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First Weather Warfare, Then Ecomical Warfare, Now Biological Warfare? UN agencies launch mass vaccinations for children in typhoon-hit Philippines

R. Teichmann

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Nov. 27m 2013


(See article below)


First the man-made typhoon, then the US Military Invasion, and now mass inoculations, which will no doubt end in all out occupation.


"What you are witnessing in the Philippines is a small aspect of the ongoing and relentless machinery used in World Population Reduction"; henceforth, until desired sustainable levels are achieved, laid out at The RIO EARTH SUMMIT back in 1992, expect no interruptions in further occurrences of entire populations being decimated and wiped out. No country in the world will ever be safe, as long as the personnel and infrastructure, necessary to carry out these attacks, is till intact.




All of this comes nicely packaged as a”humanitarian”  endeavour to ease the suffering. Similar to the wars initiated on “humanitarian” grounds. Nothing is as it appears on the surface.

As I have outlined in my post “Typhoon Haiyan –  Thinking the Unthinkable”  this storm may well have been the manifestation of the sick minds of those who intend to turn nature into a weapon. Whether indeed it was an act of deliberate weather warfare or an experiment gone wrong or a natural event can at this stage not be verified. But as the technology exists the question must be asked. If it was deliberate or not cannot be answered unless more information comes to light.


But what is clearly deliberate is the offer by the World Bank of 500 Million USD in Aid. Andrew V Pontbriand wrote in his article Economic Warfare: Philippines Offered $500 Million in Aid:


The World Bank has offered to loan the devastated country $500 Million dollars in the form of a loan; but should the Philippines accept this offer?

In recent history, it had been realized through first hand accounts, common sense, and their own statistics and documents; that both the IMF and World Bank are not the benevolent entity seeking to provide monetary stability to countries who are impoverished, or have experienced devastation such as the Philippines.


Bailouts from International Banks are not designed to help out, fix, or lend a hand in a humanitarian effort. International Banks seek to control all resources, land, economies, governments, and of course the people. Taking a loan from the World Bank is much like a heroin addict borrowing drugs from a drug dealer. The addict could never repay the loan, and his death, or servitude will come as the result of the default.


As Naomi Klein demonstrated in her book “The Shock Doctrine. The Rise of Disaster Capitalism” the global corpotocracy can achieve major grabs of resources and power much easier after countries have been struck by disaster. And John Perkins describes in his book “Confessions of an economic Hitman” how it is done.


 Today RT reported:


A mass vaccination program has been launched in Philippine communities to protect children against measles and polio after Super Typhoon Haiyan, UN agencies said Wednesday. The campaign began this week with 30,000 children being vaccinated in Tacloban city, the UN Children’s Fund UNICEF and World Health Organization said. The organization’s representatives cited sometimes crowded and insanitary conditions at evacuation centers, AFP reported.


Anyone who has researched vaccinations with an open mind knows by now that the effect of vaccinations is questionable. What is not questionable is the terrrible effect of vaccines and especially some of their ingredients to human health. Now the surviving children in the Philippines face an assault on their health on top of it all. The real reason of this abomination may well be what “philantropist” Bill Gates outlined in his (by now famous) Ted Talk. He said:


“The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” (emphasis added)


All of this comes nicely packaged as a “humanitarian” endeavour to ease the suffering. Similar to the wars initiated on “humanitarian” grounds. Nothing is as it appears on the surface. Those with open minds see through this and may be as outraged as I am when I read about the mass vaccinations now to take place. This outrage is a sound reaction. Let us turn it into meaningful action. As Julian Rose wrote in his article “At The Point of No-Return”:


Don’t be fooled. There is a war on. We are all called to the front. Just as the white corpuscles of our bodies are fighting off attempts by the pathogens to take hold – all the time. We should be doing the same – all the time. Everyday we should be conjuring-up and putting into affect actions to end the draconian government/corporate dictatorship that continues to herd great swathes of humanity ever faster towards a sheer and genocidal cliff. We can have no ‘peace’ until the criminals at the master control consulate are ejected from their padded leather chairs and are forced to confront the true price of their obscene power games.


About the author:


R. Teichmann is an activist living in West Cork / Ireland and an editor with