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Vaccination registration system will destroy medical freedom, mirroring gun registration and demise of gun rights

J. D. Heyes

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March 19, 20165

(NaturalNews) In the wake of the mass murder of six-year-olds at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, the usual anti-gun suspects once again crawled out of the woodwork to decry the Second Amendment and push for "more sensible gun control laws" that would "prevent anything like this from happening again."

One of those measures was an old favorite of the gun banners: Gun registration, because after all, it is a "responsible" thing for government to know what weapons you own, where you keep them and how often you buy or sell them.

"Firearm registration laws require individuals to record their ownership of a firearm with a designated law enforcement agency," says a policy summary from the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. "These laws enable law enforcement to identify, disarm, and prosecute violent criminals and people illegally in possession of firearms. Registration systems also create accountability for firearm owners and discourage illegal sales."

They also enable "law enforcement" - which would be the federal government at some point because eventually Uncle Sam would require all firearms information be transferred to an "appropriate" federal agency - to formulate future policies by providing regulators with the information they need to go after specific gun makes and models. If you know there are more AR-15s in private hands that, say, Colt's .45 ACP pistols, that's a valuable piece of information.


If government wants registration, it wants to regulate eventually

But gun registration has also been used in the past by increasingly tyrannical governments as a precursor to gun confiscation. As noted by attorney and gun rights advocate Dave Kopel:

New York City has experience in this arena. In the mid-1960s, street crime was rising rapidly there as in most of the rest of the nation. The people who were perpetrating muggings in Central Park and robbing liquor stores in Queens were not the decent, law-abiding gun owners of New York City. Nevertheless, the New York City Council and anti-gun Mayor John Lindsay enacted long gun registration. ...

[In 1991] Mayor David Dinkins attempted to make himself think he was tough on crime, this time by pressuring the City Council to enact a ban on so-called "assault weapons" (such as the M1 carbine).

After that, the New York state police used registration lists to conduct home inspections of every individual whose registered gun had been outlawed.

Great Britain, Kopel also pointed out, used gun registration in the past as a precursor to confiscation that came later. The same with Australia in the 1990s and early 2000s.

There is also the fact that any gun-owing American citizen who had never broken any laws or been convicted of any crimes would instantly become a criminal if he/she did not register their weapons. And experts believe that registration would lead to the creation of an underground weapons trade bigger than the underground drug trade.

Nevertheless, this is the thinking. And in fact, it is the thinking of all tyrannical governments when it comes to the implementation of any policy - to force Americans to comply.

Consider a new policy that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is quietly pushing: A nationwide Immunization Information Systems concept that would require everyone to register vaccine information into a government database.

It's an idea that critics believe is another first step toward nationwide vaccine mandates.

Vaccine registration will be like gun registration

Leslie Manookian, writer and director of the movie, "The Greater Good," wrote in a blog posted on the movie's web site that the CDC has already tipped its hand.

"To the casual observer, tracking vaccination status may seem innocuous but this information can be used to bully, pressure, and even coerce people to follow national vaccination guidelines even if those people have educated themselves and chosen a different vaccination schedule or to avoid vaccinations entirely," she wrote.

"Federal legislation already exists that allows Federal health officials to forcibly vaccinate people against their will in the event a flu pandemic is declared. ... CDC has openly stated that vaccine registries are a tool to identify areas of 'undervaccination' so that they can be addressed and brought into 'compliance,'" she continued.

The CDC document (found here) further states:

Assessing vaccination coverage compliance with local requirements and exemption levels as children enter kindergarten is essential for identifying and addressing areas of undervaccination and reducing outbreaks of vaccine-preventable disease and accompanying morbidity and mortality.

It's happened enough times to know by now - when the government wants you to register an activity, somebody in power is already looking at ways to control, manage or regulate that activity. Why else would government want such information?
