually a large PDF File, 11.9Mbs to be exact and might take a while to load if you don't have a very fast internet connection, so please be patient.)


Humanity666 powerpoint presentation


Please go to this link, read the letter, see who has signed and in the next 3 days talk to attorneys, colleagues and friends of attorneys to sign up on this nationwide attorney initiative.  I rarely ask you to take action.  I am asking you now to treasure hunt at least one attorney in your sphere of influence... Eileen




Executed on behalf of all liberty loving attorneys by Robert Krakow


Robert J. Krakow

Law Office of Robert J. Krakow, P.C.

The Woolworth Building

233 Broadway, Suite 2320

New York, N.Y. 10279

(212) 227-0600

(888) 449-8529 (fax)


Best regards,


Eileen Dannemann

Director, National Coalition of Organized Women


319 855-0307