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Merck vaccines kill two babies in Mexico, injure dozens more

Jonathan Benson

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May 15, 2015

(NaturalNews) At least two children are dead and several dozen others are in critical condition after terrorists wielding weapons of mass destruction violently assaulted the young innocents living in the Mexican state of Chiapas, according to reports.

No, it wasn't dirty bombs planted by jihadists or airplanes hijacked by Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda operatives crashing into buildings that were responsible; the Mexican government is the terrorist in this case, and the weapons of mass destruction are routine childhood vaccines.

Reports indicate that two babies are now dead and 29 others are being hospitalized after the Mexican Social Security Institute, or IMSS, administered a series of vaccines for tuberculosis, rotavirus and hepatitis B in accordance with Mexico's National Vaccination Program. Among the 52 children who received the vaccines, a shocking 75 percent suffered severe reactions or died, making it one of the most horrific cases of vaccine-induced violence on record.

According to the Chiapas Health Secretariat, 14 of the children are in "serious condition," 22 are "stable," and one is in "critical condition. "Two children age 1 died," added a statement issued by the public authority.

Six of the children in "serious condition" were reportedly transported to a medical center in Tuxtla Gutierrez, the capital of Chiapas, while the others were sent to other locations. Meanwhile, the IMSS issued its own statement admitting publicly that the vaccines were, in fact, responsible for the plight of these poor children.

The agency said that the 31 children who experienced severe reactions or died suffered "presumably [sic] association with the administration of these vaccines." Both the Chiapas Health Secretariat and the IMSS are conducting investigations into the cause of what the mainstream media is now lightly referring to as the "allergic reactions" suffered by the assaulted children.


Gardasil manufacturer Merck responsible for serious injuries and deaths of Mexican children; vaccines contained deadly pig virus that destroys human health

According to Newswatch Report, the vaccines in question were administered as a single triple vaccination manufactured by vaccine giant Merck & Co., producer of the infamous Gardasil vaccine for HPV that has maimed and killed thousands of young girls. Of particular concern is an additive used in the multivalent vaccine that is known to damage human health.

Merck's Rotateq vaccine for rotavirus, which has been used in Mexico for the last five years under the blessing of the World Health Organization (WHO), contains DNA from two porcine circoviruses, PCV1 and PCV2, that even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned about since at least as far back as 2010.

"Rotateq, the oral vaccine by Merck used to 'prevent rotavirus infection in children' has been cited by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as far back as 2010 for being 'contaminated with DNA from two porcine circoviruses: PCV1 and PCV2," explains Newswatch Report.

"At the time Merck did not provide 'any information regarding if, or when, PCV1 and PCV2 will be removed from this vaccine.' Perhaps most alarming is that 'PCV2 is a lethal pig virus that causes immune suppression and a serious wasting disease in baby pigs that damages lungs, kidneys, the reproductive system, brain and ultimately causes death.'"

Administration of these deadly vaccines has reportedly been halted in Mexico until the investigations are completed. However, the chances of these horrible jabs being pulled off the market once and for all and Merck executives being prosecuted and jailed for killing innocent children are pretty low, although some feel this would be the only reasonable course of action in dealing with this heinous atrocity.
